Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space: Season 2 - Episode 4: Chariots Of The Dogs

Year:  2008


Genre:  Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:    No Official Link















You, Max, and Flint Paper have broken into Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, in search of Bosco.  He’s been missing for a while now, and you’re worried about him. 


Talk to Flint Paper and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Climb over Bosco’s counter. 


From behind the counter, look at the pile of Bosco’s Stuff, and look at the keypad on the wall.  You need to find the code for this keypad.  Take TOY MOAI HEAD from the floor on the left.  Climb back over the counter again. 


Explore the shop.  Use TOY MOAI HEAD with the X-Ray machine to get an XRAY, then use XRAY with X-Ray Viewer above the counter to see what’s inside the Moai Head.  You see a code - 5318008.  Climb over the counter again. 


Behind the counter, use the keypad on the wall to automatically enter the code.  The lasers blocking the bathroom are turned off.  Climb back over the counter again. 


Enter through the bathroom door. 


In the bathroom, talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the bathroom.  Look at the Bulletin Board to learn that Bosco’s been ordering a lot of baking soda and papier mache.  Open the stall door and look at the wine rack.  Take WINE BOTTLE from the wine rack.  Someone left the cork out of the wine, so it’s turned to VINEGAR.  Look at both messages scrawled on the wall.  Hmm, I wonder if that could be a clue.  Take some BAKING SODA from the yellow barrel.  Look at the model volcano in the sink.  If you read the scrawled messages on the wall, you should have some idea what to do here.  Use BAKING SODA with the model volcano, and use VINEGAR with the model volcano.  The model volcano erupts, but it’s not a very big explosion.  You were wanting something bigger!  Take some more BAKING SODA from the yellow barrel.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot a hole in the yellow Industrial-Sized Baking Soda barrel, then pour some VINEGAR into the Industrial-Sized Baking Soda barrel.  Now THAT’S an explosion!  In fact, it blew a hole in the roof!  An alien spaceship flies overhead, and locks you and Max in it’s beam. 


Watch the opening credits. 







The alien spaceship beams you and Max aboard, where you finally find the missing Bosco.  Except… Bosco’s not quite himself anymore!  Literally!  He’s half-cow, half-man!  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the room.  Use the Central Device above the Captain’s Chair, and work through all the dialogue.  It’s important to hear everything the Central Device has to say, but make sure you use the following dialogue options. 



        -       50 System Settings

        -       Abusive

        -       70 Terminate



The Central Device changes it’s tone, so it’s more abusive towards you.  This is important for later on. 


Look at the Lift on the left, and look at the PORTABLE AI on the Lift.  It’s well and truly stuck on there!  Take BOSCO’S TIME CARD from the Lift slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 







Well, this is indeed Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  But you’ve gone back in time, to when a young Mama Bosco owned the shop.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Mama Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  She tells you all about her baby-making machine!  When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Pick up MODIFIED CARBON DATER from the floor near the counter.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on Mamma Bosco to get OVAL OFFICE TIME CARD.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on Max to get STINKY’S TIME CARD.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on yourself to get INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE TIME CARD.  Now take CHEMICAL SAMPLER from the baby-making machine on the left.  Enter bathroom on the left. 


Explore the bathroom.  Look at Bulletin Board on the wall.  Look at wine bottle in the bathroom stall.  You automatically remove the CORK, and you keep the CORK - so it was you who turned the wine into vinegar, in the present day!  When you’re ready, leave the bathroom. 


Use OVAL OFFICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Use STINKY’S TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Use INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Now use the Lift to return to the Alien Spaceship. 







Wow, Bosco is fading in and out of reality.  It seems that the conversation you had with Mama Bosco caused a temporal paradox, meaning that Bosco was never born!  Oops!  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at the Lift on the left again.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House. 







You’re in the White House!  But it’s a time before Max became President.  It’s also the place where Mama Bosco met Bosco’s father.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Now explore the office.  Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, use MODIFIED CARBON DATE on Agent Superball to get OFFICE TIME CARD.  Use OFFICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the left. 


Use Lift on the left again.  Take STINKY’S 1980 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Stinky‘s Diner. 







It’s good to see Grandpa Stinky here.  Little Sam and Little Max are also here, playing on the arcade machine, but you are just kids in 1980.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about his special Tar Cake, complete with secret ingredient.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. 


When conversation is over, look at the Tar Cake on the counter.  Use CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the Tar Cake to get TAR CAKE SAMPLE.  Explore the Diner.  Look at the Letter Display on the back wall to see that it’s a letter from the President in 1963.  You also learn that the case has a screw lose.  Look at the jukebox.  Pick up SCREWDRIVER from the floor next to the jukebox.  Now use SCREWDRIVER with the Letter Display on the back wall to unscrew it.  You automatically take the PRESIDENT’S LETTER


Talk to Little Sam and work through all the dialogue - he wants a new Artificial Intelligence for his Bluster Blaster arcade game.  Talk to Little Max and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at the Memorable Toast Display Case on the wall next to Bluster Blaster.  Also look at the Ship’s Wheel on the wall. 


When you’re ready, look at the Lift on the left.  Take INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE 8108 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your Intergalactic Office. 







You’re in your office… but it’s in the future!  Talk to Future Sam if you like, but he doesn’t have much to say.  Talk to Future Max and work through all the dialogue - he tells you about Stinky‘s Super Adhesive.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the office.  Look out the open window to see spaceships flying past.  Look at the Bulletin Board.  Look at the poster on the Bulletin Board, and look at obituary on the Bulletin Board.  The poster tells you about  Stinky’s Stick-Tite Adhesive, and reveals that the secret ingredient is Bitumen 13.  The obituary tells you about a Mariachi dancer, but you can’t ready all of it. 


You can’t do anything else here are the moment, so use the Lift on the left.  Take OFFICE 2008 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your Office. 







You’re back in your office, in the present day.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the office.  Look at Max’s desk, and take BOXING BETTY REMOTE from the desk.  You hear someone outside asking you to throw them the remote - you do so.  In return, someone throws an EGG to you.  Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue.  Every time you try to tell him about your time-travelling case, he hypnotises you to forget.  Insert CORK into the model volcano next to Agent Superball. 


Use the Lift on the left.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House again. 







You’re back in the White House.  Show PRESIDENT’S LETTER to Agent Superball.  Despite his stoic attitude that you see most of the time, he’s extremely shocked to learn that the President will be meeting his mistress at Stinky’s Diner.  In fact, he’s so shocked, he spits his drink over one of the star cushions.  Use your CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the star cushion on the settee to get SUPERBALL‘S SAMPLE.  Give TAR CAKE SAMPLE to Agent Superball and tell him you want to patent the recipe.  When he asks you what ingredient makes it unique, tell him the following. 



        -       Bitumen 13



Agent Superball agrees to patent the tar cake, and gives you a PATENT FORM.  The secret recipe now belongs to you, and no-one else can use it.  Look at the envelope that’s now appeared on the President’s desk, and use CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the envelope to get PRESIDENT’S SAMPLE.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so use the Lift on the left.  Take STINKY’S 1980 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Stinky‘s Diner. 







Show PATENT FORM to Grandpa Stinky.  He’s not very happy about you stealing his ancient secret family recipe.  He even takes the tar cake from his counter and smashes it on the floor, thus altering the future.  Notice how the PORTABLE AI fell from the Lift, because Grandpa Stinky wasn’t able to use his tar cake recipe to create Stinky‘s Super Adhesive.  Poor Grandpa Stinky.  You automatically pick up the PORTABLE AI


Use the PORTABLE AI with the Bluster Blaster arcade game.  Watch the cut scene, as the Bluster Blaster arcade game suddenly becomes the rude, arrogant arcade game of the present.  Little Max doesn’t like the sudden outburst of insults coming from the arcade game, so he leaves the Diner to go and meet some girls at the local dance.  This won’t work, unless you changed the Central Device aboard the alien spaceship to ‘Abusive’


Time to go and see Mama Bosco again.  Use the Lift on the left.  Take BOSCO 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Bosco‘s Inconvenience Shop. 







Walk left to the Baby-Making Machine.  Mama Bosco’s sample is already in there, so add PRESIDENT’S SAMPLE into the Open Sample slot.  Now use the Lift on the right.  Press the red ‘Home’ button to return to the alien spaceship. 







Bosco’s back to his normal, paranoid self.  He’s not half-man, half-cow anymore.  Phew!  Watch the cut scene with the 3 Mariachi dancers. 


You, Max, Bosco, and the 3 Mariachi dancers find yourself in the Soul-Crushing Room.  Unfortunately, Bosco has a heart attack during all the chaos, and the Mariachi dancers steal his soul - you have to get it back!  Look at Bosco’s Corpse, and look at Bosco’s Soul in the middle of the room.  Look at the 3 Moai Heads that surround Bosco.  Now let’s explore the room.  Talk to Old Mariachi on the left, and work through all the dialogue.  He’s not very happy in this job, but he won’t leave until he finds an answer to the age old question - Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  When you’re ready, leave the Soul-Crushing room through door on the left. 


You’re back in the Main Room.  Watch the cut scene - the Soda Poppers birthday is approaching, and the Mariachi dancers are not sure how to deal with the situation.  Walk left a few steps, and take EMBARRASSING IDOL TIME CARD from the slot underneath the Central Device.  Talk to Captain Mariachi and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Listening Mariachi and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, use the EMBARRASSING IDOL TIME CARD with the Lift on the left, to insert the Time Card into it’s appropriate slot, along with the other Time Cards. 


Use the Lift on the left.  Take EMBARRASSING IDOL 2008 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to the Embarrassing Idol Singing Contest. 







Watch the cut scene as you - Past Sam - compete against the Soda Poppers kid to win the singing contest.  Work through all the dialogue with Past Sam.  Watch the cut scene as Past Sam and Past Max hijacks the Time Machine Lift. 







Eventually, Past Sam and Present Sam end up on the alien spaceship.  Talk to Past Sam and work through all the dialogue.  You can have a lot of fun sending Past You to various places.  Now talk to him again, and use the following dialogue options. 



        -       You need a time travelling phone booth.

        -       Ask Agent Superball in the future. 



Past Sam & Past Max dutifully use the Lift to speak with Agent Superball in the future.  When they return, their memories are slightly messed up, so they don’t remember how they got here.  Talk to Past Sam again, and when he asks you how to get to the moon, use the following dialogue options. 



        -       You need a screwdriver.      

        -       We’ve got one. 



The result is that Past Sam gives you his RECORDING CONTRACT in exchange for your SCREWDRIVER


When you’re ready, use the Lift on the left.  Take INTERGALATIC FREELANCE POLICE 2108 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your office in the future. 







Look at the Bulletin Board on the right, and take OBITUARY from the board. 


Use the Lift on the left.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House. 







Look at the calendar next to the President’s desk.  Take the yellow Sticky Note, and change the Official National Date to 6 September, which is Agent Superball’s birthday.  Now talk to Agent Superball using the following dialogue option. 



        -       Is today your birthday?



Watch the cut scene with the Mariachi singer.  Agent Superball even dances!  While Agent Superball is dancing, QUICKLY run left, and use the Lift, thus trapping the Mariachi dancer in this time-period.  You automatically return to the Alien Spaceship. 







Note that Listening Mariachi isn’t here (he’s trapped in 1963, with Agent Superball, heehee).  Give RECORDING CONTRACT to Captain Mariachi, who’s sitting in the chair.  The Captain is very excited about getting a RECORDING CONTRACT, and immediately leaves to be a Superstar, and sing songs about trains!  After he’s gone, head right, into the Soul-Crushing room. 


Walk right a few steps to Old Mariachi, and give him the OBITUARY.  He’s disappointed to learn about the meaningless way in which he died, and vows to stay away from the printer.  But he still won‘t quit this job, until he has all the answers to his deep and meaningful questions!  Walk left to the printer, and fiddle with it twice - you throw the printer ink into the time vortex.  Return left, to the Main Room. 


Talk to the Central Device, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       60 Print Time Card. 



You get a BLANK TIME CARD.  Use BLANK TIME CARD with the Lift on the left, and you insert it into a slot with the other Time Cards. 


Use the Lift on the left again.  Take BLANK TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to The Beginning Of The Universe. 







You’re surprised to see Mr Featherly here.  Haven’t you always wondered which came first - the chicken or the egg?  Talk to Mr Featherly and work through all the dialogue.  It seems that he cannot leave this place, without violating the laws of the universe.  Basically, he’s trapped here, unless you find a way to help him.  Ahhh, but you CAN help him!  Simply use your EGG with Mr Featherly, and the EGG will act as a replacement. 


Look at the red Singularity, which is floating in space. 


There’s nothing more you can do here, so use the Lift on the left.  Press the red ‘Home‘ button to return to the Alien Spaceship. 







Walk right into the Soul-Crushing room. 


Show Mr Featherly to Old Mariachi - he’s very happy to know that the chicken came before the egg, so he finally leaves his post. 


All 3 Mariachi dancers have left the Spaceship, so there’s no-one to stop you from saving Bosco.  Walk right a few steps, and press the red ‘Bridge Button’ on the computer console on the right.  Watch the cut scene, as the self-destruct sequence is activated.  Quickly run left a few steps, to the computer console that Old Mariachi was working at.  Press the red ‘Suck’ button to try and reconnect Bosco’s corpse with his soul.  Unfortunately, Bosco’s corpse only makes it halfway, before getting stuck.  Use TAR CAKE SAMPLE with the Time Controls near the Suck button to stop the Time Gears from turning, then quickly run over to Bosco’s corpse. 





Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 





The End. 


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