Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Season 3 - Episode 4: Beyond The Alley Of The Dolls
Year: 2010
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
After the intro, our dynamic duo, along with General Skunkape, Grandpa Stinky, and Girl Stinky, are holed up in Stinky’s Diner. A bunch of Sam-Clones surround the diner, trying to get in.
Talk to Girl Stinky and work through all the dialogue options. Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue options. General Skunkape is cowering behind the counter - talk to him a few times. Explore the counter. Take PEANUT BUTTER BALL from the counter. Turn on the radio on the counter to hear the News Report. General Skunkape gets angry at the News Report, and becomes his usual obnoxious self. He’s about to use his Psychic Mind Reading power, when the Sam-Clones outside grab him, and pull him through the wall. Max picks up the PSYCHIC PLAYING CARDS, as part of his Psychic Toys Of Power. Now that General Skunkape is gone, take a Fudgey Freeze Treat from the freezer behind the counter - you just can’t resists them! Now, how are you going to escape from your predicament? Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Girl Stinky to remind yourself about the secret tunnel leading into the sewers. Exit Mind Reading power, and exit the Power Control Panel.
Go behind the counter, and press the green Secret Button underneath the cash register. But the button doesn’t work! Why? If you look closely, you’ll see a barrel under the table Max is standing on, which is blocking the mechanism. Click on Max’s icon at the top right again.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Girl Stinky to learn about her back-up tunnel. Exit Mind Reading power and exit the Power Control Panel.
Talk to Girl Stink, and use the following dialogue options.
- BACKUP Tunnel
- BACKUP Tunnel (again)
She denies knowing anything about a Back-Up tunnel, but notice that she keeps looking over to her left, towards the counter. Click on Max’s icon at the top right again.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power again, and use the power on Girl Stinky. You learn how to activate the Back-Up Tunnel, using the toaster. Exit Mind Reading power and exit the Power Control Panel.
Look at the toaster behind the counter - you can’t use it until you get rid of some of those Sam-Clones. Now what could the Sam-Clones want, even more than killing you and your friends? How about a Fudgey Freeze Treat? The problem is, you can’t just take one form the freezer without eating it yourself. So you need to stop yourself from eating it. Open your Inventory, and ’Eat PEANUT BUTTER BALL’ (click on the squeaky toy option) to use it on yourself, and get a mouth full of peanut butter. Yuck! Now take a FUDGECICLE from the freezer. Give FUDGECICLE to the hand behind the counter, next to the toaster. The hand disappears. Now use the toaster, then watch the cut scene as the juke box slides across the floor, revealing the secret tunnel. You and Max automatically enter the secret tunnel, and head down into the sewers.
Watch the cut scene as you discover the secret Cloning Factory. You’re now on a platform, overlooking the cloning factory. After the clone leaves, talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. Now you need to find out who’s behind the Sam-Clones. Now explore the room. Look at the cloning pods in front of you. Look at the control platform that‘s floating in mid-air. Look at Important Cloning Pod on the right to learn that it was made by Mama Bosco. Look at Immense Turbine on the left. Look at Clone Cooking Controls on the left. Look at the magical tentacles that appear in front of the Clone Cooking Controls.
After looking around, there’s nothing more you can do in the Cloning Factory right now, so head down to the tunnels area, behind the kitchenette area.
There are 3 tunnels here - 1 on the left, and 2 on the right. Walk left, and head through the well-constructed tunnel.
The long tunnel leads you into the Bosco-Tech Lab.
Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the dialogue. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Harry to find out about Uncle Morty. Exit Mind Reading power, and exit the Power Control Panel. Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue. Now explore the lab. Hit gong on the table if you like, but the resulting séance is a failure, since you can’t get Mama Bosco to appear. Use the spooky Lift to get to the upper level.
Look at the phone on the table to learn Mama Bosco’s new phone number. Now go back down to the lower level.
Climb down the tunnel in the floor, back to the Cloning Factory.
Walk over to the 2 tunnels on the right. From these 2 tunnels, head through tunnel on the left - the patchouli smelling tunnel.
The tunnel was a shortcut to the Museum. Specifically, outside Papierwaite’s office.
Explore the area. Try to use the security panel next to Papierwaite’s office door - you need to figure out the keycode. Knock on Papierwaite’s office door - he‘s not very friendly. Search the rubbish bin to find a RESIGNATION LETTER. Look at the RESIGNATION LETTER to realise that it’s from Sal, and to get Sal‘s phone number. Now click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Papierwaite through the door. If you don’t see Papierwaite, just knock on his door again. You learn the passcode for the door. Now exit Mind Reading power, and exit the Power Control Panel.
Use the security panel next to Papierwaite’s door again. This time, you’re able to enter the code, and gain access to Papierwaite’s office.
Watch the cut scene with Papierwaite and Yog Soggoth. Work through all the dialogue. You learn that you need to find the Cthonic Destroyer (you need to have seen the tentacles in the Cloning Factory, before you can discuss this topic), in order to find all the Toys Of Power and destroy the Devil‘s Toybox. Yog Soggoth gives you a MANUSCRIPT PAGE. Explore the office. Look at phone on the desk to learn Papierwaite’s phone number. When you’re ready, leave the office.
Climb down through the tunnel in the floor, back to the Cloning Factory.
From the 2 tunnels on the right, head through the right-hand tunnel - Stinky’s Tunnel.
This tunnel takes you back to Stinky’s Diner.
Talk to Flint Paper & Girl Stinky and choose any dialogue options. Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue. You need to find out what Grandpa Stinky’s favourite birthday cake is. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Grandpa Stinky to learn that his favourite cake is Upside Down Blood Cake Surprise. Exit Mind Reading power. Now you’ve learned a few phone numbers, so it’s time to put them to the test. Activate Teleportation power. Click on Sal’s New Job, to teleport there.
Watch the cut scene with the Sam-Clones. Pick up VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY from the ground near the dumpster. You automatically give it to Max, and he gains the power of Psychic Ventriloquism. For a bit of fun, head up through the gate, towards the warehouse door. Yikes! The Sam-Clones chase you! You can’t get near the warehouse while the Sam-Clones are here. Maybe you could distract them? Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the warehouse door. You throw your voice into the warehouse, and taunt the Sam-Clones about Toys Of Power. Exit Psychic Ventriloquism power, and exit the Power Control Panel.
While the Sam-Clones are busy at the warehouse door, enter through the gate, and walk left a few steps. Click on the Bluster Blaster arcade machine and work through all the dialogue with him. He gives you BOSCO’S LETTER, and asks you to deliver it to Mama Bosco for him. Now walk right a few steps, talk to Sal and work through all the dialogue with him. Make sure you ask him about ‘Cake’ - he draws a picture of the Upside Blood Cake Surprise that Grandpa Stinky likes. When conversation is over, look at Sal’s Delicious Drawing of the Upside Blood Cake Surprise that Sal drew on the ground. Now click on Max’s icon at the top left.
As Max, activate Rhinoplasty power. Use the power on the Delicious Drawing on the ground, so that you can transform into that item. Exit Rhinoplasty power. Now activate Teleportation. Click on Bosco-Tech Lab, to teleport to that location.
Use the spooky Lift to get down to the lower level. It’s time to have a séance. Click on the gong on the table. Talk to Harry Moleman, using the following dialogue option.
- Uncle Morty
Harry places a picture of Uncle Morty on the table. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the picture of Uncle Morty. Harry thinks his Uncle Morty is really talking to him, so he asks him about ‘the secret’ that’s been kept from him all these years.
You don’t know what secret he’s talking about, so let’s find out. Click on Max’s icon at the top right again.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Harry Moleman. You learn that the ‘secret’ is where Uncle Morty hid his stamp collection. Exit Mind Reading power. Activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the picture of Uncle Morty again. Harry now thinks that Uncle Morty’s stamp collection is hidden in the Statue Of Liberty.
Watch the cut scene as Mama Bosco finally appears. After Harry and Agent Superball leave, talk to Mama Bosco (she’s floating on a platform above you) and work through all the dialogue with her. She claims not to know anything about the Sam-Clones. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Mind Reading power. Use the power on Mama Bosco to learn that she was hired to build the clone tanks. Exit Mind Reading power, and exit the Power Control Panel.
Talk to Mama Bosco again, and use the following dialogue options.
- Who hired you?
- Clone Master
- Clone Master (again)
- NOW can you help?
- I’ve got an idea…
- Bosco’s DNA?
- Cloning Moma Bosco
When conversation is over, she gives you a strand of hair, as MAMA BOSCO’S DNA SAMPLE, to help you build a clone of her body. But the DNA sample is not enough. You need to find some DNA from her relatives. Now give BOSCO’S LETTER to Mama Bosco.
Now it’s time to find the Cthonic Destroyer, in the Realm Of Skittering Ingestion. This is a tricky puzzle. Use the Dimensional Destabiliser. You may want to consult your MANUSCRIPT PAGE for some clues. The switches change with every play through, which makes it even harder to calibrate them. After a few attempts, you start labelling each switch. Try to match up the position of each coloured switch, with the result.
Here’s what it looked like on my play through.
- Green Switch (Fate):
Position 2 (eating by crazed beast)
- Blue Switch (Presentation):
Position 3 (dazzling light)
- Red Switch (Vision):
Position 3 (bugs)
- Yellow Switch (Emotional State):
Position 2 (uncountable laugher)
When you’re ready, press the red button to see what the results are. Using Max’s Mind Reading power and Future Vision power after each ‘visit’, might help indicate how well you’re doing. Once you have all the switches aligned correctly, Max will gain the Cthonic Destroyer Toy Of Power, to add to his physic abilities.
That’s all you can do here for now. Click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Teleportation power. Click on Stinky’s Cell to return to the Diner.
Remember the Upside Down Blood Cake Surprise that Grandpa Stinky wants? Well, click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Rhinoplasty power. Click on the cake icon, so that you turn into a cake. You automatically surprise Grandpa Stinky with the birthday cake. Watch the cut scene, as he heads off into the kitchen. Girl Stinky also leaves, to attend a mysterious meeting with someone. When you’re ready, click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Teleportation power. Click on Stinky’s Cell.
So Girl Stinky is in the Cloning Factory now. Watch the cut scene with Girl Stinky & Sal. So THAT’S who the mysterious ‘Mr S’ is! Before you can question them, ’The Master’s voice places them into a trance.
Walk left, to where the magical tentacles are. Click on Max’s icon in the top right.
As Max, activate Cthonic Destroyer power. Use the power on the magic tentacles. The tentacles are destroyed.
Now that the magic tentacles are no longer a problem, you can access the Clone Cooking Controls on the left. Place MAMA BOSCO’S DNA hair strand into the Clone Cooking Controls. Insert BOSCO’S LETTER into the Clone Cooking Controls on the left. Watch the cut scene as Mama Bosco finally gets her new body. It’s… um… different! Now walk up to the Control Platform, that’s floating over the cloning pods - it has all the flashing lights on it. Use your BIG GUN to shoot the Control Platform - you get a close-up of it. Use your BIG GUN to shoot one of the platform lights. Sal will come to repair it, leaving his post at the kitchenette table. Watch the cut scene, as Sal begins repairing the platform light. Use your BIG GUN on the Control Platform again, to get a close-up of it. This time, use your BIG GUN to shoot the evil coffee mug on the desk on the left. Watch the cut scene as Girl Stinky joins Sal on the Control Platform - poor Sal falls from the platform. Now click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Teleportation power. Click on Stinky’s cell again. You, Max, and Mama Bosco, all teleport over to the Control Platform, where Girl Stinky is working. Watch the cut scene with Mama Bosco.
A bunch of Sam-Clones show up in the Cloning Factory. Have fun with all the dialogue options, but the important one is as follows.
- Go to the Toy Box
The Sam-Clones all leave. You automatically follow them to the factory where Sal works.
At the factory, click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the Sam-Clones. Watch the cut scene with the ventriloquist’s dummy.
You’re in control of Max now, and it’s up to you to rescue Sam. The only problem, is that you can’t get past the dancing Sam-Clones! Click on Sam’s icon at the top right.
You’re playing as Sam again, and you’re trapped at the top of the Statue Of Liberty. Talk to Charlie Ho-Tep (the ventriloquist dummy), and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, click on the piano. You can change the music, which affects the Sam-Clones below. It’s rather complicated to figure out which music to use, so to make things easier, just use the following options.
- Take 2 Tablets 4 the Mind Plaque
- Click on the piano again
- Flaming Crowns
- Click on the piano yet again
- Face Of Darkness
Now click on Max’s icon at the top right.
As Max, the Sam-Clones are no longer surrounding you. Walk right, then down, to the line of Sam-Clones. When you get too close, they’ll whack you up to the top of the Statue Of Liberty. Now grab the swinging tentacle, so you land on the platform where Sam is. Watch the cut scene with the ventriloquist dummy, and Yog Soggoth. Click on Sam’s icon at the top right.
You’re playing as Sam again. Click on the piano to change the music. Change it to the following.
- Tabula Charlie
Click on Max’s icon at the top right, to switch back to him.
As Max, activate Mind Reading. Look down, and use the power on Sam. Charlie Ho-Tep (the ventriloquest dummy) will taunt you. Exit the Mind Reading power. Activate Rhinoplasty power. Look up again, and use the power on the picture of Charlie Ho-Tep. Click on the picture of Charlie Ho-Tep, and you transform in to him. But the power doesn’t last, as you soon return your normal selves. Exit Rhinoplasty power. Activate Psychic Ventriloquism power. Use the power on the Devil’s Toy Box, using ‘Norrington Voice‘.
Now sit back and enjoy the ending. The Devil’s Toy Box is destroyed. Charlie Ho-Tep is defeated. And Max is… transformed.
The End.
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