Space Quest 3:  Pirates Of Pestulon

Year:  1989


Genre:  Text Adventure \ Interactive Fiction

Get The Game From:  GOG










You begin your adventures on a scrap metal freighter, after your escape pod was brought onboard as, you guessed it, scrap metal.  You don‘t know exactly where you are, or how long you‘ve been drifting through space in a cryo-sleep.  All you know is… you want to get off this freighter.


LOOK around, to get an idea of your surroundings in the junk bay.  LOOK SHIP to see that your escape pod has been sealed, and you can’t get back in it.  Walk over to that round thing on the ground, and LOOK OBJECT.  It’s a WARP MOTIVATOR.  Try to PICK UP WARP MOTIVATOR, but it’s too heavy.  Just remember that it’s here.  


Walk right twice, so you are in the big red tanker tunnel.  LOOK around, and LOOK WALL to see some exposed wires.  LOOK WIRE, and TAKE WIRE, to grab the only decent piece of wire.  


Walk right again, to the giant Transformers head.  LOOK HEAD, and LOOK EYE, to see that one of the eyes has been broken.  Walk over to the Transformers head, and CLIMB EYE to climb inside.  


You have now climbed down into the giant Transformer.  There are 2 ships here - one big, and one small.  Walk over to the small ship and LOOK SHIP.  Now walk over to the big ship, and LOOK SHIP.  This is the ‘Aluminum Mallard’.  This could be your way off the scrap metal freighter, if you could only get it up and running.  Go back to the ‘ladder’ at back of the screen, and CLIMB back up the robot.  Now make your way left, back to your escape pod.  


Walk down to the junk ward, and LOOK around.  Lucky there isn’t a guard dog here!  


Walk right to the conveyor bucket.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk over to the conveyer bucket, and let the bucket carry you up to the conveyor belt.  As soon as you are dumped onto the conveyor belt, STAND up, and them JUMP.  Phew, you almost got shredded by that grinder.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Walk left 3 times along the rail, until you arrive in the Control Centre.  There’s a cute little robot here, busy with it’s work.  Just don’t let him see you.  Walk to the machine hanging from the rail below you, and LOOK MACHINE.  Apparently, it’s a grabber machine.  ENTER GRABBER, and navigate it left.  Let it loop around so it’s on the back railing.  On the back railing, travel right one screen, so you are high above the junk piles below.  You are also above the area where you saw the WARP MOTIVATOR.  Go to centre of the screen, and PUSH BUTTON in the grabber.  If you are positioned correctly, the claw will drop down and grab the WARP MOTIVATOR.  If you miss it, adjust your position and try again.  


When you have the WARP MOTIVATOR, move the grabber right along the rail, and let it loop around so it’s on the front rail again.  When you’re on the front rail, and in front of the pink machine, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  PUSH BUTTON in grabber, and it will lower the MOTIVATOR into the ship below.  If you missed the ship, simply Restore your game, adjust your position, and try again.  Don’t worry, you’ll know when it’s in place.  And you’re one step closer to getting outof here.  


Now take the grabber back to the Control Centre with the robot, and make sure you’re on the front rail.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, go to centre of the room, where the platform is, and LEAVE GRABBER.  Walk forward a bit.  You’ll fall off the beam, into a dimly-lit hollow, with some scary-looking rats watching you from above.  Yikes!  


LOOK around to see some lamps, and then LOOK LAMPS and LOOK WIRES.  Walk over to the front left, where the wires enter the wall.  LOOK HOLE to see a reactor powering the lights, and then TAKE REACTOR.  The area is thrown into darkness.  Walk to top right corner, and CLIMB LADDER


Hey, you recognise this area.  You’ve been here before.  Now walk up one screen to your escape pod, and then right twice, so you are in the red tunnel.  Continue right through the tunnel.  A rat attacks you, and takes REACTOR and WIRES from you.  Stupid rat!  You’ll need to go and get them back.  


Head left twice, and then down once.  Walk over to the bottom left corner where you escaped from.  CLIMB DOWN, so you are back in the rat-infested hollow.  They seem to have light again, thanks to the REACTOR they stole back from you.  Well, no stupid rat is gonna get the better of Roger Wilco, Hero of the galaxy!  Go to bottom left corner again, and LOOK HOLE.  TAKE REACTOR and TAKE WIRE.  Now go to top right corner, and CLIMB LADDER.  


Back in the junk yard, TAKE LADDER that you just climbed.  Now walk up once, and right twice, so you are back in the red tunnel.  Don‘t worry, the rats won‘t attack you this time.  


Continue right, to the giant Transformers head.  Walk over to the robot head, and as before, CLIMB EYE.  


The ‘Aluminum Mallard’ ship is still here.  And it’s still your best chance to get off this freighter.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk round to front side of the ship, near the hatch, and PLACE LADDER then CLIMB LADDER.  Once you’re on top of the ship, OPEN HATCH, and you automatically climb inside.  





Inside the ship, LOOK around the ship, and also LOOK PANEL on the left.  PLACE REACTOR into the panel, and then USE WIRE to reconnect the cables.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  SIT down in the cockpit, LOOK SEAT, and SEARCH SEAT to find some BUCKAZOIDS.  Nice one, Roger.  Now you are in the cockpit, LOOKLOOK CONTROL PANEL, and LOOK SCREEN to get a close-up of the on-board computer.  


Click on Engines button to turn on the engines.  Click on Radar button to turn on the radar.  Click on Take Off button to take off.  The ship is rising.  You’re almost free.  But then ‘Ascent is halted due to an obstruction’.  Darn!  Click on the Weapons System button to activate weapons.  Click on the Back button to set your shields to the back.  Now press Space Bar to fire a hole in the side of the freighter.  


Brilliant work!  You’re now free of the scrap metal freighter.  


LOOK SCREEN again, and click on Navigation System button to see a map of the galaxy, then click on Scan to find a hospitable planet for you to land.  The first planet you find, Ortega, is a volcanic planet, so you can’t land there.  Click on Resume Scan, and you’ll find the planet Phleebhut.  Click on Set Course, then click on Light Speed.  


However, as you make your way towards Phleebhut, an enemy vessel uncloaks itself, and scans your ship.  Someone is after you, Roger.  And they mean business!  


Click on Land, and your ship lands on Phleebhut.  


STAND up from the cockpit.  LOOK BUTTON on the right, and PRESS BUTTON to open the ramp.  





You now find yourself on the planet surface.  Unfortunately, the enemy vessel also lands on the planet.  And he has an INVISIBILITY BELT!  Gulp!  


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk up twice, and left twice, so you are at World O’ Wonders Gift Shop.  There is a glass display case next to the entrance - walk over to it, and LOOK DISPLAY CASE to see it contains an Antarean Slime Devil.  How cute!  For a bit of fun (make sure your game is SAVED first), OPEN DISPLAY CASE to get a better look at the cute little beasty.  


Ahem… okay… when you’re ready, enter World O’ Wonders, and meet Fester, the Salesman.  He has a lot of interesting things for sale.  There are some postcards for sale on the counter, so LOOK CARDS a few times.  Now maybe Fester would be interested in buying some rare items?  If you check your Inventory, you still have an item from SQ2, so SELL GEM to Fester (look at his eyes pop, when he sees it, hehe).  But tell him ‘NO’ for his first 2 offers.  When he offers you 425 buckazoids, tell him ‘YES’.  You’re rich!  Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long.  You need to buy some of Fester’s merchandise (yes, really), so BUY HATBUY UNDERWEAR, and BUY ORAT.  Now LEAVE SHOP.  


As you exit the shop, you are confronted by Arnoid the droid.  Arnoid is from the Gippazoid Novelty Company.  It seems that you ‘acquired’ a Labionian Terror Beast mating whistle in Space Quest 2, which you didn’t pay for.  Arnoid has been sent to recover the debt, which, with interest, comes to 400,000.  There’s no way you can pay that!  Luckily, Arnoid decides to give you a chance.  If you can make it back to your ship without him catching you, he’ll let you go.  BUT, if he catches you, he will kill you.  


Okay, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You need to get rid of Arnoid, before he gets rid of you.  Walk down twice,  and right once, so you are in a screen with an overhanging rock.  Notice the little pulsating pods under the rock - they are deadly.  Position yourself under the overhanging rock, on the right edge, but DON’T walk under pods.  Now wait for Arnoid to show up (he‘ll always approach from the left), just watch out for his footprints.  He’ll walk under the pods in his attempts to get to you… and the pods will dispose of him, spitting out his remains afterwards.  Now remember his INVISIBILITY BELT?  That BELT would be really useful to have.  Problem is, you can’t walk under the pulsating pods to get it.  Ahhh, but thanks to your visit to World O’ Wonders, it’s not a problem for you.  Walk around the rock, so you are at ‘entrance’ on the left, then USE ORAT ON BELT.  You now have an INVISIBILITY BELT.  


Now you’ve dealt with Arnoid, you can safely get back to your ship.  So walk right (remember to avoid those pulsating pods) to the next screen, and then enter your ship.  





Back inside your ship, SIT down at the cockpit.  LOOK SCREEN to get a close-up of the on-board computer.  Click on Engines button to turn the engines on.  Click on Radar button to turn it on.  Click on Take Off button to take off.  Now LOOK SCREEN again, and click on Navigation System button to get a map of the galaxy.  Click on Scan, then Resume Scan.  It will find Monolith Burger, so click on Set Course, and then Light Speed to travel there.  


This place is just like an intergalactic McDonalds!  You automatically dock your ship, and enter the restaurant.  SAVE YOUR GAME HEREand LOOK around.  


The counters are all busy here, so walk left to the next screen.  Now approach the empty counter and automatically talk to the ‘Employee Of The Week’.  LOOK MENU, and choose Number 7 to order the Monolith Fun Meal.  Also order a drink, Space Spuds, and Blatterfruit Pie (you don’t have any choice, hehe), and then PAY MEAL.  


Now go and sit down at the empty table, and EAT MEAL.  Mmmm, tasty.  As you are enjoying your meal, you find your Fun Meal prize - a DECODER RING.  LOOK RING - it allows you to decode secret messages.  Exciting stuff!  


Notice that arcade machine?  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Stand up, walk over to the arcade machine, and PLAY GAME.  It’s Astro Chicken.  This is a mini-game - you must land Astro Chicken safely on the landing pad.  Now this is incredibly hard, and I’ve never managed to complete it successfully.  But you have to play it 10 times in a row (successfully or not), and then you get a secret message.  So let’s get started.  Click on ‘Insert Buckazoid’ to begin.  When you finally see the message, you realise it’s in code.  USE DECODER RING from your Fun Meal to decode the message.  The message is this: 


     Help us!  We are being held captive by ScumSoft on the small moon of Pestulon. 

     An impenetrable force field surrounds the moon.  It must first be deactivated.  It's

     origin is unknown to us.  ScumSoft security is armed with Jello Pistols.  We're

     counting on you whoever you are. 


     Two Guys In Trouble


Yikes!  Two guys have been kidnapped!  You can’t leave them to suffer, Roger.  So let’s do what we can to help them.  


After you’ve seen the secret message, leave the arcade machine.  Head back to your ship and ENTER SHIP.  






Once you’ve left Monolith Burgher, LOOK SCREEN to get a close-up of the on-board computer.  Click on Engines button to turn the engines on.  Click on Radar button to turn it on.  Click on Navigation System button to get a map of the galaxy.  Click on Scan, then Resume Scan.  It will find the planet Ortego, which is where you want to go.  Click on Set Course, and then Light Speed to travel there.  When you arrive at Ortego, click on Land, to Land the ship.  



After you arrive at Planet Ortego, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  STAND up, to leave the cock pit.  Now Ortego is a very hot, volcanic planet, and you need something to protect yourself from the heat.  


Before you leave the ship, WEAR UNDERWEAR you got from Fester’s World O’ Wonders.  Now LEAVE SHIP.  Aren’t you glad you bought that underwear, now?  


Head down, left, down (don’t linger on that unstable bridge for too long).  You’ve stumbled upon what appears to be a surveillance area.  Hide behind the big rock, until to 2 employees leave in their spaceship.  Now step out from the rock, and LOOK around.  Walk over to the telescope at bottom left, and USE TELESCOPE.  Aha!  You see the moon Pestulon.  That’s where the Two Guys In Trouble said they were being held.  You just need to disable their force field generator, before you do your heroic rescue mission.  Now leave the telescope, walk over to that pole on the right, with the spinning thing on top, and LOOK POLE, then TAKE POLE.  Walk over to green box at bottom right, and LOOK BOX.  It’s full of thermal detonators, so TAKE DETONATOR.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Walk right, right again, and then up to the edge of the volcanic crater.  Wow, this is the machine you saw through the telescope… and it’s BIG!  Go to right edge of the screen, and go down the stairs (you can’t see the stairs, but they’re there).  Go down the stairs again, so you’re at the base of the force field generator.  


You’re in what appears to be a big factory, now.  Make your way right, then walk over to the ladder, and CLIMB LADDER.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Carefully walk to edge of the hole, and then DROP DETONATOR into the hole.  That takes care of the force field.  You can now travel safely to Pestulon.  


The whole planet is about to explode.  You have to get out of here ASAP!  CLIMB DOWN LADDER and quickly make your way back out of the building.  When you reach the crater’s edge, walk down, left, left again, and up.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  That unstable bridge you crossed earlier has now collapsed, so USE POLE to vault your way across the chasm.  Now head right, then up to your ship.  Enter your ship, and ready yourself for take-off.  





Back inside your ship, SIT down at the cockpit.  LOOK SCREEN to get a close-up of the on-board computer.  Click on Engines button to turn the engines on.  Click on Take Off button to take off.  Now LOOK SCREEN again, and click on Navigation System button to get a map of the galaxy.  Click on Scan, then click on Resume Scan 3 times - since you looked through the telescope, you can now find the planet Pestulon.  Click on Set Course for Pestulon, and then Light Speed to travel there.  When you arrive, click on the Land button.  


After you arrive at Planet Pestulon, STAND up, to leave the cock pit, and LEAVE the ship.  Outside, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.   


Walk down to the clearing, and see the entrance to the ScumSoft underground complex.  This is where the Two Guys In Trouble are being held.  There’s a lot of guards around - how are you gonna get inside?  Remember Arnoid’s Invisibility Belt?  WEAR BELT and ACTIVATE BELT to make yourself invisible.  Now LEAVE your hiding place, and go to ScumSoft building.  Quickly climb down the stairs, before your Invisibility Belt loses power.  


At bottom of the stairs, LOOK around, and PUSH BUTTON to call the lift.  The lift takes you to a circular corridor.  


Reduce speed (to make things easier), and head down until you reach a door on the right.  Try to OPEN DOOR, but it is locked.  Continue down until you reach door on the left.  Walk through the door and LOOK to see that it’s a janitor’s cupboard.  How do you always find these things, Roger?  SEARCH CLOSET and TAKE COVERALLS.  As you put on the Coveralls, you find a handy TRASH VAPORIZER.  You’ve always wanted one of these!  


Leave the janitor’s cupboard (wearing your new disguise) and continue down until you reach door on the right.  Enter through door, to find yourself in the accountants office.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Make your way round all the rubbish bins, and USE VAPORIZER at each one.  If you walk past any bins without vaporizing them, your disguise will be blown, so it’s a good idea to SAVE every so often.  


Take lower-left path to the next screen, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Again, walk round the office, and USE VAPORIZER to empty any bins.  Walk over to that picture on the wall, and LOOK PICTURE to see Elmo Pug, the boss.  TAKE PICTURE, then walk over to the photocopier, and USE COPIER to get a copy of it.  Now you have ELMO’S PICTURE, and COPY OF ELMO’S PICTURE.  Go back over to the wall, and HANG PICTURE, so no-one knows what you did.  


Go right again, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now your goal is to leave the office through that path at the top right.  In order to do that, take upper-path left, walk to top of the screen, and head back right, then follow path to the upper-right - remember to USE VAPORIZER to empty any bins you see.  


Now you’ve reached Elmo’s office.  Wow, talk about bosses being slave-drivers!  Those guys with whips really do mean business!  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  USE VAPORIZER on Elmo’s bin, then walk through door at the top right, to see the docking bay.  Hey, there’s your ship!  


Return to Elmo’s office.  Elmo will be gone, but he left his KEYCARD on his desk, so walk over to it and TAKE KEYCARD.  Now leave the offices, and make your way back through the maze, to the circular corridor.  


Reduce your speed again (to make things easier), and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Start walking down, until you see door on the right with a Card Slot.  USE CARD in slot, and when it mentions ‘Facial Scan’, USE PICTURE you copied of Elmo Pug.  You’ve passed the Security Verification, so enter through the door.  


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You find yourself in a strange room now.  In middle of the room is a platform with 2 guys encased in green jello.  Could these be the guys that sent the Help message?  PUSH BUTTON to extend a bridge out to them, and walk on over to them.  USE VAPORIZER to suck up the jelly, thus freeing the two guys.  Now just when you think you’ve home free… the bridge retracts, trapping you on this small platform in middle of the room.  Wait a few moments, and armed guards will appear.  Elmo himself will appear in the Spectator’s Room above.  Elmo instructs the guards to escort you to the Arena.  This doesn’t sound good!  


Now you’re forced to play a round of Nukem Dukem Robots with Elmo.  You are in the grey robot, Elmo is in the red robot.  The best way to win this, is to stand your ground and not move around.  Let Elmo come to you, and when he’s close enough, whack him with the ‘J‘ key.  Keep repeating this, and when Elmo’s robot is down, take this chance to escape through the newly-created hole in the wall, and board your ship, the Aluminum Mallard.  





The Two Guys will thank you for rescuing them.  But you’re not quite free yet.  Scumsoft’s fighters are coming after you, which means another tricky arcade mini-game.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  LOOK SCREEN to see the on-board computer, then click on the Attack Speed.  When you get the message about fighters approaching from the rear, click on Weapons System button, and turn on shields at the back.  Keep changed the shields between front and back accordingly, while trying to shoot down the enemy fighters.  When you’ve successfully shot down a few fighters, then rest give up, and head back to the planet.  Turn your Weapons System off, and press F6 for cockpit view.  


Now sit back, and enjoy the ending.  You did good, Roger.  





This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit.  You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.  





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