Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space: Season 2 - Episode 3: Night Of The Raving Dead
Year: 2008
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
After the intro & credits, watch the cut scene, as the Commissioner asks you to investigate some zombie attacks. Apparently, the zombies are being made in a Zombie Factory. As you are talking to the Commissioner on the phone, a zombie breaks into your office and steals Jesse James mounted hand!
Explore the office. Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases. When you’re ready, leave the office.
The street is over-run with zombies. Look at beer stein on the pavement to realise that zombies drink beer. Walk right a few steps, and look at Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop to realise that it‘s closed. Poor Bosco has gone into hiding, since you convinced him that T.H.E.M were coming. Walk right a few steps, and enter Sybil‘s Shop.
Watch the cut scene with Sybil. It seems she is taking applications for her new boyfriend, since she broke up with Abe Lincoln. Talk to her and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the dialogue. Explore the shop. Look at the Soul Mater on Sybil’s desk. Look at the chocolate heart on the table next to Harry. Sadly, he won’t let you take it. When you’re ready, leave Sybil’s shop.
Walk right a few steps and enter Stinky’s Diner.
Abe Lincoln is here, moping about his break-up with Sybil. Talk to Lincoln and work through all the dialogue. Look at the sunlamp next to the jukebox - what an odd thing to have in a Diner. Talk to Stinky and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, look at the sunlamp again. You take the SUNLAMP BULB, but leave the sunlamp itself. When you’re ready, leave the Diner.
Walk right a few steps to the C.O.P.S garage. Enter the garage.
Talk to the C.O.P.S computers and work through all the dialogue. They tell you about their new internet service - aimed to be very zombie-friendly. They also tell you about a new ANTENNA they’re developing, but they’ll only give it to you if you help them market their internet service. This leads to… you guessed it… a driving game. Agree to play the driving game. The aim of the game is to deliver 10 internet discs to 10 zombies in the allotted time. You can do this by throwing the discs at the zombie to hit the zombies. Think of Paperboy! When you win, you earn the fantastic SUPER ANTENNA. You automatically leave the garage and return to your car.
Try to take the SUPER ANTENNA from your Desoto car, but it‘s installed too well, and you can‘t pull it off. Climb into your Desoto car, and use the following dialogue option.
- Let’s go to Stuttgart.
Impressive castle! When you arrive at Stuttgart Castle, you see a line of zombies queued up outside, waiting to get into the castle. Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. Walk right a few steps, and explore the graveyard. Search the open grave to find a BRAIN. Look at the opened coffin in front of the graveyard.
When you’re ready, knock on the entrance door, and be greeted by… Agent Superball! It’s good to see him again. Work through all the dialogue. Unfortunately, he refuses to let you in to the castle.
Look at the gargoyle high up on the wall, near your car, and to the left of the zombies. Throw the BRAIN at the gargoyle, and it lands in the dish the gargoyle is holding, luring the zombies away from the entrance. Talk to Agent Superball again, and use the following dialogue option.
- Let us in!
Since there are no longer any zombies in line, Agent Superball lets you in.
Watch the cut scene with Jurgen, the vampire prince. Talk to Jurgen and work through all the dialogue. Accept the song challenge if you like - just pick any dialogue that takes your fancy. However, you won’t win yet.
When conversation is over, look at the bookcase on the left. There’s an inscription on the bookcase, but it’s too worn down to read. Look at coffin on the left to read the poem. Look at speaker next to the coffin. Look at the DJ Booth below the flashing sign. Ignore the DJ Booth for now. Walk left a few more steps, and look at the drinks counter above the aquarium. Take BOTTLE OF WATER from the drinks counter. Also, look at the aquarium to see the undead fish.
Walk right, to the other end of the room. Look at the bookcase on the right to see the fake books. Look at the giant fireplace. Look at the ‘Watchful Jurgen’ portrait above the fireplace. Take TYPEWRITER RIBBEN from the bench next to the fireplace.
Walk left, back to the DJ Booth. Press all the buttons between the 2 turntables to learn which word each button represents. The words change place for every play through. Now press the following buttons.
- Death
- Sepulcher
- Embrace
- Letters
The coffin near the bookcase opens. Head up, into the coffin. You end up on a balcony overlooking the disco dance floor below. Look at the spotlight illuminating the disco dance floor. Use your SUNLAMP BULB with the spotlight. That’s all you can do here for now. Head back through the coffin, so you’re back at the dance floor. Leave the castle, so you’re back outside.
Search the garbage container next to the Entrance to find some GARLIC CLOVE CIGARETTES. Walk left to your Desoto car. Use the car to drive to the TV Studio.
As soon as you arrive as the studio, you’re expected to take part in another Midtown Cowboys scene. When the Director realises you’re not prepared, so asks you to come and see her when you’re ready.
Explore the studio. Talk to Mr Featherly the chicken, and work through all the dialogue. Look at Bessie the cow. Look at Mr Featherly’s bag on the floor, and hide your GARLIC CLOVE CIGARETTES in the bag. Now talk to the Director and work through all the dialogue. Make sure you ask her the following.
- Can we film now?
Watch the cut scene as you begin filming. The episode makes the headlines, because of the garlic cigarettes. When you’re ready, leave the studio through door on the left, and return to your office.
Walk left a few steps and enter your office.
Look at the ceremonial urn next to the window, and use your BOTTLE OF WATER with the urn to get some HOLY WATER. When you’re ready, leave the office.
Walk right a few steps, and use your Desoto car to drive to Stuttgart Castle.
When you arrive at the castle, give some HOLY WATER to Max. He drinks it, and a halo appears above his head. Hide the rest of your HOLY WATER in the garbage container next to the entrance. Now enter the castle.
Watch the cut scene with Jurgen. He thinks it’s ‘cool’ to be smoking cigarettes, after watching your latest episode of Midtown Cowboys. Little does he know that it’s garlic cigarettes he’s smoking!
Walk left to the DJ Booth, and use the DJ Booth. Look at the row of buttons along the bottom - they control where the spotlight shines. Press the 4th button in the row. The spotlight, complete with your special sunlamp bulb, shines on Jurgen, burning him. But he jumps out of the way, before he is completely burned. Make sure Max still has his halo. If he doesn’t, go outside to give him some more HOLY WATER, then return here. Now talk to Jurgen, using the following dialogue options.
- Let’s rhyme, sucker!
- Count Cryptwind Deathgrasp.
- Baron Bat-Anguish Von Nightmare.
- We’ll knock you out deader than Bela Lagosi!
- Our world is endless torment and sorrow.
- ‘Cause all creation ends in death and decay.
The zombies enjoy your poem. Jurgen decides to drink from Max, but because Max drank some holy water, the holy water is what Jurgen ends up drinking from Max. The holy water doesn’t agree with Jurgen. His zombie followers turn on him, and chase him into the fireplace. Follow Jurgen into the fireplace. You find yourselves in Jurgen’s lair.
Watch the cut scene with Jurgen. You and Max are killed by Jurgen’s hand, and you both turn into zombies!
You find your zombie-selves in the graveyard outside the castle. Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Zombie Abe Lincoln and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, talk to Agent Superball, and work through all the dialogue. Talk to the one-armed zombie and work through all the dialogue. When you‘re ready, enter the castle again.
Walk right towards the fireplace. Try to enter the fireplace - Flint Paper will show up, guns blazing. Enter the fireplace again, and head up to Jurgen’s lair.
Watch the cut scene with your souls. Explore the lair. Look at Jurgen’s Monster. Look at the gauges on the machine next to Jurgen’s Monster, and pull the power switch below the gauges. Jurgen’s Monster comes alive. Talk to him and work through all the dialogue. He doesn’t want to leave the castle until he’s ‘complete’. Look at monster diagrams. Look at alchemy machine, and look at power socket and batteries in the alchemy machine. Pick up BOLT CUTTERS from the floor next to the alchemy machine. Look at soul sucker machine. Look at the trophy case of wooden stakes, and take a WOODEN STAKE from the trophy case. Look at the ‘Literate Jurgen’ portrait above the trophy case, and notice the words shown next to Jurgen.
The poor monster is incredibly lonely. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and take the lift back down to the disco dance floor.
Talk to Flint Paper and work through all the dialogue. Flint tries to shoot you, thinking that you’d rather be dead, than walk around town as a zombie. Look at the bookcase behind Flint, to realise that you just can’t get close to him.
Walk left to the DJ Booth, and use the DJ Booth. Remember those words you saw in the ‘Literate Jurgen’ portrait upstairs? They must be important, if Jurgen wanted them in his portrait. So press the following buttons. Again, the words move around with each play through.
- Abyss
- Razors
- Pain
- Parents
Another bookcase opens (this won‘t work unless you looked at the Literate Jurgen portrait upstairs). Enter the bookcase near the castle entrance - you exit a bookcase behind Flint Paper, taking him by surprise. Zombie Max kills Flint. You pick up ZOMBIE LINCOLN‘S BRAIN that Flint dropped. When you’re ready, leave the castle.
Walk left to your Desoto car. Use BOLT CUTTER on the antenna attached to your car, and take the SUPER ANTENNA. Now use your car to return home.
Watch the cut scene with Jesse James’s hand. Walk right, and enter Stinky‘s Diner.
Jesse James’s hand is holding Stinky at gunpoint. You have to rescue her! Look at sticky goo on the counter. Now walk to the left of Jesse James’s hand, click on it, and it will shoot at you. But notice how it jumps one step right, every time it fires. Keep clicking on the hand (from the left), and when it can’t move any more, talk to Stinky. The hand, now focused on Stinky, jumps right again. Keep repeating this process, until Jesse James’s hand gets stuck in the sticky goo on the counter. Now take JESSE JAMES’S HAND from the sticky goo. When you’re ready, leave the Diner.
Walk left to your Desoto car, and use the car to drive to Stuttgart Castle.
Enter the castle.
Walk right to the fireplace. Enter the fireplace, and take the lift up to Jurgen’s lair.
Walk right to the alchemy machine. Place SUPER ANTENNA into the power socket of the alchemy machine, then flip the power switch next to Jurgen’s Monster, to recharge the batteries. Give JESSE JAMES’S HAND to Jurgen’s Monster. Give ZOMBIE LINCOLN’S BRAIN to Jurgen’s Monster. Give JESSE JAMES’S HAND to Jurgen’s Monster. To make him ‘complete’, give him the ARTICHOKE HEART from the table of monster parts. Now talk to him, using the following dialogue options.
- Let’s go and meet Sybil.
- Let’s go!
You, Max, and Jurgen’s Monster automatically travel to Sybil’s shop. Sybil now has 3 contestants lined up to be her potential boyfriend - Jurgen‘s Monster, Mr Featherly, and Harry Moleman.
Talk to Sybil, who can’t decide which questions to ask. Look at the Question Cards on her desk. Select Question Card #1 - she asks each contestant if they have a heart of gold. Look at the Question Cards on her desk again. Select Question Card #2 - she asks Jurgen‘s Monster if he is good with his hands, and she is so impressed with his answer, she doesn‘t ask the question to the other contestants. Now for the 3rd time, look at Question Cards on her desk. Select Question Card #3 - she asks each contestant if they are good with words. While Harry is thinking of a good answer, try to take the CHOCOLATE HEART from the table next to him. Harry stops you, and loses his temper, so Sybil asks him to leave. Poor Harry. Agent Superball takes his place. Take the CHOCOLATE HEART from the table next to Agent Superball.
Click on Jurgen’s Monster, and work through all the dialogue. Make sure you take him back to the dungeon.
You, Max, and Jurgen’s Monster automatically return to Jurgen’s lair. Walk right to the alchemy machine, and use CHOCOLATE HEART in the machine to turn it into a HEART OF GOLD. Give HEART OF GOLD to Jurgen’s Monster. Now talk to Jurgen’s Monster, and go back to Sybil’s Shop.
Look at the Question Cards on Sybil’s desk again. Select Question Card #1 - Do you have a heart of gold. Again, Sybil is very impressed with Jurgen’s Monster’s answer for this question. Look at the Question Cards on Sybil’s desk, and select Question Card #3 - Do you have a way with words? Jurgen’s Monster gives the perfect answer again.
Sybil has made her decision. The lucky contestant to be her new boyfriend is… Jurgen’s Monster! But at the last moment, she realises that she still loves Abe Lincoln, and rushes out the shop to ask Abe for a reconciliation. Poor Jurgen’s Monster! After Sybil has left, take the SOUL MATER from her desk. Now leave the shop.
Click on your Desoto car, and drive to Stuttgart Castle.
Enter the castle.
Walk right to the fireplace. Enter the fireplace, and take the lift up to Jurgen’s lair.
Watch the cut scene, as yours & Max’s souls are returned to your bodies. Except Max soul goes into your body, and your soul goes into Max’s body. Jurgen leaves his coffin, ready for a final showdown with you. Walk right a few steps, to Jurgen’s Monster. Give SOUL MATER to Jurgen’s Monster. Now walk left to the Soul Sucker machine (the big skull machine), pull the Soul Sucker switch to activate it, then quickly jump into the Soul Sucker machine. Your soul transfers itself into Jurgen’s Monster.
As the Monster, walk left to the Trophy Case, and take a WOODEN STAKE from the Trophy Case. Use WOODEN STAKE to fight Jurgen himself.
Now sit back, and watch the final cut scene. Jurgen’s Monster dies *sniff* but you and Max are restored to normal.
The End.
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