Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Season 3 - Episode 2: The Tomb Of Sammun-Mak

Year: 2010
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
This chapter begins immediately where the last chapter left off. Our lovable duo, Sam & Max, are in the Subway Tunnel. Watch how events unfold, as they discover an ancient film projector, and start watching the old film reel, starring Great Grandpa Sameth & Great Grandpa Maximus.
You’re playing as Great Grandpa Sameth. You and Maximus are trapped in the Egyptian tomb, with someone called Kringle trying to shoot you. You have the Devil’s Toybox, and you’re trying to escape. But how did you get here, in the first place? Look at the Weird Squid Statue on wall on the left. Now click on Maximus’s icon at the top right. Activate Psychic Ventriloquism power.
As Maximus, use your power with the Weird Squid Statue on the wall. Kringle will shoot the statue, causing it to fall to the ground, then he leaves. You automatically take this chance to try and escape. Unfortunately, the door is locked with some hieroglyphics, which you don’t understand. Choose any dialogue option. Kringle returns, and starts shooting at you again. The scene ends.
The reel you were watching comes to an end. You and Max are still in the Subway Tunnel. But that can’t be the whole story! You realise you were watching the middle of the film, so you find the other reels. Click on Reel 1: ‘The Sphunx Challenge’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
Watch the opening credits roll. Watch the cut scene, as you, Sameth, and your friend Maximus, attend the theatre to watch a performance. All the audience members, you and Maximus included, are challenged to complete the Challenge Of The Sphunx.
Talk to Maximus and work through all the conversation topics. Talk to Nicholas Kringle, who’s sitting in a theatre seat, and work through all the conversation topics. When Kringle goes on stage to attempt the Challenge, search through his bag. You learn that all his employees live in the Elf Ghetto in Little Arctic Circle. When Kringle returns to his seat, click on his cookie jar to get a COOKIE. Talk to Kringle again, and choose the following dialogue option.
- Still stumped?
Kringle refuses to admit defeat, and heads back up to the stage. Notice the hieroglyphics that flash up on the Sphunx statue. Click on the hieroglyphics in the Sphunx’s head, to comment that they have a hidden meaning. It’s important that you click on the hieroglyphics after they flash up, as they help you progress later in the game. Follow Kringle onto the stage. Talk to Mr Papierwaite and work through all the conversation topics. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and try to get the Can O’ Nuts from the pedestal. Maximus uses his psychic powers, and you both pop into the can… then pop back out again. One of the elves steals the Can O’ Nuts, leaving a Fake Can O’ Nuts in it’s place, then runs off. Notice that a Mole Woman follows the elf. Hmm, very suspicious!
You can play around with the Sphunx statue if you like, but you can’t solve it’s mystery yet. When you’re ready, leave the stage.
Walk right through the row of chairs. Pick up the NEWSPAPER from the floor. Look at both posters on the wall. You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so go right through the Exit.
After you leave the theatre, you arrive at Little Artic Circle. Watch the cut scene with the elf and the Mole Woman.
Talk to Maximus and work through all the conversation topics. Walk left a few steps, and look at Elf-In-Can. This is the same Can O’ Nuts that was stolen from the theatre. The other elves seem to enjoy torturing him. Talk to the group of elves and work through all the conversation topics. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and enter the Cellar Apartment.
Explore the Cellar Apartment. Talk to the Mole Woman - she recognises Maximus as ’Nut Boy’ from the theatre. Work through all the conversation topics with her. Make sure you ask her about the hieroglyphic newspaper - she tells you a joke about cutting the cucumber lengthwise. Also make sure you ask her about the Sphunx Inscription.
That’s all you can do in this reel for now. Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Astral Projection power to return to the Subway Tunnel.
Click on Reel 2: ‘The Train To Egypt’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
You’re onboard a train heading for Egypt. Watch the cut scene, as you meet Baby Amelia Earheart. The Ticket Inspector is outside your cabin, wanting to inspect your tickets. Unfortunately, your tickets blow out the window. You lock Baby Amelia inside your trunk. The Ticket Inspector enters your cabin, and he’s not happy that you don’t have any tickets, so he throws you off the train. Literally! There’s nothing you can do to avoid this.
You automatically return to the subway tunnel with the projector. Click on Reel 3: ‘The Standoff’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
You find yourself in the ancient Egyptian tomb. This is the reel that started the game. You’re looking at the door with hieroglyphics, desperately trying to escape from Kringle. Notice the hieroglyphics above the door are the same as the hieroglyphics you saw on the Sphunx statue in the theatre. The Mole Woman in the Cellar Apartment told to you to pronounce those hieroglyphics. Use the following dialogue option.
- Fut Snek Sqwigl Sqwigl Burd
The door raises open, and you finally escape (this won‘t work, unless you clicked on the hieroglyphics on the Sphunx statue in the theatre)!
You’ve escaped from the Egyptian tomb, and make it onto the train. Watch the cut scene, as you realise the Devil’s Toybox is missing. You’ve been robbed! Talk to Maximus and work through all the conversation topics. When you’re ready, leave your cabin through door on the left.
Walk left a few steps, and knock on Kringle’s door. Talk to Kringle through the door and work through all the conversation topics. He denies knowing anything about your stolen Toybox. Pick up DRINKING GLASS that’s on the service tray outside his door. Now head up through the door, into the Green Carriage.
In the Green Carriage, watch the cut scene with Jurgen. Move all the baggage next to the Blue Carriage door, to search for your missing Toybox. You don’t find it. Look at the snake in cage, high up on the wall. Walk left a few steps, and knock on Jurgen’s cabin door. No answer. You automatically enter the cabin.
You find the cabin full of garlic, crosses, and wolfs bane. Someone is obviously trying to protect themselves from vampires. Explore the cabin. Open cupboard on the right, and look at the Weird Idol. It’s a miniature version of the Weird Squid Statue you saw in the Ancient Eygyptian Tomb. Try and open the Steamer Trunk - Jurgen returns, and he throws you out of his cabin.
Jurgen leaves his cabin moments later, and enters the next cabin along. Let’s investigate.
Walk left a few steps to the Mole Man’s door. Enter the Mole Man’s cabin.
Watch the cut scene with Jurgen and Moleman. After Jurgen leaves, talk to the Mole Girl and work through all the conversation topics with her. She has a serious crush on Jurgen. Talk to Mole Man and work through all the conversation topics with him. When conversation is over, look at the Steamer Trunk, and use the following dialogue option.
- The Devil’s Toybox
Mole Man won’t let you open the Steamer Trunk without just cause. Okay, let’s get some ‘just cause’ then. Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use Psychic Ventriloquism power on the Steamer Trunk to make it seem like someone is locked in the trunk. Now as Sameth, open the Steamer Trunk. Look at the Vampire Curse Parchment in the Steamer Chest. This parchment has the power to reverse of curse of the vampire. That’s all you can do here for now, so leave the cabin.
Outside the Mole Man’s cabin, walk right a few steps, and knock on the door to Jurgen’s cabin. Work through all the conversation topics with Jurgen. When conversation is over, you leave his cabin.
Head through door on the right, into the Blue Carriage.
The Blue Carriage is where you started out on the train. Is that elves you see, going into the next carriage? Walk right to the end of the Carriage. Move the pile of luggage next to the door - you don’t find your missing Toybox. Look at the Sarcophagus - there’s nothing in there except for a wrapped ancient Mummy. Go through door on the right, into the Yellow Carriage.
In the Yellow Carriage, knock on the Elves door. Work through all the conversation topics with the elf. If Slushie the elf comes to the door, using the following dialogue options.
- Kringle wants to see you.
- Secret Project
- We can get you a kid.
They won’t let you in to their cabin, until they’ve tested their Secret Project. Regardless. leave the elves for now, and walk right to Baby Amelia’s cabin. Knock on her door, and enter her cabin.
Baby Amelia is sleeping. Close the music box (on the chest of drawers) to wake her up. Now talk to her and work through all the conversation topics with her. She’s not interesting in play-testing the elves secret project. You can’t do anything else in here, so leave the cabin.
Walk right a few steps, and move all the baggage to look for your missing Toybox. It’s not here. Walk left a few steps, and head through the door, back to the Blue Carriage.
Continue left, and head through the door into the Green Carriage.
Watch the cut scene, as Girl Mole gives JURGEN’S LOVE LETTER to Jurgen. Walk left a few steps, and enter the Mole Man’s cabin.
In the Mole Man’s cabin, open cupboard on the right. You can’t really do anything here at the moment, but you need to enter the cabin anyway, because when you leave, that triggers a cut scene where you hear Girl Mole telling her dad that she’s going out for a while. Quickly, click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Can O’ Nuts power. Both of you disappear into the can for a while, so you don’t scare Girl Mole. Watch the cut scene with Girl Mole and Jurgen. Poor Girl Mole is completely tongue-tied, as she’s trying to declare her crush to Jurgen. You should help her out. Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right again.
As Maximus, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use Psychic Ventriloquism power on Girl Mole, and use the following dialect options.
- The Vampire Reverse-Curse.
- It’s in the sarcophagus.
Jurgen leaves his cabin to search the sarcophagus in the next Carriage. Girl Mole goes back to her cabin, upset that Jurgen didn’t kiss her. Follow Jurgen right to the Blue Carriage.
Walk to the end of the Carriage. Jurgen is here, looking at the sarcophagus. Talk to Jurgen if you like, but you can’t help him at the moment. Walk left a few steps, and head back through the door, into the Green Carriage.
In the Green Carriage, knock on Jurgen’s door. Obviously, Jurgen is not here. Enter Jurgen‘s empty cabin. Take the JURGEN’S LOVE LETTER from the chest of drawers - you automatically read it out loud to Maximus. Now leave the cabin.
That’s all you can do in this reel for now. It’s time to visit another reel. Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Astral Project power to return to the subway tunnel.
You can see the projector again. You can’t attempt Reel 4 until you complete all the other reels. Click on Reel 2: ‘The Train To Egypt’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
You’re onboard the train again, and Baby Amelia is complaining loudly about being locked in the trunk. If you’ve seen her music box, you know what will sooth her. Talk to her, using the following dialogue.
- Ride Of The Valkyries
Singing this sends Baby Amelia to sleep. But you still have to hide from the ticket inspector. Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Can O’ Nuts power. Both of you pop into the can for a while, to hide from the ticket inspector. You fool the ticket inspector into thinking that there’s nobody in this cabin, then you pop out of the can again.
The rest of your train journey is uneventful, and you soon arrive at the Ancient Egyptian Tomb.
The Tomb is rather confusing, due to all the stairs, and the changing camera angles.
After the cut scene, talk to Maximus and work through all the conversation topics. Climb down the stairs. Look at the Weird Squid Statue on the wall. Walk left a few steps, and climb up the next set of stairs, in the centre of the room. You see the Cursed Toybox. Maximus’s senses something special about the Toybox, then a VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY shoots out of the Toybox. Grandpa Mole arrives, and he thinks you are tomb raiders. He activates a Protection Spell to protect the Toybox, then he leaves again. DON’T touch the Toybox! Climb down both sets of stairs, and walk towards the VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY on the floor. A big snake will slither past, and take the VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY with him. Damn! You MUST have that dummy! Walk up, then right a few steps, and find your way to a sconce in the wall on the right, that looks like a snake. Pull the sconce, and it will open a door next to you, on the right. Enter through this door.
Climb up all the stairs, then walk right along the corridor, until you reach the Burial Chamber.
Grandpa Mole and Baby Amelia are in this Burial Chamber. Don’t climb down the stairs into the Chamber, or you will die. Stay at the top of the stairs, and you’ll be safe. Talk to Baby Amelia and work through all the conversation topics. Talk to Grandpa Mole and work through all the conversation topics. Look at hieroglyphic blocks in the corner. Click on the holiday brochures on table on the right, then use the following dialect option to talk to Grandpa Mole.
- Stuttgart
It seems Grandpa Mole is not a fan of Stuttgart, and he curses you and Maximus (this won‘t work unless you‘ve seen JURGEN‘S LOVE LETTER on the train). That’s all you can do here, so leave the Burial Chamber.
Walk left a few steps, then climb down both sets of stairs, so you’re back at the sconce that opened this door.
Walk up, and climb up another set of stairs, until you see the talking picture of Jurgen. Work through all the conversation topics. He’ll help you get the Toybox, if you help release him from the wall. When conversation is over, pull another sconce on the wall to the right of Jurgen’s wall-picture. This raises up some stairs. Climb up stairs on the left.
Take BUST OF SAMMUN MAK from the middle niche in the wall. Jurgen is free! Unfortunately, you and Maximus take his place, and find yourselves trapped in the wall. Jurgen tricked you!
You’re on the wall, at the top left. Talk to the Guardians in the wall, using the following conversation topics.
- Straight Talk
- Riddle
- Cucumber cut lengthwise
The Guardians find your answer very amusing, and release you from the wall. Head through door on the left, into another chamber.
This chamber has 2 doors in the back wall. DON’T walk through the doors yet. Throw BUST OF SAMMUN MAK through either door. A Mole Man will emerge from the door, and give you back your BUST. Well… he gives it back to you in 2 halves! Enter through either door, into the room.
Talk to the Mole Man and work through all the conversation topics. The topic ‘Your Daughter’ won’t grey out yet, but don’t worry about that. When conversation is over, look at all the panels on the wall, to learn the story of Sammun Mak. Now walk left towards Girl Mole’s room, but don’t enter her room. Work through all the conversation topics with her. She threatens to set her snake on you, but just ignore her threats. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and climb down the stairs into her room. When the snake is about to pounce on you, click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Can O’ Nuts power. Both of you pop into the can for a while. The snake delivers the can to Girl Mole. While her back is turned, you grab the VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY, then run out of the room.
Unfortunately, Girl Mole curses you, and poor Maximus is turned into a cow. Thankfully, it doesn’t last for long. Now you need to get her to confess her love for you, to trick her dad! Click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on Girl Mole, and use the following dialect option.
- I love Sameth and Maximus!
The Mole Man is furious at this ‘revelation’, and curses you with the Sexo Rejexo curse. So the sound of your voice will repulse the opposite sex. Leave the room through door on the right.
Enter through door on the left, back to the area with the Guardians on the wall. Walk right a few steps, and head through door on the right. Walk right along the corridor, so you’re back at the Burial Chamber.
Don’t enter the Burial Chamber. Stay at top of the stairs, and you’ll be safe. Make sure you’re still cursed with the Mole Man’s Sexo Rejexo curse. Talk to Baby Amelia, and she’ll be repulsed, and thrown in front of the sarcophagus. Now click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate the Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the sarcophagus, and Baby Amelia will be thrown towards Grandpa Mole. While he is distracted, grab the HIEROGLYPHIC BLOCKS from the corner, then leave the room again.
Walk left a few steps along the corridor, then head through door on the right, so you’re back in the area with the Guardians on the wall. Notice the niches in the wall under each guardian. Use RIGHT BUST HALF in the niche on the right, and use LEFT BUST HALF in the niche on the left. This causes the Guardians to move closer to each other, forming a path along their backs. Press the trip plate in the middle niche in the wall, underneath the Guardians. You and Maximus are sent back into the wall.
Click on the purple marquee \ Protection Spell on the right, to become your normal selves again. Use HIEROGLYPHIC BLOCKS on the purple marquee \ Protection Spell to ‘improve’ it. Grandpa Mole reappears, and casts the Protection Spell again. But thanks to your alterations, he just ends up UNprotecting the Toybox. You automatically return to the chamber with the Toybox.
Watch the cut scene, as you finally manage to get the Toybox, thus completing Reel 2.
You‘re back in the Subway tunnel, with the projector. Click on Reel 3: ‘The Journey Home’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
You’re onboard the train. Make your way to the Mole Man’s cabin in the Green Carriage.
Enter Moleman’s cabin. Talk to the Mole Man, using the following dialect options.
- Your daughter.
- On us
The Mole Man doesn’t approve of this, and he curses you again with the Sexo Rejexo curse. This causes the sound of your voice to repulse the opposite sex. Leave the cabin.
Walk right a few steps, and head through the door into the Blue Carriage.
Continue right, and head through the door into the Yellow Carriage.
In the Yellow Carriage, knock on the Elves door and work through all the conversation topics. Now talk to him again, using the following dialect options.
- Secret Project
- Slushie.
- We can get you a kid.
Slushie the elf will wait at the door to his cabin. Walk right a few steps, and knock on the door to Baby Amelia’s cabin. You automatically talk to Baby Amelia, repulsing her right into Slushie the elf’s arms. He takes her into his cabin. Baby Amelia emerges moments later, and returns to her own cabin, telling you that she had fun playing with the elves Model Biplane.
Knock on the door to the elves cabin again. Use the following dialect options.
- Slushie
- Kringle wants you
Slushie the elf sets out to go and see Kringle, but he gets sidetracked with some ‘personal’ business. If you’ve noticed how pale Slushie is, you can probably guess what that business is! Walk left through the door, into the Blue Carriage.
Jurgen is still looking at the sarcophagus. Talk to him - he looks a bit different now. He’s a lot paler, and he’s grown fangs! Work through all the conversation topics with him. When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and head through the door into the Green Carriage.
Knock on Jurgen’s cabin door, and enter his empty cabin. Open his Steamer Trunk. Jurgen tries to stop you, but now he’s a vampire, all the garlic and crosses prevent him from entering his own cabin. However, the Steamer Trunk is empty, which surprises Jurgen, because he thought he had hidden the Toybox in there. Leave the cabin.
Walk left a few steps and enter the Mole Man’s cabin. Show JURGEN’S LOVE LETTER to the Mole Man to reveal Girl Mole’s secret crush. Mole Man is outraged, and curses Jurgen, so that Girl Mole is repulsed by the sound of his voice. Girl Mole is devastated that the curse means she can’t even talk to Jurgen, so she curses Maximus, turning him into a cow. Use EMPTY GLASS with Cow Maximus to get a GLASS OF MILK. Don’t worry, Cow Maximus should return to normal after a few moments. Now leave the cabin.
Head right, and go through the door into the Blue Carriage.
The Service Tray should still be outside Kringle’s door. Place GLASS OF MILK, and place some COOKIES on the Service Tray. Knock on the door to Kringle’s cabin, and use the following conversation topic.
- Room Service
Before Kringle opens his door, quickly click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Can O’ Nuts power. Both of you will pop into the can for a few moments.
Kringle doesn’t see you when he opens his door. He takes the tray of milk, cookies, and can of nuts (not knowing that you are hiding inside the can) into his cabin.
After a few moments, you pop back out of the can. Search Kringle’s Steamer Trunk. It’s empty! Kringle throws you out of his cabin.
You’ve searched everywhere for the missing Toybox, and you’ve not been able to find it. Watch the cut scene as you arrive at Grand Central Station. Baby Amelia reveals that she’s been hiding the Toybox all along. Choose any dialogue option with her. You automatically take the Toybox and leave the train, thus completing Reel 3.
You‘re in the subway tunnel, with the projector. Click on Reel 1: ‘The Sphunx Challenge’ to load it up onto the projector, then click on the blinking red ‘Start‘ button.
You’re back in the cellar apartment, with the Mole Woman. Talk to her, using the following dialogue option.
- Bat Hand Hand Hand
She tells you that this indicates the Reverse-Curse, and it undoes any curse that came before it. Now leave the apartment.
Outside, on the street, talk to the elves, using the following dialogue options.
- Toy concept
- Toy Biplane
The elves are impressed by your toy suggestion. You manage to get the CAN O’ NUTS back from them. Head down the alley on the right, to return to the theatre.
Walk left, onto the stage. Step onto the tongue of the giant Sphunx statue. Insert COOKIES into the nostril of the giant Sphunx statue, then use the following dialogue option.
- Fut Snek Squigl
The Sphunx statue rises up, revealing the inner-gate. To get past the gate, click on Maximus’s icon at the top right.
As Maximus, activate Can O’ Nuts power. Both of you pop into the can. The tongue of the Sphunx statue retracts, taking the can o nuts with it. Thus, you’re on the other side of the inner-gate.
You’ve completed The Sphunx Challenge. Watch the cut scene as you get tickets for a trip to Egypt. This completes Reel 1.
You automatically return to the subway tunnel with the projector. After Reel 4: ‘The Big Reward’ is loaded, watch the cut scene as Max starts playing the reel without Sam.
You’re still in the theatre. Papierwaite asks how you passed The Sphunx Challenge. Use the following conversation topics.
- Magical can o’ nuts
- Undid Protection Spell
- Beat a baby
Papierwaite is finally ready to present your prize. But it’s not quite what you expected. Watch the cut scene, as Papierwaite freezes Maximus to the floor, while hanging Sameth from the ceiling, as he begins a ritual to summon the ancient demon Yog Soggoth. When prompted, use the following conversation topic.
- Stall for time
You’re in control of Sameth again, and you’re still hanging from the ceiling. Use NEWSPAPER with the flaming torch below you to set fire to it, then use FLAMING NEWSPAPER with the counterweight for moon, behind you. This results in the Ventriloquist’s Dummy being knocked onto the tongue of the Sphunx statue. Throw some COOKIES on the nostrils of the Sphunx statue. The Ventriloquist’s Dummy gets thrown back to Maximus. Click on Maximus to take control of him.
As Maximus, use the following dialogue option when talking to Papierwaite.
- Trick Papierwaite
You tricked Papierwaite into looking closely in the Toybox. Your magic Control Panel automatically pops up - activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on Papierwaite to make him say the magic words to summon Yog Soggoth. He gets sucked into the Toybox.
Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. You, Maximus, and the Moles agree to guard the Toybox.
The End.
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