Frasse And The Pease Of Kejick

Year: 2006
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: HERE
You are Frasse - a cute, blue, fluffy monster. You live a peaceful life in the jungle. While taking a walk, you suddenly hear a voice calling for help. It sounds like your friend Gurra, and it‘s coming from somewhere on the left. Walk left to the block of stone.
Look at PAPER on the ground. The King is offering a reward for anyone who can bring him the magic Peas Of Kejick. That sounds like a fun adventure. You decide to travel to Kejick, and look or those magic peas. Pick up PAPER from the ground. Now look at block of stone on the left. It’s fallen down, blocking the entrance to Gurra’s cave, and trapping him inside. You have to help him. Talk to the block of stone, and tell Gurra that you will find a way to free him. Try to pick up the big block of stone, but you’re not strong enough. Hmm, you need to think about this. Walk right, back to the jungle.
Look at the bananas in the banana tree, and try to grab them, but they are out of reach. Head up to the Casa Blanca Restaurant.
Look at the mailbox, and open the mailbox to find a leaflet. It’s of no interest to you, so you put it back. Now enter the restaurant.
Look at Peculiar Man in the green t-shirt, and talk to him. He won’t help you rescue Gurra. Look at the man in funny clothes, and talk to him. He tells you that he’s a Herald, and he doesn’t have time to help you. Talk to Blake Richards, and ask him to help you. Unfortunately, Blake can’t leave the restaurant. Show PAPER to Blake. He warns you that the Peas are guarded by a fierce dragon, so you shouldn’t go alone. Now look at the WOODEN BANANA on the bar. Blake tells you that he keeps it there to advertise his banana beer. When you’re ready, leave the restaurant.
Use the upper-right path that’s next to the restaurant, so you are behind the restaurant.
Look at ROPE in the tree, and try to grab it, but you can’t reach it. Look at chameleon in the tree. Pick up wooden box, to put it over your head. Now click on the ROPE to move the box underneath the rope. Now click on the ROPE again. This time, you climb onto the box and grab the ROPE. Now you still have to rescue Gurra. Pick up the wooden box again, to put it over your head. Now head right, and make your way back to Gurra’s cave.
When you reach Gurra’s cave, you should still have the wooden box over your head. Now take a good look at the stone blocks. Does it remind you of anything? How about Tetris? And we all know the aim of Tetris is to score points by building solid lines. So put the wooden box down next to the stone block on the left, and watch the magic happen. Voila! The entrance to Gurra’s cave is no longer blocked. Gurra thanks you for freeing him. Now you can switch between Frasse and Gurra, whenever you want. Talk to Gurra if you like, but he’s unsure how he became trapped in the cave. Show the PAPER to Gurra to tell him about the Peas Of Kejick. He agrees to accompany you on this adventure. Enter Gurra’s cave.
Look at painting on the wall. Look at rug on the floor. Look at glowing mushrooms on the ceiling. Look at bookcase. Look at red MUSHROOMS next to book case. Yikes! A spider! You don’t like spiders! Switch to Gurra by clicking on him.
As Gurra, look at RED MUSHROOMS and eat RED MUSHROOMS. You accidentally eat the spider - tasty! Switch back to Frasse by clicking on him.
As Frasse, pick up RED MUSHROOM. Now that the spider’s gone, you’re not afraid. When you’re ready, leave the cave.
Walk right to the jungle with the banana tree.
Look at the banana tree - those bananas are too high up for you to reach. Switch to Gurra.
As Gurra, kick the banana tree to knock the BANANAS down. Switch back to Frasse.
Pick up the BANANAS. You also get a BANANA FLOWER. Take the upper-right path, to the restaurant.
Enter the restaurant.
Talk to Peculiar Man with the Loom t-shirt. Now remember that WOODEN BANANA on the counter. Give your BANANA FLOWER to Blake. He thinks that’s a much better advertisement for Banana Beer, so he throws the WOODEN BANANA out the window. Let's have some fun with Gurra now. Switch to Gurra.
Look at Peculiar Man with the Loom t-shirt. Look at his Loom t-shirt. Talk to him and work through all the topics. You soon learn that those strange 'Loom' birds are very fond of bananas. Now look at Blake Richards. Talk to Blake and work through all the topics. When you’re ready, switch back to Frasse, and leave the restaurant.
Take the upper-right path, so you are behind the restaurant.
The WOODEN BANANA that Blake threw away is lying on the ground here. Pick up WOODEN BANANA. Walk right, to return to the front of the restaurant.
Walk left to Ike’s Boats.
Look at Ike and talk to Ike, to ask him about boats. Switch to Gurra.
As Gurra, look at Ike - he doesn’t look well. Talk to Ike and work through all the topics. It would be nice if you could help poor Ike with his sneezes. Switch back to Frasse, then walk left to the cliff top.
Walk left a few steps, so you can see the Loom Bird. Look at the Loom Bird and try to talk to the Loom Bird - it doesn’t pay any attention to you. From previous conversations, you know that Loom Birds are very fond of BANANAS. Throw WOODEN BANANA at the Loom But to know it out. Switch to Gurra.
As Gurra, swim over to the small island and retrieve the LOOM BIRD. Switch back to Frasse.
You automatically took the LOOM BIRD from Gurra. Now head right, and continue right, until you reach Casa Blanca Restaurant.
Enter the restaurant.
Talk to Blake and ask about a sneeze cure. Blake has a good recipe, but he needs some ingredients before he can mix up a batch. Take the list of SNEEZE CURE INGREDIENTS from the counter. Look at the list to learn that you need HONEY, SPIDER BALL MUSHROOM, BANANA BEER, and BANANA. You already have some of those ingredients, so give him SPIDER BALL (RED) MUSHROOM and BANANA. When you’re ready, leave the restaurant.
Walk down to the jungle with the banana tree.
As Frasse, climb that big tree on the right.
This is your home, Frasse. Have a quick snooze on the branch if you like. Talk to the bees, and ask for some honey - they refuse. Maybe you need someone who can be more… persuasive. Tie ROPE to the branch, then climb down the tree.
Switch to Gurra. Use the rope to tie it to yourself. Frasse automatically hoists you up into the tree.
Talk to the bees, and work through all the topics with them. Keep asking them about sneezes until they give you some HONEY. Now leave the tree.
Switch to Frasse, and take the ROPE back. Walk up to the Casa Blanca Restaurant.
Enter the restaurant.
Give HONEY to Blake. If you haven’t already done so, give the other ingredients to Blake as well. He gives you the SNEEZE CURE. Leave the restaurant.
Walk left to Ike‘s Boats.
Give SNEEZE CURE to Ike. He quickly feels better. To show his gratitude, he gives you a free boat, which he has transported down to the beach. Walk left to the beach.
Your boat is here, but it’s in a big wooden box. Look at the box, then open the box. The boat is in pieces, and you have to assemble it yourself. Click on box with parts to get the various pieces. You can also drop pieces onto the beach. Now assemble the boat as so:
- Use medium boat piece from box with Starboard side.
- Use large boat piece from box with Starboard side.
- Use medium boat piece from box with Port side.
- Use small boat piece with beach.
- Click on port side to get medium boat piece.
- Click on box to put medium boat piece away.
- Use small boat piece from beach with port side.
- Use medium boat piece from box with port side.
- Use small boat piece from box with beach.
- Click on Starboard side to get large boat piece.
- Click on box to put large boat piece away.
- Click on Starboard side to get medium boat piece.
- Click on box to put medium boat piece away.
- Use small boat piece from beach with Starboard side.
- Use medium boat piece from box with Starboard side.
- Use large boat piece from box with Starboard side.
- Use small boat piece from box with beach.
- Use large boat piece from box with Port side.
- You should have a small boat piece left over.
You have now assembled the boat, but you still need to find a way to make it sail. Click on the right edge of the screen to exit this close up.
Remember the LOOM BIRD that you got earlier. In your Inventory, use ROPE with the LOOM BIRD to get TIED BIRD. Now use TIED BIRD with the boat. Your boat is all ready to sail. It just needs to be placed into the water. Switch to Gurra.
Kick the boat into the water. You automatically sail to Kejick Island.
Switch to Frasse. Look at WOOD on the left side of the screen and pick up WOOD. Walk up to the clearing.
Look at the BIG LEAVES, and pick up the BIG LEAVES. Woah! There’s a troll hiding in those leaves. Look at the troll and talk to the troll. None shall pass! He’s blocking the path into the mountain, so how are you gonna get past him? Walk right a few steps, look at the pink flower, and try to take the pink flower. This is a Mimosa flower. Now look at the red monster and talk to the red monster to learn that his name is Affe. Talk to Affe again, and he’ll tell you that he gets headaches. Now look at those BERRIES on the bush on the right, and take some BERRIES. Eat the BERRIES - you have to relieve yourself. Switch to Gurra.
As Gurra, talk to Affe (the red monster) and work through all the topics. Make sure you ask about the troll, bathroom, and dragon. Now walk left to the troll, and continue left to Tom the giant.
Still as Gurra, look at Tom, talk to Tom, and work through all the topics. It turns out that Tom and his twin sister are also searching for the magic Peas Of Kejick. Switch to Frasse.
As Frasse, look at STONE on the ground, to learn that it’s a piece of FLINT. Pick up the STONE FLINT. Look at the backpack on the ground next to Tom, and open the backpack to find a PICKAXE. Look at rope hanging from the mountain, and climb up the rope.
Look at the woman climbing the mountain, and talk to her. This is Laura, sister of Tom. Talk to her again, and she tells you that she’s climbing the mountain. Look at fireplace on the right - it’s been a while since it was last used. Maybe you can rectify that? Place WOOD into the fireplace, then use STONE FLINT on the fireplace to light it. Now use the BIG LEAVES in the fireplace to create thick smoke. Climb back down the hanging rope.
Walk right to the troll.
Switch to Gurra. Talk to the troll and work through all the topics. When you mention the dragon, you manage to convince him that the dragon is coming (thanks to the fire Frasse lit in the mountain), and he runs away. The mountain path is clear now, so head up the path, to the Two Zaks.
Still at Gurra, look at each Zak to see the signs around their necks. Talk to North Zak and work through all the topics. Talk to South Zak and work through all the topics. Both Zaks are extremely stubborn, and refuse to budge. So your way forward is blocked, until you can persuade them to move. Switch to Frasse.
As Frasse, talk to both Zaks. Give BERRIES to the North-Going Zak. Now both Zaks have to relieve themselves, but they are still too stubborn to move. Switch back to Gurra.
Talk to the North-Going Zak, and talk about relieving himself. Gurra and Frasse will end up holding the signs, while both Zaks go to relieve themselves. Quickly switch back to Frasse.
As Frasse, Give the SOUTH SIGN to Gurra, so you both switch signs. Now Frasse has the NORTH SIGN, and Gurra has the SOUTH SIGN. When the Zaks return, they don’t realise that they are now holding the wrong signs. Switch to Gurra.
As Gurra, talk to Zak on the left, and ask about compass directions. The Zaks will get confused about which way they are supposed to be going, and leave. Switch to Frasse.
Continue up the path to the top of the mountain.
Look at FLAG and take the FLAG. Look at the flag pole, which is really a SPADE. Try to take the SPADE, but it’s stuck. Use your PICKAXE on the SPADE to dig it up. Now climb down to where you saw the Two Zaks again.
Look at the big pile of snow, and pick up a SNOW BALL. Now use SPADE on the big pile of snow to reveal a tunnel. Enter the tunnel (you automatically return the PICKAXE to Tom).
You’re automatically in control of Gurra now. You’ve been separated from Frasse, and you need to find him. I recommend you SAVE YOUR GAME here, in case you get lost. When you’re ready, walk right, into the next room.
Your instinct tells you that you’ll find Frasse in a blue room. Look at map on the wall. It seems that these caves have some kind of colour magic. Depending on what colour you are, you can enter different parts of the cave. Walk left into the next room.
Look at the ladder. Look at lever in the ceiling. Look at purple light in the ceiling. Look at shelf on the right. Kick the ladder so that it falls down and lands on the rock. Now kick shelf on the right, so that the boulder falls onto it, catapulting you up so you can flip the lever in the ceiling. Continue forward into the next room.
This is a dark room, with 3 coloured doorways. Look at sparks in the ceiling. Go through the middle door.
You find yourself in an orange room. Look at the device on the ground. Look at orange light in the ceiling. Now head back through door on the right (the way you came in).
You’re now reunited with Frasse. Switch to Frasse, then walk through door on the right.
As Frasse, you’ll find yourself in a red room. Since Frasse is a different colour than Gurra, you can access different parts of the cave. Look at device. Look at SIGN on the wall, and take note of the warning. Look at door. Look at wooden box. Look at carpet. Take the SIGN on the wall, and look at the THING that was hidden in the wall behind it. Pick up the THING. Now you have to change colour, so that you can access different parts of the cave. Pick up wooden box to put it over your head. Head through either doorway - it doesn’t matter which.
You find yourself outside the caves again. Still wearing the box, enter the caves again.
You’re in the dark room with 3 coloured doorways. Put the box down next to the sparks (click on sparks in the ceiling). Now look at the sparks in the ceiling, and use the THING in your Inventory with the sparks to make the room turn brown. Pick up the wooden box again, to put it over your head. Walk through door on the right.
You’re in the red room. Put the box down on the carpet. Your colour is blue again, which means you’ll access different parts of the cave. Walk through door on the left.
You’re in the orange room. Look at DEVICE and pick up DEVICE. Walk through door on the right.
You’re in a green room. Head through door on the right.
You’re outside the caves again. Don’t worry, just enter the caves again.
You’re reunited with Gurra. Now remember in the red room, there was a sign warning you about the dragon. You need to find a way back to that room. Switch to Gurra.
Walk through door on the right.
You’re in the orange room. Head through door on the left.
You’re back in the red room now. Look at the device, and talk to the device. Hey, you can talk to Frasse using this device! Talk to the device again, and you’ll switch to Frasse.
As Frasse, look at the lever on the wall. This controls door in the red room (where Gurra is). Now look at SIGN in your Inventory. It says 'OPEN + NOW = MAGIC'. You need to convert that into numbers. This part is complicated! Remember the map that Gurra saw at start of the caves. It tells us that the letter O=9. Therefore, you have to change the other letters into numbers, thereby converting the word MAGIC into numbers. The answer is:
MAGIC = 10257
Use lever on the wall, and then use up and down arrows to show 10257. Now pull the lever. That seems to be the right combination. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. In your Inventory, talk to the DEVICE to switch back to Gurra.
As Gurra, you’re in the red room. Quickly kick wooden box to stop the 'Warning' door from closing. Now walk up, through the ‘Warning’ door.
You‘re in a dark grey room, with another communication device. Talk to the device, and you’ll switch back to Frasse. All this switching is making me dizzy!!!
As Frasse, head up through door on the right.
You’ve reached the red room again. Go through the ‘Warning’ door.
You’re back with Gurra again. Look at the hot rock on the left. Use SNOW BALL on the hot rock to cool it down. Now walk left a few steps, and look at the PEAS. This is what you’ve been searching for. The moment you’ve been waiting for. Pick up the PEAS. However, in your excitement, you let out an enthusiastic yell… which wakens the dragon. RUN!!!
You need to find a quick escape route from the caves. In your Inventory, use BANANAS with SMALL BOAT PIECE to create a BOAT PIECE WITH BANANA. Now use BOAT PIECE WITH BANANA with the mountainside to escape. You arrive back at the riverside, where your boat is.
Try to use your boat. Unfortunately, you had already released the Loom Bird that was powering the boat, so you have to find something else to power it. Try to walk up the path - the dragon finds you, stops you, and demands that you return the PEAS OF KEJICK to him. Show PAPER to dragon, and explain that you are on a mission for the King. Now that the dragon (named Houston) knows why you need the PEAS, he flies you back to the castle.
Talk to Houston to thank him for the ride. Look at the cell window in the castle wall. Walk up the path next to the castle, to the front of the castle.
Look at the guard, and talk to the guard. He won’t let you past without a good reason. Give PEAS to the guard. Unfortunately, Jonfrey, the High Wizard, shows up, takes the PEAS, and orders you to be thrown into a prison cell.
Look at all the scribblings on the wall, and find the drawing about instructions for folding a paper plane - it‘s on the back wall, near the bed. Use the SNEEZE CURE INGREDIENTS list with this drawing, and you make a PAPER PLANE. Throw PAPER PLANE out the window, to attract Houston’s attention. Houston will rescue you by burning a hole in the wall. Now simply exit through the hole.
Pick up PAPER PLANE that landed at Houston’s feet. Look at cell window on the left, and talk to the cell window. Cassie is being held prisoner in this cell. Work through all the dialogue with her. When conversation is over, walk right a few steps to the ROSES next to the door. Look at ROSES and take the ROSES. Walk left, back to Cassie’s cell window. Use ROSES with the cell window, to give them to Cassie. Walk right a few steps again, and enter through the door.
Talk to Tekla the cook, and work through all the dialogue. You finally why the King wanted the PEAS OF KEJICK so badly. Apparently, the King’s daughter has been kidnapped. The High Wizard Jonfrey is blaming in on monsters (like you and Gurra). Once the King activates the power of the PEAS, he’ll be able to attack the monsters that are responsible for his daughter’s kidnapping. Hmm, there’s something not quite right here! Look at wooden box with potatoes. Look at bowl of red fruit on the counter. When you’re ready, walk through door on the left.
The larder is full of cheese! Look at huge lump of cheese at bottom of the screen, and pick up huge lump of cheese. Leave the larder.
Head through door on the right.
There’s a circular staircase here. Climb up the stairs, all the way to the top, ignoring all the doors along the way. Climb up the ladder.
This is where Jonfrey has his lab. Walk right a few steps, and look for the POT in the bookcase. Use cheese with the POT, then pick up the POT. Now leave the lab through tunnel at bottom of the screen.
Look at door on the right, and notice the small golden crown. This must be the Princess’s room. Try to enter the room, but it’s locked. Head back down the stairs, all the way to the bottom. Walk down into the kitchen.
Leave the kitchen and go back outside.
Walk left a few steps, to Cassie’s cell window. Talk to Cassie through the cell window, and tell her that 'The door to the princess's room is locked'. She will tell you about a secret tunnel that can be accessed from the Dining Room. Now end the conversation. Now give POT (with cheese) to Houston, and ask him to heat the cheese for you. You automatically pick up the POT with melted cheese again. Walk right a few steps, and enter through door, into the kitchen.
Head through door on the right.
Climb part-way up the stairs, and go through first door on the right.
Walk right a few steps, and look at flag on the back wall. Use the flag. You enter a dark room, with a very, VERY big dog! Look at the dog, talk to him, and work through the dialogue with him. He won’t let you past. Give POT with melted cheese to the dog to make friends with him. He’ll let you past now.
You’re in the Princess’s bedroom now. You need to find evidence that Cassie is not responsible for the Princess being kidnapped. Explore the room. Look at space under the bed, and use space under the bed, to find a green THINGAMABOB. Exit bedroom through door in the back wall.
You’re back in the spiral staircase. Climb up the ladder, into the High Wizard’s lab.
Look at the open book on the table. Use your green THINGAMABOB with the open book, and you will learn that it is a TRANSFORMATION THINGAMABOB, created by Jonfrey. Hmm, why would Jonfrey want to create a TRANSFORMATION THINGAMABOB? And why was it under the Princess’s bed? When you’re ready, leave the lab through tunnel at bottom of the screen.
Climb down one flight of stairs, and enter through door on the left.
This is the King’s Throne Room. Use THINGAMABOB with the King, as proof of Jonfrey’s treachery. Now talk to the King, and work through all the dialogue. Notice that the Princess’s name is Cassandra. Cassie, for short? The monster from the cell is called Cassie. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Jonfrey will now reveal his true colours… and he is arrested for high treason.
You have saved the kingdom and rescued the Princess. Hurrah! You get to choose your reward. However, it doesn't matter which reward you pick, you will always end up with a lifetime supply of cheese! Enjoy.
The End.
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