Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space: Season 2 - Episode 5: What's New, BeezleBub?

Year:  2008


Genre:  Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:    No Official Link















After escaping from the alien spaceship in the last episode, you, Max, Bosco, and Mr Featherly find yourselves down in the sewers.  Poor Bosco is still without his soul, so you have to find it, and return it to him.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the area.  Walk right a few steps to see Harry Moleman, who’s taken on the role of ‘Death’.  Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the dialogue.  He won‘t let you on the Soul Train without a token, and you can’t get a token unless you’re dead.  Hmm, this could be tricky!  Climb the ladder on the right, up to the street. 







Talk to Mama Bosco, who is standing outside Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, and work through all the dialogue.  Mama Bosco is now a ghost, since an explosion of vinegar and baking soda recently killed her (could that have been you, in the last episode???).  She tells you that she has a token for the Soul Train in her apartment… but she can’t get up to her apartment because the stairs have been blown up. 


Try to enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, but Flint Paper won’t let you in.  Apparently he’s busy, trying to find Bosco, and doesn’t believe that you’ve already found him. 


Walk left a few steps, and try to enter your office.  Unfortunately, you can’t get inside your office, since a time-travelling Lift is blocking the door.  Talk to the open office window on the 1st Floor.  Now check your Inventory, and throw the EGG up to the window.  Sam, from the office, throws a BOXING BETTY REMOTE down to you.  You saw this interaction in the last episode, when you were in the office - now you’re seeing the other side of it. 


Look at the Maimtron 9000 robot on the left, and look at Jimmy Two-Teeth, who is guarding the ‘entrance’ to the robot.  Jimmy is converting his old casino into a family-friendly casino, complete with laser light show.  Give PORTABLE AI to Jimmy.  You tell Jimmy that the PORTABLE AI will help with his laser light show, but really, it brings the robot back to life, causing Jimmy and his friends to evacuate.  Jimmy’s son proves to be a casualty of the robot, and Jimmy is desperate to get help for his son.  Talk to the Maimtron 9000 robot and work through all the dialogue.  Now use the BOXING BETTY REMOTE with Maimtron 9000 to control it. 


As Maimtron 9000, walk right a few steps to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Reach in through Bosco’s window on the 1st Floor, and get Mama Bosco’s SOUL TRAIN TOKEN.  Maimtron 9000 automatically gives it to Sam, then goes back to his usual spot next to your office. 


As Sam, you’re in control again.  Walk right a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 







Sybil is excited because Abe Lincoln proposed to her last night.  Talk to her and work through all the dialogue.  A love-struck Jurgen’s Monster is also here.  Talk to him to realise how depressed he is about hearing all the details of Sybil & Abe’s romance.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Walk right a few steps, and enter the C.O.P.S. Garage. 







Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue.  They’re too busy tending to Jimmy the rat, to be concerned about anything else.  Walk left a few steps, so you can see your car. 


Jump down the manhole next to your car, so you’re down in the sewers again. 







Talk to Harry Moleman, using the following dialogue option. 



        -       We’ve got a token. 



Watch the cut scene as you finally board the Soul Train.  Watch the opening credits. 







You arrive in the Reception Area of Hell, so you can look for Bosco‘s soul.  Jurgen is the receptionist.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Jurgen and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the area.  When you’re ready, head through the Main Office Door on the right. 


Explore the office.  Talk to Hugh Bliss and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the Swear List in Hugh’s cubicle.  Look at the poetry magnets board next to Hugh.  Talk to Brady Culture and work through all the dialogue.  Take the KEY CARD form Brady’s cubicle.  Talk to Shambling Corporate Presence on the left, and take his COFFEE CUP FROM HELL.  Read Bulletin Board in the kitchen area on the right.  When you’re ready, head through the Back Room Door on the right (notice that you and Max are so famous down here, you’re even shown above the door). 


You find yourself in the Filing Room, where they store the souls of everyone involved in your cases.  Look at the bookcase with various dioramas in front of you.  Look at the giant Sam statue and the giant Max statue.  Look at the card reader. 


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Bosco’s Theatre Diorama at the top left.  Poor Bosco is trapped in his own personal hell - being naked, with everyone watching him.  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Demon Mariachi, Demon Sybil, and Demon Mama Bosco.  Take the NITROUS OXIDE from the edge of the stage.  You can’t help Bosco yet, so exit the diorama. 


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Santa’s Workshop Diorama at the top right.  Explore the Workshop.  Talk to the Demon Babies a few times.  Talk to Santa and work through all the dialogue.  Santa’s having a hard time concentrating on his work (recalling toys!), with the Demon Babies around.  You can’t help Santa yet, so exit the diorama. 


Throw the NITROUS OXIDE into the Street Diorama in the middle row, on the left.  Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on the Street Diorama to enter it.  You’re in your Desoto car, but it’s moving painfully slow!  Move left, to the side of the road, and drive up over a yellow ramp.  While you are on the ramp, click on the NITROUS OXIDE icon to speed up your Desoto car.  Thanks to the extra speed, your car is able to break out of it’s hellish diorama… and crash into Bosco’s diorama.  Demon Mariachi, Demon Sybil, and Demon Mama Bosco, all turn to look at you, taking their attention away from Bosco.  That’s just what he wanted!  He’s free!  You automatically leave the diorama. 


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on the Toy Factory Diorama in the middle row, on the right.  Explore the Toy Factory.  Talk to the elf and work through all the dialogue.  The elf is working on the Rex Skirmish action figure - the same toy that Santa is trying to recall.  Offer to help him in improving the Rex Skirmish action figure, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       What kind of outfit should he have?  Commando style.

        -       What attachment should he have?  A chainsaw.

        -       What is his flaw?  Acid for blood. 



The elf begins working on a prototype, complete with your suggestions.  That’s all you can do here for now, so leave the diorama. 


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Cooking Show Diorama at the bottom left.  You see Demon Stinky giving cooking lessons to a bunch of rats.  Talk to Demon Stinky.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to the rat guests standing next to the microphone.  If there’s any swearing from the rat guests, then the show will be cancelled.  Explore the room.  Look at book display on the left, and take STINKY’S BABY BOOK.  You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so leave the diorama. 


Harry’s been doing some filing, and he accidentally left Jimmy Two-Teeth’s drawer open.  Search the open drawer to find JIMMY’S FILE


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Santa’s Workshop Diorama at the top right.  Look at the red computer next to Santa to see that the suggestions you gave to the elf in the toy factory have taken effect.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot the present that the green bug gift dispenser spits out.  The acid blood in the Rex Skirmish action figure will eat right through the gift dispenser.  The Demon Babies will climb into the gift dispenser, and end up in the Toy Factory, leaving Santa in peace!  At last!  You automatically leave the diorama. 


You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so leave this Back Room, and return to the Main Office through door on the left. 


Watch the cut scene with Satan and Hugh Bliss.  Go to the Reception Area through door on the left. 


Click on the revolving Exit Door to leave Hell. 







Climb the ladder on the right, up to the street. 







Enter Sybil’s Shop again. 







Jurgen’s Monster is still here, and he‘s still just as depressed.  Put him out of his misery, and use your BIG GUN to shoot him.  Harry will appear, to claim the Monster’s soul.  But he’s never dealt with a monster before, and he’s unsure how to proceed.  He pauses, to work out what to do next.  Use this chance, and act quickly - if you dawdle here for too long, Sybil will shock the poor Monster back to life, and Harry will leave.  Make sure the Monster is dead (if necessary, shoot him again), and Harry is here, then leave the shop. 







Walk right a few steps, and enter the C.O.P.S. garage. 







Look at Timmy Two-Teeth’s file on the ground - he’s led a pretty sin-free life.  Swap JIMMY’S FILE in your Inventory for Timmy’s file on the ground.  Watch the cut scene as Timmy Two-Teeth dies, and Harry returns to take Timmy’s soul down to hell.  Leave the garage. 







Walk left a few steps, so you can see your Desoto car.  Climb down the manhole, into the sewers. 







Enter the Soul Train to return to Hell. 







Head through the door on the right, into the Main Office. 


Go through the Back Room door on the right, into the Filing Room. 


Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Cooking Show Diorama at the bottom left. 


Look at the Rat Guests next to the microphone watching the cooking show, and talk to Timmy Two-Teeth.  Timmy can’t control himself, and starts swearing excessively.  Hugh Bliss appears, and cancels the cooking show.  Stinky and the Rat Guests all disappear, and Grandpa Stinky is ecstatic that Stinky is finally out of the picture. 


All the souls have been freed from the dioramas, but they still belong to Satan, so they can’t leave the building.  It’s up to you to release them from Hell, once and for all.  Go through door on the left, back to the Main Office. 


Watch the cut scene with Satan.  He agrees to release everyone’s soul, if you sign his contract.  You do so without reading it, and end up in your own personal hell with the Soda Poppers. 







Peepers has replaced Max as your best friend and partner.  You have to escape from this hell!  Talk to Peepers and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, explore the office.  Take BONE SAW from Max’s desk.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases.  Look at hole in the wall on the left to talk to Max - work through all the dialogue with Max.  Give KEY CARD to Max, and Max is able to teleport into the office with you.  Watch the cut scene, as Max ‘disposes’ of Peepers.  You and Max automatically return to Hell. 







Watch the cut scene with Satan.  He’s shocked that you managed to escape from your own private hell.  Satan also reveals that he works for… the Soda Poppers!  They are the true bosses of Hell!  Work through all the dialogue with them.  When conversation is over, head through door on the left, into the Reception Area. 


Go through the revolving Exit Door to return to the Sewers. 







You need to stop the Soda Poppers evil plans, and get Satan re-instated.  Climb ladder on the right, up to the Street. 







Watch the cut scene with Flint Paper, Mama Bosco, and Bosco.  Now, notice that Satan is standing outside Stinky’s Diner.  Talk to Satan and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, search through the box of Satan’s Stuff on the ground next to him, to find PAPER CLIP CHAIN, SATAN’S GROCERY LIST, and some PORK RINDS.  When you’re ready, enter Sybil’s Shop. 







Peepers is here, sweet-talking Sybil.  And she’s falling for it!  But what about Abe Lincoln?  Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Peepers.  You can’t do anything here at the moment, so just leave the shop. 







Enter Stinky’s Diner. 







Watch the cut scene as Whizzer tries to tempt Stinky with an apple.  Take a bottle of FRUIT CIDER from the counter.  Talk to Whizzer.  Talk to Stinky.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  Grandpa Stinky mentions that if he had Stinky’s Baby Book, he could bring her down a peg or two.  Show STINKY’S BABY BOOK to Grandpa Stinky.  Watch the cut scene, as you read from the Baby Book… and Stinky transforms into a cake!  Talk to Grandpa Stinky again and work through all the dialogue.  Grandpa Stinky reveals that Stinky is really… The Cake Of The Damned!  He regrets what he’s done, and wants to change Cake Stinky back into Human Stinky.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 







Walk right, and enter the C.O.P.S. Garage. 







Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue.  You can play their latest Augmented Driving Game if you like, but all you win is some paint details for your Desoto car, so it’s not really worth it.  If you choose to play the driving game, click on the Nitrous Oxide icon to make things a bit easier.  Now talk to Specs - he wants to win the soul of a computer, and has challenged Chippy Computer to a violin-playing contest.  Naturally, Specs is the better player.  Thankfully, 8-bit computers like Chippy get infinite attempts.  Maybe you could find something to help Chippy beat Specs.  When you’re ready, leave the garage. 







Climb down the manhole next to your car, so you’re down in the Sewers. 







Enter the Soul Train, and return to Hell. 







In the Reception Area, talk to Jurgen, and work through the dialogue.  Head through door on the right, into the Main Office. 


Talk to Hugh Bliss in the Main Office, and work through the dialogue.  Look at the list of swear words in Hugh’s cubicle.  Stick SATAN’S GROCERY LIST over the current swear list, so that Hugh has a new list of swear words he must bleep over.  Leave the Main Office through door on the left. 


Click on the revolving Exit Door to leave Hell. 







Climb ladder on the right, and return to the street. 







Walk left a few steps, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 







Watch the cut scene.  Wow, I never expected THAT!  A bachelor party for Abe Lincoln!  Talk to Bosco, Jimmy Two-Teeth, Mr Featherly, Abe Lincoln, Jurgen’s Monster, and Flint Paper.  Look at the cooler next to Jurgen’s Monster, and pour some FRUIT CIDER into the cooler.  Watch the cut scene, as the bachelor party comes to a grinding halt.  Now that everyone is sober again, use the BONE SAW on Jurgen’s Monster to take MONSTER’S RIB from his chest.  Poor Jurgen’s Monster!  Talk to everyone again, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Look at the crack in the pavement between Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop and your office.  Use PAPER CLIP CHAIN with the crack to get the MIMESWEEPER CARTRIDGE


Walk left a few steps, to where Maimtron 9000 and Timmy Two-Teeth are standing.  Talk to Timmy and work through all the dialogue - notice that Timmy‘s swearing is no longer being bleeped out.  Now talk to Timmy again, and challenge him to a Soda Poppers Trivia Quiz, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       How old is Specs

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       What’s the name of Whizzer’s doctor?

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       What is Peepers real name?

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       How many times has Whizzer been married? 



Timmy answers every question correctly.  And provided you’ve already switched Hugh Bliss’s Swear List down in Hell, you’ll get to hear Peepers real name - Dick Peacock - without it being bleeped out. 


After you’ve finished talking to Timmy, head right, and continue right, until you reach the C.O.P.S. Garage. 







Enter the C.O.P.S. Garage.  Insert the MIMESWEEPER CARTRIDGE into Chippy, the computer next to Specs.  Chippy and Specs compete with each other again in the violin-playing contest.  Chippy plays the theme song from Mimesweeper, and thus wins the violin-playing contest.  Specs storms off in a huff!  That’s the 1st Soda Popper beaten!  When you’re ready, leave the garage. 







Go left to Stinky’s Diner, and enter the Diner. 







Use MONSTER’S RIB with the cake on the counter, and the cake will turn back into Stinky.  Stinky & Grandpa Stinky, together, tell Whizzer that they’re not interested in his offer.  He leaves the Diner, downbeat and defeated.  That’s 2 Soda Poppers beaten!  Talk to Stinky a few times.  Now talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 







Walk left to Sybil’s Shop, and enter the shop. 







Talk to Peepers, and call him by his real name - Dick Peacock.  This breaks the spell that Peepers has over Sybil, and he runs out the shop in tears.  Talk to Sybil to confirm that her wedding to Abe is back on track.  Now leave her shop. 







Watch the cut scene with Satan, as he is re-instated as Leader Of Hell. 







Watch the cut scene as you are stranded on a small island surrounded by hot lava - a throwback to Episode 1.  You soon escape, and return to Hell. 


Satan is having a final showdown with the Soda Poppers. 


Look at the pink ice cream truck, and look at the ice cream bell on the ice cream truck.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot the ice cream bell.  Shambling Corporate Presence is excited by the ice cream truck, and opens the door to the back of the truck.  Click on the ice cream truck again to get some ICE CREAM.  Walk right a few steps, and find your way over to the Soda Poppers.  Take CANDLE from the ground, to the left of the Soda Poppers. 


Enter the kitchen area, in corner of the room.  Use TAR CAKE SAMPLE, COFFEE CUP FROM HELL, and ICE CREAM to create another CAKE OF THE DAMNED.  Place the CANDLE into the cake.  Pick up the CAKE OF THE DAMNED from the water cooler stand, and show it to the Soda Poppers. 





Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene. 





The End.