Tex Murphy:  The Pandora Directive

Year:  1996


Genre:  FMV Adventure 

Get The Game From:     GOG



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3



















After a long intro, the game begins in your bedroom.  You’ve been hired by a man called Gordon Fitzpatrick, who’s looking for his missing friend, Dr Thomas Malloy.  Fitzpatrick has already been to the university Malloy used to work at, but it seems that nobody has ever heard of him.  Maybe you’ll have some luck in tracking him down? 


Examine all the items in your Inventory - you get Fitzpatrick’s vid phone number, which you can use later.  Explore the bedroom.  Nothing much to do in here.  When you’re ready, head through to the Rec Room. 







Explore the Rec Room.  Take MAC MALDEN CLIPPING from the shelf unit, and look at it in your Inventory.  Look at the computer computers on the shelf unit, and look for the laptop computer.  Turn on the computer.  Dang, it needs a CD.  When you’re ready, go back through to your bedroom. 







Go to your office. 







Explore your office.  Look at can of dog food on the table behind your desk.  Pick up JACKKNIFE from the table behind your desk, next to the dog food.  Look at the photo of your ex-wife on your desk.  Look at vid phone on your desk, and use it to call Fitzpatrick.  Ask About everything.  When conversation is over, hang up your vid phone.  Open top left desk drawer and take ELECTRONICS SHOP BILL.  When you’re ready, go out through the front door, down to Chandler Avenue. 







Talk to Chelsee behind the News Stand.  You want to apologise to her for last night.  You also want to win her heart, cos you’ve had a crush on her for years.  Use the following Responses.


     C.     Pretend nothing‘s wrong. 

     A.     Out of touch with feminine side.


End conversation here.  Immediately talk to her again, using the following Responses. 


     B.     Sly invitation to dinner.

     C.     Play down the ‘date’ aspect.

     B.     Suggest a favourite hot spot. 


You have a date with Chelsee!  Yippee!  She’s invited you over for dinner this evening.  Head back over to the Ritz Hotel. 







Nilo, who runs the Ritz, is a nasty piece of work.  Talk to him, using the following option. 


     C.     Hint at violence. 


Give Nilo CASH from your Inventory, and offer £21,00 to pay back your debt to him.  Now use the following dialogue options with him. 


     B.     Test Nilo’s photographic memory. 

     A.     Tourist approach. 

     A.     Offer £100


Ask About everything.  End conversation. 


Since you’ve paid your debt to Nilo, you can enter through the front door freely, without worrying.  Now let’s explore the lobby.  Look at CROSSWORD PUZZLE on the settee, and pick up the CROSSWORD PUZZLE.  Look at it in your inventory to get a close-up view of it.  Let’s complete it.  When finished, it will look like this. 



Post FINISHED CROSSWORD PUZZLE into the mail drop box next to the front door.  Look at the vending machine, and move the vending machine to get the sandwich.  Yuck!  It’s all mouldy!  Go through the door next to Nilo, into the stairs and corridors. 







Climb up stairs to the First Floor. 


Nilo told you that Malloy stayed in Apartment A.  Look at Door A, and try to enter - it’s all locked up.  Look at keypad next to Door A.  Nilo ‘conveniently’ forgot to tell you the code.  Go back down stairs to the Ground Floor. 


Go to the Lobby area. 







Talk to Nilo again, and use the following options. 


     C.     Really, really annoyed. 

     C.     Refuse assertively. 


Ask About code for Apartment A.  The code is 4827.  End conversation. 


Go through the door next to Nilo, into the stairs and corridors. 







Climb up stairs to the First Floor. 


Look at Door A, and look at keypad next to the door.  Enter code 4827.  Now enter Apartment A. 







Watch the cut scene.  You get whacked!  Ouch! 












You wake up hours later.  Well, since someone went to the bother of knocking you out, you must be on the right track.  Explore the room. 


Look at the grey desk, and search the desk drawers to find CHILD PHOTO, AIR MAIL ENVELOPE, and ACME BUSINESS CARD.  Look at CHILD PHOTO in your Inventory to get the name Regan.  Look at AIR MAIL ENVELOPE in your Inventory to find UNTRANSLATED LETTER.  Look at UNTRANSLATED LETTER in your Inventory to realise that it’s written in some weird language you’re not familiar with.  Look at ACME BUSINESS CARD in your Inventory - it’s for a nearby warehouse.  Malloy must have stored something in there. 


Look at chair in the corner.  Move cushion from the chair, and pick up PHOTO OF MALLOY & LLAMA.  Look at PHOTO OF MALLOY & LLAMA in your Inventory. 


Look at the cardboard boxes next to the wall.  Open box, and pick up AIRPORT OF THE GODS BOOK


Look at nightstand in the corner, and take MALLOY’S LETTER from on top of the nightstand.  Look at MALLOY’S LETTER in your Inventory to learn that someone called David Wright owns a cabin in Oregon.  Open drawer of the nightstand, and take PAWN TICKET


Look at bed, look at SCARF on the bed, and take the SCARF.  Look at SCARF in your Inventory - it’s pretty distinctive.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 







WOW!  You’ve been out for 16 hours!  You missed your date with Chelsee!  Damn!  Oh well, these things can’t be helped.  Return to your office in the Ritz Hotel. 







Look at MAIL that came through the front door.  Pick up MAIL, and look at it in your Inventory.  It contains CASH.  You won that crossword competition from the lobby.  Now leave your office, and go outside to Chandler Avenue. 







Now let’s explore the area.  Note that Chelsee isn’t at her News Stand.  Look carefully on the road, near the Electronics Shop, and pick up NILO’S WALLET.  Look at NILO’S WALLET in your Inventory to see that it’s full of cash.  Well, if Nilo’s stupid enough to drop it in the first place, he doesn’t deserve to get it back.  And you know what they say, Tex… Finders Keepers!  You should keep the wallet. 


Head up towards Golden Gate Hotel.  Look at the pavement next to the mailbox, and pick up ORPHANAGE LETTER from the pavement.  Examine ORPHANAGE LETTER in your Inventory.  Wow, it has £500!  This is easy money!  Keep it!  It will help to pay off some of your debts. 


Look for the Acme Warehouse.  Try to enter, but it’s all locked up.  Look carefully at the road next to the warehouse door, and notice the hole in the road.  Climb down through the hole, into the sewers. 







Look at boxes on the ground.  Look for one on the right, that you can open.  Open it and take CHISEL.  Walk forward a few steps, then turn left.  Follow the sewer along to the end.  Look for another crate on the left.  Move crate, and take MONEY BELT that was hidden underneath.  Examine MONEY BELT in your Inventory to find £300.  This is your lucky day!  Now climb up the ladder.  You find yourself in the alley behind Rook’s Pawn Shop.  Enter the Pawn Shop. 







As soon as you enter the shop, Rook starts talking to you.  Use the following Responses. 


     C.     Tell Rook your personal nightmare. 

     C.    Rub Rook’s nose in it.

     A.     Offer a bet. 

     C.     Ask for an extension.

     C.     Show no mercy. 

     A.     Exit to Chandler Avenue. 


You automatically leave the Pawn Shop. 







Enter Rook’s Pawn Shop again. 







Talk to Rook again, using the following options. 


     A.     Pay Rook £300. 


Ask About everything.  Now give him RECEIPT FROM PAWNSHOP from your Inventory.  He knows that the receipt doesn’t belong to you, so he wants to charge extra before you can redeem it.  Choose the following option. 


     A.     Pay Rook £250


He gives you a BLACK DAGGER.  Look at it in your Inventory.  What a strange thing for Malloy to pawn.  Now end conversation, and exit to the alley. 







Look for the wooden fence.  Climb through the wooden fence, back to Chandler Avenue. 







Look for Rusty’s Fun House.  Try to enter it, but the cops put one of those computerised locks on the door. 


Look for the Brew & Stew Diner, and enter it. 







Louie, who runs the diner, is a lovely guy, and he’s your best friend, Tex.  Talk to him and use the following Responses. 


     B.     Play down the case. 

     B.     Won‘t eat it. 

     A.     No thanks. 


Offer Louie the UNTRANSLATED LETTER from your Inventory.  He tells you that it’s written in Yukatec.  No wonder you couldn’t understand it.  Louie can’t translate it, but he suggest you find Clint, and ask him for help.  Offer SCARF from your Inventory.  Louie remembers that it belongs to a young blonde woman who came in a while ago.  Now Ask About everything.  You get some useful information from Louie.  End conversation, and leave the diner. 







Notice the wooden fence at this end of the street.  Follow the fence down towards the old Slice O Heaven (which is now closed), and walk up the side of Slice O Heaven.  Notice the grey Exit door at end of the street.  Open door, and enter the abandoned storage area. 







Climb up the stairs, and walk to the end of the corridor.  Move the box that’s next to the bin.  Open the box that was underneath.  Take BOTTLE OF SCOTCH from the box.  Now leave this storage area, and return to Chandler Avenue. 







Look for the Electronics Shop and enter it. 







The shop has a new owner - Zack Williams.  Watch the cut scene as Zack zaps your electronics shop credit card.  I guess you don’t have credit here anymore.  Talk to Zack, and use the following options. 


     C.     Play innocent. 

     B.     Comment on the selection of wares. 

     A.     Ask for the former owner. 

     C.     Attempt intimidation. 


Talk to Zack again, using the following option. 


     B.     Pay Zack £1230


You’ve paid off your bill… reluctantly!  Look at all the items on the counter, and behind the counter.  Talk to Zack again, and Ask About everything.  Buy VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS.  Buy ROBCO BATTERY PACK.  Now end conversation. 


Leave the shop. 







Remember Louie told you to find Clint, and ask him for help in translating your letter?  Let’s go and find Clint then.  Head up towards Golden Gate Hotel.  Turn left, and look at the Clint’s Cocoa Cabana sign on the wooden fence.  Enter through the wooden fence to find Clint. 







Talk to Clint using the following options. 


     A.     Bring up Clint‘s past misfortunes. 

     C.     Suspicious. 

     A.     A little-known scientific fact. 

     C.     Ignore the threat. 

     B.     Accuse Clint of skimming. 

     B.     Cash in an old favour. 


Poor Clint!  Ask About everything.  He’s unable to translate the letter for you.  But he DOES tell you about the Fuchsia Flamingo Club, which is run by someone called Gus Leach.  He gives you LEACH’S KEY, and asks you to return it to Gus.  End conversation, and return to Chandler Avenue. 







Look for the Fuchsia Flamingo club, and look for the delivery entrance gate at the side.  Enter through the gate, so you’re in the alley behind Fuchsia Flamingo. 







Follow the alley round to the back door.  Explore the alley.  Take ANTENNA from the bin next to the door.  Examine it in your Inventory to get EXTENDED ANTENNASAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now use LEACH’S KEY on the back door, and enter the Fuchsia Flamingo. 







Talk to Gus using the following options. 


     B.     Curious and rude. 

     C.     Incredulous and rude. 

     C.     Threaten with violence. 

     A.     Let him in on your new aftershave. 

     B.     Show the scarf. 

     B.     Hairdresser humour. 


You automatically leave the club.  Travel to Chelsee’s apartment, and see if she’s home yet. 







Chelsee’s understandably upset with you.  Talk to her using the following options. 


     A.     Fake a misunderstanding. 

     C.     My way… or the highway. 

     A.     Slightly offended. 

     C.     Fairly apathetic. 

     C.     Manly and thirsty. 


Chelsee agrees to go for a drink with you at the Fuchsia Flamingo. 







You both sit down together.  Talk to her using the following options. 


     B.     Thumbs down. 

     A.     Smug, insensitive bag of hormones. 

     B.     Cut to the chase. 

     B.     Recognise key to Chelsee’s heart. 


Watch the cut scene as Lucy Love, AKA Emily, dances.  You begin to pay too much attention to Lucy\Emily and start ignoring Chelsee.  Chelsee is understandably hurt and angry with you!  You begin to argue with her, and she storms out!  Then you get very, VERY drunk!  You sneak up to Lucy\Emily’s room.  You’re a mean drunk, Tex!  She confides in you that she thinks someone is trying to kill her, and she’s terrified!  She begs you to help her, and she gives you the threatening letter that was sent to her.  Unfortunately, she tore it up in a panic, so now it’s just EMILY’S NOTE SCRAPS.  Gus comes up to check on Emily, and throws you out of the club. 












You wake up in your office with a killer hangover.  You only remember fragments of last night, but you think you talked to Emily, and you think she gave you something.  A note, maybe?  Examine EMILY’S NOTE SCRAPS in your Inventory, and assemble it to read the message.  When finished, it will look like this. 



Examine EMILY’S THREATENING NOTE in your Inventory.  Yikes!  No wonder Emily was so spooked about it.  When you’re ready, leave your office, and go outside to Chandler Avenue. 







Walk up towards Golden Gate Hotel.  To the left of the hotel, there is a wooden gate.  Go through the wooden gate, into the Golden Gate Hotel alley. 







Crazy Gary is here, giving a sermon to no-one in particular.  Talk to Crazy Gary using the following options. 


     C.     A doggie joke. 

     B.     Discuss lunch. 

     B.     The real problem. 

     B.     Official Beverage of Private Investigation. 

     A.     Suggest a pact. 


End conversation.  Talk to Crazy Gary again, using the following option. 


     A.     Make a donation. 


Give him BOTTLE OF SCOTCH from your Inventory.  Ask About everything.  He gives you MALLOY’S KEY, which he acquired after Malloy accidentally dropped it in the street.  Now End conversation and return to Chandler Avenue. 







Head up towards Acme Warehouse.  Try to enter it, but it’s locked.  That’s no problem - use MALLOY’S KEY in the warehouse door to unlock it.  Now enter the warehouse. 







Explore the warehouse.  Look at crate on the right - this is Thomas Malloy’s crate.  You’ll need to move it out of that small corner before you can open it.  Look up at the ceiling, and notice the sliding pulley.  Look for the pirates chest opposite the door.  Open pirates chest and take the PEG LEG.  Now look at Control Box on the wall at the far end of the warehouse.  Open Control Box and turn on the pulley system.  Lower the pulley.  Go back to Malloy’s crate, and notice that the pulley now matches up with Malloy’s crate.  Use PEG LEG on the pulley to secure it.  Go back to the Control Box and raise the pulley.  Now walk back to Malloy’s crate, and pick up MAP OF ASIA that was below Malloy’s crate.  Take PHOTOGRAPH OF NAZCA from Malloy’s crate.  Also get MALLOY’S TAPESTRY from the crate.  Look at both items in your Inventory.  Now leave the warehouse. 







It’s about time you visited your old pal Mac Malden.  Travel to the Police Station in the San Francisco Map. 






Talk to Mac using the following options. 


     C.     Comment on Mac‘s new look. 

     A.     Mention the Mrs. 

     A.     Get a name.

     C.     Delve into Mac’s psyche.

     C.     Aggressively looking for help.


Ask About everything.  He gives you KEY TO RUSTY’S.  You also know about the Black Arrow Killer now.  End conversation, and return to Chandler Avenue. 







Look for Rusty’s Fun House.  Use KEY TO RUSTY’S on the door to get a close-up view of the CopLock.  You have to match up 4 nodes on the left, with 4 nodes on the right.  They match up like so. 



Now enter Rusty’s Fun House. 







Explore the Fun House and the Employees Only Back Room.  Go behind the counter, and move lever on the floor to open a secret door.  Walk through the door, into the secret room. 


Move newspaper on the floor, and pick up the ‘fake’ doggie poo.  Ewwww YUCK!  Climb ladder up to the roof. 


On the Fun House roof, look at Water Tower.  Climb up the ladder to the water tower - damn, it’s locked.  Note that you have access to other roofs from here.  That’s useful information to know for later.  For now, return to Chandler Avenue. 







Let’s pay Rook another visit.  Go to Rook’s Pawn Shop. 







Talk to Rook using the following option. 


     C.     Defend your privacy with a warning.  


Now ask Rook about the Yukatec Language, then use the following option. 


     A.     Pay Rook £30.


He sells you YUKATEC MADE EASY BOOK.  Ask About everything.  Now end the conversation, and exit to Chandler Avenue. 







In your Inventory, combine YUKATEC MADE EASY BOOK with UNTRANSLATED LETTER, then examine TRANSLATED YUKATEC LETTER.  Finally, you can read the letter!  It’s from Oliver Edsen, and it’s talking about the Mayan calendar, and hieroglyphics.  Now, remember how we learned that David Wright owns a cabin in Oregan?  It’s time to visit that cabin.  Travel to the cabin in the North America Map. 







Well, the cabin is certainly remote!  Explore the cabin.  Look at sheets of paper on the floor next to the bookcase, and move them to see the blood splatters.  Look at table in middle of the room, and take CD FROM CABIN from the open drawer.  Pick up CRUMPLED PAGE on the floor near the tree.  Examine CRUMPLED PAGE in your Inventory to see a ‘Puzzle Of The Month’ page.  You can’t solve it yet, though.  Climb up stairs to the 1st Floor. 


Try to open door at top of the stairs.  Hmmm, their doesn’t seem any way to open it.  How strange!  Wait a minute… look at painting next to the door, and move the painting.  Ah-ha!  A security keypad.  Whatever’s behind this door must be important!  Try pressing a few buttons on the keypad if you want, but without knowing the code, you’re not going to get in.  When you’re ready, travel back to your Computer Room in the Ritz Hotel. 







Use CD FROM CABIN in the laptop.  Hmmm, you see a 4x4 square, with lots of coloured cubes that have to fit in the square.  Does this look familiar at all?  What about the ‘Puzzle Of The Month’ page you found in David Wright’s cabin?  Use that to solve the puzzle here.  When completed, it will look like this. 



Take note of the highlighted squares - they’re actually the code to the door in the cabin.  Click on ‘Next’ to read all the info, then exit the laptop close-up.  Travel back to David Wright’s cabin in the North America Map. 







Climb up stairs to the 1st Floor.  Move keypad, and enter the code as so. 



The door now opens, so enter the locked room. 


Look at projector on the desk, and map on the wall.  Look carefully at the floor, and move the floorboards.  GULP!  That must be David Wright.  And from the look of things, he must have been here for quite some time!  Poor David!  Look at the bookcase, open bookcase doors, and take 16MM REEL OF FILM.  Look at movie screen next to the book-case, and pull it down so it covers the wall.  Turn around and use 16MM REEL OF FILM with the projector, then turn projector on.  Watch a film about the Roswell Aliens.  Well, you’ve had enough of this cabin!  Time to get out of here.  Travel back to Chandler Avenue. 







You could do with seeing a friendly face.  Enter Brew & Stew. 







Talk to Louie using the following options. 


     A.     Nuptial worries. 

     C.     Describe your ideal. 


Ask About everything.  Now end the conversation. 






Louis told you that Rook recycles his old copies of The Bay City Mirror newspaper in the recycle bin in the alley behind his shop.  Head over to the alley now. 







Look for the recycle bin near Rook‘s back door.  Open bin, and take Bay City Mirror OLD NEWSPAPER.  Examine OLD NEWSPAPER in your Inventory, and read The Black Arrow Killer article by Lucia Pernell.  You can read the other articles too, if you like.  When you’re ready, enter Rook’s Pawn Shop. 







Talk to Rook and ask about Lucia Pernell.  He gives you PERNELL’S BUSINESS CARD.  Now end the conversation and exit to Chandler Avenue. 







Go up to your office in the Ritz Hotel. 







Examine PERNELL’S BUSINESS CARD in your Inventory to get Lucia’s number.  Use your vid phone to dial Lucia Pernell.  Talk to her using the following options. 


     A.     A feeble pun. 

     C.     Manly PI response. 


She hangs up on you.  Call her again, and use the following options. 


     B.     Refer to your client’s note. 

     C.     Eager to meet. 


She agrees to meet with you.  Go to the Brew & Stew. 







Lucia is waiting for you in the diner.  Watch the cut scene as you as Lucia discuss the Black Arrow Killer and NSA involvement.  She also tells you to check out a company called AutoTech. 







You automatically return to your office to mull things over.  As you do so, you see someone at the water tower on the roof of Rusty’s Fun House.  Maybe Emily wasn’t imagining things, when she told you that someone was trying to kill her.  Head on over to Rusty’s roof now. 







Pick up JACKET that someone left on the air conditioning unit.  Examine JACKET in your Inventory to find CUFFLINK and PHOTOGRAPH SCRAPS.  Look at CUFFLINK in your Inventory to get the initials ‘D.H.’  Examine PHOTOGRAPH SCRAPS in your Inventory.  This is another jigsaw puzzle you have to assemble.  When it’s assembled, it will look like this. 



Now look at the ASSEMBLED PHOTOGRAPH in your Inventory - it’s the exterior of AutoTech.  You just have to figure out where it is, now.  In your Inventory, combine ASSEMBLED PHOTOGRAPH with the VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS.  Now in your Inventory, examine V.A.A. AND PHOTOGRAPH to start analyzing the photo, and find an address.  Turn on the VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS.  Zoom in on street sign on the left - Barcelona.  Zoom in on number on the door - 144.  So AutoTech is located at 144 Barcelona.  Now turn off the VISUAL ANALYIZING APARATUS.  Before going there, return to your office in Ritz Hotel first. 







Use your Vid Phone.  Dial Gordon Fitzpatrick and Ask About everything.  Dial Lucia Pernell and Ask About everything.  Now Lucia mentioned Sandra Collins.  This would be a good time to visit Sandra Collins house.  So travel to Sandra Collins house in the San Francisco Map. 







Explore the room.  Open drawer in the bedside table and take the RESUME.  Look carefully on the floor next to the sewing table, and take AUTOTECH SECURITY CARD from the floor.  It’s hard to spot, but it’s there.  When you’re ready, travel to AutoTech in the San Francisco Map.  







Explore the lobby.  Take HAIR BRUSH from the table.  Take VISTOR’S PASS from the floor between the 2 hard chairs.  Look at VISITOR’S PASS in your Inventory to see that it’s #14.  Take CURTAIN CORD from door on the right.  Open the glass window at the Reception Area, and look into the Reception Area to see CLIPBOARD on the desk.  Try to get the CLIPBOARD, but you can’t reach it.  In your Inventory, combine HAIR BRUSH with CURTAIN CORD, then use BRUSH WITH CORD (basically, a make-shift grappling hook) on the CLIPBOARD.  You’ve now successfully acquired the CLIPBOARD.  Look at CLIPBOARD in your Inventory to see the passcodes for every Visitor’s Pass.  You’re card is #14, so the passcode is 8338.  Walk to the corridor with the scanner in the wall.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use VISITOR’S PASS with the scanner, then enter the code 8338.  Now go through door into the Hallway. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Now you have to deal with the security guard before doing anything else, or you will be caught. 


Turn left, and look for the storage cupboard at end of the hallway.  Open door and enter the storage cupboard.  Take BOX OF SOAP from the top shelf.  Look to your left and take the MOP.  Turn around and walk forward a few steps.  Look at the mop bucket.  Pour BOX OF SOAP into the mop bucket, then use MOP with the mop bucket.  You start mopping the floor, making it VERY slippery.  When you’ve finished mopping, open Fire Exit door next to the mop bucket.  This sounds an alarm.  Quickly hide in the storage cupboard, closing the door from inside.  Raise yourself up (press Left Shift) to look out the small window.  The security guard will rush out to see what set the alarm off, and slip on the wet floor.  You stuff him into the storage cupboard.  Now you can explore AutoTech at your leisure. 


Look for the door to Dag Horton’s office, and enter it. 







Look at picture of Dag Horton & an unknown man on wall behind the desk.  So now you know what Dag looks like.  Look at book on the desk, and then move the book.  Pick up STICKY NOTES that were hidden underneath the book.  Look at STICKY NOTES in your Inventory - is Gary Lee and Crazy Gary, one and the same person?  You’ll have to find that out, once you get out of here.  Look at the desk, open bottom desk drawer of the desk, and take NECKLACE.  Look at NECKLACE in your Inventory to see the initials ‘S.C’.  Sandra Collins, maybe?  Open music CD player on the desk, and pick up FILE CABINET KEY.  Use FILE CABINET KEY to unlock the file cabinet on the right, and open bottom right drawer.  Take MATCHBOOK TIN from the drawer.  Examine MATCHBOOK TIN in your Inventory to find some VERY creepy photos of Emily, along with another woman.  So someone has definitely been spying on Emily.  Now look at bookcase next to the door, and take PAD-LOCK KEY from on top of the bookcase.  Press Left Shift to raise yourself if necessary.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 







Leave AutoTech, and travel back to Brew & Stew in Chandler Avenue. 







Talk to Louie using the option. 


     B.     Not your type.  


Now Ask About Gary Lee.  End conversation, and exit to Chandler Avenue. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Go to the alley behind Golden Gate Hotel. 







Talk to Crazy Gary and Ask About everything.  When asking about the roof of Rusty’s Fun House, note that he tells you he saw a light coming from the water tower only minutes ago.  End conversation, and rush up to the roof of Rusty’s Fun House. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Climb up ladder to the water tower.  Since you have the padlock key from Dag Horton’s office, you automatically enter the water tower.  Look to your left, and turn on the viewing device.  Watch the cut scene as you realise the danger Emily is in.  You rush over to the Fuchsia Flamingo… only to be stopped by Gus Leach.  He doesn’t believe your story that Emily is in danger.  And because of this delay… you don’t get to Emily in time.  The attacker kills her.  He steals a box from Emily’s room, before jumping out the window.  But you can’t let him escape now, after he so brutally murdered poor Emily.  Maybe you can still catch him.  Go to Rook’s Pawn Shop. 







After a frantic conversation with Rook, he tells you that he heard a noise up on his roof.  Exit to Chandler Avenue. 







Travel up to the roof of Rusty’s Fun House. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at the attacker on the next roof - Rook’s roof.  You have to sneak up on him without him seeing you.  Crouch down low (press Ctrl to duck, and Left Shift to raise yourself up again), then quickly climb over the steps to Rook’s roof.  Duck down behind the air conditioning unit.  Slowly raise yourself, until you can see the attacker.  Now when he’s facing away from you, rush straight towards him.  After a brutal struggle, the attacker trips, falls off the roof, and plunges to his death.  He’s not gonna hurt any more women!  You go down to unmask him.  Yep!  Just as you suspected, it’s Dag Horton. 





Continued In Part 2…