Flight Of The Amazon Queen

Year:  1995


Genre:   Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:     GOG




















You are Joe King, Pilot for hire.  You won a contract to fly the famous actress Faye Russel out to the Amazon Jungle for a photo shoot.  Unfortunately, your rival, Anderson, has other ideas.  He wants to fly Faye to the Amazon Jungle himself, and collect the pay check for doing so.  He locks you up in a hotel room.  You need to escape, and get to Faye Russel, before he does!







Explore the room.  Look out the window to try get help from your friend Sparky.  Unfortunately, the glass is sound-proof, so Sparky can’t hear you banging on the window.  Move the curtain cord to open the curtain in the back wall.  Look at the mirror and the poster behind the curtain, then pick up the WIG on the dressing table.  Pick up SHEET from the floor.  Pick up OTHER SHEET from the floor.  Use SHEET with OTHER SHEET to tie them together, so you get a SHEET ROPE.  Use SHEET ROPE with the radiator to tie it on to the radiator.  Now use the radiator with sheet rope to climb down into the Basement. 







Explore the basement.  Move the ladder on the shelving unit.  Pick up CROWBAR from the top shelf.  Pick up COMEDY BREASTS from the shelving unit.  Try to open the red door on the right, but it’s locked.  Climb back up the laundry chute, up to your hotel room. 






Use CROWBAR with the chest at the back wall to break it open.  Look in the chest to find a TOWEL.   Use radiator with sheet rope to climb back down to the Basement. 







Climb up the stairs on the left, and go through the door, into the Lobby. 







Stay away from the goons guarding the Exit door!  Talk to the Bellboy and work through all the dialogue.  He won’t give you that KEY on the desk that unlocks Lola‘s dressing room.  When conversation is over, talk to the Bellboy again, and this time, use the following dialogue options. 



        -       About that key again…

        -       I’m Lola’s friend, she asked me to get it for her. 



He believes that you are Lola’s friend, and allows you to take the KEY.  So pick up the KEY.  Walk back through the door next to the Bellboy, and head back down to the Basement. 







Use KEY with the red door on the right to unlock it.  Now go through the door, into Lola’s Dressing Room. 







Talk to Lola and work through all the dialogue.  When she’s in the shower, give her your TOWEL.  She agrees to help you escape, and she gives you a red DRESS.  You automatically leave her Dressing Room. 






Use the DRESS that Lola gave you.  As long as you have the other accessories (wig and fake breasts), you change into the DRESS, thus disguising yourself as a woman.  Climb back up the stairs on the left, and go through the door, into the Lobby. 








Watch the cut scene with evil scientist Dr Frank Ironstein.  Walk through the Exit door on the left, and use the truck outside.  You’re disguised as a woman, so the goons won’t take any notice of you… until it’s too late. 







The goons are after you!  Pick up HAY from the back of the truck, then pick up OIL that was hidden in the hay.  Use OIL with the goons.  Their car skids in the oil, and crashes, allowing you to continue your journey to the Airport. 







Watch the cut scene with Anderson and Faye Russel.  Work through all the dialogue with Anderson.  Watch the cut scene, as your plane is struck by lightning, and crashes into the Amazon Jungle. 












Talk to Faye Russel and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Sparky and work through all the dialogue.  He gives you some BEEF JERKY.  Listen to what he says about his Commander Rocket Comic.  Open the duffle bag on the floor, and look in the duffle bag to find a KNIFE and a LIGHTER.  Look at the LIGHTER to realise that it’s got no flint.  Look at the waterlogged seats to find a COMIC COUPON.  Look at the COMIC COUPON in your Inventory, to learn that it’s a coupon for a Commander Rocket Decoder Ring.  You also learn that there’s a BLUEPRINT on the back of it.  When you’re ready, open the hatch, and leave the plane. 







Uh-oh… there’s piranhas in the water.  You can’t get to the river bank while the piranhas are there.  But that shouldn’t be a problem for you.  Give BEEF JERKY to the piranhas.  They won’t be hungry anymore.  Look at the giant lilly pad you’re standing on - it would make a great boat.  Use KNIFE with the lilly stem (not the lilly pad itself) to cut it loose.  Look at the PROPELLER in the water, and pick up the PROPELLER.  Use PROPELLER with the giant lilly pad.  You, Faye, and Sparky row to the River Bank. 







Sparky asks you to find a Commander Rocket Comic for him.  Talk to Sparky and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Faye and work through all the dialogue.  Walk up to the Jungle Path. 







As soon as you set foot on the Jungle Path, you get a cryptic message from a parrot, about Princess Azura and Trader Bob.  Then the parrot flies away.  Look at VINE hanging from the tree.  Use your KNIFE with the hanging VINE to cut it.  Walk down to the River Bank. 







Walk down & left to the Bridge. 







Look at the bridge - it’s too dangerous to cross.  Use VINE with the bridge to repair it.  Now cross over the bridge to the other side.  Look at the banana tree, and pick up BANANA that fell to the ground.  Now cross over the bridge again, and return to the River Bank. 







Walk up to the Jungle Path. 







Walk up the path, to the Gorilla. 







Wow, you never expected to see a gorilla in the Amazon Jungle.  Unfortunately, he’s blocking your path.  Talk to the gorilla using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Sorry pal, but I don’t speak APE. 

        -       Say, you’re a gorilla ain’t you?

        -       I thought gorillas came from Africa…

        -       This is South America.  You shouldn’t be here. 



You convince him that he shouldn’t be here in the Amazon Jungle, so he disappears.  Walk up to the Pinnacle. 







Watch the cut scene with Faye Russel and Sparky.  Notice that Faye throws her bottle of perfume into the water. 


Wow, you can see the whole jungle from up here.  You can even see the crash site, where your plane landed.  Make your way down to Trader Bob’s place. 







Look at sign, look at plaque, and look at rock.  Talk to the Tall Pygmy and work through all the dialogue.  He’s not very talkative.  Walk right, over the tree, and right to the Chief.  Talk to the Chief and work through all the dialogue.  You don’t understand a word he says.  Walk right a few steps, talk to the Witch Doctor, and work through all the dialogue.  You don’t understand her, either.  Enter Trader Bob’s shop. 


Inside the shop, you see the same parrot that gave you the cryptic message about Princess Azura and Trader Bob.  Trader Bob tells you that Princess Azura is his friend, and she’s been kidnapped.  He asks you to rescue her.  Work through all the dialogue, agreeing to help Princess Azura.  Talk to Naomi and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the shop.  Look at the Beef Jerky jar on the counter, and notice that it’s empty.  Give your BEEF JERKY to Trader Bob, and he buys it for SOME MONEY.  Pick up the VACUUM CLEANER - you pay for it with SOME MONEY that Trader Bob just gave you.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 


Watch the cut scene with Dr Ironstein and Anderson.  Walk left to the Pinnacle. 







Go to Floda Inc. 







Look at the Guard Dog - he’s rather fierce.  Look at the flower garden surrounding the building, and pick up a FLOWER.  Now enter the building. 


Talk to the Secretary and work through all the dialogue.  If necessary, talk to her again, and tell her that you’re the fumigator, so she will allow you access into the factory (as long as you have the VACUUM CLEANER) - but she tells you to stay away from the Library.  Walk up through the door in the back wall, into the Library.  


Explore the Library.  There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so just leave the Library. 


Walk right, into the Kitchen. 


In the Kitchen, talk to the chef and work through all the dialogue.  The chef won’t let you do anything, so just leave the kitchen. 


Leave the building, and make your way back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jungle on the right. 







Look at the Salvashun sign.  This section is just a big circle, so it doesn’t really matter if you go up or right.  Let’s head up the path, to the sloth. 


Ignore the sloth for now.  Walk right to where Bud and Skip are standing. 


Talk to Bud and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you all about the Amazon Women.  You also learn about his embarrassing rash.  Talk to Skip and work through all the dialogue.  Skip is a keen Commander Rocket fan, just like your pal Sparky.  When he asks you what comic Sparky is missing, tell him the following. 



        -       The one where he battles the Chicago Mob. 



Skip gives you his COMIC BOOK to give to Sparky.  Look at the COMIC BOOK in your Inventory to see how Commander Rocket refuels his jetpack (a clue for later in the game).  After you read it, a TORN PAGE falls out of the comic.  Look at the TORN PAGE in your Inventory to see that there’s a blueprint on the back of it.  Use your COMIC COUPON with the TORN PAGE to get the complete POCKET ROCKET BLUEPRINTS.  Look at the POCKET ROCKET BLUEPRINTS in your Inventory.  Now head up through the top-right path, find yourself at a waterfall. 


Look at the beetle hovering above the waterfall, and the fish trying to catch the beetle.  Walk right to the hollow log. 


The gorilla is standing guard at the hollow log, but he‘s disguised as a vicious dinosaur now.  Talk to the gorilla \ vicious dinosaur, and use the following dialogue options. 



        -       That’s a costume you’ve got on, isn’t it?

        -       I know who you are, you’re the gorilla I saw earlier.  

        -       You can’t eat me, gorillas are vegetarians. 



He’ll admit that he’s the gorilla you met earlier, and he now becomes a gorilla in costume.  Talk to the gorilla in costume, and use the following dialogue options. 



        -       How did you do that disappearing trick before?

        -       Would you disappear again if I said you don’t exist?

        -       Sorry pal, but you don’t exist. 



The gorilla disappears again.  Walk right through the hollow log. 


Walk up to the orchid and the wasps. 


Look at the ORCHID swarming with wasps.  Use your VACUUM CLEANER with the wasps, then pick up the ORCHID.  Now walk right to the stone carvings. 


Look at the stone carving - you hear someone coming, so you automatically hide.  Watch the cut scene with the Amazon Woman.  Look at the stone carving again, and push the buttons in the stone carving.  You sprung a trap, and you end up hanging upside down.  The Amazons capture you, and take you to their dungeon. 







Talk to Tired Prisoner and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Bedraggled Prisoner and work through all the dialogue.  Keep talking to Bedraggled Prisoner until he gives you his HAND PUPPET.  After a while, Faye Russel appears - talk to her and work through all the dialogue.  She forces you to apologise for all the trouble you caused her.  After she opens the dungeon door, climb up the stairs to the Throne Room. 


Watch the cut scene with Faye and the Amazon guard.  After the cut scene, you automatically leave the Throne Room. 


You find yourself at a pool.  Talk to the nearby Amazons if like, but they don’t have anything useful to say.  Walk around the pool, and leave the area through the lower-left Exit. 







You’re back outside the Amazon Fortress.  Walk right to the Pinnacle. 







Go back to the Crash Site. 







Head right, then follow the path down, until you see Sparky. 


Talk to Sparky and work through all the dialogue.  Give him the Commander Rocket COMIC BOOK - he doesn’t want it, since it has the coupon cut out of the back page, but at least he gives you one of his FILES.  Walk up the path, and make your way back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jungle on the right. 







Look at the Salvashun sign.  Head right 2 screens, until you reach the hollow log. 


Head down to Jimmy & Mary-Lou’s Missionary. 







Talk to Mary-Lou and work through all the dialogue.  Give her your FILE, and she trades you her ENGLISH TO PYGMY DICTIONARY.  Talk to Jimmy and work through all the dialogue.  Now look at monkey in the middle, with the coconut.  Give him BANANA, and he lets you have his COCONUT.  Use KNIFE with the COCONUT to get COCONUT HALVES.  When you’re ready, walk up the path to leave the missionary. 







Walk up the path, so you’re at the waterfall with the beetle and fish.  Head left, back to the Salvashun sign. 


Walk left to the Pinnacle. 







Go to Trader Bob. 







Walk right a few steps, and talk to the Chief.  Since you have the ENGLISH TO PYGMY DICTIONARY from Mary-Lou, you’re able to communicate with the Pygmies.  Work through all the dialogue with the Chief.  Talk to the Witch Doctor and work through all the dialogue.  She tells you that she can make a lotion for the rash, and she tells you the ingredients she needs.  But she thinks that YOU have the rash, not Bud.  When conversation is over, enter Trader Bob’s Shop. 


Give ORCHID to Trader Bob in the shop, so he can give it to Naomi for their date tonight.  Bob is grateful, and declares you a ‘Special Customer’.  Take a NET from the bucket of nets.  Leave the shop, and make your way back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jungle on the right. 







Walk right to the waterfall with the fish and the beetle.  Use NET with the BEETLE.  Walk left, and continue left, until you reach the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Crash Site. 







Follow the path, until you reach Sparky, who is still trying to fix the plane.  Talk to Sparky and work through all the dialogue.  Use NET with PERFUME in the water.  Walk down the path, to the bridge. 


Cross over the bridge, and pick up another BANANA.  Now follow the path all the way back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to Trader Bob. 







Walk right, and enter Trader Bob’s shop. 


Give PERFUME to Naomi, so she can use it for her date with Trader Bob tonight.  She gives you her hairdressing SCISSORS in return.  Leave the shop, and head left to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jungle on the right. 







Head up the path, to the sloth. 


Give FLOWER to the sloth.  Eventually, he’ll be close enough, so he can sniff the flower.  Now use SCISSORS with the sloth to get some SLOTH HAIR.  Walk left 2 screens, so you are back on the Pinnacle. 







Go to Trader Bob. 







Walk right a few steps, until you see the Witch Doctor.  Give SLOTH HAIR, VACUUM CLEANER (with wasps), and COCONUT HALVES to the Witch Doctor.  She mixes up a batch of RASH LOTION for you.  Head left, back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jungle on the right. 







Walk up to the sloth. 


Walk right to Bud and Skip. 


Give RASH LOTION to Bud.  He pays you LOTS OF MONEY for the RASH LOTION.  Head up path on the left. 


Walk left to the Salvashun sign. 


Walk left again, so you are on the Pinnacle. 







Go to Trader Bob. 







Walk right a few steps, and enter Trader Bob’s shop. 


Pick up RECORD from the shelves on the back wall, next to the parrot.  You can afford it now, thanks to Bud.  Now head left, back to the Pinnacle. 







Go to Floda Inc. 







Enter building on the right. 


The Receptionist shouldn’t be a problem - you already told her you’re the fumigator.  Walk right, into the kitchen. 


Talk to the Chef and work through all the dialogue.  Listen to what he says about the Doctor and sensitive teeth.  Tell him you’re the Fumigator.  Give BANANA to the Chef.  After he leaves, take can of DOG FOOD from the cupboard under the work surface.  Pick up CHEESE BITZ from table in the foreground.  Walk right into the bunk room. 


Look at the mail bag, open the mail bag, and look at the mail bag again.  You find a LETTER addressed to Private John.  Open the foot locker on the left, and take the SQUEAKY TOY from inside the foot locket.  Now make your way back to the Reception area. 


Walk up through the door in the back wall, into the Library. 


Explore the Library if you like.  Look at the settee to find some MONEY.  Use RECORD on the phonogram.  The phonogram slides along the floor to reveal a secret Lift.  Stand on the Lift, and travel down to the Underground Complex. 







You’re under the Floda Inc building.  Open door on the left, and enter through door, into the factory storage room. 


Climb down the stairs in the factory storage room.  Look at box in the lower left, to find a CAN OPENER.  Now climb back up the stairs, and leave the room. 


Walk right to the next corridor. 


Open door on the left, and enter the Restricted Area Room. 


Talk to Henry and work through all the dialogue.  Tell him you’re the fumigator.  You can’t do much with Henry guarding the room - you need to get rid of him somehow.  But you can’t do it yet.  For now, just leave the room. 


Ignore the Fire Exit in the back wall for now - you can’t really do anything in there yet.  Walk right to the next corridor. 


Talk to Klunk and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about Dr Ironstein’s Super Soldier Treatment.  So Klunk has been given a special serum that makes him super strong.  You can’t get into the room in this corridor, since Klunk is guarding it.  Walk right to the next corridor. 


Talk to John and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you give him the LETTER addressed to Private John - either through the dialogue options, or by giving it to him directly.  Oh dear!  The LETTER is from his girlfriend, and she’s breaking up with him!  Poor John is in floods of tears over this!  Well, at least he’s too preoccupied to guard the corridors now.  Open the lower-left door, and enter the office. 


In the office, look at the Duty Roster on the wall.  Notice that Henry should report to Colonel Jackson for Kitchen Duty.  That’s useful information!  Now leave the office. 


Open the upper-left door, and enter another office. 


Look at the Notes on the desk, and keep looking at the Notes until you’ve found 4 different messages (Valley Of The Mists, Shopping List, Memo about Missionaries, Note To Staff about Amazons).  Look at the cabinet at the back wall, and move the cabinet to reveal a hidden wall safe.  Look at the wall safe - damn, it’s locked!  Oh well, you can come back to it later.  For now, just leave the office. 


Follow the corridor right 2 times, then enter door on the left, into the room that Henry is guarding. 


Remember the Duty Roster you saw?  Talk to Henry and use the following dialogue. 



        -       You’re needed for Kitchen Duty. 

        -       Colonel Jackson.



Henry leaves the room to report for Kitchen Duty.  Open door on the left.  Watch the cut scene with the Dino Rat.  Now enter another office on the left. 


Look at the wall chart on the back wall.  Pick up THE GREAT ESCAPE BOOK from the desk.  Use SCISSORS with THE GREAT ESCAPE BOOK to open it.  You find a KEY hidden inside the BOOK.  Leave the room, and head back to the corridor. 


Walk up into the Fire Escape in the back wall. 


Hey, this is the room you saw in the cut scene.  Use the Wall Panel to see the miniature maze.  You automatically close it again.  Pick up SUPER WEENIE SERUM from the shelves in the back wall.  Climb up stairs on the right. 


Wow, this is where Princess Azura is being held prisoner!  Work through all the dialogue with her.  When conversation is over, use KEY in the prison door to unlock it, and free Azura.  Watch the cut scenes. 


You and Princess Azura automatically make your way back up to the Reception Area of Floda Inc. 







Unfortunately, the alarm has been sounded, and the front door is locked, and the guards are on their way.  For a bit of fun, use the light switch to turn off the lights.  Ahem!  Now use the mannequins next to the door to hide behind them.  Anderson assumes you must have escaped before the security door closed, so he goes outside to search for you.  Try to use the wall panel next to the front door, but you can’t figure out the security code.  Talk to Azura and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Did you see the guard enter the door code? 



Azura tells you what she thinks the code it.  Use the wall panel next to the door on the left to enter the code that she told you.  It works!  The door opens, and you and Azura can leave! 


Princess Azura returns to her Amazon Fortress, while you stay behind to make sure that no-one follows.  Walk right, and enter the building again. 


Pick up PENCIL from the Reception desk.  Walk up through the door in the back wall, into the Library. 


Stand on the Lift, and travel down into the Underground Complex. 







Follow the corridor right 2 times, until you see Klunk. 


Klunk is guarding the door here, and he won’t let you in.  You need to get rid of him somehow.  Well, you know that he’s been given the Super-Strength Serum, so maybe you could trick him into taking the antidote?  In your Inventory, use CAN OPENER with the can of DOG FOOD.  Now pour SUPER WEENIE SERUM into OPENED DOG FOOD.  Finally, give can of CHEF’S SURPRISE to Klunk.  Now talk to Klunk and use the following dialogue options. 



        -       You really think you’re a tough guy, don’t you?

        -       I really think that you are a major league weenie!



He invites you to punch him - you do so, and you knock him out!  Now open door on the left, and enter Dr Ironstein’s Office. 


Explore Dr Ironstein’s Office.  Look at the writing pad on the desk to see the indentation, and use PENCIL with the writing pad, so you can read the indentation.  It’s the combination for a safe.  You tear the page out, so you have the safe combination on a PIECE OF PAPER.  Now leave the Office. 


Walk right to the next corridor. 


There are 2 doors in this corridor - enter the upper-left door, into an office. 


There’s a safe on the wall, in this office.  Use PIECE OF PAPER with the safe combination, with the wall safe, to unlock it.  Now open the safe, and look in it to find PADLOCK KEY and ROCKET PLAN.  Look at the ROCKET PLAN in your Inventory to read it - apparently the rocket is quite volatile!  When you’re ready, leave the office. 


Walk right to the next corridor. 


Walk up onto the Lift in the back wall, and head back up to the Floda Library. 







Leave the Library, so you are back in the Reception area. 


Walk left to leave the building. 


Look at the guard dog outside.  He’s not very friendly.  Give SQUEAKY TOY to the dog, to make friends with him.  The dog is happy now, and won’t bother you any more.  Open door to the hut on the left, and enter it. 


The ‘hut’ is a lot bigger inside that it looks from the outside!  Climb down the stairs, and look at the box in the middle of the floor.  Use PADLOCK KEY with the padlock on the box to unlock it.  Open the box, and look in the box to find a ROCKET PACK.  Climb up the stairs, and leave the room. 


Walk up to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Amazon Fortress on the right. 







Walk up through the rock, into the Fortress. 


Head up through the entrance in the back wall, into the Throne Room. 


Princess Azura is sitting on her throne, safe and sound.  She gives you a TYRANNO HORN as a reward for rescuing her.  Watch the cut scene with Dr Ironstein.  He wants you to go to Sloth Island and find the Crystal Skull for him.  If you don’t, he’ll turn all the Amazons into dino-women.  Seems like you don’t have much choice then. 


Leave the Throne Room, and make your way outside the Fortress. 


Walk right to the Pinnacle. 







Go to the Jetty. 







Talk to the Ferryman and work through all the dialogue.  He’s rather upset, because he’s trying to fish, but he’s not managing to catch any fish.  However, you soon discover the reason for that - he’s not using any bait.  If you can find him some suitable bait, he’ll take you to Sloth Island.  Give BEETLE to the Ferryman.  The Ferryman takes the bait from you, and finally catches a fish.  Talk to Ferryman again, and use the following dialogue options. 



        -       Will you take me to Sloth Island now?



The Ferryman agrees, and he takes you to Sloth Island. 





Continued In Part 2...


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