Hiveswap: Act 1

Year: 2017
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Your adventure starts in your bedroom. Monsters have invaded, trapping you in your bedroom, and your brother in his treehouse. How are you gonna deal with this?
Explore your room, and everything in it. Look at calendar on the door, and mark the calendar. Look at TAP SHOES hanging from the bookcase, and equip TAP SHOES. Look at ballerina in the bookcase. Look at your little toy oven, and try to bake with the toy oven. Look at globe on top of the little oven, and use TAP SHOES with the globe. Look at toys on the shelf above the window. Look at the Puppy Surprise toy on your bed, and search the Puppy Surprise toy to get a close-up. Look at the puppy toys. Look at DIARY KEY and get DIARY KEY. You also take your MUM’S HEIRLOOM KEY. Now exit the close-up. Look at WALKIE TALKIE on the floor in front of your wardrobe, and get WALKIE TALKIE. Pity it’s got no batteries - you need to find some. Turn on your computer. Unfortunately, you don’t dare use it right now, for fear that the noise will attract the monsters. Walk left to the other end of your room.
Look out the window to see a flashing light coming from the treehouse where your brother is hiding. Also notice your dog hiding in the dog house. When you’re ready, look away from the window.
Turn on your TV if you like. Look at the diary on the chest of drawers next to your TV to get a close-up of it. Use DIARY KEY on the diary to unlock it. Look at the diary, and write an entry in the diary. Exit the close-up. Open cupboard on the left. Look at the Simon Says game, and challenge the Simon Says game. For those who don’t know, just click on the lights that Simon shows you. After you beat it, you automatically remove the BATTERIES. Insert BATTERIES into your Walkie Talkie, then use it to communicate with your brother. Just choose any options, when given the choice. He advises you to retreat to the attic, as your bedroom isn’t secure. Head right, and make your way to the bedroom door. Click on the door to leave your bedroom.
Use WALKIE TALKIE to communicate with your brother. Click on the blue jewellery box on the table next to your door, and use MUM’S HEIRLOOM KEY on the jewellery box to unlock it. You can’t do anything with it at the moment, but remember it’s there. Explore everything in the hall. When you’re ready, walk right to the other end of the hall.
Look at the hall cupboard door and open the hall cupboard door. Look at box on the top shelf, and use TAP SHOES on the box to knock it down. Now search the box to find TORCH (with no batteries), BALLET SHOES, PET TREATS, and some POGS. Walk right, back to the other end of the hall.
Click on the stairs in the back wall.
Climb up stairs to the attic door. Click on the attic door and try to open it, but it’s locked. Your brother talks to you through the WALKIE TALKIE, and tells you to get the attic key from the Trophy Room. Climb down the stairs, and click on the doorway, then exit the attic area.
Walk right to the other end of the hall.
Click on the stairs.
Click on the photos on the stairs, and look at each photo. When you’re ready, climb down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs, the power goes out. Use WAKIE TALKIE to talk to your brother. When conversation is over, continue down the stairs to the Living Room.
Explore the room. Look at universal remote on the table, and get BATTERIES from the universal remote. Now walk up to the other end of the Living Room.
Explore the area. When you’re ready, walk right to the next section.
Click on the double-doors to enter the kitchen.
Explore the kitchen. Click on the radio to get a close-up. Look at lid at the top of the radio, and pop open the lid to reveal the battery compartment. Take the BATTERIES. Exit the close-up. Insert BATTERIES into your torch. Walk right a few steps, and enter through the door into the Basement.
You automatically use your TORCH in the dark basement. Walk left a few steps, and look at the junk pile next to the wall. Use TAP SHOES on the junk pile to shift it. With all that junk out of the way, you now have access to the power box. Click on the power box and flip breaker. Success! You have power again, and the lights come back on. Walk right a few steps and… you come face to face with the monster! Use BALLET SHOES to outwit him, and escape from the basement.
Use WALKIE TALKIE to talk to your brother. Walk left, and enter through double-doors, into the Living Room.
Walk right a few steps, and enter through door, into the Trophy Room.
There’s another monster here. Throw DOG TREATS at the monster, and repeat this until he’s out of the room. Phew! That was close! Now look at the stuffed deer, look at his antler, and pull his antler. It seems you turned on some kind of laser, which is shining out from the deer’s eyes. Your brother talks to you through the WALKIE TALKIE - choose any responses. He tells you to find some marbles, but you can’t see any nearby.
Play now switches to Jude Harley.
Use WALKIE TALKIE to communicate with your sister to tell her that the marbles she needs are here in the Tree House. Explore everything in the Tree House. Look at poster on wall on the right, and pay special attention to the diagram of the animal head - the eyes are red and green. Look at desk on the left, and open drawer in the desk. In the drawer, you’ll see a POUCH and lots of MARBLES. Place a RED MARBLE and a GREEN MARBLE (as per poster on the wall) into the POUCH, then take the POUCH. Exit the close-up. Look at the metal chest under the desk to get some FLARES. Look at box on the right and take the FLARE GUN. Load FLARE GUN with FLARES. The pigeon will fly the POUCH WITH MARBLES over to your sister. Well… the pigeon ALMOST makes it… but the a monster kills it. Poor pigeon. Get another POUCH WITH MARBLES and try again. The second pigeon will fly away. For the third time, get a POUCH WITH MARBLES and give it to your remaining pigeon. This time, the mission succeeds, and the pigeon makes it safely into the house.
Play switches back to Joey.
You have to find your brother’s pigeon. Walk right a few steps and leave the Trophy Room.
Walk left a few steps, to the double-doors. Enter through the double-doors into the kitchen.
A flying monster is lurking here, and it‘s got your brother‘s pigeon cornered on top of the fridge. You HAVE to do something! Get SPICE JAR from the rack on the counter on the right. Use TAP SHOES on the monster to get it’s attention. Use TORCH on the monster to make it face you. Use SPICE JAR on the monster to defeat it. Talk to your brother on the WALKIE TALKIE. Search cabinet next to the back door to find a STALE CRACKER, and give STALE CRACKER to the pigeon on top of the fridge. The PIGEON trusts you now, and is happy to go with you. And since you have the PIGEON, that means you also have the MARBLES. Head through double-doors on the left to leave the kitchen.
Walk right a few steps, and go through door into the Trophy Room.
Use PIGEON on the mounted lion head, and you insert MARBLES into the eye sockets, which reflect back onto the globe. Now spin the globe - it opens to reveal the ATTIC KEY. Take the ATTIC KEY. Now leave the Trophy Room.
Walk left a few steps, and watch the cut scene as several monsters break into the house. Click on any of the monsters, but you get knocked out. Notice the small icon of your brother, flashing at the top. Click on the flashing icon to switch play to your brother.
You have to save your sister from those monsters! Make sure your FLARE GUN is loaded, then use FLARE GUN with the window to get a view of the house. Now shoot FLARE GUN at the broken glass window. The monsters are distracted by the light.
Play switches to Joey.
Your brother distracts the monsters long enough for you to come around. Use TORCH on monsters on the right to get their attention. The monsters spin round, and one of them gets knocked out. Click on the small flashing icon at the top, to switch play to your brother.
Use your FLARE GUN with the window again, so you can see the house. Now fire the FLARE GUN at the broken window to distract the monsters.
Play switches back to Joey.
As before, use TORCH on monsters on the right to get their attention. The monsters spin round, and another one gets knocked out. Click on the small flashing icon at the top, to switch play to your brother.
For the third time, use your FLARE GUN with the window again, so you can see the house. Now fire the FLARE GUN at the broken window to distract the monsters. Unfortunately, this time, you drop the FLARE GUN. It lands on a pile of leaves in the garden below, starting a small fire. The monsters are panicked by this, and run out of the Living Room to deal with the fire.
Play switches back to Joey.
You take this chance to escape, and run upstairs to the Hallway.
Run right to the other end of the hall, then head through door in the back wall, to the attic.
Run up the stairs. Use ATTIC KEY in attic door at top of the stairs.
You make it into the attic just in time, and lock the door behind you, so the monsters can‘t get in… but you accidentally drop the key, and it falls under the floorboards. Talk to your brother on the WALKIE TALKIE, choosing any dialogue options when prompted. He mentions a portal. Hmm, interesting! Now explore the attic. Walk right to the other end of the attic.
You can see a floating red drape. This is what you saw through the keyhole earlier. Walk up, towards the drape.
Look at the drape, and remove the drape. The portal is under lock and key. Use MUM’S HEIRLOOM KEY with the portal twice to unlock it. The portal activates… and you are sucked into an alternate universe.
Look at COMMUNICATION TABLET on the floor, and pick up COMMUNICATION TABLET. Now use the COMMUNICATION TABLET in your Inventory. It looks like someone is trying to communicate with you. Click through the conversation dialogue, and when given the option, choose any dialogue options. Your new friend Xefros mentioned something about a strange paper lying on a crate? Maybe if you find it, you could get some answers. Explore the Basement. Click on the green Control Panel, but you don’t know how to use it. Walk towards the crate with purple gunge in the foreground, and pick up HAND DRAWN DIAGRAM showing schematics of the portal. Use the COMMNICATION TABLET again, and click through the conversation dialogue. Xefros tells you how to use the Control Panel. When conversation is over, click on the green Control Panel, and following Xefros’s instructions, you manage to boot it up. Wow, it looks like a computer game! Click to start the game - it’s a game of Snake. Use the Arrow Keys to control your snake, and collect all the symbols on screen. When you’ve beaten the game, watch the cut scene, where you end up in some kind of store room.
Click on the COMMUNICATION TABLET to talk to Xefros, and click through the conversation dialogue. Choose any dialogue options when you get the chance. Xefros finally realises that you aren’t his friend, and you are not ‘testing’ him. Explore the room. Look at posters on the back wall. Click on COMMUNIACTIONS TABLET again, and click the conversation dialogue. Choose any dialogue option. Watch the cut scene as you take a picture of yourself and send if to Xefros.
Play switches to Xefros.
You’re standing in a balcony, overlooking the street. Look at the parcel on the balcony, and open it to receive the FLARP MANUAL you’ve been expecting. Look at FLARP MANUAL in your Inventory. Now head through door on the left, into your bedroom.
Explore the room. You have the power of telekinesis, although you aren’t very good at it. Use your telekinesis power on the pile of spoons on the table, and you get a BENT SPOON. Look at poster on the wall above the shelf. Look at TABLET on desk on the right, to get a close-up of it. Pick up TABLET and MIC. You run through the conversation you had with Joey again… this time, from your prospective. Click through the dialogue text. You see the picture that Joey sent to you. Choose any dialogue option. When conversation is over, exit the close-up. Now leave your room through door on the right.
Explore the hall. Look at all the posters on the wall. Look at the cleaning supplies on shelf on the back wall. Head through door on the right, into your Rumpus Room.
Explore the room. Look at CUEBAT, which is hanging next to the door. Try to take CUEBAT, but it’s wedged into the wall too tightly. Use BENT SPOON with the CUEBAT to pry it out of the wall. Look at the sports vault on wall on the left, and use your telekinesis to try and open it. It’s another game you have to beat. Unfortunately, you don’t succeed. You have guide book to help you… somewhere. But it’s not in this room. When you’re ready, leave the room.
Walk right a few steps, and climb down the stairs to the Living Room.
Look at picture of The Heiress on the wall on the left. Walk left, into the kitchen.
Look at your lusus, who is peacefully sleeping. You get to name him, if you like. Look at the lusus, and try to move him, but he just ignores you. The only thing he’s interested in, is sloth treats! Look at fridge on the left. Open fridge, and look at everything in it. Take GRUB JUICE HYDRATION CYLINDER, then exit close-up of the fridge. Now look at PUSHER PLAYBOOK on table on the right, and pick up PUSHER PLAYBOOK. This is basically a guide to the game Pusher. Walk right, back into the Living Room.
Climb upstairs to the hallway.
Walk left a few steps, and enter Rumpus Room again.
Use PUSHER PLAYBOOK with sports vault on the left. Now you have the guide book, you successfully manage to open the vault. Take SLOTH TREATS from the vault, then leave the room.
Walk right a few steps, and climb the stairs to the Living Room.
Head left to the kitchen.
Give SLOTH TREATS to your lusus. He wakes up, and moves away from the doorway, so he can enjoy his tasty sloth treats. Head out through the door, into the garden.
A white package appears in your garden. Look at it - it’s a software box. Pick up the software box to get another COMMUNICATION TABLET. Click through the conversation dialogue, choosing any dialogue option when prompted. Watch the cut scene as a missile lands near you!
Play switches back to Joey.
You get a message through your COMMUNICATION TABLET, so click through the conversation dialogue. It’s from Xefros. Phew! He’s still alive, after that missile went off. The bad news, is that he’s buried under a pile of debris. Choose any dialogue option. When conversation is over, climb through the vent shaft in the back wall.
The vent shaft takes you directly to the Office.
When you arrive in the Living Room, you automatically use COMMUNICATION TABLET to contact Xefros. Click through the dialogue conversation, choosing any dialogue option when prompted. When conversation is over, explore the room. Pick up BIG BOOK OF BEASTS in the foreground left corner. When you’re ready, look at door on the left, and try to open it… but there’s no handle. Look at Control Panel next to the door and try to access it, but it’s out of power. Use the green POWER CELL from your Inventory with the Control Panel. The door opens, and you walk through, into the Living Room.
You automatically use COMMUNICATION TABLET to talk to Xefros. Click through the conversation dialogue. When conversation is over, head up through the steel doors in the back wall, into the Surveillance Room.
This appears to be some kind of Surveillance Room. Look at the TV monitors. Look at door on the right, and take note of the huge spear! You definitely don’t want to go that way! Walk left, back to the Living Room.
Walk left a few steps, to the other end of the Living Room.
Explore everything in the room. Look at bug on the table in the foreground. Look at desk on the back wall. Look at the scribbled note on the desk, and notice the different spellings of Grubels \ Grubbles. Look at door in the back wall - it’s locked. Who locks the door to their kitchen? There’s nothing you can really do here, so walk left, back to the other end of the room.
Look at the red box on wall on the right. Your COMMUNICATION TABLET starts buzzing again. You have to play a quick game of Snake, before you soon have to ask Xefros for help on how to win. Click through the conversation dialogue, choosing any dialogue option when prompted. When conversation is over, click on red box on wall on the right again. You HAVE to beat this Snake game. If you looked at the scribbled note on the desk, you’ll see the word ‘Grubbles’ in the upper right corner. You have to pick up the letters in the order of that word. At the same time, you have to avoid the other snake. This is tricky, and may take you several attempts, but keep trying. When you succeed, the door to the kitchen will open, and the lusus from the room below will rise up on the platform. You make a hasty exit!
You automatically use the COMMUNICATION TABLET to talk with Xeflos. When conversation is over, explore the kitchen. Open the cupboard to find a BOWL. Look at fridge on the left. Open fridge, look at everything, and take LUSUS MILK, then exit the close-up. Now climb up the stairs to the attic.
Look at orange HOVER PAD on the floor, and take HOVER PAD. You communicate with Xefros using the COMMUNICATION TABLET. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and take VET MEDKIT from the red settee. Look at VET MEDKIT in your Inventory, to see everything it contains. Look at the pile of instruments on the left, and use HOVER PAD on the instruments to move them. You talk to Xefros through the COMMUNICATION TABLET again. Choose any dialogue option when prompted. When conversation is over, head right, and climb down the stairs to the kitchen.
Look at door on the right - the deercat beast is on the other side of the door. In your Inventory, pour LUSUS MILK into the BOWL, then use BOWL OF LUSUS MILK with door on the right. You carefully open the door, just a crack, and slip the bowl of milk through the door for the deercat beast. Now you can’t go through this door again, as that would startle the deercat. You have to find another way around. So climb up stairs to the attic again.
Head left, and climb down stairs on the left, into the Office.
Head through door on the left, into the Living Room.
Walk left to the other end of the room.
The deercat beast is here, still enjoying his bowl of milk. Click on the deercat to realise that the poor thing is hurt! Click the BOOK OF BEASTS on the deercat to learn more about him. Now use VET MEDKIT on the deercat. He’s grateful to you, and gives you a big, affectionate lick - the two of you are now friends! You can name him if you like. Now click on the deercat, and ride him. You use the COMMUNICATION TABLE to contact Xefros again, choosing any dialogue option when prompted. Watch the cut scene, as the deercat takes you to Xefros’s garden.
Poor Xefros is still buried under the rubble. Use the COMMUNICATION TABLET to communicate with him, and choose any dialogue option. When conversation is over, look at the rubble that’s burying poor Xefros. Use the HOVER PAD on the rubble to rescue Xefros.
Watch the cut scene to end Act 1. Hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did.
The End.
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