Space Quest 4:  Roger Wilco & The Time Rippers

Year:  1991


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:   GOG











You begin your adventures your home planet of Xenon.  But it’s Xenon in the future.  And it’s so run-down now.  VERY different from the cheerful place you remember.  In fact, it’s a dump!   What on earth has happened to your beloved planet?  


THIS Xenon has many dangers you must watch out for.  The Sequel Police are after you.  If the zombie cyborg sees you, he’ll alert the Droid-O-Death… who will zap any life form into oblivion.  So if you see any of them… hide!  


Okay, from your starting position, walk right.  There’s a piece of ROPE at rubble at bottom edge of the screen, so take the ROPE.  Now if the zombie cyborg shows up, hide behind a pillar.  Now, have you noticed that PINK BUNNY marching around?  Isn’t it cute?  Well, you want it!  And this is a good place to catch it.  Hide behind a pillar, and use ROPE on the ground, and wait.  When the BUNNY steps onto the ROPE, use Hand icon on the ROPE to snatch it back up again.  If you timed it right, you’re now the proud owner of a PINK BUNNY.   In your Inventory, look at the BUNNY to turn it round, then remove the BATTERY.  


Walk left twice, and look at the wrecked skimmer.  Search the car (Hand Icon) to get a close-up of the glove box.  Open the glove box and take POCKETPAL PORTABLE TERMINAL (laptop).  In your Inventory, look at the POCKETPAL to see the connector, and insert BATTERY.  Now all you need, is a place to use it!  


Go up one screen and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at the tank, look into the hole, and take UNSTABLE ORDINANCE.  On second thoughts, if it’s unstable, it’s probably dangerous.  Put UNSTABLE ORDINANCE back into the tank.  


Head right twice.  Look at grate in the ground - you can see through it, but you can’t make anything out.  Open grate and climb in.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re in an underground room now, so have a look around.  Walk over to the desk and take JAR from the desk.  Now lift up the desk blotter.  You automatically press the button hidden underneath.  Watch the hologram message from Professor Lloyd, explaining what has happened, and why Xenon of the future is so desolate.  When message is over, look at sewer hatch on the left.  Open sewer hatch and enter in the sewers.  


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk down one screen.  Notice that green slime creeping through the vent.  It’s following you.  Use your JAR on it to get a JAR OF GREEN ACID.  Quickly walk all the way down, and all the way left.  Now walk up one screen to the ladder, and climb up the ladder.  


Watch a cutscene with the Sequel Police ship landing.  When cutscene is over, climb out the sewers, and walk right to the Sequel Police ship.  Climb into the gear compartment.  The ship will take off again, taking you with it, and return to it’s docking port at their Headquarters.  You automatically climb out the ship again.  


Walk left to next screen, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Wait for a Time Pod to arrive.  As soon as the pilot jumps out and goes to chat to his friend, you jump in.  


You now see a view of the cockpit of the Time Pod.  The dashboard keypad displays a 6 digit code.  It’s very important you take note of this code, so you can get back to this time period later on.  The display changes for each game, so take careful note.  

Now click on any 6 digits, and press Enter on the dashboard keypad.  If  you don’t get anywhere, try pressing another 6 digits.  You should now (hopefully) fly the ship to Estros.  







Phew, you got away from the Sequel Police in Xenon.  Now you find yourself in Estros.  


Take note of the 6 digits displayed on the dashboard keypad, which is the 6 digits you used to get here.  You need them to return here later.  


Now push red button on left to exit the Time Pod.  It looks much nicer than Xenon.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk left to the next screen, and walk over to the shadow.  Wait… something just flew over you.  


Walk right again, and climb down the stairs.  YIKES!  A giant pterodactyl just grabbed you!  It drops you in it’s nest, then flies away again.  You’re soon joined by a Sequel Policeman, who unfortunately landed on the spikes and got skewered.  Search him to find an old GUM WRAPPER.  In your Inventory, uncrumple the GUM WRAPPER.  It has part of a code written inside.  Escape the nest through hole at the bottom right.  


It’s a long way down from the nest.  Luckily, you land in a deep pool.  Unluckily, you are captured by the Latex Babes Of Estros.  How do they know your name?  Apparently, one of them (Zondra) thinks you seduced her then dumped her.  But how can that be?  You’ve never been to Estros before, and you’ve certainly never met any of these women before!  But they have you surrounded, and they have guns, so you have no choice but to enter their submarine.  


The submarine takes you to ‘Checkpoint 6’.  Then you are tied to a torture chair, with the women taking great delight in tormenting you.  But just when things are about to get REALLY nasty, a giant sea slug crawls up from the sea, and scares the women away.


Unfortunately, you are still tied to the chair.  You MUST escape, before the sea slug eats you.  Quickly press red button on the chair to release your restraints.  Now quickly take one of the OXYGEN TANKs beside you, and throw it into the sea slug’s mouth.  Hooray, the sea slug is dead!  The women now treat you as a hero, and take you shopping to celebrate.  


Watch the cutscene as one of Roger’s rescuers from SQXII is brought before Vohaul.  Wait… did Vohaul say ‘SON’?  Roger has a SON?  Wow!!!  






The women take Roger to the Galaxy Galleria Mall.  Then they abandon him to go shopping in the sales.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Pick up ATM CARD from the floor.  In your Inventory, look at ATM CARD, to see that it belongs to a blonde woman.  So there’s a good chance that only a blonde woman will be able to use it again.  Now let’s explore the mall.  Walk left, and let the conveyor belt take you round.  


The first shop is Socks, a very trendy, very expensive clothes shop.  Cross over the conveyor belt and enter the shop.  Look at the robotic mannequins.   Talk to the sales clerk if you want.  But there’s nothing you can do here, so leave the shop.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up to the arcade.  Enter the arcade, and look around.  Ahhhh, this brings back some memories.  There’s a Mrs Astro Chicken game on the left - have a go on it if you like, but you won’t last long.  When you’re ready, leave the arcade.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up to Big And Tall, another clothes shop.  Enter shop and talk to the sales clerk.  He takes your measurements, and gives you a new set of clothes.  Give him 20 BUCKAZOIDS from your Inventory to pay for them.  Now leave the shop.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up to Monolith Burger.  Enter the fast food restaurant and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Talk to the manager.  Talk to him again, and when he asks if you’re here to apply for a job, tell him ‘Yes!  I’m Hard Up For Cash!’  Now follows an arcade mini-game, which you can choose to play or skip.  If you choose to play it, you have to assemble burgers, using ingredients in the correct order.  But the food conveyor belt moves rather quickly, so it’s really hard to get all the ingredients done in time.  Sooner or later, he fires you (or if you skipped the mini-game, he fires you immediately, but you still get the money), and throws you out of his restaurant.  But at least you’ve earned some more BUCKAZOIDS.  Notice also, that he tossed his CIGAR BUTT at  you.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you along to Software Excess.  Ignore the shop for now - notice the ATM Machine here.  Walk over to it, and use ATM CARD in the ATM Machine.  Unsurprisingly, you fail the Identification test, since, well, you’re not a blonde woman, as shown on the ATM CARD.  You need a disguise.  


Step onto the conveyor belt, and let it take you to Socks, the trendy clothes shop.  Enter shop and talk to the sales clerk.  She gives you a black dress and a blonde wig.  Now you look just like the picture on the ATM CARD you found.  Give her 60 BUCKAZOIDS from your Inventory to pay for it.  Now leave the shop.  


Step onto the conveyor belt, and return to entrance to the mall.  The CIGAR BUTT that the Monolith Burger manager tossed at you is here, so pick up CIGAR BUTT, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Walk right, and let the conveyor belt take you back to Software Excess.  Again, ignore the shop for now.  Walk up to the ATM Machine, and use ATM CARD in ATM Machine.  This time, thanks to your disguise, you pass the Identification Test.  Select ‘Withdraw Funds', and then 'Clean It Out', to take all funds from the account.  

Now enter Software Excess.  If there’s a crowd blocking the entrance, simply leave the screen, and then return.  Now inside Software Excess, look at Bargain Bin on the left, and rummage through it to find SPACE QUEST IV HINT BOOK.  Look at the HINT BOOK, and select ‘Price’, then Keep’, and then ‘Done‘ to exit the Bargain Bin.  Now give some BUCKAZOIDS to the sales clerk to pay for it.  In your Inventory, open the HINT BOOK and read through all the questions\clues.  Some of the comments here are hilarious.  Make sure you read the question & answers on Page 4, about the stupid time pod.  The answers show only half a code - but as per the answers, it’s half a code for Ulence Flats, so take note of it.  If you check your Inventory, you should still have the old GUM WRAPPER, which also has half a code on it.  So take note of this, also.  Now leave the shop.   


Make sure you took note of the 3 digit code from the SQIV HINT BOOK you bought, and the 3 digit code from the GUM WRAPPER, so you have a full 6 digit code.  Make sure you use the HINT BOOK section first.  This is the code for Ulence Flats.  


Step onto the conveyor belt, and let it take you back to Socks clothes shop again.  Enter shop, and walk up into the Changing Room to change back into your normal clothes.  When you’re ready, leave the shop.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up to the arcade.  Enter arcade again, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Inside the arcade, walk to the top right of the arcade, and wait for a while.  A Time Pod will appear.  The Sequel Police have caught up with you.  Now this is another tricky bit - you need to escape.  So SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk down the right part of the exit (thus avoiding the police), and run out the arcade.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up, until you see steps going down to the Skate-O-Rama.  Head down those stairs, and then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk into centre of the skating ring, where there is zero gravity.  You have to move quickly, and you have to keep moving, to avoid the policeman’s gun.  Float up to roof of the dome.  As soon as the Sequel Police appear in this section, float back down to bottom-left of the dome.  Now quickly head back to the stairs.  Go back to the conveyor belt, and make your way back to the arcade.  


When you arrive safely back in the arcade, enter the Time Pod.  



Take note of the 6 digits displayed on the dashboard keypad.  You need them to return here later.  

Now you need to get out of here.  Enter 6 digit code for Ulence Flats (half the code was in the SQIV HINT BOOK you bought, half the code is on the GUM WRAPPER).  






You’ve now arrived at Ulence Flats.  If you’ve played Space Quest I, this place will look very familiar to you.  Press red button on the left to leave the Time Pod, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Walk down, and enter the bar.  It feels good to be here again.  Talk to the Monochrome guys at the bar, and they will toss you out.  Well… maybe it’s NOT so good to be here again.  To get some revenge on them, kick over their bikes (then run and hide).  Now they’ve gone, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now walk right, and enter the bar again.  Uh-oh… they’re back, and they try to run you down.  Wait for the last moment to jump out of the way.  Nice reflexes, Roger!  


Enter the bar, this time, without hindrance.  Pick up BOX OF MATCHES from the bar.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now leave bar, and walk up to the Time Pod.  If the Monochrome boys try to run you down again, wait until the last moment before jumping out of the way.  


Enter Time Pod, and use the code for Space Quest XII - Xenon.  I hope you took note of it!  






Press red button on left to leave the Time Pod, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re back in the Sequel Police’s Headquarters.  


Walk right twice, to the screen with a sealed tunnel.  Try using the door lock on the tunnel, but you can’t figure out the code.  Time to get creative!  Use JAR OF GREEN ACID on the door lock - it melts straight through the lock.  Now you can simply open the door, and walk on up.  


You’re in a long corridor now.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Those rings along the corridor emit laser beams that will kill you - you need to deactivate them.  But first, you need to be able to see them.  In your Inventory, use MATCHBOOK with CIGAR BUTT, then throw CIGAR BUTT on the ground.  Smoke from the CIGAR BUTT makes the laser beams visible now.  But the 3 rings are all at different angles, which makes things even more complicated.  If they were aligned better, you might be able to squeeze through them.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use Control Panel on the wall.  This controls the angle of the laser beams, and you need to enter coordinates to adjust the angle.  I found it very tricky to get things just right.  The codes for the beams are:


Beam 1:  256 (CD Version) or 156 (Floppy Version)
Beam 2:  049 (CD Version) or 024 (Floppy Version)
Beam 3:  170 (CD Version) or 108 (Floppy Version)


When the beams are aligned, simply walk on through to the next screen.  


You’ve now reached a path, which is the beginning of a weird maze.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You need to be quick here, before the droid comes and blasts you.  Now on the left edge, about half-way up, you’ll see a kind of terminal connector port\plug.  Look at it, and take a note of what it looks like.  It changes with every game, so you need to pay attention.  When you’ve taken a note of it, head back down into the corridor.  


Head down again, and make your way back to the Time Pod.  Climb into the Time Pod, and use the code for the arcade in SQX: Galaxy Galleria Mall.  






You’re back in the arcade now.  Push red button on the left to leave the Time Pod.  Walk down to leave the arcade.  Don’t worry, the Sequel Police should have given up looking for you by now, and left.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and let it take you up to Hz So Good, an electronics shop.  Enter shop, and look at the robot catalogue system.  Use the touch-screen monitor on his chest.  Tap ‘Catalog’, ‘Electronic Gadgets’, then tap ‘Continue’, until you reach the PocketPal Connector page.  Now tap ‘Order’, and you’ll see a picture showing 10 different connectors.  Tap on the one you saw back in that maze (hope you took careful note of it), then tap ‘Top Menu’, and ‘Exit’.  Now in your Inventory, plug the POCKETPAL CONNECTOR into your POCKETPAL LAPTOP, then leave the shop.  


Cross over the conveyor belt, and return to the arcade.  Enter the arcade, and climb into the Time Pod.  Use code for Space Quest XII - Xenon.  






Press red button on left to leave the Time Pod, then SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You’re back in the Sequel Police’s Headquarters again.  


Walk right twice, open door to the corridor, and enter the corridor.  Turn your speed down a lot here (it will make things easier, trust me), and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  


Walk up, into that weird maze again.  Now this maze is horrendous.  Make sure you avoid all the droids patrolling the maze.  Remember, the Terminal Connector Port is on the left edge, about half-way up.  Plug your POCKETPAL LAPTOP into the Terminal Connector Port, and see blueprints of the building layout.  Also note that there is a droid approaching!  Quickly press the Power Button to exit the POCKETPAL close-up, then head up to the next screen.  


Follow path left to the next screen, then take stairs on the left going down.  Walk left again, and walk up to the next Terminal Connector Port near the left side of the screen.  Plug your POCKETPAL LAPTOP into this connector, and see the message from Vohaul.  Vohaul reveals the big news to you, that you have a son.  The message disconnects, and the droid is approaching you again.  


Enter the glass vacuum tube to teleport up to the level above.  Now wait for the droid to enter the glass vacuum - when he enters the bottom, at the same time, you enter on the top.  So you effectively switch places, with the droid on the top level, and you on the bottom level again.  


Head right to next screen, and climb stairs in middle of the screen.  Continue right, and then down, so you are back where you started.  Now the droid is out the way, take the left path two screens, until you reach an entrance doorway on the left.  Walk left through the doorway. So you are in the Command Centre.  Very Escher-like.  You can change Speed back to how you like it now, and SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at Control Panel - it wants a code.  In your Inventory, open your SQIV HINTBOOK, turn to Page 7 (that‘s the question about the Super Computer), and check all the answers.   Take note of the code 6965847669, then exit the HINTBOOK.  Look at Control Panel again, and enter the code.  The chamber door opens, so enter it.  


You now see a computer terminal interface.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at all the symbols.  Now drag the Droid icon to the toilet to flush it away, thus disabling the droid in the corridors.  Take note of the Memory Free’ message at bottom of the screen.  Now for a bit of fun, drag the KQ icon over to the toilet to flush it away, and see that memory shoot up!  Could that be a reference to how much memory the King’s Quest games (also by Sierra) use?  Hehe.  Drag the LSL (Leisure Suit Larry) icon to the toilet to flush it away.  But don’t touch the SQ icon, because that will close down the game you are playing right now.  Finally, drag the Brain icon to the toilet to flush it away.  This initiates Formatting Sequence.  Close down the computer terminal interface to exit the chamber.  


You’re now in a race, before the Formatting Sequence begins.  The time you have left is shown at bottom left corner.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Walk right to leave the room, and continue right as far as you can.  Now follow path up and left, then climb down either stairs.  Head left again, and enter glass tube to teleport to the upper level.  Walk up to next screen, and follow path along into the orange glowing tunnel.  


You now come face-to-face with your son.  Except… it’s really Vohaul in your son’s body.  Vohaul has downloaded your son’s consciences onto DISK.  Of all the evil, twisted, diabolical plans!  How DARE he mess with your son!  What’s more, he tosses your son’s DISK into the abyss far below.  That does it!  


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Click on Vohaul\your son repeatedly, to fight him.  When Vohaul steps into the beam in centre of the platform, thus suspending him in time, climb down ladder on the left.  You automatically retrieve your son’s DISK and climb back up the ladder.  Now insert DISK into the Control Panel on the platform, and select ‘Disk Upload’, then ’Beam Upload’ from the menu.  Make sure that ‘Roger Jr’ is highlighted (use the Up and Down arrows on the Control Panel to change as necessary), then select ‘Beam Download’.  


Congratulations Roger.  You saved your son, and you defeated Vohaul once again!  


Now watch the final bitter-sweet cutscene, knowing you did a good job!





This Walkthrough was written by me, Freaky Hobbit.  You are free to distribute it on your site, but it must remain intact and unchanged, including this Credit Notice.