King's Quest 1: Quest For The Crown (SCI)
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Year: 1984
Genre: Text Adventure \ Interactive Fiction
You begin your adventures outside the castle portcullis. Careful not to fall in the moat, or the sea serpents will eat you.
Walk left twice, and LOOK ROCK. Make sure you are standing behind the rock, then PUSH ROCK to reveal a hole in the ground. LOOK IN HOLE to see a dagger, then TAKE DAGGER.
Head up one screen, and LOOK TREE, then CLIMB TREE. Wow, there’s a golden egg here. Carefully make your way along the branch, and GET EGG, to pick up the golden egg. Now carefully make your way back along the branch to climb back down the tree. Don’t worry if you fall out tree - you will survive the fall.
Go right one screen. There’s a huge carrot patch here. EXAMINE CARROT PATCH. Walk in amongst the plants, and GET CARROT. Now it may look tasty, but don’t eat it! You’ll need it later!
Walk right twice. Wait for a second or two, and your Fairy Godmother will appear, casting a Protective Spell on you. Isn’t that nice of her? When she is finished, head up one screen. You’ve reached the Clover Field. Walk into the clovers, and GET CLOVER.
Walk up one screen to the Troll Bridge (but don’t attempt to cross it yet), then head left twice to the bowl lying on the ground . Walk up to bowl, EXAMINE BOWL, and GET BOWL. LOOK BOWL again in your inventory, and you will see the word ‘Fill’ inside it.
Walk left to the Walnut Tree. LOOK WALNUT, GET WALNUT, and OPEN WALNUT, to discover it is pure gold.
Walk down once and right once. An elf should appear. If not, then leave the screen and immediately return again, until the elf appears. Walk over to the elf, and TALK ELF. The little elf is touched by your kindness, and gives you a MAGIC RING in return.
Resist the urge to try the ring right now.
Walk down, left, down, left (this is the best way to avoid the wolf), to the beach. LOOK PEBBLES and TAKE PEBBLES.
Walk down then walk left, so you are outside the Woodcutter’s Cottage. Enter cottage. The poor wife is very sick, and dying of starvation! Okay, remember that BOWL you found earlier? FILL BOWL, then GIVE BOWL, to fill it with stew. To show their appreciation, they offer you their FIDDLE. Walk over to the table, and GET FIDDLE. Leave the cottage.
Walk down twice. Be careful, this is the witch’s house. Walk up to door, and EAT HOUSE. If you hear the witch talking, leave screen, then return and try again.. When you get the ‘Yum’ message, that means the witch isn’t home. OPEN DOOR and enter.
Inside the house, quickly make your way into the bedroom. TAKE NOTE and READ NOTE to get a big clue for what’s going to happen later on. Now position yourself inside the bedroom doorway, and wait. When the witch appears (you might have a long wait, but be patient), let her tend to her cauldron, then approach her from behind, and PUSH WITCH into the cauldron. Yippee, the witch is dead! Now OPEN CUPBOARD on the wall, and TAKE CHEESE. Leave the house.
Walk up 3 times, and left one once. There’s a log and a tree stump here. Approach the tree stump. LOOK IN STUMP and GET POUCH. LOOK IN POUCH - it’s full of diamonds.
Go up one screen to reach the goat paddock. Nice goat! OPEN GATE and walk up to goat - you may have to follow it to the next screen. SHOW CARROT to goat, to make him follow you. Now leave the paddock.
Walk left twice and down 3 times (making sure not to get too far ahead of the goat), so you are at the troll bridge. Now this is a troll bridge… you have a goat with you. Goats and trolls don’t mix well.
Walk onto bridge, and the troll will appear. Now get out of the way quickly, while the goat takes care of your problem. Hee hee hee!
The goat trots off now, to explore on his own. Now that the troll is gone, simply cross the bridge.
Go down one screen. There’s an old gnome here. Approach the gnome, and he’ll ask you to guess his name correctly in 3 guesses. If you get his name right, he’ll give you a reward. Now you may have guessed his name is Rumplestiltskin. But simply typing out his name won’t work. Remember the clue back in the witch’s house - ‘Sometimes it’s better to think backwards’. Try typing his name backwards - NIKSTLITSELPMUR. He offers you some MAGIC BEANS as a reward. Now walk right, cross the troll bridge, and go right again.
Walk onto the flowery patch, and PLANT BEANS. Wow, that’s an impressive beanstalk. CLIMB BEANSTALK, making sure you SAVE frequently, until you reach the top.
When you are standing on the cloud, SAVE HERE. Now walk right 2 screens, and SAVE again. The giant is in the next screen, so you need to be careful. Walk down, then right twice. Notice the tree with hole in the bottom. Approach tree, and LOOK IN HOLE. GET SLING from hole.
Walk up one screen. You are now at the other side of the giant, which is a better position to deal with him. SAVE HERE. Now walk left, but keep hidden behind that tree on the bottom right, as the giant stomps around. Eventually, he will get tired, and take a nap. When he does so, approach him and TAKE CHEST. Walk right again.
Enter the cave. SAVE HERE. Make your way down the long, long, long walkway, SAVEing frequently. When you finally reach the bottom, walk up to leave the cave. Back outside, you find yourself on solid ground again. Walk left twice.
There’s a spooky tree here. This is where the witch hung out, before you killed her. Walk down to the well.
Approach well, and CUT ROPE with your knife, to get the bucket.
Walk to crank on the right-hand side, and LOWER ROPE. CLIMB ROPE, and lower yourself down.
When you reach bottom of the rope, JUMP INTO WATER. GET WATER to fill your bucket. SAVE HERE. DIVE under the water, and swim down, left through the small hole, then up again. Don’t waste time exploring this screen - you can’t hold your breath long enough. GET OUT of the water.
Walk left again, and you come face to face with a huge, scary dragon. YIKES! But if you filled your bucket in the well, you should be okay. Carefully approach dragon, and THROW WATER to extinguish his flames. The dragon is embarrassed, and crawls away to sulk. GET MIRROR, which is leaning against a rock. This is another of the magic treasures.
Walk left, and find your way through the path in the rocks. Finally, you are outside again.
You find yourself next to a cave. SAVE HERE. Now this bit is tricky! Walk to the centre of the screen - there is a small mark next to the rocks, to indicate the correct place to stand. A bird will soon fly in. When he is above your head, JUMP. It’s really hard to get the timing right, and if the bird flies away, simply leave the screen, return, and try again. When you succeed, the bird will grab you and carry you to an area you couldn’t previously access.
When the bird drops you, you are standing next to a hole. Walk left, and GET MUSHROOM. Return right to the hole, and fall down into the hole.
Follow path down and left, until you are greeted by a hungry rate. GIVE CHEESE TO RAT. His hunger satisfied, he scuttles away.
OPEN DOOR, and walk through to the leprechauns room. Quickly PLAY FIDDLE, and watch as they dance a merry jig right out of the room.
Walk left to next screen, and watch all the king’s leprechauns. When the king leaves, GET SCEPTRE and GET SHIELD. You now have all 3 treasures.
Walk left, and climb the path. There’s a tiny hole here. Remember what Alice did in this situation? EAT MUSHROOM, and then go through the hole. Back out in the open air, you return to normal size.
Walk up twice and right 3 times, so you are back at the castle portcullis. OPEN PORTCULLIS.
Watch final cutscene. The king is dead… long live the king!
Congratulations King Graham, you have completed the game.
This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit. You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.
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