Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space: Season 2 - Episode 2: Moai Better Blues

Year: 2008
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
After arriving home from the North Pole, you and Max are surprised to see your friend Sybil being chased through the street by an inter-dimensional portal. Maybe you should help her? In order to do that, you need to find out exactly what you’re dealing with. Enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.
Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue. You find out that it’s a Bermuda Triangle that’s chasing poor Sybil. Apparently, you can communicate with the Bermuda Triangle by feeding it coloured shapes. Specifically, a red octagon will make it stop whatever it’s doing. Now you just have to find a red octagon from somewhere. Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop.
Walk right a few steps, and enter Stinky’s Diner.
Stinky is busy trying to clean a very suspicious blood stain on her counter. Talk to her and work through all the dialogue. Make sure you tell her the following.
- What‘s the Special today?
- We’re ready to order.
- Give us the Special.
She gives you a large GRANITE SANDWICH. When conversation is over, talk to Flint Paper to learn that he’s spying on Bosco. Flint is over by the window. Take the red STOP SIGN from the wall next to Flint. There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the Diner.
Walk left a few steps, and wait for Sybil and the Bermuda Triangle to pass again. Give the red STOP SIGN to the Bermuda Triangle. Abe Lincoln appears, wanting to know what all the noise is about, and immediately gets sucked into the Bermuda Triangle. Sybil jumps in after him, to rescue him. You and Max follow Abe & Sybil, in case they need any help. Now watch the credits roll.
On the other side of the Bermuda Triangle portal, you’re surprised to see Abe & Sybil enjoying a picnic on a beautiful sunny island.
Some Moai Heads are nearby, and they warn you about an ancient prophecy which will bring about the end of the world. Talk to the middle Moai Head, and work through all the dialogue. You learn that a volcano is due to erupt on the island, which would mean the end of civilisation. There is a hidden cave, where the ancient Volcano God can be appeased, and it’s up to you and Max to find out how. Unfortunately, the Moai Heads don’t know where the entrance to the cave is. Talk to Moai Head on the left. Notice that when he’s angry, a storm cloud appears above his head. Talk to Moai Head on the right and work through all the dialogue. Notice that there are several gongs in this area.
For a bit of fun, search the Lost & Found box a few times. Now walk right, and click on the Fountain Of Youth - unfortunately, there‘s piranhas in the Fountain. Walk left a few steps, and look at Noah’s Ark in the foreground.
Walk all the way left, talk to Sybil, and work through all the dialogue. Lincoln seems rather taken by the female Moai Head, and doesn’t want to leave this spot.
Try to enter the Ancient Cave behind Sybil & Lincoln… but a baby who calls himself Jimmy Hoffa walks out from the cave, and starts threatening you with his gun. Work through all the dialogue with him. Jimmy is a tough Mafia leader, but he looks like a baby because he’s been drinking from the Fountain Of Youth. When conversation is over, walk left to the Tiny Tiki area.
This area has a Tiki stall, with 3 babies on drums in front of it, and a Wipeout surfboard on the right. Talk to the 3 babies and work through all the dialogue. Look at the Wipeout surfboard next to the 3 babies. This leads to a surfing mini game. The aim is to stay balanced on the surf board while dodging the flying bottles. If you do well enough, you’ll impress the babies.
Take TIKI GLASS from the left edge of the stall. Look at the Water Dispenser, Paci-Fire Dispenser, and Nappy Rash Dispenser on the left edge of the stall. Take MALLET from the ground in front of the stall. Look at the steelpan, skull, and bongo on the left. Talk to baby Glen Miller and work through all the dialogue. Glen wants to write another hit song before he goes back home, but he’s having trouble finding the right melody and the right train sound. You can help him with that. Look at the items hanging over the fire next to Glen Miller. Use TIKI GLASS with the Water Dispenser on the left of the stall to get GLASS OF WATER, then use GLASS OF WATER with the kettle hanging over the fire. Use TIKI GLASS with the Paci-Fire Dispenser to get GLASS OF PACI-FIRE, then use GLASS OF PACI-FIRE with the fire underneath the kettle. That’s the perfect train-sound Glen Miller was looking for. Now for the song itself. Use TIKI GLASS with the Nappy-Rash Dispenser to get a GLASS OF NAPPY RASH. Walk right to the Moai Heads area.
Baby Jimmy Hoffa is still guarding the entrance to the ancient cave. Give him the GLASS OF NAPPY RASH. He refuses the drink, because you’re not in the Waitress Union. But he knows how you can join the Waitress Union. He gives you a WAITRESS TRAY, and challenges you to prove you can serve drinks without spilling them, by completing the Wipeout Surfboard challenge. Walk left to the Tiny Tiki area.
Look at the Wipeout surfboard next to the 3 babies. Use the WAITRESS TRAY with the Wipeout surfboard. You have to dodge bottles being thrown at you, while balancing the WAITRESS TRAY on your head. You have to keep the bottle in the middle of the WAITRESS TRAY, and not let the bottle fall. You can repeat this as many times as necessary, until you are successful. Afterwards, walk right to the Moai Heads area.
Talk to Baby Jimmy Hoffa, using the following dialogue option.
- We beat the bucking surfboard!
He now accepts you into the Waitress Union, and demands you get him a drink. Give him GLASS OF NAPPY RASH. There’s nothing else you can do on this island at the moment, so walk right to the giant Portal Triangle. Jump through the Portal Triangle, back to the Street.
Head right to the C.O.P.S. Garage. Enter the garage.
Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue. They challenge you to their latest augmented reality game - a music-based driving game. Ask to play their game.
In the driving game, you have to run over as many bagpipes as possible. When you win, you get a brand new DESOTO HORN.
You automatically take the DESOTO HORN from your car. Let’s return to Easter Island. Walk left to the giant Portal Triangle, and jump through the Portal Triangle.
Head left, and continue left, to the Tiny Tiki area.
Walk left to Baby Glen Miller. Give DESOTO HORN to Baby Glen Miller. Glen Miller is thrilled with the sound the horn makes, and soon completes his latest hit song on it. He gives you a CONCH SHELL, which contains a demo for his new song. Walk right, back to the Moai Heads area.
Walk all the way right, to the Fountain Of Youth. It’s time to get rid of those pesky piranhas, so that the Fountain can be accessed again. This is how you do it.
Note all the gongs in this area. Look at gong to the right of the Fountain Of Youth, and hit it with the MALLET. A big yellow Portal Triangle appears above this gong. Walk left a few steps to the Moai Head on the left (the half-buried head). Hit the gong to the left of this Moai Head with the MALLET, to activate a blue Portal Triangle. Show the CONCH SHELL to the middle Moai Head - she likes the song that’s stored on the CONCH SHELL, and begins whistling. While the middle Moai Head is still whistling, talk to Moai Head on the left. He’s still in a bad mood, and a storm cloud appears above him. The storm cloud floats through the Triangle Portal through the left, and teleports through to the Triangle Portal on the right, above the Fountain Of Youth.
A bolt of lightning shoots out from the storm cloud, killing all the piranha in the Fountain Of Youth below. Now walk right to the Fountain Of Youth.
Use TIKI GLASS with the Fountain Of Youth to get FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER. Now walk left a few steps to where Baby Jimmy Hoffa guards the Ancient Cave.
Give FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER to Baby Jimmy Hoffa, who quickly gulps it down. Jimmy Hoffa becomes even younger, to a point before he was even born, and disappears, leaving the Ancient Cave unguarded. Enter into the Ancient Cave.
Watch the cut scene with the seahorse monkeys. It seems they’ve decided that you and Max must be executed! Work through all the dialogue with them. They will spare you if you can fulfil 3 ancient prophecies to prove that Max is the Chosen One. When conversation is over, explore the area. Walk right a few steps, look at the red snail trail, and pick up the RED-OOZING SNAIL.
Head left, and continue left, until you see the plane wreck. Pick up TRAVEL GUIDE next to the plane wreck, and note what it says about basalt affecting the Moai Heads. Use the radio inside the plane wreck, and change the radio frequency to 7175 kHz. You should hear Bosco calling out the following.
- I Know You’re Out There.
Use the speaker to reply to Bosco, using the following dialogue option.
- We are observing your Earth.
When you’ve finished scaring poor Bosco, turn the radio off. Now walk right a few steps, and head through giant conch shell to leave the cave.
Watch the cut scene with Lincoln and Sybil. Poor Sybil ends up running off, because she is upset with the way Lincoln is behaving. Walk right a few steps to the giant black Portal Triangle. Jump through the Portal Triangle, back to the Street.
Enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.
Bosco is nowhere in sight! He’s gone into hiding, after you scared him by talking to him through the radio from the plane in the cave. Explore the shop, and take a can of BANANG from the pile behind Bomb-B-Gone. When you’re ready, leave the shop.
Walk right a few steps, and enter Stinky’s Diner.
Look at the gong above the juke box. Throw RED-OOZING SNAIL at the gong to hit it. Now shoot the gong with your BIG GUN to summon the Bermuda Triangle Portal. Jump through the Triangle Portal to return to Easter Island.
Use your TIKI GLASS with the Fountain Of Youth on the right to get FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER. Use FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER on yourself - you and Max both become younger. Now quickly jump through the huge Portal Triangle, so you‘re back in Stinky‘s Diner.
While you are still young, talk to Stinky, and use the following dialogue option.
- We’d like the special.
She gives you a BASALT SANDWICH. Quickly jump back through the Bermuda Triangle Portal.
Wait a few moments, until you become adult again (you may have to run left to the Tiny Tiki area, then return, in order to trigger it). Use your MALLET to hit the gong next to the middle Moai Head, so that a Portal Triangle will appear here, above the gong. Give BASALT SANDWICH to the Moai Head on the right, then work through all the dialogue with him. The Moai Head’s mood instantly changes. When the Moai Head laughs, it knocks a rock loose in the cave below. Let’s go and get it. Quickly walk left to the Ancient Cave, and enter the Ancient Cave.
Look at the feet dangling from the roof. On the ground, below feet on the right, is a STALACTITE. Pick up the STALACTITE. Walk left a few steps, until you see the Maxish Clam. Use STALACTITE with the Maxish Clam, to make it seem like the Maxish Clam has 2 ears. Talk to the Seahorse Chimps and work through all the dialogue. Make sure you tell them the following dialogue.
- The feet shall now anoint Max!
Walk right a few steps, back to the dangling feet on the right. Now look at the gong below dangling feet on the right, and hit the gong with your MALLET. Use CONCH SHELL with the Portal Triangle (not the gong) below the dangling feet. The feet will start swinging in time to the music in the CONCH SHELL. If necessary, use CONCH SHELL with the Portal Triangle below the feet again. The Seahorse Chimps will anoint Max.
Now look at the Ceremonial Urn, which is on the bench near the Sea Monkeys. Use BANANG with the Ceremonial Urn to create a banana-flavoured drink. All 3 prophecies should now be fulfilled, and Max should be declared the true High Priest. Watch the cut scene with the Seahorse chimps.
All that’s left to do now, is to stop the Volcano God. When you and Max reach the top of the pod, look at pressure gauge on the left. Push the red Emergency Button on the floor, in middle of the room (you may have to move out of the way, before you can see the button). Enter into the Machine Pod on the right, to travel back down to the Seahorse Chimps.
Walk right a few steps, and pick up HIGH PRIEST MEDALLION from the ground - the one that Mr Spatula dropped. Use HIGH PRIEST MEDALLION in the red Snail Trail, so the medallion is now red. Walk left a few steps, and head through the giant conch shell to leave the cave.
The volcano is about to erupt - you don’t have much time to stop it. Look at the gong next to Moai Head on the right, and hit this gong with your MALLET. A Triangle Portal will appear above this gong. Walk left a few steps, and look at the erupting volcano in the distance. Look at the tiny yellow gong on the island in the distance. Now use your BIG GUN to shoot the yellow gong - a yellow Triangle Portal will appear above the gong in the distance. Finally, walk right a few steps, so you see the blue Triangle Portal next to Moai Head on the right. Use the red HIGH-PRIEST MEDALLION with the blue triangle above the gong. This allows you to teleport the HIGH-PRIEST MEDALLION over to the island in the distance, and stop the Triangle Portal from spinning around.
Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene.
The End.
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