Year: 1990
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Click HERE for a list of Spells (or Weaves) you will need to use.
NOTE: Take a careful note of any spells you come across. Many spells have the opposite effect when played backwards, so take a note of them, as well. The spells change with every playthrough.
The game begins with you waking up on top of the hill. The Elders have summoned you, so you better not keep them waiting too long. Touch the last leaf of Autumn - it will fall from the tree, drifting down towards the village. Make your way down the path, into the village.
Walk down the slope to the tents.
Enter the Elders tent on the left.
It’s dark when you first enter the tent. Walk right, and continue right, until you see Mother Hetchel and the Elders. Watch the cut scene. Poor Mother Hetchel! It’s seems that she’s being punished for sharing Loom secrets with you. After the cut scene, pick up the Distaff from the floor. The Distaff is used to weave spells throughout your adventure, by combining musical notes.
Click on the egg on the floor. You will hear 4 notes play. The egg is trying to open. This is the first spell you learn - the OPEN spell. Write down the 4 notes, then play those notes back to the egg. Mother Hetchel hatches from the egg. Watch the cut scene.
Click on the Loom itself to learn the TRANSCENDENCE spell. You can’t play it yet, since you don’t have enough Notes, but write it down anyway. You’ll need it later. Now head left, and continue left, until you’re out of the tent.
Walk up the slope again, then walk left into the forest.
There are 4 trees in the Forest, and each tree has a hole. Click on each of the 4 holes in the trees. 3 of the holes contain owls, and when you click on them, they give you a note. The last hole is empty, and will not give you a note. Walk left a few steps.
You will see an owl sleeping on top of a gravestone. Click on the thorns on the left - a rabbit will run out from the thorns, and the owl will wake up and chase the rabbit. Now walk right a few steps, back to the trees.
Click on any of the tree-holes. The owl from the gravestone has returned to his tree, so each tree contains an owl now. You’ll hear 4 notes, which is the spell for NIGHT VISION. Make sure you write down the notes to this spell. Now walk right, back to the Village.
Walk down the slope to the tents.
Ignore the Elders tent on the left. Walk right a few steps, and enter the middle tent.
It’s very dark in here, and you can’t see. Click on the darkness, and cast the NIGHT VISION spell you got from the owls. That’s better! You can see now! Click on the spinning wheel to learn the STRAW INTO GOLD spell, and write the spell down. Click on the straw, and cast STRAW INTO GOLD. Since you know the STRAW INTO GOLD spell, you also know the GOLD INTO STRAW spell. It’s the same spell - simply play the notes backwards.
When you’re ready, leave the tent.
Walk right a few steps, and enter tent on the right.
Click on the cloth rack on the right. Now click on the flask on the table - you’ll accidentally knock it over. You’ll learn the EMPTY spell. You might not be able to use it yet, since you don’t have the correct Notes, but write it down anyway. Click on the cauldron on the left to learn the DYE spell. Write it down. Click on the heap of rags on the floor to cast the DYE spell, and turn them into another colour. DYE them back again, simply by casting the spell backwards. When you’re ready, leave the tent.
Walk left a few steps, then walk up the slope to the top of the Village.
Head right, and continue right, until you’re back on the Hilltop.
Click on the sky (towards the upper-left), and cast OPEN on the sky. Watch the cut scene as the tree is struck down, and lands in the water below. Leave the hilltop, and make your way back down to the Village.
Walk down slope on the left, and head down to the Pier.
Cast OPEN on the clam on the rock - the seagull will appreciate it! Have fun playing in the water, if you like. When you’re ready, click on the tree to climb on it. Watch the cut scene as you float left towards a twister.
Click on the twister to learn the TWIST spell, and write it down. Now cast the spell backwards to UNTWIST it. The twister disappears. Float left & up, until you reach the shores of Crystalgard.
Your experience has earned you another Note - G. Take the upper left path, into the forest.
Walk left, until you are stopped by 4 shepherds. Take note of the spell they use to make themselves VISIBLE. They’re not very nice to you, and they just make fun of you. Leave the shepherds, and head up the path next to you, into the mountain. Follow the path, until you reach the Crystal City.
Walk down the mountain path, and enter Crystal City.
Crystal City is a very strange place. Climb up the stairs on the right, and head right through the doorway, into the next room.
The Bishop, and Master Crucible are talking in the distance. Double-click on them to eavesdrop on their conversation. Apparently, magic spheres can see into the future. Master Crucible’s sphere can see 6 hours into the future, but the Bishop wants to see 8 hours into the future. After they have gone, climb up the stairs in front of you, and exit Crystal City through the doorway in the back wall.
Notice the Workers up in the tower. Double-click on the Workers, then cast INVISIBLE. If you’ve spoken with the Shephards, you’ll know the spell - just cast the Visible Spell backwards. When you cast the spell, it means they won’t see you when you finally find your way up to their room. Now enter Crystal City through the same door you came out from a moment ago.
Click on the golden crystal bell, which is inside one of the crystal towers at the lower left. You are teleported to the high tower you saw from outside.
If you’ve already case the INVISIBLE spell from outside, the Workers won’t be able to see you. They’re busy polishing the scythe. Listen to them talking. It seems that they don’t entirely trust the Bishop. Double click on the scythe to learn the SHARPEN spell. Now double click on the bell on the left, to leave through that door.
You are teleported to the Orb you saw Bishop and Crucible at earlier. Double click on the Orb to learn the TERROR spell. Double click on the Orb again to see a cave on fire. For the 3rd time, click on the Orb to see the TRANSCENDENCE spell. This is the same spell you saw in the Loom at the start of the game. You can loop through all 3 scenes as many times as you like. This is all you can do in the Crystal City, so it’s time to leave. Double click on the bell in the tower at bottom left.
You’re with the Workers again, and they’re still polishing the scythe. Double click on the bell on the right.
Leave Crystal City through the doorway in the back wall.
Walk left, and continue left, until you see the mountain. Climb up the mountain path, and follow the path until you reach the forest.
Walk left, and continue left, until those nasty shepherds re-appear. Well, you have a surprise for them! Cast the TERROR spell on them. You change into a dragon, and scare them away. Don’t worry, you change back to yourself again, afterwards. Continue left, to the Pasture.
There’s a flock of sheep here. The young shepherd who’s supposed to be watching them has fallen asleep. Double click on the sheep. They will jump over the fence, teaching you the SLEEP spell. The young shepherd wakes up, herds his sheep back over the fence, and promptly falls asleep again.
When you’ve finished playing with the sheep, head left, and continue left, until you see some huts. Enter the hut with the open door.
Inside the hut, you’ll see a lamb lying down in a hutch. Double click on the lamb, and you’ll meet Fleece, the shepherdess. But this one is actually friendly. She tells you about the dragon terrorising their sheep, and how the dragon can easily spot the sheep because they are bright white. Maybe you could help her with that problem? Double click on the lamb again to learn the HEALING spell. When you’re ready, leave the hut.
Outside, click on the sheep, and cast the DYE spell on them, to turn them green. The dragon won’t be able to spot them now. But she’ll snatch you instead, and take you to her cave.
Double click on the dragon, and have an interesting conversation with her. Double click on the pile of gold, and listen to the dragon’s sorry tale of how she lost most of her hoard. Cast the GOLD INTO STRAW spell on the pile of gold. The dragon isn’t very happy about it, but DON’T turn it back. You’ve learned another Note. Now cast the SLEEP spell on the dragon to send her to sleep. As she sleeps, she accidentally sets fire to the pile of straw she’s resting on. She wakes up, and she’s furious with you, and flies away. Walk up into the cave in the back wall.
It’s dark in here. Cast NIGHT VISION on the darkness, so you can see where you’re going. This place is like a maze. The easiest way through it, is as follows.
- Climb down the stairs.
- Enter cave at bottom of the stairs.
- Walk right over the bridge.
- Continue right until you reach another small cave.
- Climb down the stairs in the floor.
- Follow path up & left, and enter cave on the far left.
- Head left, and continue left, until you fall.
You’re in another cave. Click on the pool of water on the left, to learn the REFLECTION spell. Cast EMPTY on the pool of water to make it evaporate. A sphere will be revealed. Double click on the sphere 3 times, and watch the 3 scenes. Now walk right a few steps, and follow the path around the pillar. Continue walking right, until you’re outside the caves again.
Outside the caves, you path is blocked by some spiralled stone steps. Simply case UNTWIST on the stairs, then continue right down the steps.
You’ve reached the edge of the Blacksmith‘s Guild. Examine the middle gravestones if you like. There is a man sleeping amongst the gravestones - cast AWAKE on him to wake him up. He introduces himself as Rusty Nailbender, and tells you that he’s supposed to be collecting firewood. Then he goes back to sleep again. Head right, and try to enter the Forge. But you won’t succeed, because you don’t look like one of their Guild.
Return to where Rusty Nailbender is sleeping. Cast REFLECTION on Rusty, and your appearance will reflect Rusty, so you’ll look exactly like him. He’ll also look like you now. Walk right to the Forge.
Since you look like Rusty Nailbender, the Gatekeeper will open the gate and let you in. Walk left to enter the Forge.
Inside the Forge, follow the path right, until you reach Mr Stoke. Talk to Mr Stoke - he’ll scold you for not collecting firewood, take your Distaff, and throw you in a cell. Oh dear! Double-click on the straw. The straw has a sleep spell woven into it, making you fall asleep. Watch the cut scenes. The real Rusty Nailbender, who looks like you now, will be killed by the dragon you met earlier. Mother Hetchel manages to return your Distaff. And since Rusty is dead, you look like yourself again. Pick up the Distaff, and cast OPEN on the door. Now leave the cell.
Outside the cell, double click on the woodbin to see that it’s empty. Cast FILL on the woodbin to fill it up. Now there’s plenty of fuel for the fire. Walk down the stairs in the floor.
Edgewise, the blacksmith below you, is busy hammering on a sword. Double click on Bishop Mandible in the foreground, to hear his conversation with the foreman. Now wait until Edgewise raises his sword, then click on the sword, and cast BLUNT on the sword. If you miss your chance, don’t worry, simply click on Bishop Mandible again. Now watch the cut scene as you are captured, and taken to the Bishop’s Cathedral.
Cast OPEN on your cage. Watch the cut scene as Bishop Mandible takes your Distaff, and taunts you that he has the power to destroy the universe. When you are left alone with Cob, examine the Sphere on the right. Cob will make you a deal - he’ll let you look into the Sphere, if you let him look upon your face that’s hidden in your robe. Cob wants to know if the legends are true, that gazing upon a Weaver’s face means horrible death! He pulls down the hood of your robe… and dies! Well, you can’t say he wasn’t warned! With Cob out of the way, click on the Sphere 3 times to see Mother Hetchel’s terrible fate. Poor Mother Hetchel. Look at the dragon in the lower left cage. Now leave the Dungeon, and join Bishop Mandible out on the balcony.
On the balcony, talk to Bishop Mandible, and watch the cut scene as he tears a hole in the fabric of reality, and releases Chaos. Chaos destroys the Bishop, then leaves to explore the universe. Pick up your Distaff, then return right to the Dungeon.
The dragon has escaped from his cage. Leave the Dungeon, and go out onto the balcony.
The dragon will push you off the balcony, knocking you into The Rift.
You are outside the Pattern Of Reality. Several holes have been torn into the universe. It’s up to you to repair each hole, and destroy Chaos. You can’t return to the Cathedral, so case CLOSE on the Cathedral Rift on the right.
Float left a little bit, and enter through the Forge Rift.
Click on Rusty’s remains to talk to his ghost. He’s rather angry at you for getting him killed. Cast HEALING on Rusty’s remains to resurrect him. He’s glad to be alive again, and leaves you to find out what happened to the rest of his guild. Leave this Rift through the hole on the left.
Cast CLOSE on the Forge Rift. Float left a little bit, and enter through the Pasture Rift.
Fleece, the shepherdess, is devastated that all her friends have been murdered. Cast HEALING on the shepherds to resurrect them. Fleece thanks you. Walk left to leave the Rift.
Cast CLOSE on the Pasture Rift. Float left a little bit, and enter through the Crystalgard Rift.
Double click on Master Goodmold to talk to him as he lays dying. He tells you that they did not use the power of the Scythe to save themselves, for fear that doing so would make them no better than their enemy. So they chose to face their death with honour. He also tells you that Chaos stole the Scythe. Then he dies. There is no way to save him. Leave the Rift.
Cast CLOSE on the Crystalgard Rift. That’s all the Rifts close. Float left, until you reach The Shore Of Wonder.
You are the first to behold The Shore Of Wonder with mortal eyes. Talk to the swan, and watch the cut scene. You learn that this swan is really Lady Cygna Threadbare - your mother! The Elders banished her from Loom Island 17 years ago. She tells you that Mother Hetchel plans to destroy the Loom, rather than let it fall into the hands of Chaos. You HAVE to save her! Float left, and enter the final Rift - Loom Island Rift.
Walk right, and you’ll automatically find yourself in the Elder’s Tent.
In the Elders Tent, walk right, until you see the Loom. Examine the Loom. Watch the cut scene as Mother Hetchel urges you to unmake the Loom, before Chaos gains control of it. Chaos casts SILENCE on Hetchel, so she can’t tell you what spell to use. Click on the Loom to learn the SILENCE spell. Now cast UN-SILENCE on Hetchel. However, before she can tell you the correct spell to use, Chaos roasts her! Poor Hetchel! Click on the Loom to learn the ROAST spell. Cast UN-ROAST on Hetchel to restore her. Watch the cut scene, as Chaos casts the UNMAKING spell on Hetchel to destroy her. Click on the Loom at learn the UNMAKING spell, then cast UNMAKING on the Loom itself. A Rift opens up, tearing the Loom in two. Chaos is trapped on the other side, unable to use the power of the Loom now. Lady Cygna appears in the Rift. Click on her to follow her out through the Rift.
Cast TRANSCENDANCE on yourself. You turn into a swan. Now sit back and watch the bitter-sweet ending.
The End!
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