Anna's Quest - Part 1
Year: 2015
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Watch the introduction to see Anna with her grandfather. When he suddenly falls ill, Anna must leave the safety of her farm to search for a cure for him.
You begin the game locked in your bedroom in the Tower. The Witch who locked you in here lives in a nearby house, and communicates with you through a speaker and a video camera on the wall. But she’s slightly deaf, and can’t hear you if you stand away from the speaker. After the Witch speaks to you, walk over to the speaker and choose any response. The Witch wants to perform an experiment on you, and tells you to sit in the red chair. Click on the chair to sit down in it. Some strange headgear will lower down onto your head, but afterwards, the Witch will be angry that it doesn’t seem to have brought out your powers. Umm… powers? What powers? Again, chooses any response to the Witch. Could you really have the power of Telekinesis? There’s a bowl of soup with a SPOON on the table at bottom right. Click on the soup bowl to get the SPOON. Now open your Inventory (book icon at bottom right), click on the brain icon next to the book, and then click on the SPOON. Wow! You bent the SPOON. You really did it! Hold the BENT SPOON up to the camera (corner of the room) to show the Witch. Wow, so her little experiment really did work! She has some things to prepare now (that doesn’t sound good), so she leaves you alone for a while. This is a good time to plan your escape.
Now you have Telekinesis power, you hear a voice coming from the stuffed teddy bear on the right. Talk to the teddy bear and work through all the dialogue. It turns out that the teddy bear is really a boy name Ben, but the Witch cursed him and changed him into this teddy bear you see before you. You agree to take him with you, if you manage to escape. Click on the doll and click on the unicorn. Now take SCISSORS from table at the bottom right. Click on Art Stuff on the table to get YELLOW PAINT and BLUE CRAYON. Use SCISSORS on the unicorn to get UNICORN HORN. Click on the unicorn again to get some STUFFING. Take PILLOW from your bed. Take BALL from under the window. In your Inventory, use SCISSORS to cut the BALL, so you get rubber HALF BALL.
Now it might be a good idea if you could enhance your power somehow. Look at the machine that first gave you the power, and use UNICORN HORN on the machine to prise the panel off. You automatically press some buttons at random, which causes the machine to break, and an ELECTRIC DEVICE to fall out of the headgear. But you can’t pick up an ELECTRIC DEVICE with your bare hands, so use your rubber HALF BALL to pick it up instead. Success. You pick up the ELECTRIC DEVICE, put it on your head, and become much more powerful. Now let’s work on getting out of here.
Remember though, the Witch can still see what you’re doing through the video camera, so you have to stop her from spying on you. Use your Telekinesis power on the video camera, and it breaks. But that just made the Witch mad, since she can’t see what you’re doing. She’s on her way over here to find out what you’ve done. You need to work quickly now. Use Telekinesis on the bedroom door. Success! The bedroom door opens! Walk out into the Hallway. Ben comes with you.
You don’t have time to look around here at the moment - you need to stop the Witch from getting into this tower. Just walk down the stairs to the Ground Room.
The Witch flings open the front door. You have to stop her from entering. Quickly use Telekinesis on the front door. Phew! The door slams shut, locking the Witch out. You’re safe… for now.
You’re back in the bedroom. The Witch may be locked out of the tower… but that means you’re locked in here! You can’t go out the front door, so you need to find another way to escape. Try to open the box next to the door, but it’s locked. Notice the heart on it. Now look out the window - it’s a long way down. Look at the curtains to feel how soft they are. Use SCISSORS on the curtains to cut them, and get some VELVET. Take LENS from the red chair. Now leave the bedroom and go out into the Hallway.
Look at the sink. Look at pantry shelf. Look at rat up in the rafters, and notice he has a KEY. Take WITCH’S HAT from the hook. Now go downstairs to the Ground Room.
The Witch is still locked outside, and she’s not happy! Click on the door to talk to the Witch, and work through all the dialogue. But whatever you do, don’t open the front door. Click on the skeleton over on the left. Click on the giant painting of the Witch. There is a desk under the giant painting, so open the left drawer to find some STRING, and open the right drawer to find HEART KEY and PAPERWEIGHT. Talk to the cat - wow, she’s grumpy, isn’t she! Look at pipe next to the stairs leading up, and right-click on the pipe to learn that it is connected to the sink in the floor above. Move the red carpet to reveal a drain. Search the drain to find some SMELLY MOULD. Walk back up the stairs to the Hallway.
Well… TRY to walk back up the stairs to the Hallway. Before you can leave the room, the skeleton comes to life, and starts talking to you. Or at least, the ghost of the skeleton starts talking to you. He wants to help you escape. His name is Joringel, and he reveals that the Witch’s name is Winfriede. Work through all the dialogue with him to learn his sad tale. He’d love to escape, but his soul is trapped here. Poor Joringel. Walk back up the stairs to the Hallway.
The rat is still up in the rafters, and it still has that KEY. You know now that the KEY unlocks the giant painting downstairs. Maybe you could convince the rat to give you the KEY. In your Inventory, use YELLOW PAINT to paint the SMELLY MOULD. The result is something that looks like CHEESE. Give CHEESE to the rat, and he drops the KEY. You automatically pick up the KEY. Walk right into the Bedroom.
Use your Telekinesis on the speaker above the door. You gain a SPEAKER & MIC. Use HEART KEY to unlock box next to the door. You find an old BROKEN RECORDER in the box. Now leave the Bedroom again, and go out into the Hallway.
Climb down stairs to the Ground Room.
Ignore Winfriede’s protests at being locked outside. Unlock the giant painting with the KEY. There’s a hidden safe behind it. You call on Joringel for help again. He tells you that safe needs 2 keys to unlock it - one key is DIAMOND-shaped and is kept on the cat’s collar, the other KEY is activated by Winfriede’s voice. Hmmm, this could be tricky. The cat is still as grumpy as ever, and the won’t give up his diamond-shape KEY easily. But if you look closely at him (right-click), you’ll see he’s just tired. But he hasn’t got a bed to sleep on. Poor little Kitty. You should make one for him. Okay, in your Inventory, stuff the PILLOW with STUFFING to get a FLUFFY PILLOW. Then wrap FLUFFY PILLOW in the VELVET to get a nice, comfy VELVET PILLOW. Now give VELVET PILLOW to the cat. He immediately lies down on it and goes to sleep. Click on the cat to get DIAMOND from his collar. Now in your Inventory, use SPEAKER & MIC to fix the BROKEN RECORDER, so you have FIXED RECORDER. Use FIXED RECORDER on the front door to record Winfriede’s voice, and it becomes RECORDER WITH VOICE. Use RECORDER WITH VOICE on the safe, and use DIAMOND on the safe. The safe opens, and you find AMULET, BLUEPRINTS, BOOK OF SPELLS and a PORTRAIT. You also see button at back of the safe, which you automatically press. This reveals some stairs going down into the Basement.
Watch the cut scene with the Mirror, and work through all the dialogue. He tells you about the village of Wunderhorn, which lies to the East. This village may hold the cure for your Grandpa. You also need to make a magical AMULET to protect you from Winfriede. When you’ve finished talking to the Mirror, look at books in the bookshelf on the left. Read through all of the books to get some clues. Make sure you take the PARTY TRICKS BOOK. In your Inventory, right-click on PARTY TRICKS BOOK, to read what kind of tricks can be performed. Look at the cauldron, and right-click on the cauldron. Take GOLD RING from the ground near the front. There’s a table to the right of the mirror - search bottles on the table to get a CORK. Look at PARCHMENT on wall on the right, and right-click on it see it’s awarded to Hans Lind. Who is Hans Lind? Click on the drain in the ground, then use Telekinesis on the drain to open it. Click on the drain again to look down into it.
There’s a hand sticking up from the ooze, and it’s clutching HANDKERCHEIF. You want that HANDERCHIEF, but you need to somehow make the hand unclench first. Now you only get 3 shots at this before the hand clenches up again, so make every attempt count. Use Telekinesis on the Thumb. Use Telekinesis on the Pointer Finger. Use Telekinesis on the little Finger. The HANDKERCHIEF falls from the hand, into the ooze. Oops. Now in your Inventory, tie STRING onto the BENT SPOON to create SPOON ON STRING (this will only work if you’ve read the ‘Communicating With The Other Side’ book on the bookshelf), then use SPOON ON STRING to hook the HANDKERCHIEF from the ooze. Leave the drain area, so you’re back in the Basement.
In your Inventory, right-click on the BLUEPRINTS to discover that there used to be a chimney in your bedroom, leading up to an attic. Maybe you could use this old chimney as a way to escape. Climb back up the stairs to go back up to the Ground Room.
Climb up stairs to the Hallway.
Right-click on the sink to see Winfriede’s HAIR. It’s really far down the drain though, so you can’t reach it. Go right into your Bedroom.
Talk to Ben and work through all the dialogue. Look at Weak Spot in the ceiling above Ben, then use your Telekinesis on the Weak Spot to break on through. You just have to find a way up there now. In your Inventory, right-click on the BOOK OF SPELLS to read what you need for the Protection Spell. Still in your Inventory, combine PARTY TRICKS BOOK with WITCH’S HAT to get HANDKERCHIEF CHAIN. Now combine HANDERCHIEF CHAIN with the PAPERWEIGHT to make a WEIGHTED CHAIN. Throw WEIGHTED CHAIN up into hole in the ceiling, and it acts like an anchor. Now simply climb up into the Attic.
Look at cage with the BABY DRAGON. Poor little guy! Pick up MIRROR from the ground next to the cave, and the little dragon stops running. Click on the cage again to open it, and take the BABY DRAGON. Now climb up to the Roof.
You can see Winfriede down below. Luckily, she hasn’t spotted you yet. Click on the moon, then right-click on the moon. Now use LENS on the moon (you rest it on the chimney), then use AMULET on the LENS to get CHARGED AMULET. Now click on the raven, but you’re unable to get a FEATHER. Okay, use MIRROR with the Raven. The Raven sees his reflection, and thinks it’s another bird on his roof. Climb back down to the Attic.
Look at crack in the wall, and use your Telekinesis on the crack to break a hole in the wall. Look out through the hole, onto the roof.
The Raven is distracted by his reflection, so you automatically take RAVEN FEATHER, then return to the Attic. Climb back down to the Bedroom.
Walk left to the Hallway.
Go down to the Ground Room.
Click on pipe next to the stairs leading up to remove it. You still can’t reach Winfriede’s HAIR though. Put CORK in the pipe to stop any water from coming through. Climb up stairs to the Hallway.
Use the tap (not the sink itself) to fill the sink with water, and get WITCH’S HAIR that way. Go back down to the Ground Room.
Talk to Joringel. He’ll agree to bless the cauldron in the Basement for you (you need the cauldron to make the Protection Spell) if you find his lost RING. Give GOLD RING to Joringel. That’s the key he needed to free his soul from his skeleton, and he leaves to find Jorinde, his wife, thus leaving the cauldron unblessed. Thanks a lot, Joringel! Climb up stairs to the Hallway.
Walk right into your Bedroom.
Place the HANDERCHIEF onto the bed, and watch as you lie down and go to sleep.
You’re dreaming about being back with your Grandpa. Click on BOOK on the high shelf above the fireplace on the right. You can’t reach it, and Grandpa is reluctant to read it to you, but you eventually persuade him.
You wake up, back in your bedroom in the tower. There is a ghost standing in front of you, but she can’t talk. Only you can see her. When you mention the spell, she vanishes. Walk left to the Hallway.
Go down to the Ground Room.
The Ghost is here. She’s looking at Joringel’s skeleton, and she seems very sad. This must be Jorinde, his wife. You ask her for help with the Cauldron, but she vanishes again. Go down through the Hatch, into the Basement.
Watch the cut scene as Joringel and Jorinde are reunited. But she’s angry with him because he didn’t help you. Don’t worry though, he comes to his senses, and Joringel and Jorinde bless the cauldron together. Then they leave, so they can finally be together, and at peace. Awww, sweet. It’s up to you to finish the Protection Spell now. In your Inventory, feed BLUE CRAYON to the BABY DRAGON to give him some paraffin, and he becomes FIERY DRAGON. Throw RAVEN FEATHER into the cauldron, and throw WITCH’S HAIR into the cauldron. Now use FIERY DRAGON on the cauldron. After he lights the cauldron, he becomes BABY DRAGON again. Dip CHARGED AMULET into the Cauldron, and you’ll have the MAGICAL AMULET. The Mirror bids you a fond farewell Climb upstairs to the Ground Room.
Climb up to the Hallway.
Walk right into the Bedroom.
Watch a cut scene. Winfriede found a way into the tower, and blocked up your escape route. Choose any response to her. Winfriede summons a ghost to try and kill you, but the Protection Spell protects you. Now use your Telekenieses on Winfriede’s wand to turn the ghost against her. You and Ben can finally make your escape. Ahhh, it feels good to be free from that tower!
Watch the cut scene as you and Ben meet Reynard the fox. Reynard is hungry, and wants some fruit. Use your Telekinesis on fruit in the tree. You don’t quite get the fruit yet, so use Telekinesis on Centre Branch and Top Branch a few times, then use Telekinesis on Bottom Branch. Eventually, the fruit will fall to the ground. Reynard gives Ben a disguise, so that he won’t be stared at.
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