King's Quest 3: To Heir Is Human: Redux (AGD Remake)
Year: 2011
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: AGD Interactive
Part 2
Select Desert on the left as your destination. You should be outside a Temple. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now open the door and enter the Temple. Begin walking along the path, and Medusa will appear. Keep walking towards her. She asks you some questions to determine your character. Answer like so:
Q: How would you describe a sunset to a blind man?
A: Describe the rays, clouds, and colours precisely.
Q: A poor girl offers to sell you a rotten apple from her basket?
A: Give her money to buy riper apples.
Q: A harem slave asks for help?
A: Help her to flee. No charge.
Q: An old man, reeks of the world’s stenches, asks for shelter?
A: Invite him in.
Q: After many years of correspondence, you propose to your penpal?
A: Remember how her words moved you.
By showing compassion in your answers, and not allowing her appearance to repel you, you have broken her curse. Walk back up the path, and try to take SMOOTH AMBER STONE in the top-right corner. However, she won’t let you take it yet. Give her the HAND MIRROR, so that she can see for herself she really is transformed back to a human (and is no longer a Gorgon). Now she lets you take the SMOOTH AMBER STONE. Now leave the cave.
Walk down one screen, to the cactus with a red flower. The cactus to the right of it (with yellow flowers) is a spineless cactus - pick up a SPINELESS CACTUS.
Use MAGIC MAP on yourself, and select the Spider Web Cave \ Oracle’s Cave as your destination. Use SPOON on the riverbank, to get some MUD ON SPOON. Walk right, and use CUP on the ocean to get CUP OF OCEAN WATER. Now click MAGIC MAP on yourself, and select Manannan’s house as your destination. Continue walking up the path,
until you reach the house.
Enter house, and walk into the study. Enter through the trapdoor, and climb downstairs all the way to the bottom, so you’re in the secret lab.
It’s time to prepare the rest of the spells. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Click twice on the Spell Book.
Brewing A Storm
Turn to relevant page in the Spell Book - Page 6
It’s important to do this spell first, to free your muddy spoon for later spells.
In your inventory, put CUP OF OCEAN WATER into BOWL
Exit inventory screen
Click ‘Exit’, so you are looking at the work bench
Click hand icon on charcoal brazier on the right
Place BOWL on charcoal brazier on the right
In your inventory, add MUD ON SPOON to the BOWL
Use hand icon on BOWL to blow into it
Exit inventory screen
Click on Spell Book again, and Recite Spell
In your inventory, wave MAGIC WAND over BOWL
You now have the Storm Brew spell. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now for the next spell. Click on Spell Book twice.
Teleportation At Random
Turn to relevant page in the Spell Book - Page 3
Exit Spell Book, so you are looking at the work bench.
Use pestle to grind the SALT
Add MISTLETOE to the mortar
Use pestle to grind MISTLETOE
Rub SMOOTH AMBER STONE in the mortar to coat with mixture
In inventory, use hand icon on STONE to kiss it
Exit inventory screen, and click on Spell Book again
Recite Spell
In inventory screen, wave MAGIC WAND over the STONE
That’s another spell down. Now for the next one. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Click on Spell Book twice.
Causing A Deep Sleep
Turn to relevant page in the Spell Book - Page 4
Exit Spell Book, so you are looking at the work bench
Place ACORNS in mortar
Use pestle to grind ACORNS
Use hand icon on mortar to scoop out ACORN POWDER
In inventory, place ACORN POWDER into BOWL
Use SPOON on BOWL to stir mixture
Exit inventory screen
Use hand icon on charcoal brazier on the right, to light it
Place BOWL on charcoal brazier
Pick up BOWL from charcoal brazier
Pour BOWL onto table
Click on Spell Book again, and Recite spell
Exit Spell Book, so you are looking at the work bench
Wave MAGIC WAND over powder on table
You’re getting pretty good at this magic stuff, aren’t you. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Now for the next spell. Click on Spell Book twice.
Becoming Invisible
Turn to relevant page in the Spell Book - Page 7
In your inventory, use KNIFE to cut CACTUS
Use SPOON with BOWL to stir mixture
Exit inventory screen
Recite spell
In your inventory, wave MAGIC WAND over BOWL
Congratulations, you’ve completed all the spells. Now you can finally leave this cursed town, and find a way to get to Daventry!
Leave the lab, and leave the house. Outside the house, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk down once screen, and use MAGIC MAP on yourself.
Select Pier \ Town as your destination.
Enter tavern, and look at the sailors here. It seems they’re about to set sail. Talk to sailors - the Captain offers you passage in his ship, as long as you have gold. Give him your COIN PURSE. The Captain snatches it from you, and tells you he’ll be waiting at the docks for you. Him and his friends leave the tavern now.
Leave the tavern. Walk right twice, onto the pier. Talk to sailor. Now watch cutscene, as you realise you're sailing with a bunch of pirates!
You now find yourself in cargo hold of the ship. All your possessions are gone (except for the magic dough in your ears that lets you understand animals). Those lousy pirates robbed you blind!
Walk right - there may or may not be some mice here. There’s a small crate at front of screen. Pick up small CRATE, and walk back left again.
Place the small CRATE on the floor, next to the big crate, and click on ladder to automatically climb up to the deck above, which is where the Captain‘s Quarters are.
You can’t do anything here, without getting caught, so climb up again, and keep climbing until you reach the Crow’s Nest.
The pirate will try to attack you, but miss.
Climb down twice, so you are outside the Captain’s Quarters, and overhear a conversation with the Captain and one of his crew.
A few hours later, the Captain drops you off on an island. He gives you a TREASURE MAP and a SPADE, and tells you to go and find his treasure.
Walk right into the jungle, and follow path to the bridge. You see 3 weights hovering above the bridge, and then 2 of them disappear, with one weight remaining. What could it mean?
Use MAP on yourself, to read the strange poem. Three bottles magically appear on the pillar next to the bridge. Pick up the BOTTLES. The weights will now appear over the bridge one at a time. Drink the PURPLE POTION first, then the tall GREY POTION, then the GREEN POTION. Now the braces holding the bridge in place rise up. You’re standing next to a lever - click on, and Pull the lever (so the braces on the left snap back into place), then cross the bridge in safety. Now continue to next screen.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’re at a swamp, with stones that flash different colours. Click MAP on yourself, to read a new poem. Each verse of the poem relates to a different colour - Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, White, Brown. So you need to jump on the stones according to the colour sequence. See diagram below, and click on stones as indicated.
* 12 10 * *
* 11 9 *
* * 8 7 *
* 3 4 6
* 2 * 5 *
* 1 * *
Now click on the shore, and continue up to next screen.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. You’ve reached an archway. Look at the archway. For an interesting scene, just walk straight through the archway.
Now restore your game. Use MAP on yourself to read the next poem. Notice there are several stone tiles scattered on the ground - pick up all the TILES. Use TILES with the archway to get a close-up. You have to place the TILES in the correct order to spell out the name of the gate - Seran’s gate. So place the tiles as so: Spider, Elephant, Rabbit, Antelope, Newt. If you’ve done it correctly, you will automatically exit the close-up, so simply walk through the archway.
Watch a cutscene with Seran, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Several items are scattered on the ground, and you have to choose them in order of importance. Click Food, Tools, then Book (Look at the items for a better description). Now click on the Treasure Chest, then pick up the GREEN ORB. Search through the gold coins a few times, until you find the BLACK STATUE. Now Exit the close-up, and watch cutscene as you take the treasure back to the Pirate Captain.
You’re back on the Pirate Ship again. And First Mate gives the task of getting the stove running.
Walk left, and climb up the ladder. Enter Galley on the left, and click on the stove to put some logs in the furnace. Take BROOM, which is lying next to the doorway, then make your way back to First Mate.
Talk to First Mate, and he tells you to scrub the upper deck. Walk left, and climb up the ladder. Walk right to the next screen. Use BROOM on the deck. When you’re ready, return to First Mate.
Talk to First Mate again, and he tells you to dust the Captain’s Cabin.
Walk left, and enter the Captains’ Quarters. Get FEATHER DUSTER from the bottom left corner, and you automatically dust the shelves in Captain’s Cabin. Why does all this remind you of Manannan?
When you’re ready, walk right again, to where the First Mate was. You automatically go to bed. Watch an emotional cutscene with King Graham & Queen Valanice, followed by a cutscene with the pirates.
Climb up the ladder, and notice that the Captain’s Quarters is empty. Enter the Quarters, and take all your stuff (including the spells you prepared) back from chest at the bottom left. Leave the Quarters, and climb back down the ladder.
Walk right, to where the mice sometimes hang out, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Stand underneath the grating, and pour your POUCH OF SLEEP POWDER on the ground here, knocking out all the pirates.
Walk left again, and climb up the ladder twice, so you are on deck. In your inventory, combine EAGLE FEATHER with MAGIC ESSENCE, to turn into an eagle, and fly to shore.
You finally made it to Daventry. Your home, where you were snatched as a baby.
Walk right 3 screens, until you see bottom of the mountain path.
Walk on to mountain path, and follow the path back left. That big rock is blocking your path, so simply climb up it, and head right again.
Keep following the path until you reach the cave, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Don’t enter the cave. Instead, walk one more screen right. You’re greeted by the Yeti - YIKES! Your goal now, is to escape. Remember the AMBER STONE? Quickly rub the MAGIC AMBER STONE, to teleport to a different area. Repeat this, until the Yeti is on your left. Now run right (if necessary), then run down the mountain path.
You’re at a group of 5 caves. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Now these caves are very tricky to get through. So enter the cave nearest you, and choose First passage. Enter cave again, and choose Second passage.
Keep entering the cave in between each passage selection: Second passage, First passage, First passage, Second passage, First passage, First passage, Second passage, First passage. You should be at bottom-right cave now. The Yeti will show up, and taunt you.
Work through the caves again, choosing the following passages: First passage, First passage, Second passage, Second passage, First passage. You’re at the bottom-right cave again, and thanks to the Yeti, the path is now clear. So simply walk right to next screen.
Follow path right two screens, and then down to the next screen. You’ll fall here, but don’t worry, it’s just a little fall, and you survive. You land in front of another cave, and fire is everywhere.
You’ve now reached the heart of Daventry. This is where your sister is.
Enter cave, walk left, and climb stairs to the top. Phew, that was quite a climb! You’re in Land Of The Clouds - Graham got here by climbing the beanstalk many years ago. The dragon is in the next screen, so you need to prepare yourself. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.
Walk left, and see the 3-headed dragon looming over your sister, who is tied up. Use JAR OF INVISIBILITY OINTMENT on yourself to become invisible. Now that the dragon can’t see you, walk over to Rosella, and throw JAR OF STORM BREW at the dragon. A fierce storm comes.
Lightning strikes the dragon, killing it, and thus eliminating the threat from Daventry. Untie Rosella, and watch the cutscene as Alexander proves his identity. Talk to her a few times, until you have nothing more to say.
Walk right, back into the cave, and lead Rosella down the stairs. At bottom of stairs, walk up to leave the cave. Watch a cutscene with the adorable gnome.
Follow gnome right, and then walk up twice, until you see the walls of fire. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Time it right, to dash past the fire walls. Take each fire at a time, and as soon as one stops, quickly run to the next rock. Repeat this until you have passed both fire walls. Rosella will manage this on her own, so you don’t have to worry about her.
Continue up to next screen. The ground here is unstable, so SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Walk carefully on right-edge of the path, and continue left to next screen.
There’s a man in a black cloak here. Talk to him if you like, but he is rather strange. Continue up, right, and right again. Walk up into the castle, and watch the final, joyous cutscene, as Daventry is restored to it’s former glory.
Welcome home, Prince Alexander!
This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit. You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.
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