Broken Sword 2:  The Smoking Mirror 

Year:  1996


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:   GOG



Part 1


Part 2





















After escaping from the London Museum, you find yourself in an abandoned underground station.  Explore the area.  Look at the blue vending machine on the left, and try to use it.  It needs a coin.  Look at the coin slot at the top right of the machine, and you see something protruding from the slot.  Probably a coin.  In your Inventory, open your RED BAG to find a HAIR CLIP.  Use your HAIR CLIP with the coin slot at the top right of the machine, and you push the COIN through the machine.  Now look at the coin reject slot at the bottom of the machine, and retrieve the COIN from the coin reject slot.  Use the COIN with the coin slot at the top right of the vending machine.  Again, retrieve the COIN from the coin reject slot,  Also, pick up BAR OF CHOCOLATE from the vending slot at the bottom of the machine. 


Look at poster on the back wall.  Look at the green ticket machine on the left - it needs 3 coins.  Look at the pile of sleepers on the left.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the red weighing machine.  Use COIN with the weighing machine to get a SMALL CARD.  Look at poster on the back wall.  Look at map on the back wall.  Look at the maintenance cupboard below the map.  Use DAGGER with the cupboard to loosen the door, then use SMALL CARD with the cupboard to lift the latch on the door.  There’s nothing but a red button inside the cupboard - press the red button.  A train stops, and you board it. 












You finally reach the top of the cliff.  Take the upper right path into the jungle. 







Take a REED from the swamp.  Follow the path right, to the next part of the jungle. 


Look at the lair beneath the rock at base of the tree.  Investigate the lair to realise… something is living in there.  Use your REED with the lair, and it’s inhabitant bites the REED, and makes it shorter.  Walk left 2 times, so you’re at the top of the cliff. 







Take the lower right path into the jungle. 







Walk right, and continue right, until you see the boar.  Look at the boar - it’s not going to let you past without a fight.  In your Inventory, combine the POISONED DART with the REED to create a weapon, then use this weapon with the boar.  The boar runs away.  Head right along the path, and continue right, until you reach the Rock Needle. 


Look at the Rock Needle.  Pull a creeper off the rock, so it falls to the ground.  In your Inventory, combine FISHING NET with the ELECTRONIC SURVEYOR’S MARKER, then use NET WITH MARKER with the creeper on the ground.  Pick up the resulting CREEPER WITH NET AND MARKER, and toss it onto the Rock Needle.  The MARKER should be visible for miles.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now from Rock Needle, use the following directions to get through the jungle. 



        -       Up

        -       Right (the lair is here)

        -       Upper left

        -       Lower left

        -       Upper right

        -       Middle right

        -       Right



If you followed the directions correctly, you’ll be on top of a pinnacle, overlooking the area. 







Look at the initials carved into the rock, and use the initials to see that they are ‘FK’ for Frederick Ketch.  Look at the holes in the rock.  Place your THEODOLITE in the holes in the rock.  Use the THEODOLITE again, to look through it.  Through the THEODOLITE’S viewfinder, scroll right, until you see the ELECTRONIC SURVEYOR’S MARKER at bottom of the view.  It’s hard to find, so look at the screenshot. 



Click on the marker at the bottom of the view.  Click on the pillar in the middle of the view - it’s in line with the marker at the bottom.  That has to be where Ketch hid his treasure.  Exit the view. 


Head right, to climb back down the pinnacle. 












SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re hiding behind a crate on the right, wondering how you’re going to get onto that ship.  When the guard is out of sight, click on the nearby crate to get closer to the ship.  When the guard is out of sight again, click on the gangplank, then quickly click on the ladder to climb up.  Wait for the guard to go round again, then climb down the ladder.  Open the cupboard door on the left, then climb back up the ladder.  The guard will enter the cupboard to investigate.  Quickly climb down the ladder and close the cupboard door.  Grab the mop on the left, and use it to keep the cupboard door closed, so that the guard is trapped.  Look through the porthole on the right, and watch the cut scene with Professor Oubier and Karzac.  After Karzac has shot Oubier dead, you automatically enter the main cabin. 







Look at Professor Oubier, then check that he has no pulse.  Take the JAGUAR STONE from Oubier’s hands.  When Karzac tries to strangle you, use your OBSIDIAN DAGGER on him to defend yourself.  You make a dramatic escape with the JAGUAR STONE












Watch the cut scene as you inadvertently stumble into a film set.  Talk to Carlton Hawks, the director, and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the bush with white flowers, and note that it’s buzzing.  Use the bush again, to see that it‘s full of hornets. 


Walk left a few steps to the Refreshments Table.  Take STALE BUN, PLAIN PANCAKE, and POT OF MAPLE SYRUP from the table.  Talk to Flash, the camera man.  Talk to Bert, the stuntman on the left, and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Talk to Sharon and work through all the conversation topics with her.  Talk to Haiku and work through all the conversation topics with him. 


Carlton Hawks call for another scene to be shot - watch the cut scene.  Bert takes Haiku’s place on set.  In your Inventory, pour POT OF MAPLE SYRUP over the DRY PANCAKE, then give PANCAKE WITH MAPLE SYRUP to Bert.  He complains about the syrup dribbling down his chin. 


Talk to Haiku on the left and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Use the bush with the white flowers 2 times.  Pick up a STALE BUN from the Refreshments Table and throw it into the bush.  Keep doing this, until the hornets become agitated, and chase Bert with his syrupy chin.  Carlton Hawks loves the scene, tells Flash to film it.  Then Carlton moves everyone to the beach, to film another scene. 







Talk to Carlton Hawks and work through all the conversation topics.  You offer to be a stuntman for the film.  The only problem, is that the camera is bogged down.  Talk to Flash and work through all the conversation topics. 


Look at the truck carrying the camera - it’s stuck fast in the sand.  Look at the portable camera next to Flash, and try to use it.  You don’t know the first thing about using cameras.  Look at Bert and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Talk to Carlton Hawks again and work through all the conversation topics with him.  You convince him that he can use the portable camera to film at a more dramatic cave, and that you would be the stuntman to climb up to said cave.  He loves the idea, and immediately gets to work.  Watch the cut scene.  When you climb up to the cave, you find a chest, which contains the EAGLE STONE that you’ve been searching for. 












Look at the barrel in the burnt-out hut.  Look at the cup in the burnt-out hut.  Talk to Titipoco and work through all the conversation topics.  Look at the MAYAN STONE on the steps of the hut on the left.  Try to pick up the MAYAN STONE, but it’s too hot.  Look at the barrel of water next to the MAYAN STONE, and try to tip it over, but you’re not strong enough.  Talk to Titipoco and ask him about the barrel.  He helps you tip the barrel of water over, thus cooling the MAYAN STONE.  The STONE has fallen onto the ground near the steps.  Look at the ground covered in ashes, and pick up the MAYAN STONE.  You now have COYOTE STONE and JAGUAR STONE, while Titipoco has the EAGLE STONE.  Look at the smashed lantern on the left.  Now walk left, to the Pyramid. 







Talk to Titipoco and work through all the conversation topics with him.  Look at the scaffolding gantry.  Look at the engine next to the scaffolding gantry.  Look at the generator, and take the CYLINDER from the generator.  Walk left a few steps.  You’re seen by the  guard.  Talk to him and choose any reply.  Look at the unlit torch at the base of the stairs. 


You’re not able to climb the stairs up to the pyramid, so you have to find another way.  If you haven’t do so already, take CYLINDER from the generator.  Use your OBSIDIAN DAGGER with the fuel line in the generator to cut it.  Use CYLINDER with the fuel line (not the puddle of fuel) to collect some fuel, then use this with the fuel cap in the engine on the right to fill the engine with fuel.  Pick up ROPE from the ground and talk to Titipoco about the ROPE.  You ask him to climb up the scaffolding, then throw the rope down for you.  He does so.  When he returns, attach the rope to the engine.  Now press the button in the engine, and pull the lever in the engine.  The engine comes to life, raising the lift platform up to the top of the pyramid.  Talk to Titipoco again and ask him about the lever.  Step onto the lift platform, then talk to Titipoco again.  He pulls the lever on the engine, raising you up to the top of the pyramid. 







You see George tied up on a sarcophagus, and realise that he is about to be sacrificed.  You HAVE to save him!  Look at Pablo.  Look at General Grasiento.  Take AMMUNITION BELT that’s lying on the boxes behind Pablo.  Use the lift platform to travel back down to the base of the pyramid again. 







Walk left a few steps, and take the unlit torch from the base of the steps.  Give it to Titipoco.  He lights the torch, and you throw it onto the fuel puddle.  Throw the AMMUNITION BELT onto the fire, and watch the chaos ensue.  You automatically head up to the top of the pyramid again. 







Talk to General Grasiento, and trick him into dropping his gun.  Watch the cut scene.  Look at George and untie him from the Sacrificial Table.  You, George, and Titipoco run into the Pyramid. 







Look at the pattern on the back wall, and look at the 2 levers in the pattern.  Try to pull both of the levers - they’re stuck.  Talk to George and ask about the levers.  You and him pull the levers together… and fall through a trapdoor in the floor.  Watch the cut scene. 







You find yourself alone in this strange room.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at the Mayan Machine on the back wall.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the tiles with glyphs on the back wall.  Look at the monkey tiles on the right.  Now this is rather tricky and tedious.  You need to recreate the 4 symbols on the monkey tiles by using the glyphs and the Mayan Machine, in order to leave the room. 


Look at the tiles in the back wall and on the right, and number them like so. 




Push Tile #2. Now walk left a few steps, to the giant wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right, and look at the tiles in the back wall. Push Tile #5 in the back wall. Push Tile #11 on the right.


Walk left to the giant wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles. Press Tile #3 in the back wall. Walk left to the wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles. Press Tile #10 in the back wall. Press Tile #12 on the right. Walk left to the wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles. Press Tile #1 in the back wall. Walk left to the wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles. Press Tile #8 in the back wall. Press Tile #13 on the right. Walk left to the wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles. Press Tile #9 in the back wall. Walk left to the wheels. Spin both wheels, so that the following symbols are at the top.



Walk right to the tiles.  Press Tile #6 in the back wall.  Press Tile #14 on the right.  Voila!  You’ve found the secret door!  Now simply walk through the newly revealed exit on the right. 












You and Titipoco arrive in the Statue Room.  Take the TORCH from the sconce by the doorway, and give it to Titipoco.  Ask him about the fire.  He’ll light the TORCH for you.  Look at the statue that Titipoco is sitting in.  Walk left a few steps, and pull the lever in the back wall, near Titipoco.  Both of you fall through hidden trapdoors. 







You’re on your own now, George - you’ve no idea where Titipoco ended up.  You need to find a way out on your own.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Pick up TORCH from the ground, and use it to light the torch in the wall on the right.  Pull the lever in the back wall to seal the door.  Now walk left, into the next room. 


Look at the statue in the corner.  Pull the lever in the wall next to the statue, then pull the lever in the wall on the left.  Walk through the open doorway, into the next room. 


Look at the stone head in the back wall.  Pull the lower left lever, then head through the open door, into the next room. 


You’ve gone round in a circle, and you’re back in the room you started in.  Except now, the door on the right is open.  Head through the open door on the right. 


You climb down some stairs, into another room.  Pull the lever at the bottom of the stairs.  The floor slides across, revealing another level below you.  Climb down the stairs. 


This is it!  Watch the final cut scene, as you prevent the ancient demon from rising.  You saved the world once again, George Stobbart! 





The End!