Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: Season 3 - Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep
Year: 2010
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: No Official Link
It’s been a week since Max transformed into the giant Behemoth Beast he is today. Agent Superball, as acting President, decides it’s time to launch a full nuclear attack against Behemoth Max. But you, Sam, know that Max is still in there somewhere, and you just need more time to save him. Agent Superball has agreed to give you a few house, before he commences attack. So with the clock ticking, you MUST find a way to save Max.
Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Mama Bosco. Watch the cut scene to see a very-pregnant Sybil return. It’s good to see her again! She agrees to join your team. Talk to Mama Bosco again and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Mr Featherly and work through the dialogue. Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue. Now use the Lift platform on the right to get to the upper level.
Head right, and leave the building.
Watch the cut scene with Abraham Lincoln and the Maimtron 9000 army. Notice that Behemoth Max is walking back & forth behind the building. Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue. Look at the Desoto car, so you can appreciate all the changes Sybil has done to it. Walk left a few steps, then up into the alley. Look at the ridiculously-sized pothole in the alley. Try to talk to Sal (he’s in the back of the alley) if you like, but he just runs away. Head left again, and talk to Flint Paper.
Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue. He gives you his CORN DOG RECIPE, showing a list of ingredients you need to find. Read the recipe by opening your Inventory, and then use the green squeaky toy icon with it. The ingredients are ticked off, as you collect them. Now look at the van on the left, to see that it’s full of cornmeal - that‘s one of the ingredients you need. Sadly, you‘re not strong enough to pick up the van. Maybe you could trick Behemoth Max into helping you. Pick up the BOX OF CORNDOGS, which is lying on the ground next to the van. Now stand next to the van full of cornmeal, open your Inventory, and then open the BOX OF CORNDOGS by using the green squeaky toy option on it. This gets Behemoth Max’s attention. Now ‘Wave Corn Dog’ at Behemoth Max. Behemoth Max swipes at you, picking up the van as he does so. Lure him down towards the pothole in the alley, then ‘Eat Corn Dog’. Behemoth Max gets angry, and throws the van at you, causing all the cornmeal to fall into the pothole.
Climb up the fire escape in the alley, to reach the roof of Bosco-Tech Lab.
On the roof, look at the water tower to learn that it’s now full of rapeseed oil. Oil is one of the ingredients you need. Talk to Satan and work through all the dialogue. Him and Jurgen are making a documentary about the Giant Max attack. Make sure you use the following dialogue option.
- Behind the scenes
When Satan drops the microphone, use BOX OF CORNDOGS with the microphone - you replace the microphone with a CORNDOG. Watch the cut scene with Behemoth Max. Satan and Jurgen are rather miffed, and they teleport themselves back to hell. You automatically climb back down the fire escape, to street level.
Walk right a few steps, so you can see Sybil and your Desoto car. Now stand next to the Desoto car. You need to use the same trick here, as you did with the cornmeal van. Open your Inventory, and then open the BOX OF CORNDOGS by using the green squeaky toy option on it. This gets Behemoth Max’s attention. Now ‘Wave Corn Dog’ at Behemoth Max. Behemoth Max swipes at you, picking up the car as he does so. Lure him down towards the pothole in the alley, then ‘Eat Corn Dog’. Behemoth Max gets angry, and throws the car at you, so it lands in the cornmeal\water gunk in the pothole.
The last ingredient you need to find, is an egg to bind the cornmeal mixture. Where can you get an egg from? Mr Featherly, of course! Head back into Bosco-Tech Labs.
Use the Lift platform to get down to the lower level. Talk to Mr Featherly, and use the following dialogue option.
- Egg?
Watch the cut scene with Mr Featherly. He can’t lay an egg, with everyone watching him, so you need to divert everyone‘s attention. Here’s how you do it. It’s important to talk to everyone in this order.
Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers on the left, and use the following dialogue option.
- Viruses
This scares them into shutting down and rebooting. Next, talk to Mama Bosco, and use the following dialogue option.
- Dimensional Destabaliser
She sends Papierwaite into another dimension for a few seconds. Finally, talk to Agent Superball and use the following dialogue option.
- Turn around
Watch the cut scene as Mr Featherly finally gives you an EGG. Now use the lift platform on the right, to get to the upper level, then leave the building.
Walk left to the alley. Use EGG in the pothole cornmeal gunk mixture. Now use the Corndog Desoto car, and watch the cut scene as you, Papierwaite, and Sybil drive the car into Behemoth Max’s mouth. Now watch the opening credits.
You’re in Max’s stomach, which looks remarkably like a kitchen. You need to find a way up to his brain. Talk to Sybil if you like, and she’ll tell you that you need to get a rush of blood up to his brain. Explore the area. Use your JAR OF EXPRESSO BEANS with the food processor - it’s on the island in the middle of the room. This gets the tube in the back wall to start working, so now use the tube in the back wall to travel up to the cerebral cortex.
Max’s cerebral cortex looks like a living room. Watch the cut scene, as you discover that Max has a tumour. A great big… glowing… tumour. This can’t be good! Touch the tumour - you can‘t remove it until you cut off power to the brain. Explore the area. Look at the record shelf at the back wall to get a close-up of it.
There are 4 records that are sticking out, so take THE HAPPENSTANCE AT GHASTLY MANOR record, THE ELI WHITNEY DILEMA record, A KILLING COMES TO MURDERSBURGH record, and ARE YOU THERE, GREAT BEAR SPIRIT record. Exit the close-up of the record shelf.
Look at the record player next to the record shelf, and for some fun, use each of the records on the record player. Now walk right a few steps, and look at the tentacles in the floor. Look for the white door that leads to Max’s brain. Try to open the door. Uh-oh… you, Sybil, and Papierwaite are zapped into 3 different locations, with you being zapped back down to the stomach. You have to reunite everyone, then head up to Max’s brain.
Use the tube to return to the cerebral cortex.
Use the tube to the right of the tentacles, with the picture of the arm on it.
You’re in the Games Room with Papierwaite. He tells you that he can control Max’s arms using the giant mat on the floor. Look at the mat on the floor - it’s like a hi-tech version of Twister. Unfortunately, you don’t know how it works yet. For a bit of fun, look at the book shelf in the back wall to see all the board games.
Use the arcade machine - ahhh, it’s connected to the Twister mat on the floor! You read out the instructions on the screen, and Papierwaite will press the relevant panels on the mat. Simply look at the picture on the arcade machine, and tell Papierwaite what you see. It will either be a Hand or a Foot, with ‘L’ or ‘R’ (for Left or Right) inside. The weapon will tie in with the Hand or Foot instruction. Click on the relevant dialogue option to tell Papierwaite what you see. However, after playing for a while, you’ll notice that the instructions you read out are actually the opposite of what you see on the arcade. In fact, it’s just the opposite. So ‘Hand’ becomes ‘Foot’, and vice versa. ‘Left’ becomes ‘Right’, and vice versa. If you see a ‘Left Foot’, select ‘Right Hand’ from the dialogue options. You have to get it right 3 times in order to activate the Manual Override. Choose any dialogue option to congratulate Papierwaite.
Oh dear! Watch the cut scene as the room becomes flooded with radiation, making you pass out.
When you wake up, you find yourself back in Max’s cerebral cortex. You need to find some who is immune to radiation, to control Max’s arms.
In the meantime, walk right a few steps, until you see the tube with the picture of Max’s legs. Use the tube to travel down to… the legs.
This appears to be some kind of exercise room. And this is where Sybil got zapped to. It seems that Sybil can read your thoughts in this room. Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue. Explore the room. When you’re ready, look for the tube with the picture of the box. Use this tube to travel to Max‘s Inventory.
This is where Max keeps all his stuff. Explore the room - lots of fun stuff here. Look at the roach farm on the top shelf of one of the units, and you’ll see a cockroach egg hatch. The baby cockroach thinks you are it’s dad. Look at the pile of cables on the floor, and try to pick them up. You’ll get turned into robot vacuum cleaner. Bump into the shelf unit containing the roach farm a few times. Keep doing this, until you manage to knock the roach farm off the shelf, and you vacuum the baby ROACH up. Now head right, and use the tube to get back up to Max’s legs. Thankfully, you transform back into your normal self.
Show the baby ROACH to Sybil. This convinces her that you are a caring parent, thus motivating her to use the treadmill, which controls Behemoth Max‘s legs. You’re now able to control where Behemoth Max goes. Use the tube on the right, to get back to the Cerebral Cortex.
Use the tube with picture of the stomach, to return to Max’s stomach.
Look at the ‘Now Craving’ platter on the left. This shows what Behemoth Max is wanting. Swap the baby ROACH for the corndog on the platter, so that Behemoth Max will crave cockroaches (yuck!). Now click on Behemoth Max’s icon at the top right. When Mama Bosco communicates with you, use the following reply.
- Control Max
Watch the cut scene, as you take partial-control of Behemoth Max’s body. While you can control where he walks now, you still can’t control his arms. Head up & left a few steps, and continue until you see a building with spotlights coming from the roof. This is Bosco Tech Labs. Click on the building to ‘menace’ it. There seems to be someone on the roof of the Lab. It’s Sal. As long as you left the baby ROACH on the ‘Now Craving’ platter in Max’s stomach, you’ll automatically grab Sal. Watch the cut scene as Sal gets swallowed hole, and Girl Stinky falls from the roof, and rescued by General Skunkape.
You’re automatically in Max’s cerebral cortex again. Talk to Sal, and convince him to head up to the arms room, and activate the manual override.
When Sal returns, the radiation from the arms room kills him! He gave his life to help you save Max. R.I.P. Sal. When you’re ready, click on Behemoth Max’s icon at the top right. When Mama Bosco communicates with you, tell her the following.
- Control Max
You now have full control of Behemoth Max’s body. Head down & right, until you reach Battery Park. Click on Battery Park to enter it.
Watch the cut scene, as Max is neutralised.
You’re back in Max’s cerebral cortex. Enter through the white door next to the tumour, so you‘re inside Max‘s brain.
Watch the cut scene, as you meet the mysterious Narrator. Work through all the dialogue with him. When conversation is over, look at the astral projector on the desk on the right. Look at the Memory Book next to the astral projector to see that it contains a single slide. You can’t use the Astral Projection power yet, since there’s not enough memories. Now walk left a few steps, and pull the circuit breaker. When you’re ready, leave the room.
Sybil and Papierwaite are here. Papierwaite tells you that the tumour has become infected with Dark Matter. Choose either dialogue option (your choice here affects which ending you‘ll see). After some conversation with them, you realise that the psychic Cthonic Destroyer robot from the Toys Of Power collection is still active, and that‘s the only chance you have of removing the Dark Matter in the giant tumour. Last time you saw that robot, was at the top of the Statue Of Liberty, in the last episode. It’s probably in General Skunkape’s hands now, so let‘s go and find him. Click on Behemoth Max’s icon at the top right.
You’re controlling Behemoth Max’s body. As well as looking for General Skunkape, you need to create some memories. Explore the city, and notice that some buildings are clickable. There are 6 memories altogether here, that you need to find. You already saw 1 memory in the Memory Book. You can find another 4 memories right now, so search the city, find the following memories, and click on them.
- Remember Battery Park (down & right)
- Remember Federated Consolidated Building (up & left)
- Remember Bosco Tech Labs (up & left)
- Remember General Skunkape’s Flagship (flying around, shooting at you, up & left)
When you’ve found those 4 memories, click on Sam’s icon at the top right, and choose the following dialogue option.
- Go Home
Enter through the white door next to the tumour, into Max’s brain.
Look at the Memory Book on the table on the right. There should be 5 slides in the book now. Click on the Skunkape’s Flagship Slide, and choose the following dialogue option.
- Astral Project
You now find yourself… or rather, one of your clones from the last episode, locked in a cell on the spaceship. Examine the Backdrop to uncover some wires in the wall. Tug on the wires to discover that they’re connected to the other cages. Look at rock on the ground - this is the rock that Harry Moleman was lying on, in the first episode. Well, there’s nothing you can do while you’re trapped in this cell. So click on the astral pyramid icon above your head, and choose the following dialogue option.
- Clone SP-42-X
You’re in the body of the clone on the right. Look at the scratching post. Open the fuse box on the wall to reveal the controls inside. Now take a drink from the water bottle attached to the bars, then spit into the opened fuse box. This shorts out the stabilisation controls. Click on the astral pyramid icon above your head, and choose the following dialogue option.
- HW-021-S
You’re in the body of the clone on the left. Use the giant hamster wheel to activate emergency stabilisation. You’re automatically transferred back to the clone in the middle cage, where you started out. Grab the wires in the wall - the resulting electric shock sends you right through the glass in your cell. Ouch! Well, at least you’re not in the cell anymore!
Walk down, away from the cells area. Now walk right, and head through door on right, so you’re on the upper level.
On the upper level, talk to the brain in the jar. Oh no! The brain is… is… SAMMUN MAK!!! He hijacked Max’s body in a previous episode, and altered reality to make everyone worship him. What’s he doing here? Work through all the dialogue with him. After discussing ‘Mole Men’, Grandpa Stinky emerges from the Mole Processing Room. It seems he’s still under the thrall of Sammun Mak. Now talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue with him. He tells you that General Skunkape is at a warehouse in the South-East district. When you’re ready, click on the astral pyramid icon above your head. Choose the following dialogue option.
- Go Back
You find yourself back inside Max’s brain. Click on Behemoth Max’s icon at the top right to control Behemoth Max‘s body.
You’re controlling Behemoth Max’s body. Head down & right, until you find the Cloning Chamber. Click on it. This is the last memory you need to find, and now that Grandpa Stinky has mentioned it, you’re finally able to find it. Click on the following option.
- Remember Cloning Chamber
Click on Sam’s icon at the top right, then choose the following dialogue option.
- Go Home
You’re back in Max’s brain. Look at the Memory Book on the table on the right, and click on the Cloning Chamber Slide. Choose the following dialogue option.
- Astral Projection
Watch the cut scene with Flint Paper, General Skunkape, and Girl Stinky. Walk up towards Flint Paper… OUCH! Who put that laser grid there? You could get past the lasers, if only you could see them. Look at Box Of Stuff on the right, and turn on fog machine which is lying on top of the Box Of Stuff. Ahh, that’s better! You can see the lasers now! Walk forward, and you skilfully climb through the laser grid.
Explore the area. Walk forward until you see General Skunkape and Girl Stinky, who are in the Central Platform. Talk to General Skunkape and work through all the dialogue with him. Now walk back up a few steps, towards Flint Paper. Look at the camera lying on the floor next to the wooden crate, and use DEVIL’S TOYBOX PHOTO with the camera. The camera projects the photo into the room, making it appear as though the Devil’s Toy Box is actually here. This catches General Skunkape’s attention, and he comes to investigate. Use the following dialogue options with General Skunkape.
- Toy Robot
- For This Bomb
General Skunkape tosses the CTHONIC DESTROYER ROBOT to you. Walk up a few steps, and leave the Cloning Chamber through tunnel on the right.
Watch the cut scene as your clone is swallowed up by Behemoth Max, so he can give the CTHONIC DESTROYER ROBOT to you. Now you are back in control of your own body, inside Behemoth Max.
You have the CTHONIC DESTROYER ROBOT, thanks to your clone. Now it’s time to give it to Sybil, so she can use it to save Max. Walk right a few steps, and look at the weird tentacles in the floor. Use CTHONIC DESTROYER ROBOT with the weird tentacles. Watch the cut scene as Sybil goes into labour! You need to get her to a hospital A.S.A.P. The quickest way out of Behemoth Max’s body is through his tear ducts. Which means, you have to make him cry. Walk right a few steps, and use the ARE YOU THERE, GREAT SPIRIT BEAR record on the record player. Now walk right until you see the tear duct (between 2 tubes, where the tentacles used to be), and open up the tear duct. Now exit through the tear duct. Watch the cut scene with Behemoth Max.
You find yourself in Mama Bosco’s Cloning Lab again. Mama Bosco needs some of Max’s DNA, so she can bring him back. Give her MAX’S SNOT (yuck!), which you acquired when you exited Behemoth Max’s body.
Now sit back and watch the final emotional cut scene. Poor Sam!
Make sure you watch past the End Credits for one Final, FINAL twist! Hurray!
The End.
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