Beneath A Steel Sky

Year:  1994


Genre:  Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:  GOG










After being forcibly taken from The Gap, the only home you remember… and taken to The City, fate allows you to escape your evil captors.  Now, you find yourself trapped and alone in a strange Recycling Plant.  







The game starts in the recycling plant.  Get the METAL BAR from the next to the stairs on the left.  Use the METAL BAR on the door on the right. 


After you fool the guard into thinking you‘re dead, open the door to return to the Recycling Plant. 


Walk down the steps, then walk right into the Transporter Room. 


Look at the pile of junk in the foreground to find a robot shell.  Use JOEY’S CIRCUIT BOARD on the robot shell to activate Joey.  Now make sure you look at the Transport Droid.  Step onto the lift to set off the alarm and then quickly walk right into Hobbins Workroom. 


Open the cupboard and get the SPANNER and SANDWICH.  Talk to Hobbins and work through all the dialogue.  Walk left to the Transport Room


Talk to Joey and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to Joey, until he fixes the Transporter Droid - he won‘t do this until you‘ve spoken to Hobbins about the Transporter Droid.  When the Transporter Droid loads a barrel onto the lift panel, jump through the hole, down to the furnace. 







Explore the room.  Look at the door, and look at the lock next to the door.  Talk to Joey and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you ask Joey to open the door.  Officer Reich will enter, and threaten you.  He‘ll try to shoot you, but LINC shoots him instead.  Search Reich’s corpse, and take the ID CARD and DARK GLASSES.  Walk through the doorway to exit the Recycling Plant. 







You’re on the Top Level, and you need to find a way down to the Ground Level.  Walk through doorway on the right, into the Security Office. 







Talk to Sam, and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Norville.  Now walk left, back to the corridor. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


Talk to the Security Officer and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to him until he has nothing else to say.  Walk left into the Steam Room. 







There’s a man sleeping here.  Wake him up and talk to him.  Work through all the dialogue with him.  Keep talking to him until he has nothing else to say.  Look at the Control Panel.  Try to take LIGHT BULB from the Control Panel, but it‘s too hot.  Try to press the switch in the Control Panel, but the man will stop you.  Hmm, tricky.  Look at both buttons in the Surge Test Control machine.  Use SPANNER on both buttons to loosen the nut.  Talk to Joey, and use the dialogue option below. 


           Try pressing the button on the right. 


While Joey presses the button on the right, you must press the button on the left, at the same time.  The Surge Test Control machine overloads itself.  The man leaves to look for Hobbins to fix the machine, leaving you and Joey alone in the room.  Now’s you’re chance.  Press the switch in the Control Panel, then take LIGHT BULB from the Control Panel.  Now leave the room. 







Head right, and continue right, until you see the Lift and the LINC Terminal.  Read the Notice on the lift - hmm, I guess you’re not getting down that way.  Use ID CARD with the LINC Terminal, and read through all the information in the Terminal.  When it comes to the Security Services option, you’ll fail the retina scan.  Exit the LINC Terminal.  Walk through door on the right, into the factory. 







Look at the robot welder - Joey would love that shell.  Talk to Anita and work through all the dialogue.  Before long, Supervisor Gilbert Lamb will show up, and order Anita to report to the Testing Room.  After she leaves, choose a dialogue option with Lamb.  If he throws you out, simply enter the factory again.  Now walk right to the next screen. 


Try to enter the Store Room on the left.  Apparently it’s only accessible to robots - you trigger the alarm every time you try to enter.  Talk to Foreman Potts, and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the cogs in the conveyor machine near Foreman Potts - use your SPANNER in the cogs to break the mechanism.  Choose any dialogue option with Foreman Potts.  He’ll pretend he hasn’t notice anything wrong.  Take SPANNER back from the cogs.  Talk to Joey and ask him to enter the Store Room for you.  When Joey returns, talk to him to learn that there’s a Fuse Box in the corner.  Try to head right, but Foreman Potts won’t let you go there, without a protective RAD Suit.  Walk left to the screen Anita was working in. 


Look at the Welder Robot again, and use SPANNER on the Welder Robot to loosen the shell.  Talk to Joey, and ask him if he wants a new shell.  He’s thrilled to have such a cool new shell.  Talk to Joey again, and work through the dialogue.  Now walk right to where the Store Room is. 


Talk to Joey, and tell him to disable the fuse box in the Store Room.  When Joey returns, enter the Store Room.  The alarms won’t go off now, since Joey disabled the fuse box. 


In the Store Room, look at the metal gangway flap, and flip it over so you can walk to the shelves on the left.  Pick up the PUTTY that was hiding on the floor under the gangway flap.  You could also take the WD40 and KEY from the shelves on the left if you like, but they‘ll be taken from you as soon as you leave the Store Room.  When you’re ready, leave the Store Room. 


Foreman Potts wants to search you - choose any dialogue option.  He takes several items from you.  Damn!  Head left, and continue left, until you’re out of the factory and back in the Top Level Corridor. 







Lamb should be hanging around near the lift.  Talk to him, and work through all the dialogue.  He’s frustrated that he can’t use the lift to get down to his apartment.  Keep talking to him until he has nothing else to say.  When conversation if over, look at the red cable on the wall, on the right.  Talk to Joey, and ask him to weld the cable loose - it will fall down to the level below.  Now walk right to the helicopter crash scene. 







Talk to the Security Officer and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, leave the scene. 







Head left, and continue left, until you reach the Steam Room. 







The Surge Test Control machine is still broken.  Look at the Control Panel on the left, and place PUTTY in the light socket of the Control Panel.  Use the switch in the Control Panel, and it blows the door open.  Look at the switches to learn that they control the Power Supply.  Set both switches to ‘Down’ - this activates the lift.  Now leave the Steam Room. 







Head right, and continue right, to the lift. 


Use ID CARD in the lift security slot, then enter the lift.  You ride down to the level below. 







Pick up the red CABLE that’s lying here.  Walk right to the cul-de-sac with shops. 







Look at sculpture in the middle of the cul-de-sac.  Enter the Travel Co shop. 







Explore the Travel Agent.  Talk to Trevor and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, leave the Travel Agent. 







Enter Anchor Insurance. 







Explore the Insurance Shop.  Look at statue on the right, and notice the anchor in his hand.  Talk to the Salesman and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to him until he has nothing else to say.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Take the back-left exit to the corridor. 







You’re in the corridor in the background now.  Head left, and continue left, until you reach Burke’s Bio Surgery. 


Talk to the man next to the railings, and work through all the dialogue.  Now enter Burke’s Bio Surgery. 







Explore the Waiting Room.  Look at leaflet on the table.  Now use the holographic projector on the desk.  Talk to the holographic head, and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to the holographic head, until she mentions your need for an appointment to see the doctor.  Now leave the Waiting Room. 







Use the lower-right exit, to the lift. 


Try to use the lift if you like, but it doesn’t work.  Enter the Residential Dome on the right. 







There are 2 apartments in the dome - Reich‘s apartment on the left, Lamb‘s apartment on the right.  Talk to Gallagher, who’s sitting in the garden, and work through all the dialogue.  Now use ID CARD with apartment security slot on the left, and enter Reich’s apartment. 







Explore the apartment.  Look at the bed, move the pillow, and pick up MAGAZINE from underneath the pillow.  Look at the aquarium.  Look at TV monitor on the wall, and try to turn it on.  It doesn’t work.  The power must be off.  Look at the food dispenser machine - it’s empty.  When you’re ready, leave the apartment. 







You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so just leave the dome. 







Walk right 2 screens to the cul-de-sac with shops. 







Enter Travel Co. 







Give MAGAZINE to the man behind the desk.  He’s delighted, and agrees to give you a TICKET for a tour.  Take TICKET from the slot in the desk.  Now leave the Travel Agent. 







Use lower-left exit to the corridor. 







Use ID CARD in the lift security slot, and return up to the Top Level. 







Look for Lamb on this level.  He’s probably somewhere near the lift.  Talk to him again, until he mentions wanting to ‘get away from it all’.  Give him the TICKET, and he’ll promise you a tour of his factory as a reward.  Make your way into the factory where you saw Anita. 







Talk to Lamb and work through the dialogue.  When you reach Foreman Potts’s area, Lamb isn’t pleased to see that the conveyor belt is broken.  He gives Foreman Potts a row, then leaves the factory.  Talk to Foreman Potts, and work through the dialogue.  Walk right to the next screen. 


So this is where Anita was transferred to.  Talk to her and work through the dialogue.  Give her your ID CARD, and she’ll download her Jammer onto it.  This allows you to bypass retina scans in the LINC Terminal.  Talk to Anita again and work through the dialogue.  It’s very unfair that she was made a D-Linc.  Open the 3 lockers next to Anita is you like, but they’re empty.  Now DON’T enter the door marked ‘Danger’ - you’re not prepared for it.  Instead, head left, and continue left, until you reach the lift. 







Use your ID CARD with the LINC Terminal.  Select the following options. 


           -          4.  Security Services

           -          1.  View Documents


Hmm, Briefing.Doc and Report.Doc are encrypted.  Damn!  Now use the following options. 


           -          2.  Special Operations

           -          1.  File Adjustment

           -          1.  Authorise D-Linc

           -          2.  Freeze Assets

           -          0.  Security Services


Exit the LINC Terminal.  You’ve now made Gilbert Lamb a D-Linc, just like he did to Anita!  Hope he likes a taste of his own medicine!  Now look for Lamb on this level.  He’s trapped up here now, so you’ll soon find him.  He’ll tell you to get an Insurance Policy from Anchor Co.  Now head back to the lift. 


Wait until Lamb tries, and fails, to use the lift.  Talk to Lamb again and work through the dialogue.  Since he’s trapped up on this level, he asks you to feed his pampered cat Cous-Cous.  Use your ID CARD in the lift slot, and head down to the Middle Level. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


Enter the Residential Dome on the right. 







Lamb has authorised you to enter his apartment, so you can feed his cat.  So use your ID CARD with the apartment security door slot on the right, and enter Lamb’s apartment. 







Explore the apartment.  Look at the cat on the bed.  Pick up VIDEO CASSETTE from bookcase on the left.  Use VIDEO CASSETTE in the VCR machine under the TV monitor.  A video about cats starts playing.  After a while, you automatically take the VIDEO CASSETTE back.  Now use the food dispenser machine to feed the cat.  When you’re ready, leave the apartment. 







Walk down to leave the Residential Dome. 







Head left 2 screens, so you’re in Burke’s Bio Surgery Waiting Room. 







Use the holographic projector on the desk, then talk to the holographic head.  Ask about a Schriebmann Port.  The holographic head won’t let you see Dr Burke unless you pay for the privilege up front.  Talk to Joey and work through the dialogue.  Keep talking to Joey, until he convinces the holographic head to let you see Dr Burke.  Now walk left into the doctor’s surgery. 


Talk to Dr Burke and ask him about the Schriebmann Port.  He won’t do the operation since you can’t afford to pay.  Talk to Dr Burke again, and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to him, until he finally gives you the Schriebmann Port.  Talk to him again, and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure he tells you about the SPECIAL Insurance Policy.  Now when Dr Burke steps away from the patient, talk to the patient, and work through the dialogue.  Yes, the patient is still conscious, despite the gruesome work Dr Burke is performing on him.  Explore the room if you like, and when you’re ready, leave the room. 


Walk right to leave the Waiting Room. 







Head right, and continue right, until you reach the cul-de-sac with shops. 







Enter Anchor Insurance. 







Talk to Joey (you may have to wait for him to catch up with you), and work through the dialogue.  Joey reorganises the computer system.  Now talk to the Salesman, and use the following dialogue options. 


           -          I want one of your SPECIAL policies. 

           -          Doctor Burke.            


When he leaves the room, talk to Joey again, and ask him to use his welder to cut the metal ANCHOR from the metal statue.  Now pick up the ANCHOR, then leave the shop. 







Walk left to the next screen. 







Use your ID CARD with the Security Lift Slot, and return to the Top Level. 







After you exit the lift, go left 2 screens. 


Enter doorway on the right, so you are back in the Recycling Plant. 







Climb up the metal stairs, then go through door on the right. 


You are standing on the little ledge.  Look at the Security Sign on the building opposite.  Now combine ANCHOR with the CABLE to create a GRAPPLING HOOK.  Use GRAPPLING HOOK on the Security Sign.  You automatically swing across into the Security Building. 







You start out in the Locker Room.  Look at lockers on the back wall - they are all locked.  Walk right into the next room. 


Look at the LINC Interface chair, and look at the security slot next to it.  Use your ID CARD in the security slot, then use the LINC Interface chair.  You have entered LINC-Space. 







Look at the stuff in your Inventory.  You have 2 encrypted DOCUMENTS that need to be decrypted.  You also have the CHARON programme and the OPEN programme.  Okay, let’s explore this strange environment.  Look at the giant eyeball - he’s there to watch your every move, so you better be on your best behaviour.  Pick up BALL, then walk right into the next room. 


The eyeball is still here.  Look at the carpet bag, and use the OPEN programme in your Inventory to open it.  Now pick up BIRTHDAY SURPRISE and MAGNIFYING GLASS.  This translates to DECOMPRESS and DECRYPT in your Inventory.   Use DECRYPT with both the encrypted DOCUMENTS.  Now use DECOMPRESS with the COMPRESSED DATA, and you get GREEN PASSWORD and RED PASSWORD.  Walk right into the next room. 


You’re standing on a single tile.  You have to find your way to the Exit at the top right.  This is how you do it. 


           -          Use GREEN PASSWORD in bottom left tile.

           -          Walk right to the next tile. 

           -          Use RED PASSWORD in bottom middle tile. 

           -          Pick up GREEN PASSWORD from bottom left tile.

           -          Walk up to middle left tile.

           -          Use GREEN PASSWORD in middle left tile.

           -          Walk right 1 tile, then down 1 tile.

           -          Pick up RED PASSWORD from bottom middle tile.

           -          Walk up 1 tile.

           -          Use RED PASSWORD in middle middle tile.

           -          Walk left 1 tile.

           -          Pick up GREEN PASSWORD from middle left tile.

           -          Make your way to the bottom right tile. 

           -          Use GREEN PASSWORD in bottom right tile. 

           -          Walk up 2 tiles to the top right tile. 

           -          Walk up through the Exit, into the next room. 


In this next room, pick up BUST and BOOK.  This becomes PHOENIX and DOCUMENT in your Inventory.  Use DECRYPT with the new DOCUMENT.  Now use DISCONNECT to exit LINC-Space. 







Well, that was a weird experience!  Stand up from the LINC Interface chair.  Now look at the LINC Terminal on the right, and insert your ID CARD into LINC  Terminal.  Now use the following options. 


           -          4.  Security Services

           -          1.  View Documents. 


Notice the Phoenix document you found in LINC-Space.  Read all 3 documents.  Now use the following options. 


           -          0.  Security Services

           -          0.  Main Menu

           -          4.  Security Services

           -          2.  Special Operations

           -          2.  Special Status Request


You have now upgraded your ID CARD, and you have complete access to all areas of the complex for the next 48 hours.  Exit the LINC-Terminal. 


Use your ID CARD in the Lift Security Slot on the right to ride up to the Top Level. 







You find yourself in the Security Office.  Walk left to return to the main corridor. 


Walk right to the next screen. 


Lamb is probably still hanging around the lift here.  Use your ID CARD with the Lift Security Slot to ride down to the Middle Level. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


There is another lift here, and this one is heading down.  Since you have access to all areas now, you’re now able to use this lift.  Use ID CARD with the Lift Security Slot to ride down to the Ground Level. 







You’re down on the Ground Level now.  Joey tried to jump down, but his shell is smashed beyond repair.  You automatically remove JOEY’S CIRCUIT BOARD from the destroyed robot welder shell.  Mrs Piermont is here, walking her dog.  Talk to Mrs Piermont and work through all the dialogue.  Now talk to the guard standing outside the cathedral, and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, walk left to the next screen. 


Talk to the Doorman at the St James club, and work through all the dialogue.  You can’t enter this club without membership.  And you can’t get membership without sponsorship.  Apparently, Mrs Piermont could sponsor you.  Mrs Piermont, who is walking her dog, will circle this area every so often.  Wait for her to show up, then talk to her again, and ask her to sponsor you.  She agrees to call the club manager from her apartment.  Now look at door on the left, and look at sign on the door.  This door leads into the Court House, but it’s currently closed.  When you are ready, use lower right exit, to the next screen. 


There’s an old building here.  Try to open the door - it’s locked.  Look at the lock in the door.  Use your ID CARD on the lock (not the door itself) to snick the lock, and shed door opens.  Enter the old building. 


Explore the area.  Wow, there’s more going on here than meets the eye.  What’s behind the bricked up wall?  And WHY was it bricked up?  Pick up SECATEURS, then leave the building. 


Walk right around the pond, to the next screen. 


Talk to Vincent, the boy on the bench, and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to the gardener, and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Vincent again, and he tells you that the gardener is not really a gardener - he’s a fake.  Talk to the gardener again to ask about the dandelions.  He admits that Vincent was telling the truth, but that he has dreams about being a real gardener.  Now look at the lift on the right, and look at the row of buttons next to it.  Use the buttons to buzz up to Mrs Piermont’s apartment, and use the following dialogue option. 


           -          It’s me, Robert. 


She invites you up to her apartment. 







Work through all the dialogue with Mrs Piermont.  When conversation is over, she calls the manager of the St James club, as your sponsor, giving you the chance to explore her apartment.  Look at the dog bowl, and try to take some DOG BISCUITS, but the dog doesn’t want to share them with you.  Look at the TV Monitor and the VCR in wall on the right.  Insert your VIDEO CASSETTE into the VCR to play the video about cats.  This attracts the dog’s attention, and he starts barking at it aggressively.  Now take some DOG BISCUITS from the dog bowl.  When you’re ready, leave the apartment. 







Use upper left exit to the next screen. 


You’re back at the lift, and the guard at the cathedral.  Look at the bricks contraption near the pond.  This gives you an idea of how to distract the guard, so you can enter the cathedral.  Place DOG BISCUITS on the end of the plank in the bricks contraption.  Now pull rope on the bricks contraption, and wait.  When Mrs Piermont appears, pull the rope again.  Spunky the dog will walk onto the plank to get the dog biscuits… you let go of the rope… Spunky goes flying, then lands SPLUNK into the pond!  Hee hee!  Mrs Piermont, and the guard, turn their attention firmly on how to get Spunky out of the pond.  While they are distracted, enter the cathedral. 







Look at the choir of dummies - that scared you for a moment.  Walk up through door in the back wall. 


This is the Locker Room.  Open all the lockers in the back wall - each locker has a dead body in it!  But… the middle locker… has ANITA’S body!  Oh no!  Look at her body to learn that she was exposed to radiation!  There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the room. 


Enter through door on the right. 


This is the ventilation shaft.  Nothing you can do here.  Walk up, back to the main room. 


Walk left to leave the cathedral. 







Mrs Piermont, Spunky the dog, and the guard, have all gone.  Walk left to the next screen. 


Talk to the Doorman at the St James Club, and work through the dialogue.  So Mrs Piermont came through for you, and you are now a member of the club.  When conversation is over, enter the club. 







Talk to Colston, who is sitting at the table with Gallagher (Gallagher has nothing to say), and work through the dialogue.  Talk to him again, and ask how to get out of the city - he’s not very helpful.  Look at the glass next to him, to see it has a greasy fingerprint.  Talk to the Barman, and work through the dialogue.  Try to order a drink, but House Rules say that the Barman can’t serve you.  Strange rules!  Talk to him again and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, leave the club. 







Take upper right exit to the lift. 


Use ID CARD with the Lift Security Slot to ride back up to the Middle Level. 







Walk right to the next screen. 


Use ID CARD with the Lift Security Slot to ride back up to the Top Level. 







Talk to Lamb, and ask him about Anita’s death.  Talk to him again, and he tells you that he last saw Anita when he sent her into the Testing Room… without a protective RAD Suit!  He definitely deserves his new status as a D-Linc!  Walk through doorway on the right, to enter the Factory. 







Walk right 2 screens, to where the lockers are. 


Take OVERALLS from the middle locker.  Now walk right into the Reactor. 


Look at the huge metal door.  Use the Control Panel, and use the following options. 


           -          2.  Open reactor door. 


Now exit the Control Panel.  Enter into the reactor core. 


Pick up LINC CARD from the ground.  Look at the LINC CARD in your Inventory - it belonged to poor Anita.  Now head left 2 screens, so you are outside the Reactor again. 


Take your COAT from the middle locker.  Head left, and continue left, until you reach the lift. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


Enter through door on the right, into the Security Office.  Use ID CARD in the Door Security Slot, and head right through the door into next room. 


Use ANITA’S LINC CARD with the slot next to the Interface Chair, then use the Interface Chair to enter LINC Space. 







Look at your Inventory.  Anita had some different programmes to what you saw the last time you were in LINC Space.  Use BLIND on the giant eyeball, then quickly walk right to the next room. 


Use BLIND on the giant eyeball again, then walk up to a new room. 


Look at the Crusader.  You can’t get past him yet.  Walk up to the next room. 


Look at the Well, and use PLAYBACK on the Well to see the message from Anita.  She was supposed to make contact with an agent on the Ground Level.  Maybe you could make contact in her place?  Continue right to the next screen. 


You’re back at the first screen, with the giant eyeball.  But you’re in the top left corner now, where you couldn’t get to before.  Use BLIND on the giant eyeball, then quickly pick up the TUNING FORK.  Now DISCONNECT from LINC Space. 







Use ID CARD on the Lift Security Slot to return to the Top Corridor. 


Walk left into the Main Corridor. 


Go right to the lift. 


Use ID CARD in the Lift Security Slot to ride down to the Middle Level. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


Use ID CARD in the Lift Security Slot to ride down to Ground Level. 







Walk right to the next screen. 


Talk to the gardener, and work through all the dialogue.  He confirms that he is Eduardo, the agent that Anita was supposed to contact.  He tells you that Anita uploaded a virus into LINC Space, but it needs to be activated.  When conversation is over, head left, and continue left, until you reach St James Club.  Notice that the door on the left is now open.  This is the Court House.  Enter the Court House. 







You are dragged into a court case against poor Hobbins - it’s your job to defend him.  Work through all the dialogue.  This is the most bizarre court case you’ve ever seen!  When the trial is over, you automatically leave the Court House. 







Enter the St James Club. 







Talk to Babs.  Talk to Gallagher.  Talk to Colston.  You learn that the subway used to run right through this very club.  Look at the GLASS next to Colston, to see that it has a fingerprint on it.  Climb down the steps, and use the jukebox.  Choose the following option. 


           -          You search, but find nothing. 


Now climb up the stairs again.  The jukebox will play an easy-listening track, but after a while, it gets jammed.  Colston goes down to the jukebox to fix it.  While he’s gone, take his GLASS with the fingerprint.  Now leave the club. 







Notice the Court House is closed again.  Use the top right exit, and head to the next screen. 


Use ID CARD in the Lift Security Slot to ride up to the Middle Level. 







Head left, and continue left, until you reach Dr Burke’s surgery. 







Give the GLASS to Dr Burke.  He matches your fingerprints to the fingerprint on the glass.  Now leave the surgery. 







Head right, and continue right, until you reach the lift next to the Residential Dome.  Use ID CARD in the Lift Security Slot to ride down to Ground Level. 







Walk left to the next screen. 


Enter St James Club. 







Climb down the stairs.  Look at door at the back right wall, and look at metal plate next to it.  Use the metal plate - your new fingerprints will allow you to open the door, and you automatically walk through, into the storage room. 


Explore the storage room.  Try to climb onto the box and up to the grill - the box isn’t strong enough.  Use METAL BAR with the large packing case, then take WOODEN LID from the large packing case, and place it on top of the box.  Now climb up onto the box, and use METAL BAR with the grill to create a small hole.  Now use SECATEURS on the grill to force it open.  Finally, climb into the narrow passage behind the grill, into the Subway. 







Walk right to the next screen. 


Head up through the back wall. 


Go right to the next screen. 


Stay away from that hole in the wall!  There is a big scary monster living in that hole, and it will devour you.  Look for the socket in the wall, and use your LIGHT BULB in the socket.  That shines light onto the hole, so you can now safely walk past, and continue right to the next screen.  


There’s an old platform here, where people could board the train, back in it’s old subway days.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then head right to the next screen. 


The tunnel roof doesn’t look too stable.  Quickly run forward\right to the next screen. 


That’s some creepy looking veins on the wall!  Use your METAL BAR with the plaster on the wall, then pick up the lump of PLASTER that fell to the ground.  Use your METAL BAR on the exposed brickwork, and pick up the BRICK that fell to the ground.  Use your METAL BAR in the swelling near bottom of the vein, then use BRICK with the METAL BAR IN VEIN to drive it through.  Yuck!  Wait for the repair bot to enter the room, then go right to the next room. 







You’ve reached an underground lab.  Look through the ventilation grill, and you’ll see a strange man in the room.  Avoid him - he’ll kill you!  Head up through door in the back wall. 


Explore the room.  Use Control Unit on the right, and select the following option. 


           -          2.  Reduce Temperature.


Now pull the metal bar in the ceiling, and this will loosen the grill above you.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 


Walk right to the next screen. 


Head through door on the right, into the Recharging Room. 


Look at the robot recharging itself.  Insert JOEY’S CIRCUIT BOARD into the slot in the robot, then work through the dialogue with Joey.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then head back through the lower left door. 


Joey follows you out of the room.  Go left to the next screen. 


Talk to Joey, and ask him to check out the Tank Room.  Make your way back to the Recharging Room. 


Wait for Joey to return.  When he does, ask him for his report on the Tank Room.  He tells you that androids are grown in the Tank Room.  Yikes!  Talk to Joey again, and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you tell Joey to open the tap on the nutrient tank.  When he returns, head through the upper left door, into the Tank Room. 


The android in this room steps onto the grill (that you loosened earlier), and falls through the hole, into the furnace below.  Explore the room if you like, but be careful not to fall through the hole.  When you’re ready, head through the upper right exit. 


There’s more tanks here.  Head through the upper right door, into the Control Room. 


Use ID CARD in Terminal on the left.  Use the following options. 


           -          2.  Access to restricted area.

           -          1.  Open door. 


Now exit the Terminal.  Walk left, back to the Tanks. 


Gallagher appears, and starts threatening you.  He turns out to be an android!  Joey comes to your rescue - Gallagher destroys him, but he manages to kill Gallagher in the process.  Poor Joey!  Search Gallagher’s corpse to find a red LINC CARD.  Search the robot shell to retrieve JOEY’S CIRCUIT BOARD.  Now head through the top right doorway, back into the Control Room. 


Look at the LINC Interface Chair on the right.  Use GALLAGHER’S RED LINC CARD in the slot next to the LINC Interface Chair, then use the Interface Chair to enter LINC Space again. 







Check out your Inventory.  Gallagher has a new programme you haven’t seen before.  That could be useful!  Walk right into the next room. 


Use BLIND on the giant eyeball, then head up to the next room. 


Look at the Crusader.  Use DIVINE WRATH on the Crusader, then continue right into the next room. 


Look at the crystal.  You can’t get to it.  Just DISCONNECT from LINC Space. 







Use ANITA’S LINC CARD in the slot next to the LINC Interface Chair, then use the Interface Chair to enter LINC Space again. 







Head right to the next room. 


Use BLIND on the giant eyeball, then go up into the next room. 


Walk right to the next room. 


You’re back in the room with the crystal.  Use OSCILLATOR with the crystal to crack it open, then pick up the HELIX.  Now DISCONNECT from LINC-Space. 







Head through door on the left, into the Tank Room. 


Walk through the lower right door, into the Freezing Room. 


Explore the room.  Look at the computer console, and insert ANITA’S LINC CARD into the computer console to upload the virus into the system.  Take TONGS that are near the doorway on the right.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use TONGS with the huge tank on the right to get some living tissue, then use TONGS with the cold tank in the foreground to freeze the tissue.  Now head right into the next room. 


Look at the 3 android bodies.  Open cabinet next to the middle android, and insert JOEY’S CIRCUIT BOARD into the cabinet.  Now use the console above the middle cabinet, and use the following options. 


           -          2.  Download character data. 

           -          0.  Main Menu. 

           -          3.  Run startup programme. 


Talk to Joey, and work through all the dialogue.  He decides to change his name to Ken.  Take Joey\Ken’s advice, and don’t activate the other droids.  When conversation is over, head right through the door, into the next room. 


Look at door on the right, and look at both hand panels.  Try to use one of the hand panels, but it has no effect.  Talk to Joey\Ken, and ask him to use one of the hand panels, at the same time as you use the other hand panel.  You succeed, and the door open.  Talk to Joey\Ken - he’s become stuck to the hand panel.  Continue right to the next room. 


Follow the tunnel right to the next screen. 


Use CABLE on the pipe support.  Now use rungs on the right to climb down the pipe. 


Look at the spout and orifice below you.  Use TONGS WITH FROZEN TISSUE with the orifice.  If your frozen tissue has melted, simply go back to get another piece.  When you’ve poisoned the sludge, jump onto the hanging cable, and swing left into the room. 


This is LINC’S Headquarters.  Watch the scene as you come face-to-face with your father.  LINC has rejected him, and needs a replacement.  Talk to Joey\Ken, and ask him to sit in the chair. 


Sit back, and watch the ending.  Congratulations on completing the game. 





The End. 


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