7 Days A Skeptic
Year: 2004
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: Fully Ramblomatic or Fully Ramblomatic
You, John Sommerset, are Counsellor aboard the Scoutship Mephistopheles. You’ve just finished a session counselling the ship’s physician. Have a quick look around your office if you like, and when you’re ready, leave the office.
As soon as you leave your office, you, and the other officers, are summoned to the Conference Room for a briefing. Apparently, an unknown metallic container has been detected floating in deep space. And this container has life signs coming from inside it! The container is brought aboard the Cargo Bay - this could be a ‘First Contact’ situation, and you are ordered to be present when the container is opened.
After the meeting, go through door in the back wall, so you are in the Bridge.
Serena is sitting at the console here. She’s controlling the ship. Talk to her, and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, go through door on the left, into the Captain’s Quarters.
In the Captain’s Quarters, work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, you automatically leave his Quarters, and return to the Bridge.
In the Bridge, walk back down to the Operations Deck corridor. Look at map on the wall on the left.
Enter through door on the left, into the lift, and head up to the Observations Deck on the top floor.
In the Observations Deck, talk to Angela, and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, enter the lift again, and go to the Communal Deck.
In the Communal Deck, enter the Games Room if you like, but there’s nothing you can do in there yet. Enter Sickbay (2nd door in the back wall). Talk to Dr William Taylor, and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, leave Sickbay.
Now enter door on the right, into your own office. Search through your desk, and read the personnel files. Just as you are about to get started, you are summoned to the Cargo Bay. Leave your office.
Enter lift on the left, and go to the Engineering Deck.
In the Engineering Deck, head right, and continue right to the Cargo Bay. The unidentified object has been beamed aboard, and everyone is ready to open it. But then you notice a small plaque on the side - ‘Here Lies John DeFoe’. Since it contains human remains, the Captain decides not to open it after all. Everyone leaves the Cargo Bay, leaving the container still sealed.
The container in the Cargo Bay creaks open. What… or who… is inside?
You wake up in the quarters you share with Adam. Look at lockers on the back wall, and use your KEYCARD to open locker on the left. Look at the books and the clothes in the locker. Look at desk in the bottom right, and take WRENCH SET that’s lying on top of the desk. Now leave your quarters.
You’re in the Residential Deck corridor. Go through door on the right, into the Canteen. Talk to Adam and work through all the dialogue. Use dispenser on wall on the right, and choose the ‘Continental’ breakfast. Sit down next to Adam, and enjoy your breakfast. You don’t eat the BUTTER, since you don’t like it. When you’re ready, leave the Canteen.
Try to enter the lift on the left… but it’s not working. Return to the Canteen.
Talk to Adam, using the following dialogue options.
- The lift isn’t working.
- What about the lift shaft?
Adam isn’t bothered that the lift isn’t working, so it’s up to you to fix it. Use your SPANNERS on hatch in the back wall to open it, then climb into the opened shaft.
Walk left along the shaft, until you are on top of the lift. There’s something stuck in the lift. Try to pull the OBJECT out, but it’s stuck between 2 components. Maybe some lubricant would help. Hmm, you still have that BUTTER left over from breakfast. Use BUTTER with the OBJECT, then pull the OBJECT out. It’s a MACHETE… and it appears to have blood stains! But at least the lift is working again. Now enter shaft on the right again.
Head right to the Canteen, then leave the Canteen through door on the left. You should report this incident to the Captain.
Enter lift on the left, and go to the Operations Deck.
In the Operations Deck, head up through door in the back wall, into the Bridge. Serena and Angela inform you that the Captain is missing. Talk to them, and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, try to enter the Captain’s quarters on the left, but you can’t get in. Walk back down to the Operations Deck corridor.
Enter lift on the left, and go to the Communal Deck.
In the Communal Deck, enter Sickbay (2nd door in the back wall). Talk to William and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, leave Sickbay.
Use lift on the left, and go to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, enter through door on the right, into the Canteen. Talk to Adam, and use the following dialogue option.
- The communicators aren’t working.
- Why don’t you come too?
- I’ll see you later.
Adam gives you an AIRLOCK PASS, so you can check outside the ship. When you’re ready, leave the Canteen.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Engineering Deck.
In the Engineering Deck, head right, and continue right to the Cargo Bay. Look at the locker box that was brought onboard yesterday to discover that it’s now opened. Look at the round Airlock door on the right, and use your AIRLOCK PASS on the Airlock door to open it. You automatically enter the Airlock.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. In the Airlock, note that there are switches on the left and the right. The left switch is green, because that exit is safe to go through. Press the left switch to close the left door. Open the cupboard in the back wall and take the EVA SUIT. Now press switch on the right, and go through that door to leave the ship.
Outside the ship, read the sign next to the door. You have been warned. Open your Inventory, and attack your safety CLIP to the safety rail. Now walk right to the steps. When you reach the steps, simply use the safety rail again to unclip yourself, then attach safety CLIP to the safety rail on the right. Notice the blood splattering on the steps. Now climb up the steps.
At the top of the ship, you discover… the Captain! Skewered onto the radio masts! Brutally murdered!
The next day starts with a meeting in the Conference Room. You all need to decide what to do next, after the Captain’s horrific murder. You can’t contact High Command until… the Captain has been removed from the radio masts - you volunteer for the gruesome task. Talk to Angela and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Adam and work through all the dialogue. When you’re ready, leave the Conference Room.
Head up through door in the back wall, into the Bridge. Talk to Serena and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, walk down to leave the Bridge.
Use lift on the left, and go to the Engineering Deck.
On the Engineering Deck, head right, and continue right, until you reach the Cargo Bay. Look at the round Airlock door on the right, and use your AIRLOCK PASS on the Airlock door to enter.
As before, press switch on the left to close the door. Open cupboard in the back wall and take the EVA SUIT. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now press switch on the right, and head right to go outside.
Attach your safety CLIP to the safety rail, then walk right towards the steps. Use safety rail again to unclip yourself. Now attach safety CLIP to safety rail on the right. Finally, climb up the steps.
On top of the ship, you’re very surprised to find that the Captain’s body is no longer skewered on the radio masts. As you are talking to Serena through the communicator, you hear some very strange noises, like the sounds of a struggle. Climb back down the steps.
Continue down the steps to the Exhaust area. Look carefully at the Exhaust, and notice the keyring at the lower right. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk as close to the keyring as you can. Now unclip yourself from the safety rail. Use your safety CLIP on the keyring to snag it - it’s attached to a KEYCARD for the Captain’s quarters. Now attach your safety CLIP to the safety rail again, walk left, and climb up the steps.
When you see the door on the left, click on the safety rail to unclip yourself. Now attach safety CLIP onto safety rail on the left. Head left towards the door, click on the safety rail to unclip yourself, then head through door on the left, back into the Airlock.
Inside the Airlock, press switch on the right to close the door. Open cupboard in the back wall and take your UNIFORM. Now press switch on the left, then walk through door on the left to leave the Airlock.
Back in the Cargo Bay, head left, and continue left, until you reach the lift. Use lift, and go to the Operations Deck.
In the Operations Deck, head up through door in the back wall, into the Bridge.
In the Bridge, Angela tells you that Serena appears to have gone missing. Talk to Angela and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, use the Captain’s KEYCARD on door panel on the left to enter the Captain’s quarters.
In the Captain’s quarters, explore the room if you like. Pick up the CODEBOOK that’s lying on the bed. When you’re ready, leave the Captain’s quarters.
Back on the Bridge, give CODEBOOK to Angela, so that she can send a distress signal. Angela successfully sends the distress signal, but the nearest ship is still 5 days away. Watch the cut scene to end the day.
The day begins with another meeting in the Conference Room to discuss recent events. After the meeting, leave the Conference Room.
Out in the Operations Deck corridor, you see Serena enter the lift. She completely ignores you. How odd! Walk up through door in the back wall, so you are in the Bridge.
In the Bridge, talk to Angela and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, walk down to leave the Bridge.
Use lift on the left, and go up to the Observation Deck.
Talk to Adam on the Observation Deck and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, enter the lift again, and go to the Communal Deck.
On the Communal Deck, enter Sickbay (2nd door in the back wall). Talk to William and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, leave Sickbay.
Use lift on the left, and go to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, you suddenly realise how hungry you are. Enter through door on the right, into the Canteen.
In the Canteen, use dispenser on wall on the right, and order some lunch. Bizarrely, your lunch is covered in a strange red liquid… like blood (yuck!). Is something stuck in the dispenser, causing it to malfunction? Use your SPANNERS on the dispenser - you dislodge a human hand. Leave the Canteen.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Communal Deck.
In the Communal Deck, enter Sickbay (2nd door on the back wall). Talk to William, and tell him:
- I need your opinion on something.
You automatically show him the human hand. He gives you UV RAY EMITTER, so you can see traces of blood. When you’re ready, leave Sickbay.
Use the lift on the left, and go back to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, go through door on the right, into the Canteen. Use UV RAY EMITTER with dispenser on the right, and you see traces of blood leading to the shaft in the back wall. Enter the shaft.
In the shaft, use UV RAY EMITTER on the wall, and you’ll see more traces of blood leading up to the narrow vent in the floor above. Leave the shaft, and leave the Canteen.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Communal Deck, which is right above the Residence Deck.
In the Communal Deck, use UV RAY EMITTER on vent in the floor - you’ll see traces of blood leading to the panel on the wall. Use SPANNERS on the panel to open it. Serena’s body falls out from the panel! Angela appears, and sees you standing over Serena's body. This does not look good.
You are locked in the Brig, with Angela keeping guard. She thinks you’re the one responsible for the murders. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Talk to Angela and work through all the dialogue. As you are talking to her, the Captain will enter, and kill Angela. As soon as you get the chance, pick up the STUN GUN and shoot the Captain. Take TOWEL RAIL from the wall in the cell. Now the Captain is only stunned - you have to find a way to deal with him for good. Leave the Brig.
Go through door on right, to the Reactor Core. Hide in the shadows to the right of the big pipe. When the Captain enters, wait until he’s looking at the Reactor Core, then use TOWEL RAIL on the Captain to knock him over the railing. Now head left, back to the lift.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, use the panel next to the middle door in the back wall. William talks to you from behind his door, and tells you to meet him in the Bridge. Go through door on the right, into the Canteen.
In the Canteen, climb into the shaft in the back wall. You’ll find Adam hiding here. Talk to Adam and try to reassure him. Now leave the shaft, and leave the Canteen.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Operations Deck.
In Operations Deck, head up through door in the back wall, to the Bridge. You, William, and Adam discuss what to do next, and the 3 of you decide to use an escape pod to escape from the ship… and whatever evil entity is lurking here. However, it will take several hours to prepare the escape pod, so you decide to go to bed, and flee the ship tomorrow.
You and Adam meet at the escape pod, as planned… but there is no sign of William. Where is he? You should go and look for him. Leave the escape pods area, then walk down to the Operations Deck corridor.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, you see blood coming from under William’s door. Use the panel next to William’s door, but nobody’s home.
Use the lift on the left, and return to the Operations Deck.
In the Operations Deck, head up through door in the back wall, to the Bridge. Now go door on the right to the escape pods. Talk to Adam and work through all the dialogue. Adam will tell you to override William's security code from the Captain's quarters. When conversation is over, leave the escape pods.
In the Bridge, use the Captain’s KEYCARD with door on the left, to enter the Captain’s quarters. Now use the computer console on the back wall, and type in the following commands.
- Date
- Captain
- 280730
- 2
- Exit
You have now over-ridden the Residential Deck security, giving you access to William’s quarters. Leave the Captain’s quarters, and walk down to leave the Bridge.
Use the lift on the left and go to the Residential Deck.
In the Residential Deck, enter through middle door in the back wall, into William’s Quarters.
In William’s quarters, you’re met with a gruesome sight! You automatically grab the ACCESS CARD. Explore the room if you like, and when you’re ready, leave the room.
Use the lift on the left, and go to the Operations Deck.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Head up through door in the back wall, to the Bridge. Go through door on the right, to the escape pods. Watch the cut scene. Adam is sucked out into space - QUICKLY use the lever next to Door C to close it.
You wake up in Sickbay. William has you tied to the chair. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Talk to him and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, wait until William places a SCALPEL down on the trolley next to you. Now wait for him to walk away, then use the chair a few times to loosen the straps. When your left hand is free, grab the SCALPEL from the trolley. Now when William is standing near you, stab him with the SCALPEL. You can now escape from Sickbay.
You wake up in the shaft - you’ve been hiding there all night, contemplating what has happened over the last few days. After hearing noises in the Canteen, you automatically leave the safety of the shaft.
In the Canteen, you see a mortally wounded William. The evil entity plaguing this ship has taken William’s eyes. William urges you to destroy the entity… then he dies.
It’s all up to you now. You are the only one left. You have to destroy the Welder before the rescue ship arrives. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, pick up STUN GUN from the floor, then leave the Canteen.
Use the lift on the left, and go up to the Operations Deck.
Be aware that the Welder appears randomly. When you see him, shoot him with the STUN GUN, then run away.
In the Operations Deck, head up through door in the back wall, to the Bridge. Now enter the Captain’s quarters on the left.
In the Captain’s quarters. Use computer console on the back wall, and type in the following commands.
- Captain
- 280730
- 1
- Exit
Leave the Captain’s quarters, and leave the Bridge.
Use the lift and the left and go to the Engineering Deck.
In the Engineering Deck, head right, and continue right until you reach the Cargo Bay.
Use AIRLOCK PASS on the round yellow Airlock door to enter it. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use switch on the left to close the left door. Open cupboard in the back wall, and take the EVA SUIT. Now walk over to the right switch, but DON’T PRESS IT YET. Wait for the Welder to appear, and THEN press the switch on the right. You’ll both be sucked outside the ship, and you’ll be blown over to the steps. Thankfully, your EVA SUIT saves you, and you automatically clip yourself to the safety rail.
Climb up the stairs and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Remember, you used the Captain’s computer console to withdraw the radio masts for 5 minutes. You can use this to your advantage. Walk to the middle of the radio mast section, and wait for the Welder to appear. When he gets close to you, walk right. If you have timed it right, the radio masts will re appear when the Welder walks across them. The Welder is now dead, and you automatically pick up the IDOL. However, the Welder’s body was just a vessel. It’s the wooden IDOL that contains the true essence of the evil, and it’s the wooden IDOL that must be destroyed.
Climb down the steps, and continue down the steps to the Exhaust. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Throw the wooden IDOL into the Exhaust at bottom of the screen to incinerate it. The evil has finally ended!
You see the rescue ship arrive. Walk left to the steps, then climb up the steps. Unclip yourself from the safety rail on the right, then attach your safety CLIP to the safety rail on the left. Walk left towards the door, unclip yourself from the safety rail, then enter through door on the left.
Press switch on the right to close the door. Open cupboard in the back wall, and take your UNIFORM. Press switch on the left, then leave the Airlock.
You meet the rescue team. However, the outcome is not quite what you were expecting…
The End.
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