Broken Sword 2:  The Smoking Mirror 

Year:  1996


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:     GOG



Part 1


Part 2





















You & Nico decide to visit an archaeologist known as Professor Oubier, to discuss a Mayan stone that Nico found.  However, things turn badly, when Professor Oubier knocks you both out, kidnaps Nico, and leaves you tied up in his burning house. 







You’re tied up in the Study, with a giant spider threatening to attack.  You HAVE to escape!  Look at the spider - it’s big, mean, and hairy.  Try to kick it, but it stays just out of reach.  Look at the bookcase next to you, and notice that it’s supported by a block of wood.  Look at the block of wood under the bookcase, and kick the block of wood.  The bookcase topples over, squishing that big spider!  But you‘re still tied up.  Look at the metal bracket in the wall, and use the metal bracket to cut through your ropes.  Now you just have to deal with that fire. 


Explore the room.  Look at the writing bureau, and open it.  Look at the bottle of tequila in the bureau, and drink it.  Yuck!  You quickly spit it out!  Pick up the TEQUILA WORM you spat out onto the floor.  Open the drawer in the writing bureau, to find a small decorated MAYAN POT.  Look at the MAYAN POT in your Inventory, to discover OUBIER’S KEY


Look at the picture on the wall, of Oubier and his wife.  Pick up the DART from the corner of the green rug.  Nico’s bag is lying on the floor, next to the window.  Pick up the bag, and you find LIPSTICK, PANTIES, and NICO’S NOTE.  Look at those things in your Inventory.  You learn that NICO’S NOTE is from Andre, your love rival, and it contains his phone number.  Look at the window - there’s no way you can get out that way. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the flames blocking the door.  You need to find a way to extinguish the flames.  Look at the syphon on the cabinet, and try to use it on the flames, but it has no gas.  Look at the cabinet to see a small keyhole.  Use DART in the cabinet - you manage to pick the lock, and open the cabinet doors.  Try to pick up the CYLINDER from inside the cabinet, but it’s too hot.  Use Nico’s PANTIES to pick up the CYLINDER.  Look at the CYLINDER in your Inventory, then use it with the syphon on top of the cabinet.  You now have an effective fire extinguisher!  Use it on the flames blocking the door.  Success!  The flames are out!  Now open… or rather, kick… the door, and leave the Study. 







Look at both sets of doors, to discover that they are both locked.  Look at the phone on the small table, and use the phone the phone to call Andre.  As much as you dislike him, he may be your best way of finding Nico.  He agrees to meet you at a nearby café, to discuss the situation.  Look at the NEWSPAPER CUTTING next to the phone, and pick up the NEWSPAPER CUTTING to learn about the upcoming eclipse.  Look at the NEWSPAPER CUTTING in your Inventory to find OUBIER’S BANK STATEMENT.  When you’re ready, use OUBIER’S KEY with the door on the left to unlock it.  Now open the door, and leave Professor Oubier’s house. 












You arrive at the café, but Andre isn’t here yet.  You decide to have a coffee while you wait.  Look at the man at the next table - he looks familiar.  Talk to him and work through all the  conversation topics with him.  Talk to him again, and work through the rest of the conversation topics.  Look at his flask, and try to take his flask, but you can’t do so while he is looking.  Wait for the Waiter to come, and ask him for a cup of coffee.  He’ll ignore you the first time, so you have to ask again.  When he finally brings your coffee, talk to him, and work through all the conversation topics.  When the conversation ends, Andre finally arrives.  Talk to Andre and work through all the conversation topics.  When asking about the MAYAN POT, Andre tells you about his friend who owns the Glease Gallery.  When the conversation ends, Andre leaves. 


Watch the cut scene with Nico. 


Talk to the man at the next table again, and work through all the conversation topics.  Keep talking to him, until he tells you to leave him alone.  When he buries his head in his hands, use this opportunity to take his FLASK.  When his head is NOT buried in his hands, talk to him again, and work through the rest of the conversation topics.  When you’re ready, click on the exit at the right, and go to Glease Gallery. 












Look at the girls at the back wall, and try to talk to them, but they just giggle.  Look at the middle picture on the back wall.  Talk to the man in front of the picture 2 times, and work through all the conversation topics.  When you ask him about the MAYAN POT, he smashes it on the floor.  Try to pick up the SMASHED POT, but it’s in too many pieces now.  You want revenge on this guy! 


Talk to Mr Glease on the left and work through the conversation topics.  Look at the credit card reader behind Mr Glease.  Look at the packing case on the left, and try to open it - Mr Glease tells you that it’s a private area, and you’re not allowed back there. 


Go back to the man who smashed your POT.  Look at his glass to see that it’s half full of wine.  Use the FLASK with his glass (not him), to pour some absinthe into his wine.  Do this again - he’ll stumble and fall, crashing into the display stand.  Mr Glease rushes over, angry that his display has been wrecked.  While Mr Glease is distracted, walk left a few steps, and look at the packing case in the private area.  Open the packing case.  It contains nothing but Styrofoam chips.  Look at the LABEL on the packing case, and take the LABEL to get the address for Kondor Transglobal in Marseilles.  That’s your next destination! 












Look at the hut on the left, and walk over to the hut. 







There’s a mean-looking guard dog behind the fence.  Look at the chimney on the side of the hut, and touch the chimney - it’s hot!  Knock on the window to see inside.  There’s a Watchman here, and he throws something out through a trapdoor in his floor.  Talk to him and work through all the conversation topics.  When conversation is over, look at the guard dog - he’s not very friendly.  Walk down the stairs at the side of the hut. 







Look at the BOAT HOOK in the water, and take the BOAT HOOK.  Look at the BEER BOTTLE in the water, on the left.  This is what the Watchman threw out.  Try to take the BEER BOTTLE, but it’s out of reach.  Use the BOAT HOOK with the BEER BOTTLE.  Climb back up the stairs. 







Touch the chimney on the side of the hut - it’s still too hot.  Use BEER BOTTLE with the chimney 2 times, to cool it down, then take METAL CONE from the top of the chimney.  Use BEER BOTTLE with the chimney again to block it.  The hut fills up with smoke, and the Watchman comes outside.  Climb down the stairs at the side of the hut. 







Look at the trapdoor under the hut, and climb up through the trapdoor, into the hut. 







Explore the hut.  Look at the coat hanging near the door on the left.  Look at the box on the windowsill, and try to take the box - it contains nothing but blank forms.  Look at the coal scuttle, and take a PIECE OF COAL.  Look at the stove, and try to open the stove - you burn yourself!  Look at the pan on the stove.  Look at the packet of DOG BISCUITS on the table, and take the DOG BISCUITS.  Look at the coffee cup on the table.  Climb back down through the trapdoor. 







Look at the platform on the left, next to the dog.  Throw DOG BISCUITS onto the platform.  The dog will step onto the platform, and start eating the biscuits.  Now use BOAT HOOK with the platform to lower it, thus dunking the dog into the water.  That’s taken care of the guard dog, so he won’t be a problem for you anymore.  Climb back up the stairs on the right. 







Climb over the fence. 







Explore the area.  Look at the wheel high up on the platform.  Look at both signs on the wall.  Kondor Transglobal is the door on the left.  Knock on the Kondor Transglobal door, but no one can hear you.  Climb up the ladder on the left. 


Look at the fan in the window.  Look at the window, and open the window to lean through it.  Use BOAT HOOK with the fan to break it.  Climb back out of the window. 


Climb down the ladder on the left. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Knock on Kondor Transglobal’s door.  Talk to Pablo and work through all the conversation topics.  Repeat this, and keep talking to Pablo, until he agrees to come outside.  However, DON’T wait for Pablo, because he’ll shoot you dead!  Quickly climb back up the ladder on the left. 


When Pablo comes outside, use a barrel with the clamp mechanism to draw Pablo to the water’s edge, then use another barrel with the clamp to knock him into the water.  Now climb down the ladder again. 


Enter through the door, into the warehouse. 







You automatically block the door, so that Pablo can’t get back in.  Walk over to the desk that Pablo was sitting at, and open the desk drawer to find a SMALL BRASS KEY.  Look at the Notice Board above the desk, and use the Notice Board to get an address in Quaramonte.  Look at the filing cabinet, and try to open it, but it’s locked.  Walk right a few steps.  A man pops up from behind the pile of crates.  Talk to him and work through all the conversation topics.  When you ask about the SMALL BRASS KEY, he comes out from behind the crates, and you realise he’s manacled.  You automatically free him, and you keep his MANACLES… then he runs away.  Look at the lift door, and use the button next to the door to call the lift.  Enter the lift, and head to the Upper Floor. 







Use the nearby crate to prevent the lift door from closing, thus preventing anyone from getting up here.  Look at the top crate on the left to learn that there’s something alive in there.  Look at the statue next to the crates.  Look at the switch on the right, above the lift call button.  Use the switch to turn on the lights in the left corner.  Now walk left, and look at the scratch marks in the floor.  Open the door next to the scratch marks, and walk through the door into the Secret Room. 







You’ve found Nico!  And she’s tied up!  Use Nico to pull the MASKING TAPE off her mouth.  Now untie her - you keep the ROPE.  She explains about the Mayan Stone that led to your current predicament.  Look at the FETISH STATUE on the ground, and pick up the FETISH STATUE.  Now leave the room. 







Talk to Nico and work through all the conversation topics.  When conversation is over, you have to find a way out of here.  You can’t go back down the lift, in case Pablo is waiting for you.  And you can’t let Pablo get up here.  The crate is currently preventing the lift door from closing, but maybe you could use something else instead. 


Use MASKING TAPE with the photoelectric cell on the lift door, then push the crate back to the middle of the floor, where it was before.  Move the top crate (with the live contents) onto the crate you’ve just moved, then move the lower left crate.  Use the pallet carrier to raise the statue off the floor.  Tie ROPE to the statue, then grab ROPE on the statue, and attach it to the pulley above it.  Use the pallet carrier again to lower it.  Try to push the statue, but it’s too heavy.  Talk to Nico and ask her about the statue.  Together, you use the statue as a battering ram, smashing the door on the left open.  Now simply walk left through the door. 


You find yourself on a small ledge outside the warehouse, high above the docks.  Use MANACLES with the cable on the left.  Watch the cut scene.  You and Nico decide to travel to Quaramonte. 












You arrive at the market.  Talk to Nico and work through all the conversation topics.  Explore the market.  Talk to the man in the yellow t-shirt selling cabbages and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the hut behind the cabbage man.  Walk right a few steps.  Talk to the man in the red hat selling fish and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to the musicians in the middle and work through all the conversation topics.  They tell you that Miguel, their pipe player, has been arrested and put in jail.  They also tell you about the accident in the mine.  Look at the poster on the wall of the white building in the background, and look at the goat in front of the building.  This building houses the local mining company - Consolidated Mining.  Climb up the stairs on the building, and enter the building. 







Conchita at the front desk greets you.  Or rather, she greets Nico.  Work through all the conversation topics with her.  Talk to the man on the left and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to the 3 men on the left and work through the conversation topics.  Look at the cupboard at the back of the room.  There’s nothing else you can do here at the moment, so just leave the building. 







Walk right a few steps, talk to Pearl Henderson in the green shirt, and work through all the conversation topics.  Pearl is standing outside the Police Station - enter the Police Station. 







General Grasiento welcomes you to his Police Station.  Work through all the conversation topics with him.  Look at the papers on his desk.  Look at the safe behind him.  Look at the TV behind him.  Look at the chart on the wall, and try to use the chart, but General Grasiento stops you.  Talk to General Grasiento again and ask about the map.  Look at the passage leading to the rear of the building.  Look at Renaldo sitting at his desk on the right.  Talk to Renaldo and work through all the conversation topics.  When you’re ready, leave the Police Station. 







Outside the Police Station, Nico is angry that you showed the Mayan Stone to General Grasiento.  Work through all the conversation topics with Nico.  Walk right a few steps, and look in the windows of the jail at the back of the Police Station.  In the 2nd window, you can see Miguel asleep on the floor.  Miguel is the street musician that the band told you about.  Talk to Professor Oubier standing next to the truck and work through all the conversation topics.  Talk to Duane Henderson in the truck and work through all the conversation topics.  Walk right a few steps, talk to the man sitting outside the hut on the right and work through all the conversation topics. 


Walk left a few steps and talk to Pearl again.  Work through all the conversation topics with her.  Enter the police station. 







Talk to Renaldo and ask about the prisoner.  You learn that poor Miguel is condemned to death.  Ask about the prisoner again.  Leave the police station. 







Enter the Consolidated Mining building behind the musicians again. 







Talk to Conchita at the front desk and ask about Professor Oubier.  Leave the building. 







Talk to the musicians again and ask about General Grasiento.  Walk right a few steps, and talk to Duane in the truck again.  Work through all the conversation topics with him.  Now that Professor Oubier has left, Duane is a lot more cooperative.  Walk left a few steps, talk to Pearl and work through the conversation topics with her.  Walk left a few steps, and enter the Consolidated Mining building behind the musicians. 







Talk to Conchita at the front desk, and work through all the conversation topics.  She’s willing to give you a DETONATOR if she can see a chart proving what General Grasiento is planning.  Unfortunately, you can’t get to the chart while the General and Renaldo are still in the police station.  Leave the building. 







Talk to Nico, and ask if she’ll distract General Grasiento while you get the chart from the back wall.  Both of you return to the Police Station. 







Talk to General Grasiento and ask him about Nico.  The General leaves the building with Nico, leaving you with Renaldo.  Talk to Renaldo and ask about the pyramid.  He agrees to give your friend a tour of the pyramid.  Leave the Police Station. 







Talk to Pearl outside the Police Station and ask Pearl about the pyramid.  Watch the cut scene as both of you return to the Police Station, then Pearl and Renaldo leave to go to the pyramid. 







You’re now alone in the Police Station.  Finally!  Use the chart on the back wall to see a geological survey map.  Head up to the cells at the back of the Police Station. 







There’s only 1 prisoner here - Miguel!  Talk to Miguel and work through all the conversation topics.  Apparently, Renaldo has left a noose for him, hoping that he’ll hang himself.  When you’re ready, leave the cells, and leave the Police Station. 







Walk left a few steps, and enter the Consolidated Mining building behind the musicians. 







Talk to Conchita at the front desk, and work through all the conversation topics.  Now open the cupboard at the back of the room, and take the DETONATOR from the cupboard.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 







Walk right, and give DETONATOR to Duane in the truck.  Now walk left a few steps and enter the police station. 







Head up to the cells at the back of the Police Station. 







Talk to Miguel and tell him that he’s about to be rescued.  Unfortunately, fate has other plans.  Watch the cut scene as Renaldo returns, and locks you in a cell next to Miguel. 












While George is locked up in a cell, you get to play as Nico.  General Grasiento is doing his best to take advantage of you, while you are doing your best to keep him at arm’s length.  Explore the room.  Look at the tiger skin on the floor.  Look at the lava lamp in the foreground.  Look at the portrait on the back wall.  Look at the television next to the door.  Look at the sword fish on the wall above the door, and use the sword fish to realise that it’s full of bullet holes.  Talk to General Grasiento and work through all the conversation topics.  Watch the cut scene, as General Grasiento’s mum barges in. 












You’re George again.  Watch the cut scene, as Duane tries, and fails, to rescue you and Miguel.  Talk to Miguel and ask him about the NOOSE.  He unties the NOOSE, and gives it to you.  Tie NOOSE to the cell window, and the rope trails down with wall.  Pick up the end of the NOOSE, and give it to Duane through the cell window.  Watch the long cut scene, as you and Nico make your escape. 












Look at the crude washing machine, and try to use it - it’s broken.  Take the VINE from the washing machine.  Look at the bridge.  Look at the water wheel.  Look at the pump operating the water wheel.  Look at the pile of damp leaves on the ground, and use your NEWSPAPER CLIPPING with the pile of damp leaves.  Use the STATUE OF TEZCATLIPOCA with the water wheel.  Sparks fly from the statue and land on the newspaper & wet leaves pile, causing it to start smoking. 


Father Hubert comes out from the tree house, and asks you to put out the fire in the pile of leaves.  You realise that Nico is up in the tree house, and that Father Hubert is nursing her back to health after your recent dramatic escape.  Talk to Father Hubert and work through all the conversation topics.  He tells you that Nico has been bitten by a snake, and the only cure is a strange root found in the local Shaman Village.  However, he won’t take you to the Shaman Village with a CREASED COLLAR.  There’s more going on here than what he’s letting on! 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the simple press in the ground.  Use the VINE with the press - it acts as a drive belt, connecting the 2 stones together.  Place the CREASED COLLAR onto the press.  Look at the cross in the ground next to the tree, and pull the cross up out of the ground.  Use the cross with the press to activate it.  Pick up the PRESSED COLLAR from the ground, and give it back to Father Hubert.  Work through all the conversation topics with him.  He finally takes you to the Shaman Village, and then he leaves. 







Talk to the Shaman Guard and work through all the conversation topics.  When he asks for a tribute for the Shaman, give him the DOG BISCUITS.  He quickly returns with an EMPTY BOX.  In your Inventory, put your MAYAN COYOTE STONE into the EMPTY BOX, then give that to the Shaman Guard.  When the Shaman Guard returns, he says that the Shaman wants to talk to you.  Walk left, to the Shaman, who is sitting at the fire.  Talk to the Shaman and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Watch the cut scene. 







The next day, you return to the tree house.  Climb up the ladder, and enter the tree house. 







Talk to Father Hubert and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the candles and the cross in the altar on the right.  Look at Nico lying in the bed, and try to talk to her.  There’s no way she can take the ANTIDOTE ROOT in her condition - you need to make it more digestible.  Leave the tree house. 







Look at the press at the base of the tree.  Use METAL CHIMNEY CONE with the press, and use ROOT with the press.  Now pick up the wooden cross that’s lying next to the press, and use it with the press to activate it.  The ROOT is squeezed into a liquid, and drips down into the METAL CHIMNEY CONE.  Pick up the METAL CHIMNEY CONE from the ground, and take it up, into the tree house. 







Give the METAL CONE WITH ANTIDOTE to Nico.  Watch the cut scene, as she recovers. 


You still have to find the 2 sacred stones that the Shaman told you about - the Eagle Stone, and the Jaguar Stone.  When Nico is strong enough, you decide to split up, and each of you will find one of the stones.  You’ll hunt for the Eagle Stone, while she searches for the Jaguar Stone.  You head for Ketch Landing. 












Talk to Bronson and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the plans laid out on the table, and try to pick them up, but Bronson soon chases you away.  Look at the theodolite in the sand, and use it - you see a house on top of the cliff.  Look at the fishing net that’s drying out in the sun.  Walk right, over the platform, and look at the boy who is fishing here.  His name is Rio.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics.  Walk left, back to the beach.  Talk to Bronson again and work through all the conversation topics.  Climb up the stairs in the cliff, up to the house you saw through the theodolite. 







Look at the cat, and talk to the cat - he’s not very friendly!  Look at the 2 ladies sitting at the table, and talk to them.  They’re sisters, and they run this museum.  Work through all the conversation topics with them.  Look at the house, and try to enter the house, but it’s locked.  The sisters tell you that it’s being refurbished into a museum.  Pick up the ladder that’s leaning against the wall, and extend it, so that it reaches up to the 1st Floor.  Try to climb the ladder, but the sisters stop you.  If only you could get rid of them somehow.  Climb down the stairs, and return to the beach. 







Talk to Bronson and work through all the conversation topics.  You learn that he’s placed a target reflector on one of the flagpoles on the house.  Walk right, over the platform, to where Rio is still fishing.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics.  Walk left, back to the beach.  Make your way up the stairs in the cliff, up to the house. 







Talk to the sisters and work through all the conversation topics with them.  They leave, to go and check on Rio.  When they are gone, climb up the ladder.  There are 2 flagpoles on the house - look at the left flagpole to see the target reflector that Bronson told you about.  Try to use the flagpole.  Unfortunately, you can’t reach it.  Climb down the ladder, and head back down to the beach. 







Walk right, over the platform, to where Rio is fishing.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics.  Ask him about fish, then give him your TEQUILA WORM.  Wait a while, then talk to Rio again.  Ask him 2 times about the FISH.  Rio suddenly catches a bite, and reels in… an old bicycle!  He agrees to try again to catch a fish for you.  Pick up the bike to get the BICYCLE INNER TUBE.  Talk to Rio, who now gives you a FISH.  Leave Rio, and head back up to the house on top of the cliff. 







Climb up the ladder, and attach BICYCLE INNER TUBE to the nearest flagpole.  Climb back down the ladder.  Tie the FISH to the end of the BICYCLE INNER TUBE to attract the cat’s attention.  Pick up the RED BALL that the cat has now abandoned.  Climb up the ladder and retrieve the BICYCLE INNER TUBE from the flagpole, then climb back down the ladder.  Look at the tree on the left, behind the table where the sisters were sitting.  Tie BICYCLE INNER TUBE to the tree to create a catapult, then use RED BALL with the BICYCLE INNER TUBE tied to the tree.  You successfully knock the target reflector off the flagpole.  Watch the cut scene with Bronson.  When Bronson is up on the flagpole, move the ladder, so he can’t get back down.  Pick up the ELECTRONIC SURVEYOR’S MARKER that Bronson dropped, then head down to the beach. 







Take the THEODOLITE from the sand, and take Bronson’s PLANS from the table.  Climb up the stairs in the cliff again, and return to the house.  







The 2 sisters have returned, and demand that you help Bronson.  Give them Bronson’s PLANS.  They are understandably angry with Bronson for his treachery, and command him to leave their property.  They finally allow you to enter the museum. 












As Nico, you are trying to track down the Jaguar Stone in the London Museum.  Talk to the Attendant and ask him about El Draco, otherwise known as Sir Francis Drake.  Explore the room.  Look at all 3 giant statues.  Look at the cabinet on the back wall, next to the phone, containing the Mayan dagger.  Look at the cabinet on the left, containing the obsidian mirror.  Look at both display cases in the foreground. 


Look at the cabinet on the right.  This one contains the Jaguar Stone - the stone you are looking for!  Try to open the cabinet, but it’s locked.  Look at the mask on the wall above the cabinet.  Look at the curtain hanging on the wall.  Try to talk to the Japanese women if you like, but you don’t get anywhere with them. 


Talk to the Attendant again and work through all the conversation topics with him.  The Attendant calls for Professor Oubier, who can answer all your questions.  Work through all the conversation topics with Professor Oubier.  However, the Professor’s taxi soon arrives, and he has to leave.  After he’s gone, talk to the Attendant again and ask about the Jaguar Stone.  Unfortunately, the Jaguar Stone has now been stolen.  It’s too much of a coincidence that Professor Oubier leaves, just as the Stone is stolen! 


You can’t leave until the police arrive, but you don’t have time to wait for that - you want to do your own investigating.  Talk to the Attendant and work through the conversation topics - choose anyone as your ‘suspect’ for stealing the Jaguar Stone.  Take KEY from the Jaguar Stone’s cabinet, and show this KEY to the Attendant.  This proves that the theft was an inside job.  The Attendant calls the police again.  Use the KEY with the cabinet in the back wall, next to the phone.  Take the MAYAN DAGGER from the cabinet, then retrieve the KEY.  Walk right a few steps, and pull open the orange curtain on the right wall. Try to open the door, but it’s locked.  Use the MAYAN DAGGER with the door to force it open, then leave the hall. 












Explore the museum.  Look at the ship on the display case next to the door.  Read the Ship’s Log in the display case.  Look at the desk, and try to use the desk.  Take QUILL from the desk.  Look at the pen holder and ink well in the desk.  Notice that the ink well is exceptionally wide.  Look at the ship’s wheel, and use the ship’s wheel.  Look at the ship’s bell next to the ship’s wheel, and use the bell.  Look at the portrait of Captain Frederick Ketch, and notice the cross around his neck.  Look at the barrel in front of the railings, and use the barrel. 


Look at the sea chest in front of the window, and open the sea chest.  You meet Emily Ketch, who was hiding in the sea chest.  Work through all the conversation topics with her.  Notice the cross she’s wearing around her neck.  Now leave the museum. 







Give QUILL to the cat, then pick up the resulting FEATHER SHREDS.  Make your way down to the beach. 







Walk right, over the platform, to where Rio is fishing.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics with him.  He suggests you give a CONCH SHELL to Emily.  Give FEATHER SHREDS \ DESTROYED QUILL to Rio, and he gives you a CONCH SHELL in return.  Walk left to the beach, then head up to the house. 







Open the door and enter the house. 







Give CONCH SHELL to Emily, and she‘ll give you her CRUCIFIX in return.  Take the lantern from the wall next to the door, and place it in the ink well on the desk.  Look at the pirate chart on the display stand, and pick up the pirate chart.  Place it down on the desk.   Place the CRUCIFIX in the pen holder on the desk.  Watch the cut scene as you discover the location of Zombie Island.  Leave the house. 







Head down to the beach. 







Walk right, over the platform, to where Rio is fishing.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Watch the cut scene, as he takes you to Zombie Island. 












You’re at the bottom of a very steep cliff.  Look at the cliff and try to climb it - it’s too steep.  Look at the rock outcrop and try to use it - it’s too high.  Look in Rio’s boat to learn that it contains some fishing nets.  Talk to Rio and work through all the conversation topics.  He gives you his FISHING NET.  Use FISHING NET with the rock outcrop, and use it to climb up the cliff. 





Continued In Part 2...