Year: 1994
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
You are Mark Hopper. You have been recruited by the government to become an RGB Agent, in the hope that you can help them solve a bizarre case involving gold bars that were stolen from the European Bank. You only agreed to become a Secret Agent, as a way to meet women. You just have to successfully complete 3 trials at the RGB Training Camp first…
Look at the Guard, and talk to the Guard. The Guard is bored, that’s why he’s reading the SOLDIER NEWS MAGAZINE. He won’t let you enter the Training Camp until you show him your PASS. So do that. Open your Inventory and show him your PASS. He’ll tell you to report to the Captain. Follow the path right, to the Training Ground.
There’s a building in front of you. Search the rubbish bin to find a ROPE. Open door on the left, and enter the Bar.
Explore the Bar. Talk to the Barman, who tells you that there are only 3 people at this training camp - him, the guard, and the Captain. Try to open the storeroom door on the left - the Barman seems very protective of it, telling you to keep away from it. I wonder why? Look at the radio on the back wall, and notice that the aerial is really a coat hanger. Look at the CRUMBS on the table on the right, and take the CRUMBS. When you’re ready, leave the Bar.
Enter the middle door, which is the Captain‘s Office.
After welcoming you to the Training Camp, the Captain informs you that you must complete 3 trials. He takes you to begin the first trial…
Your first task is to escape from this cell. Look at the bed, and take the SPRING from the bed. Read the graffiti on the wall to see some amusing messages. Yank on the BULB that’s hanging down from the ceiling - you pull the BULB out, leaving the wire trailing on the floor, in front of the door. Look at the crates (gaps) in the door, and keep talking to the door until you comment about being hungry. A bowl of food appears. Look at the bowl to realise that it’s made from aluminium. That gives you an idea. Look at the live wire on the floor, in front of the door, and attach the live wire to the bowl of food. Look at the switch in the wall next to the door, and flip the switch to turn on the electricity. You should head a slight cackle, indicating that the electricity has been turned on. Now look at the crates in the door again, and talk to the crates in the door to summon the Captain. He touches the aluminium bowl, and gets electrocuted. Search the Captain’s body to get the JAIL KEY. Use the JAIL KEY in the door to escape. You’ve passed the first trial.
The Captain takes you back to his office to begin the next trial. He ties himself up and acts like a prisoner. It’s your job to interrogate him, and discover the secret password. You have permission to do anything you want to the Captain. Explore the office. Talk to the Captain if you like, but he’s not making things easy for you. Look at the locker - it’s locked. Look at the desk, and try to open the drawer - it’s locked. When you’re ready, leave the office.
Walk left, to the Brick Wall.
Look at the brick wall - you’re too weak to climb it. Look at the solid ground in front of the wall, and place your SPRING on the solid ground. Jump onto the spring, which then lets you jump over the wall. You find a SPADE behind the wall. Look at the plant next to the wall, and break off part of the DELICATE PLANT. Now follow the path along the upper-right exit, to arrive at the Mud Pool.
Look at the mud pool - it’s perfect for Woodstock fans! Look at the post on the right, and look at the bird on the post. Climb up the post and use the rope to cross the mud pool. You only get halfway, before falling into the mud. You can’t do anything else here yet, so continue up along the path, to the camping area.
Look at the tent. Look at the mysterious object behind the fence. You can’t reach it. Nothing you can do here at the moment. Follow the path down to the Training Area.
You’ve gone full circle, so you’re now back at the start. Open the middle door, and enter the Captain’s Office.
The Captain is still here, pretending he’s your prisoner. He said you could use any means necessary to interrogate him. Use DELICATE PLANT on the Captain to tickle him. He laughs, but he quickly regains his composure. So you’ll have to find another way to torture him. Pick up the SWISS ARMY KNIFE that he dropped. Leave the office.
Follow the path up & right, so you’re back at the Camping Area.
Look at the fence, and use SWISS ARMY KNIFE on the fence to cut it. Try to pick up the MYSTERIOUS OBJECT in the ground behind the fence, but you can’t pull it out. Use SPADE with the MYSTERIOUS OBJECT to dig it up. It’s a KALEIDOSCOPE. Walk down to the Training Ground.
Continue down to the Guard House.
The Guard is still reading SOLDIER NEWS MAGAZINE. Give him the KALEIDOSCOPE, and he’ll give you SOLDIER NEWS MAGAZINE in return. While he’s busy looking into his KALEIDOSCOPE, take the GRENADE from around his waist. In your Inventory, tie ROPE to the GRENADE. Walk right to the Training Ground.
Open the middle door, and enter the Captain’s Office.
Show SOLDIER NEWS MAGAZINE to the Captain. He’s desperate to get that magazine - so desperate, that he tells you the secret password is ‘Coffee’. You’ve passed your 2nd trial. The Captain tells you to go and speak to the Barman.
You automatically head to the Bar. Talk to the Barman to learn about the 3rd Trial. Apparently, it’s a game of Hide & Seek. The Captain hides, and you seek! You THOUGHT you had left the Captain tied to a chair, but the Barman tells you that he’s probably already escaped. You automatically pick up the MUG from the counter. Now leave the Bar.
Open the middle door, and enter the Captain’s Office.
Just like the Barman said, the Captain has gone. Use ROPE & GRENADE with the desk drawer, then watch the cut scene as you blow the drawer open. Search the desk drawer to find some MEDICINE. In your Inventory, combine MEDICINE with the CRUMBS, to make some DRUGGED FOOD. Leave the Office.
Walk left to the Brick Wall.
Follow the path up & right, to the Mud Pool.
Use DRUGGED FOOD with the post. You climb up the post, and sprinkle the food on top of the post. The bird eats the drugged food, passes out, and falls from the post. Pick up the BIRD. Now climb up the post again. As before, you try to cross over the rope, falling into the mud pool below. You automatically use your MUG with the mud pool, ending up with a MUG FULL OF MUD. Walk down to the Brick Wall.
Take the lower-right path to the Training Ground.
Open door on the left, and enter the Bar.
Look at the radio on the shelf at the back wall. Use the drugged BIRD with the radio. The Barman tries to get rid of the bird. While he is busy, swap your MUG FULL OF MUD with the MUG on the counter. Talk to the Barman - you trick him into drinking from the mug. He unknowingly drinks the mud, and falls unconscious. Now he’s out of the way, open door on the left, and enter the Store Room.
Explore the Store Room. Look closely at the pile of barrels, and notice that the top-right barrel has a blinking hole. Explore the blinking hole. You stick your finger in the hole, making the Captain jump out of the barrel. You’ve passed the 3rd trial. Watch the cut scene, as you are sent to a village to investigate a suspect for the theft of the missing gold.
You arrive at a lake on the outskirts of the village. Examine the well. Search the boat to find a BROKEN PADDLE. Look at the flower on the island across the water. Walk left to the Forest.
Look at the squirrel in the tree, to see that he’s holding a NUT in his paws. Look at the windows in the house (I prefer DOS!), then open the door and enter the house.
Explore the house. Look at the porcelain in the cupboard in the back wall, and take the ROTTEN CHEESE that’s sitting on the shelf next to the porcelain. Pick up the CHAINSAW from the ground. When you’re ready, leave the house.
Walk down to the Lake Shore.
Go right, to the Mansion.
This is where John Noty lives - the person suspected of stealing the gold from the European Bank. Talk to the Guard. He refuses to let you into the mansion. He gives you some CHOCOLETE CANDY, instead. Keep talking to him, until he doesn’t have anything else to say. Look carefully at the ground in front of the guard, and pick up the CHOCOLATE CANDY WRAPPER from the ground. Follow the path going up around the mansion.
Examine the tall wall surrounding the mansion - it‘s too slippery to climb. Look at the wild plant in the ground to see that it’s a potato plant. Pluck the plant to get a POTATO. Examine the POTATO in your Inventory, to see that it’s shaped like a grenade. That could prove useful later on. Follow the path left to the next screen.
Look at the cute little hedgehog walking back & forth, and note that he has a cone on his back. Get ROCK from the grass. Continue left to the next screen.
You’re back in front of the mansion now. Stay behind the Guard, and wait until he takes a drink from his BOTTLE OF WHISKY, then talk to him. He gets a fright, and drops his bottle. Pick up the BOTTLE OF WHISKY. Now walk right 2 screens, back to the tree.
Look at the tree, look at the tree hollow, and look at the tree branch. In your Inventory, pour BOTTLE OF WHISKY into the CHAINSAW. Now use the DRUNKEN CHAINSAW with the TREE BRANCH to saw it off. Pick up the TREE BRANCH from the ground. In your Inventory, use TREE BRANCH with the BROKEN PADDLE to repair it, thus gaining a PADDLE. Head left, and continue left, until you’re back at the Lake Shore.
Walk left to the Forest.
Enter the house.
Look at the heart-shaped hole in the cabinet at the back wall. Use CHOCOLATE CANDY with the heart-shaped hole, so you get some HEART-SHAPED CANDY. In your Inventory, wrap the HEART SHAPED CANDY with the chocolate WRAPPER to get WRAPPED CANDY. Leave the house.
Walk down to the Lake Shore.
Walk down to the Village.
Talk to Sonny, the boy playing basketball, and keep talking to him until he doesn’t want to talk anymore. He’s not strong enough to throw the ball into the high basket. Look at the blue car, and try to open the trunk, but it’s locked. Open the car door, and take COMB from inside the car. Look carefully inside the car door, and flip the lever - this pops open the trunk. Search the trunk to find a TOOLBOX. In your Inventory, open the TOOLBOX to find a CAR JACK. Open TOOLBOX again to find a SPANNER. Use the SPANNER with Sonny’s basket on the pole (not the pole itself), to lower it. Since the basket is lowered, Sonny is finally able to throw his basketball into the basket. As a reward, Sonny’s grandpa takes him to the zoo, leaving the house unoccupied. Enter the house.
Explore the house. Search the drawers to find a HANDKERCHIEF. Take SHOTGUN from the wall. Take FAN that’s sitting on top of the drawers. Now leave the house.
Walk right, to the Guard Dog.
Look at the laundry that’s hanging on the line. Use FAN with the laundry, to dry it. Enter the house.
Talk to the old lady, and tell her that her laundry is dry. She fetches her laundry in. Leave the house.
Since the laundry is gone now, simply take the laundry ROPE. Walk left to the next screen.
Walk up the path, leading to the field behind the house.
Take the RAKE that’s leaning against the haystack. Look at RAKE in your Inventory to see that the teeth are bent out of shape. Take SICKLE from the grass. Look at SICKLE in your Inventory to see that it’s blunt. Search the bottom right haystack to find a NEEDLE. Interact with the hen, to see if it can fly. Poor little hen! Look carefully on the ground near the hen, and pick up the FEATHER. Look at the nervous mouse on the grass. Look at the mouse hole in the top right haystack, and use HANDKERCHIEF in the mouse hole. Give the ROTTEN CHEESE to the mouse. He sniffs it, then runs away into his mouse hole. Interact with the mouse hole to catch the MOUSE. Look at the scarecrow. It’s not doing a very good job of scaring the crows! Use your SHOTGUN with the crows, to scare them away. Now take DIVE MASK from the scarecrow, and take FLIPPERS from the scarecrow. Walk down to the Village.
Walk left to the Lake Shore.
Use SICKLE on the well, to sharpen it, so it becomes SHARPENED SICKLE. Walk back down to the Village.
Walk right, to the Guard Dog.
Enter the house.
Explore the house. Look at the old lady knitting, and talk to her if you like. Talk to Anne, the dark-haired woman on the right. You’re in love! There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so when you’re ready, leave the house.
Walk down to the Cave.
Look at the large rock on the ground. Use CAR JACK with the rock to lift it up. Take DINO BONE from under the rock. Look a the thorny bush guarding the cave entrance. Use SHARPENED SICKLE with the thorny bush, then enter the Cave.
Explore the Cave. Look at the hole in the back wall, and read the message above the hole. Use MOUSE with the hole. Insert ROCK into the hole to block it up, then use SUPERGLUE with the ROCK to glue it in place, thus trapping the poor mouse behind the wall. Luckily, the mouse finds another way out - a hole at the bottom-right. Pick up the GOLD NUGGET that the mouse unwittingly revealed. Leave the Cave.
Walk right, back to the Guard Dog.
Head left, and continue left, until you reach the Lake Shore.
In your Inventory, combine DIVE MASK with the FLIPPERS, then use the resulting DIVING EQUIPMENT to dive into the lake.
As soon as you enter the water, quickly grab the ANCHOR that’s hidden in the seaweed at the bottom-left. It’s hard to spot, but it’s there.
Back on the shore, use PADDLE with the boat, to row out to the island.
Pick both FLOWERS. Use the boat to return to shore.
In your Inventory, combine ROPE with the ANCHOR to create GRAPPLING HOOK. Walk down to the Village.
Walk right to the Guard Dog.
Give DINO BONE to the Guard Dog. The dog is happy now, and won’t bother you any more. Look at the trapdoor behind the dog. Open the trapdoor, and climb down into the Cellar below.
It’s kinda dark in here. Use the ladder to climb back out of the Cellar.
Slam the trapdoor shut. The noise makes the walls shake. Now open the trapdoor again, and climb down into the Cellar below.
Look carefully at the wall next to the ladder, and turn on the light switch to get some light. Explore the cellar. Look at the shelves on the back wall. Take SPADE that’s lying in the corner. Look at the axe on the wall on the left. When you’re ready, climb up the ladder and leave the Cellar.
Enter the house.
Give a FLOWER to the old lady on the left, then take FEATHER DUSTER from the small table next to her. Give your remaining FLOWER to Anne - she’s not impressed. Give WRAPPED CANDY to Anne. She’s still not impressed, but she agrees to take the candy, and she gives you her RIBBON in return. Leave the house.
Head left, and continue left, until you reach the Forest.
Look at the squirrel in the tree, to see that he’s holding a NUT in his paws. Talk to the squirrel, and keep talking, until he throws his NUT at you. The NUT lands in the grass, so you can’t find it. In your Inventory, use RIBBON with the RAKE to repair it, then use RAKE with the grass to expose the NUT. Pick up the NUT. Enter the house.
Look at the fireplace on the right to see that it’s all sooty. Use FEATHER DUSTER with the fireplace to get DIRTY FEATHER DUSTER. In your Inventory, use DIRTY FEATHER DUSTER with your POTATO, to get PAINTED POTATO. The soot makes it look like a grenade. Leave the house.
Walk down to the Lake Shore.
Go down to the Village.
Walk right to the Guard Dog.
Enter the house.
Look at the bowl of imitation fruits on the table. Use your NUT with the imitation fruits, and automatically take the PLASTIC APPLE in return. Leave the house.
Head left, and continue left, until you reach the Lake Shore.
Walk right to the mansion.
Follow the path right, to the Path Around The Mansion.
The cute little hedgehog is still here. Give PLASTIC APPLE to the hedgehog, to trick him into giving you his CONE. Walk right to the next screen.
Look at the tree, and look at the hollow. There’s something in there. Throw PAINTED POTATO into the tree hollow - whatever’s in the hollow, throws it right back at you. An owl emerges from the hollow, just in time to witness the PAINTED POTATO exploding, heh heh. The owl flies away. Climb the tree to try and gain access to the mansion grounds - you fail. Okay, use GRAPPLING HOOK with the wall. Watch the cut scene, as John Noty is informed of your attempts to enter his mansion. Walk left to the next screen.
Use SPADE on the wall to dig a hole. Watch another cut scene. You still can’t get in. Walk left, so you are at the front of the mansion.
Give GOLD NUGGET to the Guard, and try to bribe him to let you enter the mansion. The Guard agrees… you give him the GOLD NUGGET, but then he goes back on his word, and still won’t let you enter. Follow the upper-left path, into the Meadow.
Look at the bees nest. In your Inventory, combine NEEDLE with the CONE, then use the resulting CONE & NEEDLE with the FEATHER. You now have a DART. Throw DART at the bees nest to puncture it. Honey drips down the nest. A bear is attracted to the honey, and comes to investigate. However, the bees quickly drive him away. Now open the trapdoor in the ground, and climb down into the hole below.
After a short cut scene, you find yourself outside the Mansion again. John Noty is also here. Talk to John Noty - he tries to bribe you, then he leaves. Pick up the BANK NOTE that he threw down Look at the BANK NOTE in your Inventory, to see that it has a special message on it. Walk left to the Lake Shore.
Walk down to the Village.
Go right to the Guard Dog.
Enter the house.
Show BANK NOTE to Anne, to ask her about it. She confesses that John Noty tried to buy her affections. That really makes you mad! You automatically return to the Mansion.
You’ve reached the porch, outside the mansion. Open the door to enter.
This is the Ground Floor Corridor of the mansion. Open door on the left, and enter the Kitchen.
Try to talk to the Cook if you like, but he’s busy, and he just ignores you. Take the BOTTLE OF CHILLI, and take the PASTRY ROLLER from the counters on the back wall. Leave the Kitchen.
Open door in the back wall, and enter the Living Room.
Explore the room. Turn on the TV - nothing but static. Take BOTTLE OF COGNAC, and take ICE TONGS that are in the bucket on the small table on the left. Read through the newspaper that’s in the cabinet on the back wall. Something falls from the newspaper - take the REMOTE CONTROL that fell to the floor. Search the giant round settee, to find a CORK. When you’re ready, leave the Living Room.
Climb up the stairs, into the Library.
Explore the library. Look at the desk, and open the left-middle desk drawer and take the POLAROID CAMERA. Open the right-bottom desk drawer and take the DICTAPHONE. Look at the DICTAPHONE in your Inventory, to see that it has no batteries. Search the bin next to the desk, and get a SHEET OF PAPER from the bin. Look at the bookshelves on the back wall. Look at the books carefully, and note that there is one single ‘book’, amongst the many ‘books’. It’s in the 3rd shelf along, and the 4th shelf down. For convenience, I’ve indicated it here.
Look at the book, and take note of the title - it will contain a colour. The book title changes for every play through. Try to take the book from the shelf, but it’s stuck. Now, you may have noticed that each desk drawer is lined with a different colour. Open the desk drawer that matches the colour from the title of the book, and close all the other drawers. So if your book title is ‘Charlie Brown And His Company’, you would look for the brown coloured drawer. Now pull the single ‘book’ in the back shelves again, and you discover a secret compartment. Take VIDEO TAPE from the secret compartment. When you’re ready, climb down the stairs again, and leave the library.
Walk right, to the other end of the Corridor.
Explore the corridor. Open door in the back wall, and enter the Study.
Meet Mike - the talking robot-safe. Talk to Mike. He certainly has a… unique… attitude. If John Noty really is the person who stole the gold, he probably hid it in his safe. In other words, in Mike. However, Mike has top-of-the-range security, and will only let the owner access his contents. And Mike can identify the owner by 3 different traits - sight, scent, and voice. You don’t pass any of these traits! Damn! Explore the Study, and when you’re ready, leave the Study.
Open door on the right, and enter the Bathroom.
What an amazing bathroom! Look at the sink on the right, and turn on the tap. Try to use your CORK in the sink, but it’s a bit too small. In your Inventory, wrap the CORK in the SHEET OF PAPER, to make the cork larger. Now use the WRAPPED CORK with the sink to block the plug-hole, then turn on the tap. Now the sink is full of hot water. Use BOTTLE OF CHILLI in the sink, and the LABEL will come off. Attach the LABEL to the BOTTLE OF COGNAC, to get FAKE CHILLI. When you’re ready, leave the Bathroom.
Walk left, to the other end of the Corridor.
Climb up the stairs, up to the Library.
Take another SHEET OF PAPER from the bin next to the desk. Climb back down the stairs.
Open door on the left, and enter the Kitchen.
Place FAKE CHILLI on the counter at the back wall. You convince the Cook to spice up his stew by adding chilli. He does so, not realising that your fake chilli is really cognac. He samples the stew, and immediately gets drunk. When Cook leaves, look at the Hot Plate on the cooker on the left. Use SHEET OF PAPER with the Hot Plate, to get BURNING PAPER. Look at the radio on the back shelf. Use PASTRY ROLLER with the radio to smash it open, then examine the radio to get some BATTERIES. Open the fridge 2 times, and look at the meat - it’s frozen onto the shelf. Use BURNING PAPER with the meat to defrost it. Open the fridge again, and take the MEAT. Look at MEAT in your Inventory, to learn that it’s veal in a plastic bag. Drop the MEAT into the pot of stew on the left - you keep the PLASTIC BAG. Leave the Kitchen.
Enter through door in the back wall again.
Insert the VIDEO TAPE into the video player, then use REMOTE CONTROL with the video player to turn it on. Watch the video of John Noty singing. Remember the robot-safe’s requirements for accessing the safe contents? Sight, scent, and voice of John Noty. Use POLAROID CAMERA with the TV to get a PHOTO of John Noty. In your Inventory, insert BATTERIES into the DICTAPHONE, then use DICTAPHONE with the TV, to record John Noty singing. Leave the Living Room.
Walk right, to the other end of the Corridor.
Open door on the right, and enter the Bathroom.
Look at the green SOCK in the bin next to the door. It must belong to John Noty. Try to take the SOCKS, but you don’t want to touch them with your bare hands. Use ICE TONGS to pick the SOCKS up. You automatically place the SOCKS into the plastic bag. Leave the Bathroom.
Open door in the back wall, and enter the Study.
Mike the robot-safe is still here. Show PHOTO to Mike. Play DICTAPHONE to Mike. Show SOCKS to Mike. You’ve passed the security test. Mike believes you are John Noty, and opens himself, so you can access the contents to the safe. Take BOTTLE OF PILLS, and take BOOK from the safe. You automatically read the book - it’s John Noty’s diary. Watch the cut scene with the Salesman, as you learn about the secret of the Time Pills. So THAT’S how he was able to steal from the banks without anyone seeing him! You are suddenly disturbed by the sound of someone trying to enter the room. You have to hide - quickly! Sweep your mouse over the screen, until you find ‘Lower Left Edge Of Screen’, and click in that spot to hide. Phew, that was close! Watch the cut scene with John Noty. When John leaves, you emerge from your hiding spot. Take DOOR HANDLE that’s lying on the cabinet at the back wall. Now leave the Study.
Look carefully at the door on the right, and look at the hole in the door frame. Insert DOOR HANDLE into the hole. Now use the handle to open the door, and enter into a secret room with a huge fan.
The fan is spinning extremely fast, and it seems impossible to pass through it. But don’t forget, you have a BOTTLE OF PILLS that can slow time. Use BOTTLE OF PILLS - the fan appears to stop, and you step through it. Use the switch in the back wall to turn off the fan, then open door on the right, and enter the Laboratory.
Watch the cut scene, as John Noty escapes.
Walk left, to the other end of the corridor.
Open door in the back wall, and enter the Living Room.
The wardrobe is open now. Climb into the wardrobe, into John Noty’s Vault.
John Noty is here, planning his escape. Use BOTTLE OF CHILI with John, to hit him, and knock him unconscious.
Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene. You did a fantastic job… Agent Mark Hopper!
The End.
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