Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge (IA Remake)
Year: 2018
Genre: Point & Click adventure
Get The Game From: Infamous Adventure
You begin your adventures outside Orbital Station 4. Your wristwatch beeps, indicating someone is trying to contact you. Unfortunately, the distraction caused you to lose grip of your broom… again. Open your Inventory, and either look at your WRISTWATCH, or use WRISTWATCH on Roger, to get a close-up of it. It looks very similar to an iphone, except it adds a circle split into 3 sections. Click on the bottom section, and see the message from your boss ordering you to report for duty inside the station. Sigh, a janitor’s work is never done! For a bit of fun, click on the other 2 sections of the circle, as well as the iPear logo. When you’re ready, Exit the close-up. Now walk up the wall (yes, really!) to the airlock - the airlock will flip over, taking you inside the Orbital Station.
After the decontamination process, walk over to the empty peg on the back wall, and click on the peg to remove your spacesuit. Don’t worry, you’re still wearing your janitorial uniform underneath. Look at lockers on the right, and open the middle locker (that’s your one). You automatically take ATHLETIC SUPPORTER and CUBIX RUBE PUZZLE. Have a look at them in your Inventory. You’re also carrying an ORDER FORM for a Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle. Bet you always wanted one of those! When you’re ready, close your Inventory, and walk through door on the left.
As soon as you enter the room, your boss starts shouting at you. Really, is that any way to treat someone who saved the entire universe from the Sariens (SQ1)? Pity there’s nothing you can do about it - you just have to obey his orders. Have a look around the room if you like, and try to use that giant joystick in middle of the room. Look at the PAL system on the ceiling a few times. Talk to Bob on the left. When you’re ready, walk into the Transport Tube on the left.
In the Shuttle Bay, take a moment to read the green messages flashing up on the board. Now use Control Panel on the left to open the Shuttle Bay door, and walk up into the shuttle. However, you’re surprised to find that the shuttle isn’t entirely empty. Two thugs beat you up and knock you out.
You wake up, only to find yourself in the company of Vohaul himself! He has a long chat with you, while he explains his latest diabolical plan - he’s going to use door-to-door life insurance salesmen to take over the planet. The horror of it all! You are drugged, and when you wake up again, you find yourself on Labion.
Vohaul’s goons were supposed to take you to Vohaul‘s mines, so you don‘t mess up his plans again. But the plans changed drastically when the hover ship runs out of fuel and crash-lands on the planet surface. You need to take control of the situation, before more goons come looking for you.
After your less than glamorous landing, SAVE your game. Search the guard, and take KEYCARD. Also, search the wrecked hovercraft, and take the UNSTABLE ORDINANCE (good reference to SQ IV) in order to de-activate the Homing Beacon. As you walk around, watch out for that hidden pit towards right of the screen!
Walk right to the next screen, and see the cute green & orange bunny. Don’t get too close to those giant man-eating mushrooms! Now follow the bunny back left again.
Watch, as the bunny falls into the hidden pit. R.I.P bunny. Look into the pit to see the mangled bunny, and take BUNNY from the pit.
Take upper-left path up to the next screen, being careful to avoid the pit-trap. You hear a strange ‘Twang’ coming from the east. You can investigate that later - for now, quickly hide behind the tall tree before Vohaul‘s thug arrives. You have to be completely hidden from view, otherwise he’ll see you and blast you dead.
After the thug has gone, take lower-right path to next screen. You see one of the natives, a Pinkunz, hanging from a rope. Poor little guy. This must be the ‘Twang’ you heard earlier. Click on him to untie the rope and free him. He runs off, glad to be free.
Go left twice and SAVE your game. Look at the blue SPORES. Don’t they look pretty. Now carefully take one of the SPORES, making sure you don’t break it open (or you’ll be paralysed). Now make your way onto the high ledge at the back. There is a blue mailbox here. Look at the mailbox, and post your ORDER FORM in the mailbox. The mailbox beeps and buzzes, before delivering something into it’s tray - open the tray to get a WHISTLE. Wow, fast delivery!
Walk off the high ledge, so you are back at the ledge below. Head up one screen. There is a strange green pulsating plant that has roots spreading out everywhere. SAVE your game here. Now if you want, you can try and get through the plant maze. But you won’t succeed. However, take note that the plant explodes after feeding on you. Maybe if you could find something else for it to feed on, you would get the same result? In your Inventory, insert the UNSTABLE ORDINANCE into the dead BUNNY. Now use LOADED BUNNY on the plant vines. The plant takes the bait, and explodes. It’s no longer a threat to you, or any of the inhabitants of Labion. Now simply walk over to the berry bush, and take some BERRIES, then walk back down to the spores screen.
Go right, and then take upper-right path, so you see the swamp. SAVE your game here. Notice what the little Pinkunz creature does, before entering the swamp. There is a swamp monster that will eat you if you enter his swamp. You have to make yourself as unappealing as possible to him. So copy what the Pinkunz did, and rub the BERRIES on yourself, and then enter the swamp. Go right - the swamp monster will attack, but immediately spit you back out again.
After the swamp monster has decided he doesn’t want to eat you, go to top of the screen, in the centre, and look for the deeper area when Roger starts swimming. SAVE your game here. Dive under the water, and swim down, left, and then up again. Don’t waste any time under the water, or you’ll drown. In the hidden cave, you see a beautiful glowing gem, so walk over to it, and take the GLOWING GEM. SAVE your game again. Now walk back over to the pool, and dive back in. Dive down, swim right, and back up to the surface.
Back in the swamp, go right twice to the deep fissure. Notice that tree on the edge of the fissure? Go over to it, and climb the tree. The tree breaks, and falls across the fissure like a bridge. Continue right to the next screen.
You’re in a forest, on the other side of the fissure. Start walking right, until you’re snared by the rope, just like the native was earlier. After a few moments, you pass out.
When you come to, you find yourself trapped in a cage, with your captor - a Predator beast - sitting nearby. SAVE your game here. Talk to the guard, and then talk to the guard again. When he comes over to you, throw SPORES at him to paralyze him. When he collapses in front of you, quickly search the guard to take the KEY. Use KEY to unlock the cage door, and then open cage door. This all has to be done quickly, or the guard will come to his senses and kill you. Now walk out the cage, and take ROPE hanging from the tree.
Go up one screen. As soon as you see the hovercraft take off, head left, before the goons spot you. SAVE your game here. Walk left again, and you find yourself back at the edge of the fissure. Tie your ROPE onto the fallen tree, and you automatically climb down.
You’re hanging by a rope, high above the gorge. There’s a huge monkey here, and he looks hungry! Using the ’Wilco Swing-O-Matic’ panel on-screen, click on the blue Down Arrow to climb to bottom of the rope. Now click on the blue ‘Swing’ tag. When you think you’ve timed it right (after the monkey roars at you), click on the blue ‘Jump’ button to jump left onto the ledge. Gotta love Roger’s victory over the monkey, heehee! Now walk left into the cave.
It’s dark in this cave. You can’t see anything. Walk left into the darkness a little bit, but not too far. Now remember that gem you picked up earlier? Use GEM on Roger, and you automatically hold the gem in your hand, lighting up the cave. Continue left to the next screen. Uh-oh, you didn’t see the shaft in the floor. You fall straight down through it. As luck would have it, the shaft leads to the Pinkunz Canyon.
SAVE your game here. The Pinkunz want to help you, since you rescued one of their own earlier (you DID rescue the little guy… didn‘t you?). Get the GEM that you dropped near the cave entrance, then follow them down to the next screen.
Listen to the Pinkunz Chief. He tells you to just say the word, when you’re ready to leave. Have a look around if you want, but you can’t do anything. When you’re ready, talk to the little Pinkunz, and then type ‘THE WORD’ into the onscreen translator. The Pinkunz will move a rock out of the way, revealing a ladder, which you automatically climb down.
It’s pitch black here - time to use that glowing gem again. Use the GLOWING GEM anywhere on the darkness, and Roger will hold the GEM in his mouth, as he searches through the tunnels. Ahh, you have a little light now. SAVE your game here. Now you have to navigate through a maze - it may help if you reduce your speed. Here we go:
Climb down to bottom of the ladder.
Crawl right to the rope.
Climb down rope, and take first tunnel on the right.
Crawl right a bit, to the next rope.
Climb down to bottom of rope, and take tunnel on the left.
Crawl left, and keep crawling to the second rope.
Climb down to bottom of the rope.
Crawl right, until you reach the mine cart, and climb into mine cart.
Continue right (in mine cart) until you reach the pool.
Phew! I bet you’re glad to be out of that maze!
You’ve reached an area with waterfalls and a pool. Put your speed back to how you like it. Enter pool, and follow the stream to the next screen. When it splits into 2 directions, head right, and let the stream take you to the next screen.
You’ll be sucked into a whirlpool here, but don’t worry. You’ll soon emerge in a small pool outside the cave.
SAVE your game here. From the pool, walk right to the next screen. Hmmm, there doesn’t seem to be any way out of here.
Not yet, anyway. You’ll need to make your own exit. Remember the WHISTLE you got from the mailbox earlier? While you are still in the pool, blow the WHISTLE. The Labion Terror Beast blasts his way through the rock to greet you. Still in the pool, throw the RUBIX PUZZLE to the beast. Now leave the water. While the beast is busy trying to figure out the puzzle, take a ROCK from the small pile of rubble the beast created, then head up through the rock.
You’re now at the base of a landing pad. A guard paces back and forth on the platform above. You need to take out the guard, before he sees you. In your Inventory, combine ROCK with the ATHLETIC SUPPORTER to create a SLINGSHOT, then use SLINGSHOT on the guard - he falls from the platform, and lands on the ground with a satisfying THUD. Walk over to the door, and insert your KEYCARD. Enter the door, and the lift takes you up to the platform. Climb into the shuttle.
SAVE your game here. Look around the shuttle if you like, but it’s rather cramped. Okay, now click on the panel in front of Roger. Push the Power Button, then push the Thruster Button. Now on this panel, click on the little ‘H’ (Horizontal), and change it to a ‘V’ (Vertical). Now click below the handle, and the ship will lift off.
Wait for a few moments. When you’re alerted that ‘adequate altitude has been achieved’, you can try to…
Oh No! You can’t do anything! Vohaul has taken control of your shuttle, and he’s bringing you back to his asteroid. And try as you might, the controls just will not respond to you. Damn! So close, and yet so far.
All you can do, is wait for the ship to dock on Vohaul’s asteroid.
SAVE your game here. Walk down\left along the platform, to the lift. Enter lift, and go to Level 4.
Walk left twice, to the bathrooms. Enter bathrooms, and open door to the empty cubicle. Look at the wall several times, to read lots of funny graffiti messages. Take some of the TOILET PAPER. When you’re ready, Exit the cubicle, and then exit the bathrooms.
Walk left again. You see a door with a huge ‘M’ above it. This is Vohaul’s very own private Monolith Burger. Enter through the door, into the restaurant. Have a look around the place. Talk to robot behind the counter, but he’s too depressed to be of any use. Walk right a little bit, and take LIGHTER from the ‘L’ shaped table. Try to use the Walk-Through Service Window on the back wall, but no-one comes to service you. However, you find a BURGER left behind, and decide to take it - but whatever you do, don’t eat it! There’s nothing else you can do here for now, so leave Monolith Burgers.
Walk left twice. Oh, you walked round in a big circle, and now you’re back at the lift. Enter lift, and go to Level 5.
You’re in the Holding Cells area. Take ACCESS CARD from the table. You can’t do anything else here, so go back to the lift, and go to Level 1. Go right to the shuttle, then up\right to another lift. Enter lift, and go to Level 3.
There’s a lot of doors here. SAVE your game here. Enter through the second door, so you are in the Hologram Suite. There’s a Troll’s Tale arcade adventure game machine on the left - for an extra bit of fun, use the arcade machine, and try to find all 16 treasures that the nasty troll stole from King Mark, if you like. Or you can just ignore the arcade machine if you want. When you’ve had enough of the arcade machine, look at table on the right, and take GLASS CUTTER from the table. Now leave the Hologram Suite.
Walk right, enter the lift, and travel down to the lower level. SAVE your game here. Watch out for the Scrub-O-Matic. If it comes near you, hide in the empty bay in the wall, so it can’t ‘sweep you up’. Now walk left to end of the corridor, and try to open the door. However, the door is locked. No problem, just use your ACCESS CARD on the card reader next to the door, and you automatically walk into what looks like somebody’s bedroom.
SAVE your game here. Have a look around the room. Take the WASTEBASKET. Read NOTE on the desk to get the clue ‘3 Banana’. Now leave the room. Remember to hide in the empty bay, if the Scrub-O-Matic comes near you. Now head right, and enter the lift to travel back to the upper floor.
Start walking left and head all the way back to the lift. Enter lift, and go to Level 1. Now walk left to the shuttle, then down\left to the lift. Enter lift, and travel to Level 5.
You’re in the Holding Cells area. Have a look around the room, and then use Control Panel on the wall. Remember that clue you found earlier? Click on the banana 3 times, and the force field will be deactivated. SAVE your game here.
Walk left to the next room. Notice the 2 holding cells - one with a giant hand attached. Walk past the holding cells, but make sure you are at bottom of the screen, so the giant hand can’t reach you. Look at the 2 prisoners, and talk to man on the left (hello there, Hannibal Lector!). SAVE your game here. Continue left to the janitor’s cupboard, and enter the cupboard. Take PLUNGER, then leave the cupboard. Now one of the cells on the left will start opening, and an alien will start chasing you. Don’t hang around here - if the alien catches you, it will implant an offspring into you. Quickly go back right, enter the lift again, and return to Level 1.
Walk right to the shuttle, then down\right to a new corridor. SAVE your game here. Try to walk right - a barrier stops you. Try to go left - another barrier stops you. The floor is shifting, revealing a pit of acid underneath. Yikes! Wait until the floor is nearly gone, then use PLUNGER on the barrier - Roger uses this to hold himself above the acid pit until the floor resets itself, and the barriers retract into the wall, leaving you free to continue exploring. SAVE your game here.
Walk left or right slightly, and see Vohaul’s security robots are waiting at either end of the corridor for you… and they are relentless! Open your Inventory, put TOILET PAPER into the WASTEBASKET. Now place WASTEBASKET down on the ground, and use LIGHTER to set fire to the WASTEBASKET. This sets off the water sprinklers, and short-circuit’s the security robots.
SAVE your game here. Walk right, and enter Vohaul’s secret chamber. The salesmen clones are here, waiting to do Vohaul’s bidding. Vohaul start gloating about his upcoming victory. You HAVE to stop him!
Climb up the stairs in middle of the room. When you reach Vohaul, he uses his shrink ray on you. As well as making you miniature size, the ray also transports you into a glass jar. But that won’t stop you. Simply use the GLASS CUTTER to cut a door in the jar. Luckily, Vohaul doesn’t notice. Walk to vent on the left, and climb into the vent.
Wow, you’re inside Vohaul’s life support system. Walk over to the button on the back wall, and push the button to turn the life support system off. Now walk back over the vent, and climb back through the vent, to get back out. You see Vohaul struggling to survive without his life support system… then he flips a switch before he falls down dead.
Walk left to the next screen, and see the giant computer terminal. Walk over to the power switch and pull switch to the ‘ON‘ position. Now use the keyboard, and type ‘ENLARGE‘. Roger jumps around the keyboard, typing in the command. Now walk right again, and enter the glass jar to return to your normal size.
Much better! You see Vohaul’s dead body lying on the floor, and you also see that the salesmen clones are gone. Vohaul must have begun the launch, right before he died. Look at Vohaul, and then search him to see the code SHSR on his hand. Look at monitor on the left, and quickly type in the code SHSR to abort the launch of the salesmen clones. You successfully abort the salesmen launch, but a countdown begins, giving you 5 minutes to escape from the asteroid. You have to get out of here!
SAVE your game here, and climb up stairs on the right.
In the glass corridor, take OXYGEN MASK from box on the wall. Open your Inventory, and use OXYGEN MASK on Roger - he puts it on. Follow corridor (at one point, the glass will crack - luckily the mask protects you from suffocating), until you reach the normal corridors of the asteroid again. The alarms are blaring, warning you about the autodestruct. SAVE your game here.
Walk right, and continue right, until you reach the escape pods. Enter escape pod on the left (you have to be quick, before the robot catches you), and the door seals shut behind you.
Once inside the pod, use console at front of the pod, to begin Launch Sequence. You escape just in the nick of time! Unfortunately, your oxygen supplies are low, and dropping fast! You won’t last for long out here.
Look at the sleep chamber, and use the sleep chamber. You climb into, putting yourself into a deep cryo-sleep, hoping someone will rescue you.
Sweet dreams, Roger.
This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit. You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.
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