Journey Down, The: Chapter 1 - Over The Edge
Year: 2017
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Watch the intro to see the goons looking for our heroes, Bwana and Kito. Meanwhile, Bwana and Kito are at the gas station they own, and are struck with the news that power to their gas station has been disconnected until they pay the power bill. The problem is… they don’t have any money.
Power goes out at a gas station. Bwana talks to Kito and learns that their electricity has been cut off because of non-payment of 4000 dollars to Armando Power Co. There’s no power to pump the gas. Open the power box, move the 4 brackets (double-click), then open the hatch. Now pull the switch. Success! Power restored!
A surprise visitor, Lina, arrives at the gas station. She’s from the University, and she asks you about a book she’s looking for. You suddenly remember about all the books in your attic left by Old Kaonanadodo before he disappeared, and wonder if the book is there.
You, Kito, and Lina travel back to your office. Unfortunately, you burned the rungs on the ladder last week since you needed firewood - it seemed a good idea at the time. So you need to find another way up to the attic.
Have a look around the office. Look at the cash register to see how your currant predicament came about. Look at pilot certificate on the wall. Look at the green flyers on the table with candles to get phone number for the office - 99 450. Search the cupboard under the window to find some stale BREADSTICKS. Hmmm, the breadsticks are stale. And hard. Use BREADSTICKS with the ladder to create rungs. Perfect! You can use the ladder again. Climb up the ladder to the attic.
Lina needs help looking for the book. Search bookcase on the right. Search dresser on the right to find a blue SHIRT. Search fireplace to find a PAINTBRUSH. Look at candles at the bottom-left. Look at photo on the nightstand next to the bed. Lie on the bed. Hey, what do you know… you found the BOOK you were looking for. It’s the Journal Of The Journey Down. Work through all the dialogue.
Lina wants to call her University to confirm that she found the BOOK. Unfortunately, the phone has been disconnected. You need to re-enter the phone number to get it working. Now the phone number was in the green flyers on the table with the candles - 99 450. So that’s the number you need to enter. Try to move the digits, but they won’t move. Notice the coloured valves that are connected underneath - red, green, orange. Turn the corresponding dials to match the correct colour. When it’s correct, the light under 99 will light up. Now change the digits to 450. Lina calls her University, and her professor tells her that the University was searched. Uh-oh… that sounds like trouble. She needs to charter your plane, and she needs it now! Choose either reply.
Watch the cutscene as Kito tells you what you need to fix the plane - both engines, propeller, and something to steer with. Lina has plenty of money, and you need her money to pay off your debt. So if she wants to use your plane, you NEED to get it fixed.
After the cutscene, enter the plane again. Talk to Lina and work through all the dialogue. Open hatch to the left of Lina (between the 2 chairs) and take the SPANNER. Look at hole on the dashboard, where the steering wheel should be. Now walk right to outside the plane.
Outside the plane, take NET that’s hanging on the left. Look at all the photos and blueprints on the wall. Go left, back into the plane.
Climb up through the hatch.
Talk to Kito about everything.
Go down steps on the left, to the pier.
Have a look around the pier. Look at Mama Makena’s Diner in the distance. She cooks the best stew in Armando. Also, notice the rat here. You’re going to need that rat later on. There’s nothing else you can do here, so climb back up the steps, to the plane.
Go back to your office on the right.
Look at the ceiling fan. That would make a good propeller, if you could get it down. Search fridge on the left to find some CHEESE. Look at photographs on wall under the certificate, and also behind the counter. Leave the office.
Walk down stairs on the right, to Mama Makena’s Diner.
Look at paint bucket, and use paint BRUSH in the paint bucket to get BRUSH WITH WHITE PAINT. Continue right to the Diner. Talk to the sailors and work through all the dialogue. They give you a CHILLI. Talk to Rufus the dog - he‘s blocking the door. Look at the fish bucket at bottom right, and try to take a fish, but Matoke won’t let you. Talk to Matoke and work through all the dialogue. Learn that Matoke is terrified of rats. Look at the dripping pipe on Mama Makena’s stall. Talk to Mama Makena and work through all the dialogue. Now leave the area.
Head left, and make your way back to the pier left of the plane.
Look at the rat. Maybe this rat could scare Matoke? Use your CHEESE with the float in the water. The hungry rat jumps onto the CHEESE. Now leave the area.
Return to Mama Makena’s diner. Talk to Matoke and tell him to check his fishing rod. Sure enough, he reels in his fishing rod… and finds the rat attached. Poor Matoke gives you his FISHING ROD and asks you to unrattify his rod for him. You’re only too happy to oblige. Poor Matoke. The problem now, is that the rat has run off with the hook, so you need to find a new one. Leave the area for now.
Walk up the stairs to the street. Look around the area. Search the garbage bin to find a HOOK. In your Inventory, combine HOOK with the FISHING ROD. Read graffiti on the wall. Look at the elevator and look at the card terminal. You can’t get access to there yet. Now walk up exit near centre of the screen, to the ship.
Look at buoy in the water. Use FISHING ROD with the buoy, then try to take the buoy to see that it‘s connected to a cage. The cage has a CRAB in it. Use your NET to get the CRAB. Look at the M.S. Corollo - a cargo vessel. Talk to the Dockmaster and work through all the dialogue. He needs a Password before he’ll let you on the ship. Unfortunately, you have no idea what the Password is. If only you knew some sailors that could tell you what the password is. Head right to the forklift.
Look at the box to see that it’s full of SALT. You can’t take any yet, but at least you know it’s there. Look at the pelican sitting on the forklift - that’s one scary bird! Try to use the forklift, but the bird scares you off. Leave the area.
Make your way back to the Charter Office.
Look at the ceiling fan. That would make a good replacement propeller for your plane, if only you could get it down. Use FISHING ROD on the ceiling fan. Well, that was fun! And you have a PROPELLOR now. Except it’s broken. You need to find a way to fix it. Leave the office.
Go down stairs on the right. Continue right to Mama Makena’s Diner.
Talk to the Sophisticated Sailors, and ask them about the Password. They won’t tell you the Password since they don’t believe you are a real sailor. You need the proper clothes to be a sailor. Okay, let’s get the proper clothes then.
In your Inventory, combine BRUSH WITH WHITE PAINT with the blue SHIRT to create a shirt that looks just like a sailor’s uniform. Show this SHIRT to the sophisticated sailors. They tell you the Password - Fear The Hungries. Leave the area.
Walk up stairs in middle of the screen, to the street.
Walk up exit near middle of the screen, to the ship.
Talk to the Dockmaster and tell him the Password. He gives you a MOP. Now work through all the dialogue. When you’re ready, enter the ship.
On board the ship, you see a nice yacht to the left, that might have some engines you could borrow for your plane. If only you could get over to that yacht. Fiddle with the switches next to the ladder, and keep fiddling until the crane is aligned over the pool. Fiddle with the gas canister on the right, and hear a scream coming from the right. Head right to investigate.
Talk to the welder. She’s probably dazed from the flash of the gas canister. If she’s not, walk left, fiddle with the gas canister, then return here. Now while she’s dazed, use your SPANNER with the nut on the left-canister, then quickly use the broken PROPELLER on the exposed nut in the left- canister. The welder welders your PROPELLER, thus fixing it. Walk left, back to the ship.
Climb up the ladder, to the crane. Watch the cutscene as you board the yacht.
Talk to the Concierge and work through all the dialogue. He refuses to let you past, since that area is for VIPs only. Head through door on the right, into the kitchen.
Sabo the chef is sobbing uncontrollably. Talk to him. He’ll throw a knife at you, chasing you out of the kitchen.
Enter the kitchen again. Talk to Sabo and work through all the dialogue. He tells you that he’s having problems getting his stew to taste good. Mama Makena can help him, but he’s too focused on his stew to go to her. Go through top-right exit, into the freezer.
Uh-oh… you’re trapped in the freezer. And it’s cold. Look at radiator above the door to see that it’s turned off. Open the bottom-right freezer door to find some frozen GINGER. Now look at buttons on the left. Press the left-switch - the Power Switch. It doesn’t stay on for very long. Okay, pick up GUM from the floor, and use GUM on the left button to keep the Power Switch turned on. Now turn the knob to set it to hot, then press the Right Button to thaw the ice on the door (make sure the Middle Button is turned off). Now simply exit the freezer.
Leave the kitchen, and leave the yacht.
Climb down the ladder, so you’re back outside the ship. Walk left to the street.
Walk through exit on the left, then head right to Mama Makena’s Diner.
Talk to Rufus the dog again. He’s still blocking the door. You need to get rid of him. Use the CRAB on him, and he runs away. Now enter the door, into the diner kitchen.
Talk to Mama Makena and work through all the dialogue. She tells you that she needs some ingredients for her secret spice sauce, and she gives you a SPICE CONTAINER and a RECIPE. Have a look around the kitchen, and take STEERING WHEEL from the wall. Leave the kitchen.
Walk left twice, then down the stairs next to the plane, down to the pier.
Use FISHING ROD in the water to catch a MUDDYUGGLER (fish). In your Inventory, combine CHILLI with the MUDDYUGGLER. Use the remaining CHILLI with the SPICE CONTAINER for Mama Makena’s spice sauce. Add the frozen GINGER in your Inventory to the SPICE CONTAINER. Use your SPICE CONTAINER with the oil tap. Leave the pier.
Walk down stairs on the right.
Walk up stairs in the middle of the screen, to the street.
Head up to the street, then right to the forklift.
Remember that scary pelican on the forklift? Give him the doctored MUDDYUGGLER. He swallows it hole… but the chilli in the fish kills him. Oops! Take some SALT from the box. Read sign on the container. Look at the forklift, and try to move the lever, but it’s rusted stuck. Look at nest on the forklift to see there is something shiny up there. Use SPANNER on the forklift lever to lower the forks. Now look in the nest and take the METAL ROD.
Leave the area, and make your way back to the Charter Office.
Look at blue cup on the counter to get a slice of lemon, which you automatically add to your SPICE CONTAINER. Climb up the ladder, into the attic.
In the attic, search books on the right to find a book on spices. The book even contains some dried herbs, specifically CHERVIL. You automatically add it to your SPICE CONTAINER. The SPICE MIX is complete!
Leave the attic, and leave the office.
Walk down stairs on the right.
Walk up stairs to the street.
Walk up to the ship.
Enter the ship. Climb up the ladder, to the yacht.
Enter door on the right, into the kitchen.
Add your SPICE CONTAINER to the pot of stew. Sabo tastes the stew, and is pleased with the result. His next problem is the canapés. He burned them, so he needs some toast to make a fresh batch. Enter freezer at the top-right.
Thankfully, you’re not trapped in the freezer this time. Open top-left freezer to find some FROZEN BREAD. You just need to toast it now. Place FROZEN BREAD on the bottom radiator next to the exit door. Now press the Middle Button, then press the Right Button to switch the heat from the top radiator to the bottom radiator, thus toasting the FROZEN BREAD. Take the TOAST. Now press the Right Button, then press the Middle Button, so you’re able to leave the freezer.
Give TOAST to Sabo, so he can finish his Canapés. Pick up the CANAPES, and Sabo will tell you to serve them. Leave the kitchen.
Try to walk up into the VIP area, but the Concierge won’t let you past. Show him the CANAPES. A VIP guest overhears you, and invites you into the VIP area.
Watch the cutscene as the VIP guest\Hungry Man finishes all the CANAPES. Head through door on the right.
Another guest demands CANAPES from you. Unfortunately, you’ve run out. The guest demands you get some more. Make your way back to the yacht kitchen.
Sabo has left another tray of CANAPES, so take them. Now if you take these CANAPES to the VIP area, the Hungry Man will just eat them all again. You need to stop him from doing that. You already know he hates the white canapés, so maybe you can fool him into thinking you only have white canapés. Leave the kitchen.
Outside the kitchen, but before the VIP area, use BRUSH WITH WHITE PAINT with your tray of CANAPES. Voila. Walk up into the VIP area.
The Hungry Man stops you, but when he sees you only have white CANAPES, he leaves you alone. Walk out exit on the right.
The guest outside takes your white CANAPES. When he’s had his fill, climb down stairs, and enter through the Engine Door at lower-right.
Watch the cutscene. You could be in trouble here. You need to find another way out of here. Look at engines on the right - they’re perfect for your plane. You just have to find a way to get them out of here. Press button on the right of the door to learn that it controls the hatch in the ceiling. Look at the switchboard next to the door. You have to fix the switchboard so that all the wires are connected. Keep fiddling until you are successful. It’s fiddly, but pretty easy. When the wires are connected, the power is restored. So press button to the left of the door again. This time, the hatch in the ceiling opens. Watch a cutscene as you deliver the engines to Kito.
Talk to Kito, and he automatically installs the PROPELLER. Now give STEERING WHEEL to Kito. He tells you to see if you can mount it, so climb down the ladder into the plane.
Try to use STEERING WHEEL with the hole next to the pilot’s seat - it’s a good idea, but you need something to mount it on. Use METAL ROD with the hole next to the pilot’s seat. Fits perfectly! Now use STEERING WHEEL with the METAL ROD.
Watch a sinister cutscene. Someone is desperate to get that book you found. Desperate enough to kill for it!
Meanwhile, your plane is all fixed up and raring to go. All you have to do is raise the anchor. Climb down ladder into the plane again.
Head out exit on the right.
Pull the winch above you. Unfortunately, it’s crooked, so you can’t use it. You accidentally pull the WINCH HANDLE, so you’ll have to fix it before the plane can take off. Make your way back to where Kito is standing.
Tell Kito about the broken WINCH HANDLE. You need to straighten it out somehow. Walk down stairs on the right.
Walk up stairs to the street.
Head up to the ship.
Enter the ship, then go right to the welder.
She still has a lot of work to do, but she’s exhausted, so she’s having a break. Try to take her ACCESS CARD from the railing, but she won’t let you have it. Look at her mug to see that it’s empty. She’s desperate for a cup of coffee! Maybe you could help her out, and get her some coffee?
Leave the area, and leave the ship.
Make your way to Mama Makena’s Diner.
Enter door to Mama Makena’s kitchen.
Look at the coffee maker to see that it’s empty. Mama Makena will make some more if a customer asks for it. Leave the kitchen.
Look at Coffee Drinker at the counter. Talk to him to discover that he likes strong coffee, and that he hates diluted coffee. Notice where he places his mug down, next to the dripping pipe. Use your SPANNER on the pipe to turn it so it’s facing the coffee drinker. Now move the pipe slightly to the right, so it drips into the coffee drinker’s mug. As a result, he asks Mama Makena to make a fresh pot of coffee. Enter the door into the kitchen again.
In Mama Makena’s kitchen, take the pot of COFFEE. Leave the kitchen.
Leave the area, and make your way back to the welder on the ship.
Pour COFFEE into the welder’s mug. The COFFEE is too strong for her taste, but it gives her the energy she needs to finish her welding. Take her ACCESS CARD from the railing. Okay, leave the welder in peace now.
Leave the ship, then head left back to the street.
Look at elevator and card terminal on the right. Use ACCESS CARD on the card terminal. Hmmm, you need to enter an access code. Since you don’t know what the code is, enter any 4 digits. Now in your Inventory, right-click on the ACCESS CARD to examine it further - you see 9 dots with a line through them. The dots represent a number pad, and the line indicates which numbers to press. Use ACCESS CARD on the card terminal again, and enter code 3257. Access Granted. Enter the elevator.
Inside the elevator, press the Up button to travel up to the railway.
Look at the train schedule on the post next to you. All trains are cancelled… yet trains keep whizzing by. Something strange is going on! Read the sign on the bin under the NEWS sign. Read tabloid in the vendor stall. Look at candy on the vendor stall. Now talk to the Vendor and work through all the dialogue. Now look at the train tracks. Remember you have a crooked WINCH HANDLE that you need to straighten. You have an idea, but there’s no way you will stand on the track - that would be suicide! Okay, if you won’t stand on the track, maybe you could carry out your plan from underneath. Enter the elevator again.
Press the Down Arrow. As soon as you see a panel through the elevator door, press the red ‘X’ button to stop the elevator. This may take you a bit up travelling Up & Down, but you’ll get there.
When the elevator has stopped, and you’re alongside the panel, try to open the plate. It’s locked in place. Adjust the bolts to align with the slot-lines. You may need to travel Up or Down slightly, in order to reach the bolts. When all 4 bolts are aligned, kick the plate open. Now head up through your newly-created exit.
You find yourself underneath the train track now. Place the twisted WINCH HANDLE on the train track and wait for a train to pass. The WINCH HANDLE is nice and straight not. Enter the elevator again.
Press the Down button to return to the street level, then exit the elevator.
Make your way back to the plane.
Climb down into the plane.
Head out through door on the right.
Use the repaired WINCH HANDLE on the winch above you, then pull the winch to raise the anchor.
Watch the final nail-biting cutscene to end Chapter 1.
The End.
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