Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Season 3 - Episode 1: Chariots Of The Dogs

Year: 2010
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
As the game begins, you and Max are locked in a cell in General Skunkape’s spaceship. You have to escape from the cell, and put an end to his evil plans!
Max has several powers, which will prove useful throughout the game. Click on Max’s icon at the top right of the screen to enter his mind.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. The toy phone will pop up, showing which phone numbers you have memorised. Click on the picture of Stinky. You and Sam will Teleport out of the cell, and stand next to Stinky.
You’re back in control of Sam. You have to find a way to stop General Skunkape. Take the HOMING BEACON from your Inventory, and try to attach it to General Skunkape, to send him to the Penal Zone. Unfortunately, you can’t get close enough to him. Another one of Max’s powers is revealed. Take RHINOPLASTY from the display case to give Max the power of shape shifting.
You’re in Max’s mind again. Click on the RHINOPLASTY to activate Shape Shifting. Now click on the cactus plant fine art picture to add that to the list of things that Max can Shift into. Click the RHINOPLASTY on the image of the cactus plant, and Max will Shift into the plant.
Take the HOMING BEACON from your Inventory, and attach it to General Skunkape. Thanks to Cactus-Max, you’re able to sneak up undetected. Now use REMOTE CONTROL from your Inventory with General Skunkape, to send him into the Penal Zone. Well… you TRY to send him into the Penal Zone. Unfortunately, he’s too strong, and grabs onto something to stop himself from being sucked in. Talk to Max and work through all the conversation topics. Try and talk to Harry Moleman, who’s trapped in the glass case. Unfortunately, Harry can’t do anything to help you right now. Find your way to the ransack display case, which is up the ramp and to the right, and take the DECK OF CARDS. This activates Max’s power of Mind Reading. Click on the icon of Max at the top right.
In Max’s mind, click on the DECK OF CARDS. Turn to face Harry Moleman in the glass cage, then use Mind Reading on Harry. You learn Harry’s phone number. Exit the Mind Reading power.
Click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. Now click on the picture of Harry Moleman to Teleport into the room where Harry’s mobile phone is stored.
Explore this new room - everything is locked. Click on Max’s icon at the top right. Click on RHINOPLASTY to activate Shape Shifting. Now click on the weapons display, to add the bazooka to the list of items that Max can Shift into. Click on the image of the bazooka, and Max will transform into it. Click on Bazooka Max, and watch the cut scene as General Skunkape is finally knocked into the Penal Zone.
Watch the cut scene with the Narrator. What you have just witnessed is something that will happen in the future. Now watch the opening credits.
Watch the cut scenes to see General Skunkape’s spaceship arriving in your street, as well as learning how Max got his physic powers.
When you gain control of the game, Talk to General Skunkape and Agent Superball, and work through all the conversation topics. Some topics can be clicked on more than once. Now talk to Max and work through all the conversation topics. When conversation is over, enter General Skunkape’s spaceship.
You and Max find your way to the Alien Brain on the upper deck, who helped\helps you in the future. Sadly, it appears to be dead. You need to find a way to bring the Brain back to life. Maybe Max could help you communicate with it? Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Future Vision power. Use Future Vision with the Alien Brain. Now turn around, and use Future Vision with Sam. Ah-ha! You need some of Stinky’s Demon Broth, and Mama Bosco’s Futuristic Power Core in order to heal the Alien Brain. Pity you don’t have those items yet. Now exit the Future Vision power, and exit Max’s control panel.
You’re Sam again. Try to enter the ominous door on the left. A Mole Man will push you aside, and enter the Chamber himself. He thinks he’s on his way to a fabulous holiday. Unfortunately, this turns out to be the Mole Processing Chamber, which is definitely NOT a holiday! Press the Personal Effects Button next to the Chamber, then take the Mole Man’s HARD HAT and OFF-WORLD HOLIDAY TICKET from the drawer. Explore the area, and when you’re ready, head through door on the right, to the lower deck.
There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the spaceship.
Enter Stinky’s Diner.
Explore the Diner. Look at the payphone. Look at the radio, and look at the Demon Broth on the counter. Talk to Flint Paper - he doesn‘t want to talk to you right now, as he‘s about to eat. Look at the plate of spaghettis that Flint is about to eat. Talk to Stinky and work through all the conversation topics. Make sure you ask her about the Power Core - she tells you that Mama Bosco would probably know about that kind of thing. Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the conversation topics. Make sure you ask him about the Demon Broth. Hmm, Stinky, Grandpa Stinky, and Flint Paper, are not being very helpful! Maybe Max could get through to them. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Future Vision power. Use Future Vision with Flint Paper - you see an axe in the back of his head. Use Future Vision power on Sam to see him push a button below the cash register. Use Future Vision power on Stinky - you see her acting very suspiciously during a phone conversation. Use Future Vision power on Grandpa Stinky - he’s very excited about something. Use Future Vision power with radio on the counter - an announcement states that Harry Moleman has won the only winning lottery ticket. Exit the Future Vision power, and exit Max’s control panel.
You’re Sam again, and you want to prevent your pal Flint from getting an axe in his skull. Give HARD HAT to Flint Paper. Watch the cut scene as Flint discovers peanuts in his spaghetti. He stands up, just as the axe is being thrown, thus, the axe misses him. Work through all the conversation topics with him. He gives you a MYSTERIOUS NOTE that’s meant for Stinky, possibly from General Skunkape. When conversation is over, Paper Flint leaves the Diner to visit his allergist. When you’re ready, leave the Diner.
Head left, and continue left, to your Desoto car. Examine your car - the C.O.P.S. computers have taken up residence here. Work through all the conversation topics with them. Make sure you ask them about Cime-Tron. When conversation is over, they give you access to the City Map, so you can travel around town. Pick up JUMPER CABLES from the back seat. Now use Bob the phone computer, to make a phone call. Call everyone possible, for a bit of fun. But the important phone options are as follows.
- Stinky’s Mobile Phone.
- Let’s meet.
Sybil, thinking you are someone else, agrees to meet you in person. After the phone call, you see her leave the Diner. Now click on the City Map, and drive to Bosco Tech Labs.
You arrive at Bosco Tech Labs. Enter the building.
It’s rather spooky inside the lab. You’re greeted first by Harry Moleman, and then by Mama Bosco herself. Explore the upper level, then use the Lift platform to get down to the lower level. Explore the lower level. Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the conversation topics with him. Give OFF-WORLD HOLIDAY TICKET to Harry - he gives you his LOTTERY TICKET in return. Talk to Mama Bosco (on the platform above Harry) and work through all the conversation topics with her. Make sure you ask her about the power core. She tells you that she had a power core stolen from her lab. Use the Lift platform to get back up to the upper level, then leave the building.
Back outside, use your car, then use the City Map to return to Straight & Narrow Street.
Walk right a few steps, and enter Stinky’s Diner.
Give LOTTERY TICKET to Grandpa Stinky. Watch the cut scene, as the radio announces the lottery winner is… Grandpa Stinky. He’s thrilled to have won, and he leaves the Diner. Pick up DEMON BROTH from the counter. Since Stinky and Grandpa Stinky are both gone, walk behind the counter. You see a button underneath the cash register. This is the same button that Max saw you push in the future. So… push the secret button. A secret passage is revealed in one of the booths. Enter the secret passage, into the sewers.
Examine the intriguing pile of junk on the right, and you find a SCANNER, and Mama Bosco’s POWER CORE. That’s all you can do down here, so head back through the secret passage, back to the Diner.
Leave the Diner.
Okay, you have the DEMON BROTH, and you have the FUTURISTIC POWER CORE. Those were the items you needed to heal the Alien Brain in General Skunkape’s spaceship. Enter the spaceship.
Go through door on the right, to reach the upper deck.
Give ALIEN BROTH to the Alien Brain. Use FUTURISTIC POWER CORE with the Alien Brain. Attach JUMPER CABLES to the Alien Brain, to connect it to the FUTURISTIC POWER CORE. The Alien Brain is now healed. Yippee! Watch the cut scene as General Skunkape appears, and asks about the ‘toys’. After he leaves, the Alien Brain reveals to you where the toy phone is hidden. This is the same toy phone that Max uses for his Teleportation power. Talk to the Alien Brain, and work through all the conversation topics. When conversation is over, head back through door on the right, down to the lower level.
Agent Superball arrives, and informs you that General Skunkape is actually evil. As if you didn’t already know that! Work through the conversation topics with Agent Superball. He also tells you that General Skunkape has escaped from the Penal Zone. When conversation is over, take the TOY PHONE from the display case on the right, and give it to Max, so that he has his Teleportation power. Now click on Max’s icon at the top right of the screen to enter his mind.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. The toy phone will pop up, showing which phone numbers you have memorised. Choose Stinky‘s Mobile, to travel to wherever Stinky‘s mobile phone is.
After a rather disturbing journey, you and Sam Teleport to an unknown street corner, where you see Stinky’s Mobile lying on the ground. Did Stinky drop her phone in a struggle, or leave her phone there to lure you into a trap? Either way, pick up STINKY’S MOBILE PHONE. That’s all you can do here. Click on Max’s icon at the top right of the screen to enter his mind.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. The toy phone will pop up, showing which phone numbers you have memorised. Choose Sybil, to travel to Sybil‘s boxes of stuff on the street outside your office.
You arrive back in your street, outside your office. Try to enter your office if you like, but it’s all taped off. Walk right a few steps, and enter General Skunkape’s Spaceship.
Go through door on the right, to reach the upper level.
Enter the Mole Processing Chamber on the left. You saw the mole man enter this room earlier, and it didn’t sound pleasant!
Inside the chamber, watch the cut scene, as the probe takes all your Inventory items. Look at the small window to see all your stuff. Pity you can’t get to it. It’s extremely hot in here, and the floor is unnaturally slippy. You have to escape! And soon! Well, there’s only one way to escape. Click on Max’s icon at the top right of the screen to enter his mind.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. The toy phone will pop up, showing which phone numbers you have access to. Choose Stinky‘s Diner.
You teleport to Stinky’s Diner, still without your Inventory items. Grandpa Stinky has returned, so talk to him, and work through all the conversation topics. He tells you that he gave all his lottery winnings to General Skunkape, and in return, General Skunkape has made him Second In Command onboard the spaceship. He even gave Grandpa Stinky a cool badge. Uh-oh… this is NOT good! The badge is General Skunkape’s Homing Beacon, and without it, you can’t send him back to the Penal Zone. Grandpa Stinky is not happy when he learns that you are trying to arrest General Skunkape. Now talk to Grandpa Stinky again, and use the following dialogue option.
- We love Skunkape.
Grandpa Stinky makes some cutting remarks about you and Max. While Max is still struggling with Grandpa Stinky, exit the dialogue. Now click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. Choose Stinky‘s Mobile Phone.
You, Max, and Grandpa Stinky are teleported to the Mole Processing Chamber, which is where Stinky‘s Mobile Phone is currently stored. Watch the cut scene, as the probe takes Grandpa Stinky’s HOMING BEACON badge, and locks it in the compartment along with all your Inventory items. Grandpa Stinky is able to open the Mole Processing Chamber door, allowing you all to leave the room, but he’s not impressed to discover how low-ranked he really is among General Skunkape’s crew.
Outside the Mole Processing Chamber, press the Personal Effects button next to the door, and take back all of your Inventory items. You also get Grandpa Stinky’s items - a SHOT GLASS from Meesta Pizza, and the HOMING BEACON badge. Head through door on the right, to get down to the lower level.
Exit the Spaceship, so you are back in the Street.
Walk left a few steps, to your Desoto car. Click on the car, then click on the City Map. Travel to Bosco-Tech Labs.
One of General Skunkape’s goons is guarding the place, and won’t let you in. How are you going to get inside? Simple! Walk left a few steps, and use the fire escape.
You climb up to the roof of Bosco-Tech Labs. Walk forward a few steps, so you can see the banner hanging on the flagpole. Look at the banner, and look at the pigeon, perched on the end of the flagpole. The pigeon has something shiny in it’s beak. Click on the pigeon - you step out onto the flagpole. Inch your way along to the pigeon, and click on the pigeon. The pigeon flies away, dropping the shiny thing as it does so. Return to the roof. Now climb back down the fire escape.
Walk right, to the front of the building again. Pick up ENGAGEMENT RING from the ground, in front of General Skunkape’s goon. Now you still have to get inside the lab. Click on Max’s icon at the top right again.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. Choose Bosco Tech. You are teleported inside the lab, but the ape goons don’t appreciate you being there. One of them grabs Max, while another one throws you back out on the street. Use the fire escape to get back up onto the roof.
On the roof, inch your way back onto the flagpole where you saw the pigeon earlier. Note that you’re above the ape goon guarding the entrance. Now, while you are still standing on the flagpole, click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. Choose Stinky’s Mobile. Max, and the ape goon attacking him, are teleported onto the flagpole with you. You grab Max in time, but the ape goon falls to his death. To your benefit, he lands on the ape goon guarding the entrance, thus crushing him as well. Nice work! Now make your way back down to the street below.
Both ape goons are now dead, so simple enter Bosco-Tech Labs.
Inside the lab, you find a TORN RECEIPT from a toy store. But because it’s torn, you can’t identify WHICH toy store. Use the Lift platform to get down to the lower level.
Talk to Mama Bosco and work through all the conversation topics with her. You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so use the Lift platform to get to the upper level, then leave the building.
Click on your Desoto car, to see the interior of the car. Use your SCANNER with Bob the phone computer. The C.O.P.S. computers will accept your SCANNER as their 4th member. You can now analyze objects from your Inventory. Click on the Crime-Tron Scanner computer in the back seat, then use STINKY’S MOBILE PHONE with the Crime-Ton Scanner computer. If Stinky went to meet General Skunkape, she’s probably got his number on speed-dial. Now use the SHOT GLASS with the Crime-Tron Scanner computer. You’ve now learned where Meesta Pizza is located. With the city map open, click on Meesta Pizza to drive there.
You need to find some evidence against General Skunkape. Explore the area. Explore the alley to the side of Meesta Pizza. Look at the pizza boxes in the dumpster. The pigeons have been taking their fill of whatever pizza remains they can find in the boxes. You need to find out where they build their nests, so you can explore further. Place STINKY’S MOBILE PHONE in the pizza boxes - a pigeon will swallow the mobile, then fly up to the roof. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, click on the toy phone to activate Teleportation. Choose Stinky’s Mobile. You and Max are teleported to the roof.
On the roof, you find an OLD POSTCARD in one of the nests. Unfortunately, the address has been smudged out. You automatically retrieve STINKY’S MOBILE PHONE before returning to the street below.
Click on your Desoto car to see the interior. Click on the Crime-Tron Scanner computer. Now use the OLD POSTCARD with the Crime-Tron Scanner. Use the ENGAGEMENT RING with the Crime-Tron Scanner. The Crime-Tron Scanner reveals the location of a Pawn Shop. With the City Map open, click on the Pawn Shop to drive there.
Oh dear, there’s another ape goon guarding the entrance, and he won‘t let you in. Explore the area. Look at the Pawn Shop window. Look at the rubbish bins on the right. Those bins might be useful, if only you knew what you were looking for. Maybe Max could help out here? Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, click on the Future Vision icon. Now click on the rubbish bins, to see a banana peel. Exit the Future Vision power, and exit Max’s control panel.
You’re Sam again. Search the rubbish bins to find a BANANA PEEL. Now open manhole cover in the middle of the road. Place the BANANA PEEL on the manhole cover, then watch the cut scene as the ape goon falls into the manhole. Now simply enter the Pawn Shop.
You leave the Pawn Shop seconds later, having found a PADDLE BALL TOY. Click on your Desoto car to see the interior. Click on the Crime-Tron Scanner computer. Now use the PADDLE BALL TOY with the Crime-Tron Scanner. Use the OLD RECEIPT with the Crime-Tron Scanner. The Crime-Tron Scanner reveals the location of a Toy Shop. With the City Map open, click on the Top Shop to drive there.
Watch the cut scene with Harry Moleman. Explore the area. Try to enter the shop, but it’s locked. Look in the Toy Shop window. One of these toys may unlock another of Max’s psychic powers. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, click on the Future Vision power. Click on Sam. You see a vision of General Skunkape capturing you with his lackeys. Unfortunately, it’s not much of a future vision - General Skunkape arrives right now, and captures you. Both of you are knocked out, and taken aboard General Skunkape’s Spaceship.
Time has caught up with the scene you saw right at the beginning. You and Max are locked in the cell aboard the Spaceship. Now all you have to do, is repeat the actions you performed earlier.
But there is one major difference! Stinky is locked up in the cell opposite you, instead of sitting on her throne. You have to rectify that. Talk to Stinky and work through all the conversation topics. The key points you have to mention are as follows.
- Skunkape’s not so bad.
- Spaceship
Eventually, General Skunkape will release her from her cell. Now you have to teleport yourself out of the cell. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Teleportation power. Now choose Stinky’s Mobile. The good news, is that you are out of the cell. The bad news, is that General Skunkape is one step ahead of you. Watch the cut scene, as you and Max are sent to the Penal Zone.
This is not a nice place to be. To make matters worse, Max has an antimatter bomb strapped to his back. Luckily, he’s able to remove it. But you need to escape from here as soon as possible! Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Teleportation power. Choose any phone number you like. You are intercepted by Mama Bosco and Agent Superball.
Mama Bosco and Agent Superball are not very impressed to know that you blew up the Penal Zone with an antimatter bomb. Work through all the conversation topics with them. They suggest that you create another dimension to trap General Skunkape in. In order to do that, you have to transform your office building into an alternate universe. When conversation is over, take the RIFT GENERATOR from the table in the middle of the lab. Now you just have to get the RIFT GENERATOR to General Skunkape! Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Teleportation power. Now select Stinky’s Mobile Phone to teleport to Stinky‘s location aboard the Spaceship.
Watch the cut scene, as General Skunape gloats about how he has defeated you and Max. As he gloats, you sneak up to the upper level, so you can talk to the Alien Brain.
Work through the conversation topics with the Alien Brain. He isn’t feeling so good - powering the higher functions of the Spaceship is taking it’s toll on him. You automatically sneak back down to the lower level.
Try to use the HOMING BEACON on General Skunkape. Watch the cut scene as the Alien Brain causes a diversion, giving you the chance to attach the HOMING BEACON onto General Skunkape’s back. Sadly, this act of bravery proves too much for the Alien Brain, and he dies. He sacrificed himself, to help you and Max! Now you have to get out of here! Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Teleportation power. Choose Sybil.
You teleport to Sybil’s pile of boxes, in the street outside your office building. Walk right a few steps, towards Stinky’s Diner. General Skunkape will see you from his Spaceship, and start shooting his Disintegrator Ray at you. Okay, head back to Sybil’s pile of boxes. General Skunkape will blast the boxes, forcing them down through a gaping hole in the pavement. The hole is too deep for you to jump down. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate the Future Vision power. Click on Sam. You see a vision of both of you down in the subway. Exit the Future Vision power. Activate the Teleportation power. Choose Sybil again. You teleport to Sybil’s pile of boxes, which are now in the underground subway, thanks to General Skunape’s ray.
Enter the mysterious tunnel on the left.
Watch the cut scene with the Mole Men cultists, who are guarding a sacred toybox. You and Max arriving seems to be in the ancient prophecies. Explore the tunnel. Talk to the Mole Men and work through all the conversation topics. When conversation is over, pick up the cable that’s plugged into the wall on the left of the toybox, and plug it into the toybox itself. Now use RIFT GENERATOR with the outlet in wall on the right, next to the boiler. Finally, turn the RIFT GENERATOR on. Watch the cut scene with General Skunk ape - he grabs onto a metal pole, preventing himself from being sucked into the Rift. You need to do something quick, before the Rift closes! Turn on the boiler, so the room starts to get hot. The Mole Men start sweating badly, causing a sweaty pool next to General Skunkape. Now show the PADDLE BALL TOY to General Skunkape. He suddenly wants this toy, and let’s go of the metal pole, thus, he gets sucked into the Rift.
Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene.
The End.
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