Earl Mansin: The Breakout

Year: 2007
Genre: Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
You’re in your prison cell, desperate to find a way to escape. Explore your tiny cell. Look at clock on the wall - it’s Dinner Time. The food cart arrives, leaving you with a plate of food. Look at the FOOD, and pick up the FOOD. Take SOAP from the shelf in front of the mirror. Open your Inventory, and look at the FOOD. You find a FORK. Use SOAP with the FORK to make it all shiny and clean. Notice the patch of exposed brick in the lower left corner. Look at the loose BRICK in the patch of exposed brick - your HACKSAW is hidden behind that BRICK. Use your FORK with the BRICK to pry it out. Now search the hole to get your beloved HACKSAW. Use HACKSAW on the barred window. Just as you are about to saw your way out… you are called to the Governor’s Office. Damn!
Watch the cut scene. After the Governor leaves, explore his office. You need to find a way out, before he returns. Search the desk, and take everything from the desk drawer, until you find the SILVER KEY. You automatically put everything else back, but you keep the SILVER KEY. Look at the file cabinets on the left, and find the drawer marked ’Prisoner Profiles M-P’ (left cabinet, middle drawer). This is where your file if stored. Use SILVER KEY to unlock the drawer, then look in the drawer. Take the PAPERCLIP from your file, then exit the drawer. For a bit of fun, play with the radio that’s on the cupboard on the right. Try to open the cupboard, but it’s locked. Try as you might, you just can’t get that cupboard open. Look at the white door on the right, and look at the keyhole. Use PAPERCLIP on the keyhole to pick the lock, then open the door. Watch the cut scene.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. The Guard is not happy, because he has to stay here and guard you, instead of joining in with the riots. For a bit of fun, let the Guard see you. Uh-oh… maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Load your game, and try again.
This time, don’t let the Guard see you, or he will beat you up. You need to make him leave, somehow. Look at the green wire in the bottom left corner of the wall, and look at the Circuit Box. Open the Circuit Box, and look at the circuit breakers. Flip the circuit breaker switch to cut the power. Try to pull the green wire from the wall, but you don’t want to mess with it. Bite the green wire (yes, really!), and you… bite the wire. The wire snaps, causing a lamp in the ceiling to fall down and land on the Guard, knocking unconscious. You automatically turn the power back on. Search the Guard to find GUARD’S KEYS. Walk right a few steps, and use GUARD’S KEYS in the door in the back wall. Open the door, and enter a room full of confiscated items.
Explore the room. Look at the chainsaw on the shelf on the back wall, and look at the BICYCLE INNER TUBE in front of the chainsaw. Take the BICYCLE INNER TUBE. Take BRICK from the bottom right shelf. Look at the glass cabinet on the left to learn that your HACKSAW is in there. Throw BRICK at the glass cabinet to smash it open, then take the HACKSAW from the glass cabinet. Retrieve your BRICK from the glass cabinet. It’s hard to spot, but it’s there. Now leave the room.
Walk left, and head back through the white door, back into the Governor’s Office.
Look at the small cupboard next to the white door, and use HACKSAW with the cupboard to break into it. Take CHLOROFORM from the cupboard. Take LIBRARY CARD from the cupboard. Now leave the Governor’s Office again.
Look at the door in the back wall, next to the Circuit Box. Try to open the door, but it’s locked. Try to use GUARD’S KEYS with the door, but none of the keys will fit. Use LIBRARY CARD with the door to snib the lock. Now open the door, and enter the Storage Room.
Explore the room. Take BED SHEET from the box. Take HAMMER from the wall. Take SCISSORS from the wall. Now leave the room.
Walk right a few steps, past the unconscious Guard. Use GUARD’S KEYS in door on the right. Open the door, and enter the Surveillance Room.
The Guard in here is fast asleep! Explore the room. Look at the Guard to learn that he has a BOOK about prison security. You want that BOOK, but you can’t risk waking the Guard. In your Inventory, use SCISSORS with the BED SHEET to get a RAG. Use RAG with the CHLOROFORM, then use RAG SOAKED IN CHLOROFORM with the Guard. That takes care of him - he won’t wake up now. Take the BOOK from the floor. Look at BOOK in your Inventory. Hey, it’s not about prison security at all! You tear out the only page that’s not stuck down. Look at the page in your Inventory to learn that it’s an ARTICLE ABOUT PROJECTILE WEAPONS. When you’re ready, leave the room.
Walk all the way left. Open door on the left, and enter the Governor’s Office.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look at the barred window, and use HACKSAW with the barred window to saw the bars off. For a bit of fun, climb out the un-barred window. Oops! Load your game and try again.
Try to tie BED SHEET to the un-barred window, but it’s too short. You need to make it longer. Leave the Governor’s Office.
Enter the Storage Room - the room in the back wall, next to the Circuit Box.
Take all the bed sheets from the box, so you have A LOT OF BED SHEETS. Leave the Storage Room.
Enter the Governor’s Office on the left.
In your Inventory, tie BED SHEET to A LOT OF BED SHEETS to create a MAKESHIFT ROPE. Tie MAKESHIFT ROPE to the un-barred window to climb down. Watch the cut scene.
You find yourself out in the Yard. Listen to the warning about trying to escape. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. For a bit of fun, walk right, into the spotlight. Oh dear! Load your game, and try again.
Stay away from the spotlight! Look at ARTICLE ABOUT PROJECTILE WEAPONS in your Inventory again. Look at the SIGN in the ground, and take the SIGN. In your Inventory, use HAMMER with the SIGN to smash it into pieces. You’re left with TOP OF THE SIGN, SIGN STAND, and some NAILS. Use HACKSAW with TOP OF THE SIGN to get some PLANKS. Use SIGN STAND with the PLANKS to make a ‘Y’. Attach BICYCLE INNER TUBE to the ‘Y’ to create a SLINGSHOT. Place SLINGSHOT in hole in the ground, then look at SLINGSHOT in the ground. Use BRICK with SLINGSHOT to fire it at the Guard, knock him out. Now walk right a few steps, until you see the crack in the wall. Climb through the crack to finally escape.
Congratulations Earl, you are a free man!
The End
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