Charnel House Trilogy, The

Year:  2015


Genre:  Horror Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:  FireFlower Games

















You are Alex Davenport, a young woman about to depart on a train journey that will change your life forever. 


You begin your adventures in your living room, on a cold, wet, miserable day.  Explore the room and look at everything.  Search the potted plant next to the door twice, to find a parcel.  Look at your phone (gotta love the novelty crow phone!), and listen to the messages.  Look at the radiator, and take the package from behind the radiator.  It’s a DVD film you bought for your ex-boyfriend - you replace it back behind the radiator.  Enter through the door in the back wall to enter the bathroom and take a shower.  Enter through door in the back wall to enter the kitchen and get some tea.  Now look at desk on the right, to get a close-up view of it.. 


Look at magazines on the table.  Look at the toy DOG MODEL.  Search the desk lamp twice to find a ladder!  Turn your PC on via the CPU tower.  Look at the desktop wallpaper of you and your friends.  Use your keyboard.  You’re expecting a package to be delivered today - you need to track the package, but you recently changed all your passwords, and you don’t remember what your new password is.  There must be a clue somewhere.  Look at POST IT NOTE the on CPU tower, and take the POST IT NOTE.  Read POST IT NOTE in your Inventory - it gives you a clue about your password. 


          The writer walks the shores where loves inscribed it’s final kiss


Exit the close-up of the desk. 


Search the bookcase, and take ‘The Charnel House Burial’ (red book) from the shelf.  Go back to your computer desk, and click on the desk to get a close-up view of it. 


Use your keyboard to log in to the delivery site, and track your package.  Hmmm, the site claims that your package has already been delivered and signed for.  But the signature shown is not your signature.  So… where is your package? 


You feel like watching a film.  Look at the DVD cabinet at the back wall twice - it’s locked, but you might be able to jimmy the lock.  Look at your computer again to get a close-up view of it. 


Pick up the DOG MODEL then exit the close-up of the desk. 


Use the DOG MODEL with the cabinet to try and jimmy the lock - the dog’s tail just snaps off.  Damn!  You kick the cabinet in frustration, and it opens.  Look in the cabinet, and you automatically pick a horror DVD to watch.  You fall asleep while watching the film, but the phone wakes you up an hour later.  Answer the phone - it’s your neighbour Rob, saying that he has your missing package, and he’s bringing it over now.  The phone rings again.  Answer it.  Whoever called you this time, gave you some bad news, and really left you shaken.  You can’t breathe!  Look at the bookshelf and take the INHALER.  That’s better, you can breathe again.  Rob arrives and knocks on your door, which you automatically answer.  Watch the cut scene as Rob delivers your package, and you prepare to head out into the storm night and go to the train station. 







You arrive at the train station just after midnight.  Have a look around the area if you like.  Chat to Harold Lang - he hasn’t brought any reading material for the train, so it’s going to be a long & boring journey for him.  Give him your CHARNEL HOUSE BURIAL BOOK.  He confesses that he’s a horror fan.  It isn’t long before the train arrives.   You and Harold automatically climb on board the train, while the conductor deals with your luggage. 












On the train, you take control of Harold Lang.  Explore your cabin.  Search bag behind the chair to find WALLET and MUEUM ID CARD.  Open WALLET in your Inventory to find £5 NOTE and CREDIT CARD.  Take note that the Badge Number on the Museum ID Card is 1318.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


In the carriageway, try to open one of the other cabins (you’re in Cabin 1B), only to find that the doors are locked.  Also try to open door on the right, but that’s locked as well.  Look at painting of the train on the wall.  Talk to the Ticket Inspector and work through all the dialogue.  He gives you KEY to the 2nd carriage.  He also asks you to fetch him some whisky from the restaurant.  Walk right a few steps, and use KEY to unlock the door on the right. 


In the 2nd carriage, look at painting of the woman on the wall.  Walk right a few steps, and look at door on the right - it’s locked.  Try to use KEY in door on the right, but you can’t get the key in the lock.  Head back through door on the left. 


In the 1st carriageway, talk to the Ticket Inspector and tell him you can’t get access to the restaurant.  The Ticket Inspector doesn’t seem surprised by this, and tells you to just take your time.  Walk right a few steps, and go through door on the right again. 


Ah-ha!  In the 2nd carriage way, the door to Cabin 2C is now open!  Head on  through that door. 


Have a look around Cabin 2C.  Look at huge bag on the chair.  Look at ornate box on the table.  Look at Mr Grub, and try to talk to him, but you can’t understand what he’s saying.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Head through door on the left, back to the 1st carriageway. 


Talk to the Ticket Inspector and tell him about Mr Grub.  Now enter through door to Cabin 1C. 


Explore Cabin 1C.  Look at huge bag on the chair.  Look at paper dogs on the table, and take a PAPER DOG.  Look at PAPER DOG in your Inventory.  You hear Floyd unlocking the restaurant in the next carriage.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Head through door on the right, into the 2nd carriage. 


Walk right a few steps, and enter through door on the right, into the restaurant. 


Explore the restaurant.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the bar.  Look at Floyd, talk to him, and work through all the dialogue.  Pick up the empty FLASK from the bar counter and give it to Floyd.  However, Floyd won’t give you the whisky for free - he wants £5!  Give your £5 NOTE to Floyd.  After your little outburst with Floyd, try to take WHISKY BOTTLE from the counter, but Floyd wants to charge you £40. And you don’t have enough cash with you.  Give your CREDIT CARD to Floyd.  He asks you to enter your PIN into the machine.  Enter the number from your MUSEUM ID CARD - 1318.  You now have the WHISKY BOTTLE.  In your Inventory, pour WHISKY BOTTLE into the HIP FLASK.  Now walk left, and leave the restaurant.  As you are leaving, Floyd comments about Mr Grub just wanting a friend. 


In the 2nd carriage, enter through door to Cabin 2C again. 


In the cabin, talk to Mr Grub, and give him the PAPER DOG.  That seems to have done the trick.  Click on the ornate box on the table to get a close-up view of it.  Try to open the box, but it’s locked.  Look at the gem and move the gem twice.  Now open the ornate box.  Urgh!  It’s filled with earth and worms!  Exit the close-up view of the box.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Walk left a few steps, and enter through door on the left, into the 1st carriage. 


In the 1st carriageway, walk left a few steps and give HIP FLASK with whisky to the Ticket Inspector.  During a quick chat, the Ticket Inspector tells you that you’re the only passenger on board this train - he hasn’t seen anyone else.  But… what about Floyd?  And Mr Grub?  And the woman he told you about before?  Where are they?  Work through the dialogue with the Ticket Inspector.  When conversation is over, enter through the door into Cabin 1B. 


Inside Cabin 1B, take BOOK from the table, and then leave the cabin again. 


Walk left a few steps and give BOOK to the Ticket Inspector, but he seems to have fallen asleep.  Notice that he’s dropped a couple of things.  Pick up KEY from the carpet - it’s for Cabin 2A.  Enter through door on the right, into the 2nd carriage. 


Use KEY 2A to unlock door to Cabin 2A, and then enter the cabin. 


It’s dark in this cabin!  Look at photos on the table, and take VICTORIAN DEATH PHOTOS.  Look at huge bag on the chair.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Head through door on the left, back to the 1st carriage. 


In the 1st carriage, walk left a few steps to where you left the Ticket Inspector.  But the Ticket Inspector has gone!  Look at the huge bag on the floor, and try to search it, but you don’t want to look inside it.  You hear a crash coming from the right.  Head right through the door, into the 2nd carriage. 


Enter through Door 2C, into the cabin. 


In Cabin 2C, Mr Grub has gone.  Look at the ornate box on the table - look at TOY TRAIN in the box, and take TOY TRAIN.  There’s a thin crack along the base of the train, as though it opens.  In your Inventory, use MUSEUM ID CARD with the TOY TRAIN to force it open, and find the CONTROL KEY inside.  Exit the close-up view of the box, and leave the cabin. 


Go through door on the right, into the restaurant. 


In the restaurant, look at the food tables to realise that the food is all rotten.  Walk right a few steps and look at the bar - all destroyed.  There’s nothing you can do in here, so just leave the restaurant. 


Head through door on the left, into the 1st carriage. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at Control Panel on the back wall.  Use CONTROL KEY with the Control Panel.  The Control Panel opens, revealing a switch marked ‘Shutters’.  Press the switch - the train starts moving faster.  Enter through Door 1B, into your own cabin. 


Inside your cabin, open shutter on the window on the right.  Look at the window - there’s nothing but earth outside, as if the whole train is completely buried.  Open the window, and some of the earth falls into your cabin.  You pass out! 












You’re playing as Alex Davenport again.  You’re in your cabin on board the train, and you’re bored, since you gave your book to Harold Lang.  Explore your cabin.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


In the carriageway, look at picture of steam train on the wall.  Now talk to Don the Ticket Inspector and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, walk right a few steps, and go through door on the right, into the 2nd carriage. 


In the 2nd carriage, look at painting on the wall. The woman in the painting looks uncannily like you!  The canvas looks lumpy.  Exit the close-up of the painting.  Head right through the door, into the restaurant. 


There’s no sign of Floyd in the restaurant, but you can hear him out the back.  Explore the bar if you like.  Take the BLOODY MARY DRINK from the bar counter - Floyd left it out for you.  That was nice of him.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so walk left, and go through door on the left to leave the restaurant. 


Hmm, Cabin 2C is open now.  Enter that cabin. 


In Cabin 2C, you see a young girl - Lydia - in a ballerina outfit.  Talk to Lydia and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the music box on the table.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Out in the carriageway, head through door on the left, into the 1st carriage. 


Walk left a few steps and talk to Don the Ticket Inspector.  The train enters a tunnel, and everything goes dark.  Don has a candle… but nothing to light it with.  Give him your LIGHTER.  Watch a short cut scene, and when the lights come back on, Don has vanished.  Knock on the door for Cabin 1B, where Harold Lang is staying, but you get no response.  Walk right, and go through the door, into the 2nd carriage. 


Try to open the door for Cabin 2C (Lydia’s cabin).  It’s locked, but you can hear Lydia crying from behind the door.  You need to get the door open, to check if Lydia’s okay.  For now, go through door on the right, into the restaurant. 


In the restaurant, you see Rob (your neighbour) sitting at one of the tables.  Are you dreaming?  After he leaves, look at the table, and take the STEAK KNIFE.  Look at the STEAK KNIFE in your Inventory - it has blood on it!  Head through door on the left, back to the 2nd carriage. 


In the 2nd carriage, look at painting on the wall to get a close up view of it.  Use STEAK KNIFE on the painting to cut it open, and find KEY 2A.  Use KEY 2A to unlock the door to Cabin 2A, then enter that cabin.  


Something weird is going on in Cabin 2A.  Some of your friends are here, celebrating your birthday… except, it’s not your birthday.  Talk to Sofia, Carli, and Isiah.  After the confrontation, Sofia gives you her INHALER to look after.  Take GREEN BALLOON from the corner.  Explore the cabin, and when you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Out in the 2nd carriageway, you suddenly feel ill, and the music stops.  Enter through door to Cabin 2A again. 


Back in the cabin, the party crowd has gone.  Take PARTY HAT from the table.  Now leave the cabin. 


In the carriageway, you can hear your mobile phone ringing.  Head through door on the left, into the 1st carriage. 


Enter through the door to Cabin 1C - your cabin. 


In your cabin, start walking right towards the window.  The ringing gets louder.  Search the seat next to the window, and you find your mobile phone.  Watch the cut scene as you receive a nuisance call.  The caller claims to be in Cabin 1A.  When you’re ready, leave your cabin. 


Enter through the door for Cabin 1A. 


Your neighbour, Rob, is sitting in Cabin 1A.  Watch the creepy cut scene with Rob - he’s your stalker!  Talk to Rob - he has you trapped in this cabin.  Look at the Stalker’s Collage board on the back wall.  Look at the PORCELAIN DOLL on the table.  Try to take the PORCELAIN DOLL, but Rob stops you.  Use the STEAK KNIFE on Rob, to try and leave the cabin, but Rob overpowers you, and you drop it.  In your Inventory, combine LIGHTER with CIGARETTE PACKET to get a LIT CIGARETTE, then give LIT CIGARETTE to Rob.  You trick Rob, and you finally manage to leave the cabin. 


Out in the carriageway, watch the cut scene with Don the Ticket Inspector.  When he leaves, go through door on the right, into the 2nd carriage. 


Enter through the door to Cabin 2A. 


In Cabin 2A, the party crowd is back.  Talk to Isaiah, who is standing next to the window, and work through the dialogue.  When conversation is over, leave the cabin. 


Enter through door into Cabin 2B. 


Carli and Sofia are here.  Look at Carli - she has a noose around her neck!  Talk to Carli and try to calm her down.  Carli, in a trance, is demanding silver.  Talk to Sofia and ask if she has any money (silver).  Click on Mr Grub to try and get Sofia’s bag.  Give your LIGHTER to Mr Grub, then pick up the COINS that he throws down on the floor.  Give COINS to Carli.  Watch a creepy cut scene.  When the lights come back on, Sofia and Carli are gone.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Go through the door, into Cabin 2C. 


Watch the cut scene with Lydia.  She wants a doll.  After the cut scene, leave the cabin. 


Walk left a few steps, and go through door on the left, into the 1St carriage. 


Enter through door, into Cabin 1A. 


Take PORCELAIN DOLL from the table, then leave the cabin. 


Walk right a few steps, and head through door on the right, into the 2nd carriage. 


Enter through door, into Cabin 2C. 


Give PORCELIAN DOLL to Lydia.  The lights go out again, and when they come back on, Lydia has gone.  Look at the huge bag on the floor - it’s full of worms, yuck!  There’s something else in there, but you don’t want to touch the worms.  Use PARTY HAT with the bag to scoop some of the dirt away.  You find your trusty STEAK KNIFE.  When you’re ready, leave the cabin. 


Head through door on the right, into the restaurant. 


In the restaurant, walk right a few steps, and talk to Floyd.  Floyd turns around… and reveals himself to be Gavin, your ex-boyfriend!  Watch an emotional cut scene.  Work through all the dialogue.  You learn how Gavin was held captive by Rob in a tiny room for 4 months, while Rob took great delight in torturing poor Gavin.  Look at Rob, Don, and Floyd\Gavin, and try to talk to them.  Use the STEAK KNIFE to try and stab Rob, then watch the cut scene. 


After the cut scene, you find yourself in Cabin 1B.  Watch the cut scene with Dr Harold Lang. 


Watch the final cut scene with Kat.  Hope you enjoyed the game. 





The End.