King's Quest 2: Romancing The Stones (AGD Remake)
Year: 2010
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: AGD Interactive
Part 1
You begin your adventures on the docks, having just arrived in the far-away land of Kolyma.
Notice the NET in the river, wrapped around a support pole for the platform. Walk right once, climb down the ladder, then swim right. Swim up to the NET, and take NET. Now swim right, back to shore again.
Walk up, and take the fallen PICKET from the ground. Head up 2 more screens. A young girl in a red cloak (Possum, aka Red Riding Hood) should be here. If she’s not here, leave the screen and return. Talk to Possum several times, until you have nothing more to say to her. You learn that she has lost her basket of flowers, and that her grandmother is sick and has bad dreams.
Go left once and up twice. Take BASKET OF FLOWERS that is hiding behind the palm tree. Now go down twice and right once. Give BASKET OF FLOWERS to Possum. She gives you a YELLOW FLOWER to say ‘Thankyou’, then continues on her way to Grandma’s house.
Go up once, and right twice. Look at the pond and the swans. Aren’t they beautiful! Walk right again, to the pumpkin patch, and look at the pumpkins. Try to take the large pumpkin. Wow, that was unexpected! Poor Mother Pumpkin. Talk to her to learn how she got the ability to talk.
Go down 3 times, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look at those GOLD COINS just sitting there, on the ground. It’s a trap! Don’t pick them up! Instead, look at tree on the very right to see a piece of rope tied around it’s branches. Look very carefully at base of the tree, to see the rope - it’s hard to spot, but it’s there. Use your SWORD on the rope to cut it, thus disabling the trap. Now pick up the GOLD COINS, only to discover it’s FOOL’S GOLD!
Walk up twice, and then right to the ‘Town’ sign. Now go up, look at hole in the tree, then search the hole to find a MALLET. Walk up again, to the town gate. Search the haystack, and have an interesting conversation with… something.
Walk up through the town gates, into the town. Look at the fountain and the statue. Talk to merchant on the right, and notice the baby PUMPKIN he has. This is Mama Pumpkin’s missing baby, but the greedy merchant won’t return him - he just wants to get rich from a talking pumpkin.
Enter Kolyma library, and talk to the librarian. Keep talking to her, until she won’t talk to you anymore. Chatty, isn’t she? Look at all the books (love the book titles) in the bookshelves, until the titles start to repeat. When you’re ready, leave the library.
There is a door to the very right of the screen. Walk up to the door, and read the note. R.I.P Frederick! Something is sticking out from under the door, but you can’t quite get a grip on it. Damn! Use your SWORD on the door to slide out the LETTER from under the door, then click LETTER on yourself to read it. Wow, you now have a LIBRARY CARD. Yippee!
Enter library again. Try to use LIBRARY CARD with the librarian, but she won’t accept it because it’s not signed. Okay then, let’s sign it. Wait until she is looking left, then quickly use LIBRARY CARD with the quill that’s next to the librarian. Now show the signed LIBRARY CARD to the librarian. Talk to her and ask her to recommend a book - she places a book on the counter. Click on the book to read about ‘Kolyma: Perfect One Day Better The Next’. When you’ve finished reading, leave the library.
That greedy merchant is still here. Maybe you can fool him into giving you the BABY PUMPKIN. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use FOOL’S GOLD with the fountain, and they turn shiny again. Talk to the greedy merchant, and tell him there is gold in the fountain. He runs over to find it. Use this chance to grab the BABY PUMPKIN. QUICKLY walk down to leave the town. If you’re not quick enough, the merchant will come back, and you’ll have to Reload your game. Time to re-unite BABY PUMPKIN with its mother.
Walk down twice, to the Town Sign. Now walk left once and up once, so you are back in the Pumpkin Patch. Give BABY PUMPKIN back to Mama Pumpkin, and watch the happy reunion (you get the BOWL Baby Pumpkin was in). Mama Pumpkin gives you a beautiful SAPHIRE BROOCH as a reward. Talk to Mama Pumpkin again, and she asks you to get her some FRESH WATER THAT’S BITTER, for her babies.
Walk down twice and left once. Look at the lemon tree, and take a LEMON from the tree (ignore the ones on the ground).
Walk down, and notice the fallen log that’s split in half, across the path. Search the right half of the log to find SAPPHIRE EARRINGS.
Walk left once, to Grandma’s house. Open mailbox to see a letter addressed to Grandma, and also a card. You automatically read the card - it’s an advert for church services. After reading it, you replace it into the mailbox.
Go up, and look at the lonely BABY BIRD in the lake. Hmm, she looks too young to fend for herself. Stand in edge of the pool, and use NET to rescue the BABY BIRD.
Head up twice and right once. You’re back to the pond with the beautiful swans. Place BABY BIRD in the pond, and watch as it transform into a swan, and the whole family fly away. Pick up the WHITE FEATHER that was left behind.
Go right once, down 4 times, and right again once. Look at the natural spring, and use your BOWL on the spring to collect some fresh water. But the Pumpkins wanted it bitter. So in your inventory, use LEMON with the BOWL OF FRESH WATER to get LEMON SCENTED WATER.
Walk left once, then head up all the way to the top. Give LEMON SCENTED WATER to Baby Pumpkin, and you get a CANDLE as a reward.
Head down 3 times to the fallen log, then right twice to the bridge. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Cross the bridge. Look at huge mound of rocks here, and walk up to the rocks. It changes into a door with a face. Talk to door - the Door Of Destiny commands that you bring him the Gems Of Nature. He tells you a poem, which hints at where to find each gem. There are 3 gems to find, but it’s up to you to decipher the poem telling you where to find them.
Walk down, then go back across the bridge. A FLYER has blown on to the ground here, so pick up the FLYER. It’s for a curio shop in town.
Walk left 5 screens, until you reach the beach. A mermaid is sitting here, sunbathing on a rock. Try and talk to her if you want, but she can’t understand you.
Walk up twice (don’t worry about startling the mermaid - she’ll come back), and left once. Search under the log to find a CLAM. Use CLAM on yourself to open it, and get a PEARL.
Walk right 5 screens, until you reach the Town Sign. Now go up twice to the town gate.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Enter through town gate, and talk to the merchant on the right - the one that had the talking Baby Pumpkin. You learn he has a pretty SHELL COMB. Talk to him a few more times, and he tells you he will trade the SHELL COMB for PEARLS. Perfect! Give him your PEARL, and he gives you the SHELL COMB.
Enter the library, and talk to librarian again to ask her to recommend another book. She dutifully brings another book - ‘Way Below Your League’ - to the counter, so click on it to read it. It talks about the underwater Mer-people, and the underwater Sharkees. When you’re ready, leave the library.
Walk down to leave the town. Walk down twice more, to the Town sign.
Head left 4 screens, then down twice, so you are back with the mermaid. Give her SHELL COMB, and she gives you OPAL NECKLACE in exchange. Watch the cutscene as she takes you underwater, and brings a saddled seahorse for you.
Click on the seahorse to mount it. It takes you to King Neptune. Watch the cutscene with King Neptune. Talk to him, and he agrees to let you have the Birth Gem, if you find his TRIDENT in the Sharkees Realm, and return it to him. Talk to King Neptune again, and keep talking until your seahorse takes you to the Sharkees Realm border.
You have to find your way through the Sharkees Realm, avoiding the Sharkee Guards, so SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Go left once, then up once to the shipwreck. Go over to the shipwreck, and search it to find a BOTTLE. In your inventory, look at the BOTTLE to see it has a piece of CLOTH inside. Use hand icon on the bottle to uncork it, and retrieve the CLOTH. Now exit the inventory screen.
Travel down once, left twice, and up once (you have to go this way, to avoid the guard). Look at the luminescent fish feeding on the GRASS. The fish are obviously attracted to this GRASS. Go over to the GRASS, and take some of it. In your inventory, combine GRASS with BOTTLE.
Now use BOTTLE with the luminescent fish to lure the fish into the BOTTLE. Pick up the BOTTLE. You now have a GLOWING BOTTLE - useful for seeing in dark places. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Go down 3 times, left once, and down once. Now go left twice. Notice the fish swimming in and out of the rock wall. Now that’s weird! Go left, through the rock wall.
You’re in a dark tunnel now. Lucky you’ve got that GLOWING BOTTLE, or you wouldn’t be able to see anything! Follow the dark tunnel, until you reach a large shell door. Use your SWORD on the shell door to open it, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Head up into the Sharkee Throne Room. The Sharkee King is in a bad mood - he has King Neptune’s TRIDENT, but doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work for him. Watch, as he puts the TRIDENT into his Treasury. When the Sharkee King has left, you need to get into the Treasury, to get the TRIDENT back, but the guards are still here. You need to
distract them somehow. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then use hand icon on your seahorse. The seahorse (reluctantly) distracts the guards, drawing them away from the Treasury.
Now’s your chance.
Swim over to the Treasury door, and click on it. If you imagine this is the Treasury door:
7 8 9
6 10
5 11
4 12
3 13
2 14
1 15
Press buttons 11, 9, 9, 14 (or just SKIP, if you want). The Treasury door opens. Grab TRIDENT, then QUICKLY get out of there! Don’t hang around! Swim back down through the shell door. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Click on the seahorse to mount it, and watch a short cutscene.
Now follows an arcade sequence. You can skip it if you want (I did). If you choose to attempt the arcade sequence, you must escape the sharkees chasing you, while avoiding rocks.
When arcade sequence is over, you find yourself outside the fake rock wall again. But the guards are still chasing you. QUICKLY use TRIDENT on the fake wall, to make it solid. You hear a satisfying ‘THUD’, as the guards crash into the wall from the other side (heehee).
Now you just have to make your way out of the Sharkee’s Realm: Go right twice, up once, and right twice. Go down once, and right twice. Now go up 3 times, and right once. Watch cutscene, as you return the TRIDENT to it’s rightful owner - King Neptune. He gives you advice on how to find the Growth Gem and the Death Gem.
When the cutscene is over, you find yourself back on shore, with the BIRTH GEM in your possession. One down, 2 to go!
Now you need to find the second Gem. All you know, is that it’s somewhere high up. I wonder if the library would have any more information.
Head 4 screens right, and 2 screens up, so you are at the Town sign. Continue up twice to the Town gate. Someone is still sneezing in the haystack. Give CLOTH to haystack, and they blow their nose loudly, before giving you back the CLOTH (yuck!). They also sneeze out a SILVER NEEDLE (the preverbal ‘needle in a haystack’), so pick up the SILVER NEEDLE.
Walk up through the gates, into town. Enter library, and talk to the librarian to ask for another book. She places ‘Legends’ on the counter, so click on it to read it - you read about Daventry’s first king. Now talk to the librarian, and ask for another book. She brings out ‘Power, Politics, And Pulpits’ for you, so click on it to read it. This book talks about Kolyma’s power struggle between the state, and the church. When you’re ready, leave the library.
There is a quaint little Antique Shop over on the left, that has been closed until now. Enter the Antique Shop. Look at the shopkeeper, and talk to her. You ask if she has anything that could aid in the ascent of a mountain, and she tells you that she has a MAGIC LAMP that may help. She’ll give it to you, IF you get her NIGHTINGALE back from the evil witch Hagatha. Well, you don’t have a choice - you agree to her terms. Have a look around the shop, and see all the interesting things for sale… in another time and another place. Now when you’re ready, leave the shop.
Walk down to leave the town, then walk down twice more to the Town sign.
So you have to retrieve the NIGHTINGALE from Hagatha’s cave. Walk left 4 times, and then up once.
You are outside Hagatha’s cave now, so SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Don’t enter the cave yet! Look at the skulls on either side of the cave, and notice that one of the skulls (the one on the right) has a blue stone as an eye. Place your BIRTH GEM into the skull on the left, however it does not fit properly. Use MALLET on skull on the left to push the GEM in into place. Now use the hand icon on both skulls to turn them towards the cave, thus disarming a deadly trap. Now enter the cave, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Don’t let Hagatha see you, or she will kill you. In fact, stay as far away from her as possible. There is a black cloak hanging up on a coat stand - walk over to it, and search through it to find TINY SILVER KEY and an odd CIRCULAR DEVICE. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk over to the nightingale, and look at it to realise it’s chained to the wall. Use TINY SILVER KEY on the cage to unlock the chain. Now you need to keep the NIGHTINGALE calm, so it doesn’t accidentally alert Hagatha to your presence. Place CLOTH over the cage, then pick up the CAGE, and leave the cave.
Outside the cave, in your inventory screen, use hand icon on the CAGE to remove the CLOTH. Use hand icon on CAGE again, to find a LETTER. Now click LETTER on yourself to read it - it’s a letter to Hagatha, from her brother Manannan. Now you need to get your GEM back, so use MALLET to hit skull on the left, shattering the skull, and knocking the GEM to the ground. Pick up BIRTH GEM.
You have the NIGHTINGALE now, so you need to take it back to the owner of the Antique Shop. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk down once, and right 4 times, so you are at the Town sign. Head up twice, to the Town Gate.
Walk up through the town gate, and enter Antique Shop on the left. Give NIGHTINGALE to the shop owner. She leaves the MAGIC LAMP on the counter, before locking herself in the backshop. You overhear her talk about the ‘final ingredient’, and a ‘youth potion’. Uh-oh… why do you suddenly get a sinking feeling that she’s not really a sweet little old lady pining after her beloved pet nightingale, after all? Poor little nightingale!
Take MAGIC LAMP from the counter, and use MAGIC LAMP on yourself to rub it (hoping a Genie will appear). But the LAMP disappears, leaving you with a NOTE, giving another cryptic clue as to where to find the GROWTH GEM. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.
Notice the statue on the far-right edge of the screen. Look at statue to discover a hidden latch, and pull the latch to open a secret trapdoor.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Climb down into the trapdoor, into the basement below. Walk down the stairs and look at LETTER on the table at bottom right corner. Click on the LETTER to read it - it’s a letter to Angelina (the shopkeeper) from Hagatha, inviting her to join some mysterious community.
Over on the left, you see a red rolled-up CARPET. Take it - it’s a MAGIC CARPET that once belonged to Aladdin. You over-hear Angelina and Hagatha talking above you, arguing over the Youth Potion. Hagatha accidently drops the POTION through hole in the floor (see the beam of light), so it lands next to you. Search through pile on the floor under the beam of light, and you find the YOUTH POTION. Now climb back up the stair to leave the basement.
In the shop floor, flick latch on the statue (over on the right) to close the trapdoor again, then leave the shop. Walk down, to leave town.
Walk down twice more, so you are at the Town sign.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, and use MAGIC CARPET on yourself to fly up to a mountain-top.
On the mountain-top, walk right one screen, and see a snake blocking your path. You have to get rid of it somehow. Use your OPAL PENDANT on the snake to hypnotise it, then continue right one screen.
You find yourself in front of another cave. There is a large rock with a hole in it. For a bit of fun, reach into the hole - you meet the Hero from Quest For Glory (nice Easter Egg!).
When you’re ready, enter the cave and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You find yourself in a lovely room with a lot of green decorations. There is an open book on the table at top of the room - click on it to read through it. It tells you how to create an emerald. Let’s get started then.
Look at table \ work bench where the book is, to get a close-up of it.
Place EARRINGS into the beaker. Place YELLOW FLOWER into the beaker. Use MALLET on flintstone under the beaker, to light the burner. Use FEATHER on beaker to stir the mixture. In your inventory, look at your SWORD to see a crystal in the hilt. Use PICKET (from the fence) on the SWORD to break off the crystal. Place CRYSTAL in the beaker. Talk to the beaker to chant the magic verse. Take EMERALD from the beaker.
Now leave the cave. Walk left, back to the snake, and use EMERALD on the snake to transform it back to it’s original form - a winged horse. Talk to the winged horse to learn how it was cursed by the evil enchanter. He agrees to help you find the GROWTH GEM, if you find his BRIDLE. Continue talking to the winged horse, until you have nothing else to say.
Go right again, and enter the cave again. Look closely at wall on the right, and read the engraving. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Wait for the enchanter to enter, then watch a cutscene. You’ve beaten the evil enchanter, and forced him to leave Kolyma for good! He magics himself away, leaving an empty cave. Excellent work, Graham!
Read engraving on wall on the right again, then leave the cave and make your way to edge of the cliff. Use MAGIC CARPET on yourself to fly back down the cliff, landing at the Town sign.
Walk left 3 times, and look at the large rock mound, and look at the 6 stones at base of the mound. This sounds like the inscription from the engraving you saw In the enchanter’s cave. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use EMERALD on the 5th stone along, and it changes into a BRIDLE. Take BRIDLE.
Walk right 3 times, so you are at the Town sign. Use MAGIC CARPET on yourself to fly up to the mountain again.
Continued In King's Quest 2 (AGD Remake): Part 2
This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit. You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.
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