Monkey Island 2:  LeChuck's Revenge

Year:  1991 (Original) & 2010 (Special Edition)


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG



Click here for Part 1

Click here for Part 2

Click here for Part 3

















After your explosive exit from LeChuck’s store room, you land on a beach in Dinky Island.  Click anywhere, to stand up.  Listen carefully to what the parrot says.  Pick up BOTTLE from the ocean.  Use BOTTLE with the big rock to get BROKEN BOTTLE.  Look at the still, and pick up MARTINI GLASS that’s under the still.  Use MARTINI GLASS with the ocean to get GLASS OF WATER, then use GLASS OF WATER with the still, to rinse it out and get rid of all the salt residue.  Pick up CROWBAR that’s on the ground next to the still.  Talk to Herman Toothrot if you like - he has some amusing things to say.  Look at the barrel, and look at the crate that’s next to the parrot.  Open the barrel to find a CRACKER.  Walk left a few steps, then walk  through bushes, into the jungle. 







Walk left, and continue left, until you see a bag hanging from a tree. 


Look at the bag, and use BROKEN BOTTLE with the bag, to cut it open.  Look at the BOX that fell from the bag - it’s a BOX OF CRACKER MIX.  Pick up BOX OF CRACKER MIX.  In your Inventory, mix BOX OF CRACKER MIX with GLASS OF DISTELLED WATER, to get 2 CRACKERS.  Head right, and continue right, until you see a trunk sitting on the ground, next to the pond. 


Look at the trunk, and you’ll see it’s tied with rope.  Pick up the ROPE from the trunk.  Use your CROWBAR with the trunk to force it open, then take DYNAMITE from the box.  Now, if you try to explore the jungle any further, you’ll just get lost.  Walk left 1 screen. 


Walk down the path, back to the beach. 







Walk right a few steps, and talk to the parrot.  He’s giving strong hints that he knows where the treasure is buried.  Give all 3 CRACKERS to the parrot, and he‘ll tell you where to find the treasure. 



        -       Head due east from the pond to the dinosaur. 

        -       Head north from the dinosaur to the pile of rocks.

        -       Head due east from the rocks to the X. 



So let’s go treasure hunting!  Walk left a few steps, then walk  through bushes, into the jungle. 







Walk right, to the next screen. 


Look at the pond.  It’s the pond that the parrot mentioned.  Walk right 2 screens, so you see the bush shaped like a dinosaur. 


Walk up 2 screens, to the pile of rocks. 


Walk right to the next screen. 


You see the Big X now.  And X marks the spot!  Use SPADE with the Big X.  You dig a hole in the ground, but there’s a layer of cement at the bottom.  In your Inventory, use MATCHES with the DYNAMITE.  Now use LIT DYNAMITE with the hole in the ground.  As you would expect, the dynamite causes the hole to explode!  You fall into the hole, and you end up stranded on a pillar.  You can see the treasure chest on the other pillar, but you can’t reach it.  Look at the treasure chest - that must be the treasure of Big Whoop.  In your Inventory, combine CROWBAR with the ROPE.  Use the resulting CROWBAR ‘N’ ROPE with the twisted metal rods above you.  You bravely swing across to the other pillar, and grab the treasure chest.  Unfortunately, both pillars collapse, leaving you hanging on for dear life.  Watch the cut scene, as you fall into the tunnels below. 












It’s pitch black in here!  Sweep your mouse over the screen, and look for a light switch - it’s on the right half of the screen.  Use the light switch to turn it on, and get some light.  Evil Ghost Pirate LeChuck greets you!  Choose any dialogue options.  He reveals himself as your brother, then proceed to torture you, using a voodoo doll. 


Now, this section is a pain!  You have to destroy LeChuck, by making a voodoo doll.  But he keeps interrupting you, and sending you to another part of the tunnel, or even to a different room.  For this reason, it’s hard to give directions.  Find your way to the appropriate rooms, as best you can. 


Head left, to where you fell into the tunnel.  Look at the smashed-up treasure chest, and pick up the green TICKET.  When you have the chance, give CLEAN WHITE HANKIE to LeChuck.  He will blow his nost into it, and give you back USED HANKIE







Look at the skeleton remains - it’s your parents.  Pick up SKULL from Dad’s Remains.  Open the bin next to the bed, and pick up stuff from the bin to get 2 SURGICAL GLOVES.  Open the medical drawer in the desk, and pick up HYPODERMIC SYRINGE from the drawer.  Leave the room.







Open the boxes on the floor.  Pick up ROOT BEER, GENERIC VOODOO DOLL, and a BALLOON from various boxes.  Leave the room. 







Use both SURGICAL GLOVES with the helium tank to get 2 HELIUM SURGICAL GLOVES.  Also use BALLOON with the helium tank to get HELIUM BALLOON.  Look at the broken grog machine - it brings back painful memories.  Use the Coin Return in the grog machine, and a coin will fall out.  Wait for LeChuck to appear.  LeChuck will bend down to pick up the coin.  When he does so, quickly pick up his UNDERWEAR







Use the Call Button, and enter the lift.  Wait for LeChuck to appear.  When he does so, pull the lever in the lift to close the lift door and travel up to the next level.  LeChuck’s beard will get caught in the lift.  As long as you filled 2 SURGICAL GLOVES and the BALLOON with helium, the lift will rise up to the level above.  Pick up CRISPY BEARD BITS from the floor.  Now open the door, and leave the lift. 







If you played the previous game, this area will look very familiar to you.  It’s the alley on Melee Island where Fester Shinetop corners you.  Anyway, if you remember from earlier, a voodoo doll needs something from 4 categories. 



        -       Something from the thread.

        -       Something from head.

        -       Something from the body.

        -       Something from the dead. 



In your Inventory, use GENERIC VOODOO DOLL, SKULL, UNDERWEAR, CRISPY BEARD BITS, and USED HANKIE with the JUJU BAG.  You now have a LECHUCK VOODOO DOLL.  Open the door, and enter the Lift Room again. 







Use the lever to travel back down into the tunnels. 


Open the door and leave the lift. 







Wait for LeChuck to appear.  Quickly use HYPODERMIC SYRINGE with LECHUCK VOODOO DOLL, to play him at his own game.  He’s quite impressed, but not impressed enough.  Follow him, into the next room. 


Use LECHUCK VOODOO DOLL again.  Choose any dialogue options.  All the dialogue options are amusing, but you have to say the following. 



        -       I wonder what would happen if I tore the left off this thing?



You tear the leg from the doll… and LeChuck’s leg is ripped from his decaying body.  Work through dialogue options with LeChuck.  Eventually, you remove LeChuck’s mask, and see the face of your brother, Chuckie.  Choose any dialogue options. 


Watch the final scene, for a surprising twist. 





The End!