Sam & Max Save The World: Season 1 - Episode 2: Situation Comedy

Year:  2007


Genre:  Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:     GOG














This episode begins in your office.  The Commissioner has informed you that TV Talk Show Host Myra Stump is holding her audience hostage.  You have to stop her, and rescue her audience. 


Explore the office.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Use the answering machine a few times to hear some amusing messages.  Turn on the TV on the desk to see Myra at the TV station.  Open cupboard on the right, and look at Brady Culture’s hair.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 







Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 







Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She needs a photo for the cover of her new magazine publication.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Walk right, and continue right until you reach Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 







Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  He’s convinced someone is stealing his shaving cream.  He tells you that he has a VOICE MODULATOR for sale behind the counter.  It’s just a pity you can’t afford it right now.  Try to take the SHAVING CREAM from the table next to the door… only to see it get pinched by Jimmy Two-Teeth!  Explore the shop.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Walk left a few steps, and click on the Desoto car.  Select the following option. 


        -       After those rats!


You’re now in a high-speed chase with Jimmy and his pals.  Select the BIG GUN, and start shooting at Jimmy’s car.  The aim, is to make Jimmy drive into a manhole in the road.  Keep shooting the car on the right side, so it moves closer to the middle of the road.  When you see a manhole, shoot Jimmy’s car again.  Jimmy and his pals will fall down into the manhole, and you get the SHAVING CREAM


Click on the Desoto car again, and choose the following dialogue. 


        -       The TV Studio. 







Explore the studio.  Walk right a few steps, talk to the Director, and work through all the dialogue.  She’s holding auditions for the ’Midtown Cowboys’ TV programme, and you and Max decide to audition.  However, you need to prepare for the role.  During your audition, use the SHAVING CREAM on yourself, to make it seem as though you have rabies.  Now it’s Max’s turn to audition.  You have to help him show sadness.  Use TEAR GAS GRENADE LAUNCHER on Max to make him cry.  Both your auditions were a success, and the Director hires you.  Head through the sitcom door on the right, into the Midtown Cowboys set. 







In the first scene, you and Max are in your apartment, and you have to hide your cow from the grumpy landlord.  Work through the dialogue with the Director.  Now it’s time for the scene.  Pick up PLATE from the table behind you.  Take LAMPSHADE from the lamp next to the chair (it looks like a chef‘s hat).  Look at cactus on the cabinet below the window.  Look at trophy and books on the shelves on the left.  Look at TV on the left.  Now look at the cow, and look at the cowpie on the floor behind her.  DON’T pull the cow’s tail yet!  Place the LAMPSHADE on the cow’s head to disguise her.  Your landlord will enter the apartment, and accuse you of hiding a cow in the apartment.  Use the following dialogue option. 


        -       Our chef. 


Notice the cowpie that the cow… deposited.  Use the PLATE on the cowpie to pick it up.  The landlord will walk behind the cow, and pull her tail.  Use the following dialogue option. 


        -       “Moo Goo Gai Pan,“ a delicious food. 


You automatically feed the plate of cowpie to your landlord.  Watch how the scene plays out.  At the end of the scene, the Director will give you a MIDTOWN COWBOYS CLIP videotape of your performance.  Go through the Cooking Show door on the right. 







In this scene, you’re in a kitchen.  Explore the set.  Click on the pot on the front counter to start shooting.  Use the following dialogue option. 


        -       A cake! 


Pick any ingredients you like to add to the cake.  When you’re happy with your cake, click on the oven icon at the bottom right to cook it.  That’s all you have to do here.  You get to keep the CAKE you baked. 


Walk through door on the left, back into the Midtown Cowboys set. 







Go through the Game Show door on the right wall. 







This studio is set up for a game show, presented by Hugh Bliss, inventor of Prismatology.  Work through all the dialogue with Hugh.  He’s trying to promote his new book.  If you’ve already spoken to Sybil in her shop, you know that she wants a photo of 3 people, including a green alien.  This is your chance to help her.  Ask Hugh to turn green.  Make sure you ask about a photo with Hugh.  He agrees, and you get a PHOTO WITH HUGH BLISS.  Now explore the studio.  Click on the podium if you like, but you will get the question wrong.  When you’re ready, go through the pink Talk Show door on the right. 







Myra Stump is behind the door.  Work through all the dialogue with her.  She won’t let you be a guest on her show, unless you show her your recording contract, a clip from your TV programme, and evidence of a juicy scandal you were involved in.  You should already have a clip from your Sitcom, so give her that just now.  If you don’t have that yet, don’t worry, you can come back here later.  When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and head back through the Midtown Cowboys door. 







Head through the Embarrassing Idol door on the left. 







This studio features a music singing show, starring the Soda Poppers kids from the last episode.  They need another judge, so Max volunteers himself as a judge. 


The first contestant is Peepers.  Watch him perform - he’s terrible!  Unfortunately, Peepers is the ONLY contestant!  Maybe you could find someone else to take part in the contest?  After Peepers has finished his performance, talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Specs and work through all the dialogue - note that says he is impressed by someone who can sing a high note.  Talk to Whizzer and work through all the dialogue - note his comments about his birthday.  Also note that he dislikes tomatoes. 


When conversation is over, look at the pool of green acid with the shark swimming in it.  Click on the microphone on the platform to start performing - select any song title that takes your fancy, then select any lyrics you like.  Unfortunately, you haven’t impressed the judges.  After your performance, walk right a few steps.  Talk to Peepers and work through all the dialogue.  Take PEEPERS’ LYRICS from the apple crate next to him.  Now head through the blue sitcom door, into Midtown Cowboys. 







Walk right a few steps, and go through Game Show door on the right. 







Click on the podium on the left to take part in Hugh’s game contest.  No matter what answer you select, you’ll still get it wrong.  Now look at Hugh’s podium, and take GAME SHOW QUESTIONS from the card slot.  Place PEEPERS’ LYRICS into the card slot, in place of the real questions.  Now click on podium on the left again.  Hugh will ask you another question, but this time, he’ll be reading from Peeper’s lyrics cards.  That means you can answer it.  Hugh will ask you ‘Am I Blue?’.  Look at the colour of Hugh, and answer the question accordingly.  If he’s blue, answer ‘Yes’.  If he’s red or green, answer ‘No’.  Congratulations, you win the game show!  Unfortunately, they don’t actually have £1 million pounds to give you, so they give you £1 million worth of FOOD STAMPS instead. 


This would be a good time to go back home, and check on your friend Sybil.  Head through the Midtown Cowboys door on the left. 







Walk left a few steps, and head through the Embarrassing Idol door on the left. 







Walk left a few steps, and click on the Exit door on the left. 







You automatically jump in your car, and return home. 







Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s shop. 







Give PHOTO WITH HUGH BLISS to Sybil.  Sybil doesn’t waste any time in printing it in her new publication.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Walk right, and continue right, until you reach Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Look at the yellow Newspaper Box outside Bosco’s shop, and take ALIEN LOVE TRIANGLE TIMES publication from it.  Now enter Bosco’s shop. 







Give FOOD STAMPS to Bosco, and buy the VOICE MODULATOR instead.  Now walk left a few steps, to the Fine Kwizine area.  Remember Whizzer’s dislike of tomatoes?  Use CAKE with the Condiments dispenser to get CAKE WITH KETCHUP ICING.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Walk left a few steps, and click on the Desoto car, and choose the following dialogue option. 


        -       The TV studio. 







When you arrive back at the TV Studio, you automatically enter the Embarrassing Idol set. 


Give CAKE WITH KETCHUP ICING to Whizzer.  He quickly guzzles it… then rushes off to the bathroom.  You’re down to 2 judges.  Use VOICE MODULATOR on yourself to make your voice higher, then click on the microphone to start singing.  As before, choose any song title, and choose any song lyrics. 


You impressed Specs with your high note, so you won his vote.  Max always votes for you anyway, so you have his vote.  You’ve won the contest, Sam.  Congratulations.  Your prize is a RECORDING CONTRACT.  Walk right, and go through the sitcom door, into Midtown cowboys. 







Walk right a few steps, and go through the Game Show door in the right wall. 







Walk right a few steps, and open the purple Talk Show door that leads to Myra’s set. 







Myra is still guarding the door.  Talk to her, and choose the following dialogue option. 


        -       How do we get on your show again?

        -       We have a recording contract. 

        -       We’re on the cover of a tabloid. 

        -       We have a clip of our SitCom (if you haven’t already given it to her). 


Myra finally agrees to let you be guests in her Talk Show. 


Watch a short cut scene - there‘s something not quite right with that blue bear.  Now work through all the dialogue with Myra.  When she starts babbling, use VOICE MODULATOR on yourself, then talk to Myra again.  Use the following dialogue option. 


        -       I’d rather relive my embarrassing Idol glory.


You start singing, and playing the banjo.  The glass of water in front of Myra breaks.  Talk to Myra again, using the following dialogue options. 


        -       About that picture in the ‘Times’…

        -       There was someone else involved.

        -       Bessy the cow.



Bessy is invited back, to talk to Myra.  Myra moves the microphone so that Bessy can reach it.  Myra and the blue bear are electrocuted, and the blue bear is destroyed.  Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 





The End.