Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive

Year: 1996
Genre: FMV Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Watch the cut scene as you are interrogated by Mac Malden. A mysterious woman enters the room, whispers something to Mac, and gets you off the hook. You’re free to go. You automatically return to your apartment.
Lucia Pernell calls you on the vid phone. Tell her about Dag Horten, then end conversation. There’s a message on your vid phone - play it back. It’s from Chelsee. She arrived safe & sound in Phoenix, and was just checking in to say ‘Hi’.
Now you should check in on Emily, to see if she’s okay. That was quite an ordeal she went through last night! Travel to Fuchsia Flamingo.
Gus Leach is a lot friendlier than the last time you saw him - he’s grateful to you for saving Emily’s life. Talk to Emily and Ask About everything. Talk to Gus and Ask About everything. Now end conversation and exit to the alley.
In the alley, you can hear a flapping noise. Look up at the lamp post - is that the brown paper that Malloy’s box came wrapped in? If only you could examine the paper. If you haven’t done so already, take ANTENNA from the bin next to the Fuchsia Flamingo door, and extend it. Now use EXTENDED ANTENNA on the brown paper to reach it. Look at BROWN PAPER WRAPPER in your Inventory. Now combine BROWN PAPER WRAPPER with VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS, then examine V.A.A. AND BROWN WRAPPER.
Turn on the VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS. Zoom into the lower left corner to find a PB Meter Number - 3887412. That number can help you identify which post office the package was sent from. Turn off the VISUAL ANALYZING APPARATUS.
Now if you remember, Dag Horton dropped something on the roof of Rusty’s Fun House, when the two of you were fighting yesterday. Let’s go and retrieve it. Head up to the roof of Rusty’s Fun House.
Climb up the metal stairs to get to the adjoining roof. Look carefully near edge of the roof, next to the skylight, and pick up the TRACKING DEVICE. Now head back down to the street.
Look at the TRACKING DEVICE in your Inventory, and turn it on. It starts beeping. Horton must have been using it to track the box he stole from Emily’s apartment. The closer you are to the box, the faster it will beep. Head up towards Acme Warehouse, and notice that the beeping gets faster when you are closer to the sewers. So Emily’s box must be down in the sewers. Climb down the ladder next to Acme Warehouse, down into the sewers.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Follow the beeping sounds - the ‘hot spot’ is near a junction, under a red light in the ceiling. Look carefully at the wall - about halfway up, you’ll find a brick that should come loose, but you can’t get a grip on it. Use CHISEL on the brick to dislodge it. Now look at box in the hole. Uh-oh… there seems to be some kind of mine attached to the box. You need to deactivate the mine before you can take the box, and you only have a limited amount of time to do it in. Basically, you need to transfer the coloured cells to the opposite side. Okay, here goes.
- Transfer the light coloured red cell and 2 dark red cells to the other chamber.
- Transfer the light green cell and 2 dark green cells.
- Transfer the light green cell and 1 dark red cell.
- Transfer the light red cell and 1 dark green cell.
- Transfer the light red cell and 2 dark red cells.
- Transfer the light green cell and 2 dark green cells.
Congratulations, you have deactivated the mine. Now take BOX STOLEN FROM EMILY from the hole in the wall. Look at it in your Inventory to see that it has holes drilled in the top of it. Now return to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
There’s a nasty surprise waiting for you back at the office - watch the cut scene as someone grabs you from behind, and forces you to go with him to Jackson Cross’s office at AutoTech.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Jackson Cross is not a man to mess with! So tread VERY carefully, cos if you say the wrong thing, he won’t hesitate to blow your brains out! Talk to him using the following options.
A. State the obvious.
C. Afraid irresponsible past finally caught up.
C. Get to the point.
B. Suspicious of commitment.
A. Tell part of the story.
B. Ask for leniency.
C. Let him in on the box.
B. Bargain.
A. Hand it over.
When interrogation is over, you’re allowed to go back to your office.
You have another surprise visitor waiting for you in your office. This time, it’s the mysterious woman from the police station. She introduces herself as Regan Madsen. She’s in town looking for her father… Thomas Malloy! She tells you about several boxes her father had sent out shortly before his disappearance. Apparently, whoever has all the boxes, will become extremely rich, and she wants you to join forces with her in order to find all the boxes! She seems more concerned about finding the boxes, than about finding her father. She hands you a note before she leaves.
Your vid phone starts ringing - answer it. It’s Chelsee. Talk to her using the following options.
A. Play it cool.
C. Make a sly offer.
B. Make a guess.
She ends the vid call, telling you she’ll be home in a week or so. Look at REGAN’S NOTE in your Inventory to get her contact number, which you can use later. Call Gordon Fitzpatrick and Ask About everything. Don’t call Regan at the moment. This would be a good time to catch up with Mac Malden. Travel to the police station in the San Francisco Map.
Talk to Mac and Ask About everything. He can tell you which post office the package was sent from. Now end conversation, and travel to the post office in the San Francisco Map.
Someone at the post office recognises the photo of Malloy, and directs you to the Garden House Boarding House. Go there now.
Talk to the landlady using the following options.
A. Get down to brass tacks.
A. Hand over the photo.
B. Patient.
A. Delineate the symptoms.
A. Get up on a pedestal.
She lets you into Malloy’s room. Explore the room. Take PUZZLE BOOK from the bedside table, and look at it in your Inventory. Try to open the wardrobe, but it’s locked. Look at the roll-top desk, and open it. Take ETS BUSINESS CARD and take COSMIC CONNECTION MAGAZINE from the desk. Look at both items in your Inventory. Open the middle drawer, and take ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO WITT. Examine it in your Inventory to find MALLOY’S DISC. I wonder what’s on the disc? Travel back to your Computer Room in the Ritz Hotel.
Use MALLOY’S DISC on the laptop. You need a password. Damn! You have no idea what it could be. Travel back to the Garden House in the San Francisco Map.
Hmmm, there’s a pair of jeans on the chair. They weren’t there before. Take the JEANS, then examine JEANS in your Inventory to find a RENTAL RECEIPT. Examine RENTAL RECEIPT in your Inventory to get the address to the Waterfront Warehouse. Travel there now.
Watch the cut scene as you break into the warehouse. Well, well, well… you’ve finally found Thomas Malloy. He starts to tell you about Roswell, when some NSA Agents burst in, and shoot him dead! You barely escape with your life!
Watch the cut scene as you tell Fitzpatrick how you found Malloy… and about Malloy’s tragic death. Now it’s Fitzpatrick’s turn. He tells you all about how he met Malloy, about researching hieroglyphics, about Roswell, about the boxes… and about his suspicions of an unfound alien spaceship here on earth. Then he has to leave.
Your fax machine beeps, telling you that you have a fax. Get the FAX, and look at it in your Inventory to see that it’s from Lucia Pernell. When you’re ready, travel back to the Waterfront Warehouse in the San Francisco Map.
Explore the warehouse. Move the box in front of you and take POSTAL RECEIPT that was underneath the box. Look at POSTAL RECEIPT in your Inventory to learn that Malloy sent out 5 boxes. You had one (the NSA has it now), Fitzpatrick has one, and Regan Madson has one. I wonder who has the other 3. Pick up FLIGHT SCHEDULE from the floor, and look at it in your Inventory. It’s rather an unusual schedule. Walk forward a few steps, and pick up ITEM #186 SCRAP from the table. Walk forward a few more steps, and move pallets in the far-left corner, to find a hidden Everlock Safe. Look at the safe to get a close-up view of it. But how do you open it? Well, there’s a mathematical relationship between the serial number on the ETS BUSINESS CARD, and the combination. Have another look at the ETS BUSINESS CARD in your Inventory, and try to work out the square root of each of the 4 numbers. Turn the dial like so.
- Click on the right hand side of the dial until you reach 22
- Click on the left hand side of the dial until you reach 31
- Click on the right hand side of the dial until you reach 15
- Click on the left hand side of the dial until you reach 7
The safe will now open. Look in the safe and take CONTAINMENT SCRAP and SMALL KEY. Look at CONTAINMENT SCRAP in your Inventory to learn that it refers to some kind of containment chamber. Look at SMALL KEY in your Inventory to learn that it’s an old house key. I wonder where you could use that key, Tex? Travel to the Garden House in the San Francisco Map.
In Malloy’s room, use SMALL KEY in the wardrobe door to unlock it. Open wardrobe and have a look inside. Take MALLOY’S BRIEFCASE from the top shelf. Take THERE ARE MESSAGES BOOK from the floor. Open MALLOY’S BRIEFCASE in your Inventory to find GATE OF THE SUN PHOTO and MALLOY’S NOTEBOOK. Look at both items in your Inventory. Maybe Regan could help you decipher some of Malloy’s notes? Now look at THERE ARE MESSAGES BOOK in your Inventory to learn that Malloy was trying to make an anagram from the book’s title. Return to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
Use the vid phone to call Regan, and arrange to meet with her at the Imperial Lounge, the hotel she‘s staying at. Travel to Imperial Lounge in the San Francisco Map.
Watch the cut scene as you and Regan talk about Thomas Malloy, and you tell her about her father’s death. She seems genuinely distressed by this news, but she gets over it quickly, and starts worrying about finding the boxes again. You give her MALLOY’S NOTEBOOK, and she gives you REGAN’S PUZZLE BOX. Now return to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
Your vid phone is beeping to say you have a message - answer it. It’s Lucia Pernell. Call her. She wants you to retrieve a file from AutoTech. Ask About everything, then End conversation. Wow, that was fast! You’ve already received PERNELL’S KEY that she sent over by express courier! Your vid phone starts ringing again, so answer it. This time, it’s Regan. Talk to her using the following option.
C. Make conversation.
She tells you that she found references to OE, EW, and AE in her father’s notebook, before trying to convince you that all this is for the fortune you‘re both going to make when you solve the puzzle boxes. She really is a money-grabber, isn‘t she. Call Gordon Fitzpatrick and Ask About everything. He thinks that AE may refer to Archie Ellis. When conversation is over, you look up Archie’s number. Call Archie - the person who answers clearly doesn‘t want to be identified! Talk to him using the following options.
C. Cut to the chase.
C. Mention Malloy’s work.
A. JI Thelwait.
A. The Plain of Nazca.
A. The Gate of the Sun.
The person gives you Archie’s address. Hang up your vid phone, and travel to the Cosmic Connection shop in the San Francisco Map.
Watch the cut scene with Archie Ellis. Rather an excitable chap, isn’t he? When you get the chance, Ask About everything. When conversation is over, return to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
Look at REGAN’S PUZZLE BOX in your Inventory. Combine REGAN’S PUZZLE BOX with MALLOY’S TAPESTRY, then examine REGAN’S BOX, TAPESTRY. Now you have to solve an annoying slider puzzle. Move the tiles around so that tiles on the box match tiles on the tapestry. I’ve never been a fan of slider puzzles, so I found this very tedious! Eventually I solved it, and got REGAN’S UNLOCKED PUZZLE BOX. Or if you prefer to bypass the puzzle, view the puzzle on screen, and type in 649. Look at this in your Inventory to find some PEGS and MALLOY’S DEVICE PIECE #2. Travel to the police station in the San Francisco Map.
Talk to Mac and ask about Dag Horton. He tells you that Dag’s body was taken to the local morgue, and he gives you the address. End conversation, then travel to the Morgue in the San Francisco Map.
Explore the morgue. Look at the refrigerated storage units, and open the bottom right unit to see Dag Horton’s body. Get SCALPEL from the table at the back wall. Look at filing drawers on the counter. Try to open the drawer marked G-I (for Horton), but it’s locked. Use SCALPEL to force the drawer, then open the drawer. Raise yourself up (press Left Shift), and take HORTON’S WALLET and HORTON’S KEY from the drawer. Search HORTON’S WALLET in your Inventory to find SECURITY SYSTEM CARD. Look at HORTON’S KEY to realise that it’s identical to the one you found earlier in Horton’s office at AutoTech. Let’s go there now. Travel to AutoTech in the San Francisco Map.
Enter Horton’s office.
Turn left and look at the 2 filing cabinets. Use HORTON’S KEY to unlock cabinet on the left. Open drawer, raise yourself up (press Left Shift), and take MANLLA ENVELOPE from the drawer. Examine MANILA ENVELOPE in your Inventory to find NSA KEY and PAPERS FROM MANILA ENVELOPE. Examine PAPERS FROM MANILA ENVELOPE - these papers are actually BAK MEMORANDUM and PAPER WITH NUMBERS. Look at both items in your Inventory. Leave the office.
Find the Evidence Room, try to open it, but it‘s locked. Look at the keypad next to it - you‘ll need to find a special card and pass code in order to open it. Use SECURITY SYSTEM CARD with the keypad, then enter code 773348. Now enter the Evidence Room.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look at giant degaussing machine in the corner. Look for Locker B17, and use NSA KEY on that locker to… unlock it. Take EMILY’S PUZZLE BOX from the locker. But we’re not done here yet. Open Locker B15 and take the CASH. Look for Locker E13. Open Locker E13, raise yourself up (Left Shift) and take NSA ID BADGE. Use PERNELL’S KEY to unlock Locker E36. Open Locker E36 and take OPERATION EUPHORIA DISC. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look at the degaussing machine in the corner. You need to use this machine to demagnetise items you took from the lockers. If you don’t, an alarm will sound, as soon as you leave the room. Okay, so this is how you do it.
- Tap ‘Open’ on the keypad.
- Insert OPERATION EUPHORIA DISC in the machine.
- Tap 1091 (from the Bak Memorandum) on the keypad.
- Tap ‘Enter’.
- Take DEMAGNATISED DISC from the machine.
- Insert CASH FROM LOCKER into the machine.
- Tap 1091 on the keypad.
- Tap ‘Enter’.
- Take CASH from the machine.
- Insert EMILY’S PUZZLE BOX into the machine.
- Tap 1091 on the keypad.
- Tap ‘Enter’.
- Take DEMAGNATISED BOX from the machine.
It is now safe for you to leave the room.
Return to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
Now let’s take a closer look at Emily’s puzzle box. Examine DEMAGNATISED BOX in your Inventory, and combine it with the PEGS. Combine MAP OF ASIA with FLIGHT SCHEDULE. Combine FILLED MAP, FLIGHT SCHEDULE with DEMAGNATISED BOX, PEGS. Now examine BOX, PEGS, FLIGHT SCHEDULE, MAP in your Inventory. You need to place the pegs to connect 2 countries, according to the flight schedule. It’s a bit hard to understand, since the map locations don’t really line up with the puzzle box, so here’s what it should look like.

The pegs centre at Point 17, so insert your last PEG in there. Now examine UNLOCKED DEMAGNATISED BOX in your Inventory to find MALLOY’S DEVICE PIECE #1 and SLIDE. Look at both items in your Inventory. Travel to the Cosmic Connection shop.
Talk to Archie and Ask About everything. End conversation, and travel back to your office in the Ritz Hotel.
Use your vid phone to call Gordon Fitzpatrick, and Ask About everything. End conversation, and hang up your vid phone. As soon as you do, you’ll get a call from Regan. Talk to her using the following option.
C. Not really.
Now End conversation, and hang up your vid phone. You set off for Roswell.
As you travel to Roswell, something is niggling away at you. Then you realise what it is - you saw a black speeder outside Archie’s shop, the last time you were there. Something tells you that Archie is in danger. You need to warn him! As soon as you arrive at Roswell, turn around, and go straight back to the Cosmic Connection shop in the San Francisco Map.
Watch the cut scene, as you warn Archie to get out of town for a while. Now travel back to Roswell in the North America Map.
Explore the bunker. Look at desk, open desk drawer, and take WALKIE-TALKIE. Examine WALKIE-TALKIE in your Inventory to find the BATTERIES. Look at chair at the back door, and pick up EMERGENCY PROCEDURES BOOK from the chair. Look at nightstand next to the bed, and take MATCHBOX that‘s lying on top of the nightstand. Open nightstand drawer and take ROSWELL SECURITY CARD. Look at the bed, and get LASER FIELD DIAGRAM from under the mattress. Examine LASER FIELD DIAGRAM in your Inventory - it contains some important information for a puzzle you need to solve later. Now look at the tall lockers against the wall, open the lockers, and take ROSWELL PADLOCK KEY. Look at the emergency bunker door - you need to figure out how to open this. Now open back door, and go outside.
Turn around, and look at the power switch next to the door. Turn on the power switch - nothing happens. There must not be any power. Climb down the stairs and explore the yard.
Look at the shed, and pick up SPADE that’s leaning against the shed. Look at the box next to the shed, and take the FUSE from on top of it. Look at the boxes that are scattered around the yard, and find the box next to the tower. You can move this box, so do so. You can now see a broken cable segment. Look at it - it looks like it was once connected to the cable above it. Keep that in mind! Look at storage shed at the back, and use ROSWELL PADLOCK KEY in the padlock to unlock it. Open shed, and have a look inside.
Take TOOLBOX and take TORCH from inside the storage shed. Examine TOOLBOX in your Inventory to find WIRE STRIPPERS. Examine TORCH - it doesn’t seem to be working properly. Maybe the batteries are dead. Combine your BATTERIES with the TORCH to get LIVE TORCH. There, that’s better!
Look at the metal laser field door. Look at the Military keypad, and use ROSWELL SECURITY CARD on the keypad to open the door. Enter the building.
Keep away from those red lasers - they’ll kill you!
You need to find a way through those lasers. Look at LASER FIELD DIAGRAM in your Inventory again. Look at wall panel on the other side of the room. The panel controls the laser field. Enter in the deactivation code - ALPHA. You now have to ‘draw’ a path through the red squares on the panel. This is what it should look like, starting in the bottom right corner.

Slowly turn round, and notice that some of the red beams have turned blue. The blue lasers are safe. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then work your way through the path lit by blue beams.
On other side of the laser field, take POWER CABLE that’s hanging on the wall, next to the tunnel entrance. Look at door in the tunnel. Hmmm, it’s gonna be tough to open this door. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then work your way through the path lit by blue beams again. Now leave the building and go back outside.
Remember the box next to the tower, that you moved earlier? Go back to that box. Look at the broken cable segment in the ground. In your Inventory, combine WIRE STRIPPERS with the POWER CABLE, then use STRIPPED POWER CABLE with the broken cable segment to repair the cable. Go to the back door of the bunker.
Look at power switch next to the door, and turn it on. This time, you hear an alarm sounding. Enter the bunker again.
Look at the emergency bunker door, and open it. Enter the emergency bunker.
Explore the bunker. Look carefully at the floor and find the hiding place in the floor. Open hiding place, and take DYNAMITE BOX from the hiding place. Examine DYNAMITE BOX in your Inventory to get some DYNAMITE. Now leave the emergency bunker.
Go back outside.
Return to the building with the laser field.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Work your way through the path lit by blue beams. When you reach other side of the laser field, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Look at the door in the tunnel. The only way through that door, is to blow it up! Combine your FUSE with the DYNAMITE. Now position yourself close to the blue laser beam, but at an angle where you can see the door in the tunnel. Use MATCHBOX to light the DYNAMITE WITH FUSE, then throw LIT DYNAMITE at the door in the tunnel. Now run back through the blue laser field, and run out the building, so you are outside. Hope you make it in time!
If you survived the explosion, you’ll be back outside in the yard. Enter building with the laser field again.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Yep, you guessed it. Work your way through the laser field lit by blue beams.
At other side of the laser field, look at what’s left of the door in the tunnel. Open the door, and enter into the Main Roswell Complex. As soon as you enter, a pocket of gas will knock you out.
As soon as you wake up, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Something is chasing you, and it’s NOT friendly! If you don’t deal with it soon, you’ll end up dead!
Turn left, and follow the corridor round. Look for the Dorms. Try to enter, but the door won’t budge. Use SPADE on the door to loosen it. Now open the door and enter the Dorms.
Explore the dorms. Pick up CD on the floor, next to the over-turned table on the left. Walk forward into the Sleeping Quarters.
Look at bunks on the left. Open drawer under the bunk, about halfway down, and take DUCT TAPE from the drawer. Look at bunks on the right. Open cupboard near the door, and get DISC PLAYER. Open cupboard at the far end near the other door, and get CONTAINMENT UNIT. In your Inventory, combine CD and DISC PLAYER. Examine DISC PLAYER WITH CD, and watch the video to learn that this alien entity feeds on energy. Leave the Dorms, and return to Hallway 1.
Walk forward a few steps. Look for Storage Room 104 on the left, and enter it.
Look at barrel containing the diesel fuel. Pick up ACETYLENE TORCH HANDLE from shelves at the back. Leave the Storage Room.
Turn left, and walk up to the T-junction. Now turn left again, and look for the Mess Hall on the left. Enter it.
Find your way to the kitchen.
Open fridge on the left of the kitchen, and get the ICE PICK. Open overhead cupboards on the right, and take POT. Make your way back to Hallway 1.
Find your way back to Storage Room 104, and enter.
Look at the diesel barrel that still contains some fuel. Puncture the barrel with your ICE PICK, then collect fuel in your POT. Return to the Mess Hall.
Find your way to the kitchen again.
There are 2 stoves here. Turn on the right-most ring (the other rings don’t work), and place POT OF DIESEL FUEL on the lit ring to heat it up, and get LIQUIFIED FUEL. Now return to Hallway 1.
Turn left, and look for Storage Room 102 on the left. Enter it.
Take PLASTIC CASE that’s lying on top of crate at the back. Examine PLASTIC CASE to find ACETYLENE TORCH CUTTING TIP. Take box of SPARK PLUGS from shelf on the right. Now leave the Storage Room.
Turn left, follow hallway round the corner, and look for the Generator Room on the right. Enter it.
Look at the back-up power generator on the left. Open the fuel cap, and pour LIQUIFIED FUEL into the tank. Open the small Access Door (next to the yellow Danger sign), and insert SPARK PLUG. Go to other end of the generator, and look at the full primer handle. Pump handle 3 times. Now open the small yellow Danger High Voltage door (with the yellow sign), and push the green Power Switch. You should hear the generator starting up now. Quickly leave the room.
Wait until you don’t hear the generator anymore, then enter the Generator Room again.
Turn left, and see the alien entity hovering over the generator. In your Inventory, combine CONTAINMENT SCRAP with the CONTAINMENT UNIT, then use OPEN CONTAINMENT UNIT on the alien entity. Watch the cut scene as you capture the little terror. Phew! That’s a relief! Now pick up WIRE CUTTERS from on top of the crate in the corner. Pick up OXYGEN TANK from the other corner of the room, and then leave the Generator Room.
Turn left, follow corridor along to the end, and look for the Rec Hall. Enter the Rec Hall.
Explore the room. Pick up ABDUCTOR toy from table on the left. Pick up FREE WEIGHT BAR from the floor near the treadmill. Take DART from the dartboard on the wall. Pick up POOL CUE that’s leaning against the wall next to the pool table. Leave the Rec Hall.
Find your way back to the Dorms.
Walk forward, into the Sleeping Quarters.
Continue forward into the back room.
Turn left, and walk towards the partially-opened door. Look at ROSWELL ID BADGE on the floor. Pity it’s out of your reach. Combine POOL CUE with the DART, then combine that with the DUCT TAPE to create a MAKESHIFT SPEAR. Now use MAKESHIFT SPEAR to get the ID BADGE. Leave the Dorms.
Walk forward a few steps, and turn left at the T-junction. Look for the lift door. Open door, and enter the lift.
Look at the buttons next to the Control Panel, and press button for Level 2.
Turn right, and look for the War Room. Look at the scanner next to the War Room door. Use ROSWELL ID BADGE in the scanner, then enter the War Room.
Explore the room. Take ALIEN PHOTOGRAPHS from desk on the right. Take TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS from desk near the wall map, and examine them in your Inventory. Pick up ABDUCTOR REMOTE that’s hiding under the video projector. Look at the tape player on the wall, and press ‘Play’ to hear about the probe on Level 1. Leave the War Room.
You’ve probably realised that most of the rooms on this level are not accessible. You’re going to have to find another way to search them. Return to Hallway 1.
Go to end of the hallway, near the Rec Room. Enter through door at end of the hallway.
Look at the giant fan. Force FREE WEIGHT BAR into the fan to jam it. Combine the alien ABDUCTOR with the ROBCO BATTERY PACK, then combine LIVE ABDUCTOR with ABDUCTOR REMOTE, to get the LIVE ABDUCTOR WITH REMOTE. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use LIVE ABDUCTOR WITH REMOTE with the fan. You’re now controlling the Abductor via remote, and you have to find your way through the ventilations shafts, up to the 2nd Floor.
I found this section to be very hard to control, and the Abductor spins around too fast. I think the easiest way, is to hover your mouse over the required button on the remote, and then tap the Enter key on the keyboard. Good luck.
Turn the Abductor around, so it’s facing away from the fan. Creep forward, and look for the sign that says J1-1. Turn right here, and follow shaft to the end, so you see J1-5. Turn right, and head towards the downward-facing arrow. You’re now on Level 2.
Follow the shaft, until you see a fan that’s blocking your path. Elevate yourself up, and when your timing is right, rush forward past the fan. Hopefully, the fan won’t have hit you.
Creep forward, until you see J2-12. Turn left, and follow shaft to the Computer Lab.
Turn left, and take PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER from behind the overturned chair. Exit the room.
Follow the shaft until you see J2-12. Turn left, and follow the shaft until you see J2-8. Turn right into this shaft, and follow it into the Metallurgy Lab.
Find HOSES that are hanging on the wall on the left. Take the HOSES. Exit the room.
Follow the shaft back, until you see J2-8. Turn right. Follow shaft until you see another fan. Elevate yourself up, and when your timing is right, rush forward past the fan. Hopefully, the fan won’t have hit you. Now follow shaft until you see J2-1. Turn left into this shaft. Creep forward until you see J2-3. Turn right into this shaft. Follow shaft along, into the Linguistics Lab.
Go to middle of the room, turn right, and raise your elevation. Get RED PASSCARD from the counter in front of you. Exit the room.
You’ve done everything you need to in the ventilation shafts, so just press the Home Button to exit the shafts.
You find yourself back in the Fan Room, in front of the giant fan. Travel up Hallway 2.
Look for the lift near the Reactor Room, and look at the Security Card Reader next to the lift. Use RED PASSCARD in the Security Card Reader to open the lift doors, then enter the lift.
Inside the lift, look at the Control Panel. Use PHILLIPS SCREW-DRIVER on the panel to unscrew it, then open the panel. Uh-oh… there’s explosives in the panel. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE. Use WIRE CUTTERS on the explosives to cut the wires. Now pick up the explosives, and quickly run along the hallway until you see the yellow Toxic Waste Disposal Bin, which is at other end of the hallway. Open Toxic Waste Disposal Bin, and throw the explosives into it. Phew! Return to the lift, and head up to Level 3.
Wow, there’s a giant spacecraft here! I bet Gordon Fitzpatrick would love to see this! Turn left, and look for the door marked Miscellaneous Storage Area. Open the door, and enter the room.
Explore the room. Get STRIKER that’s hanging from a box on the right. Get ACETYLENE TANK from the shelf in the middle of the room. Leave the room.
Look for the door marked Storage 101-200. This is where Item 186 is stored. That’s the piece Malloy needed. Try to open the door, but it’s jammed. Okay, time for more drastic action. Combine ACETYLENE TANK with HOSES, then combine that with OXYGEN TANK to get TANK WITH HOSES. Combine ACETYLENE TORCH HANDLE with ACETYLENE TORCH CUTTING TIP to get ACETYLENE TORCH. Combine ACETYLENE TORCH with TANK WITH HOSES to get ACETYLENE KIT. Finally, combine ACETYLENE KIT with the STRIKER. That’s a pretty powerful cutting tool you have there! Use LIT ACETYLENE TORCH with the door marked Storage 101-200. Watch the cut scene as you cut through the door. Now open the door and enter the room.
Look through the glass panel, into the conveyor tract area. That’s where Item 186 is. You just have to access it. You might want to look at ITEM #186 SCRAP again. Now look at computer system on the wall, and turn it on. But the system is malfunctioning, so you’ll have to move all the items manually, and create a path to Item 186. This is how you do it.
Enter Item #186, then Access Item Code 7AC. Now click on items, and move them like so.
- 122 left 11. 188 down 21. 178 left
- 106 left 12. 199 down 22. 180 left
- 168 down 13. 198 right 23. 186 down
- 149 down 14. 160 up 24. 198 right
- 150 down 15. 166 up 25. 196 up
- 148 down 16. 195 up 26. 197 up
- 177 right 17. 192 up 27. 178 left
- 176 right 18. 182 left 28. 180 left
- 178 right 19. 188 down 29. 188 up
- 180 right 20. 199 down 30. 199 up
- 175 left 35. 176 left 39. 149 up
- 174 left 36. 150 up 40. 122 right
- 186 down 37. 148 up 41. 106 right
- 177 left 38. 168 up 42. 186 down
And Item 186 is out. Look at the glass panel again, and look at the glass door separating you from Item 186. Simply open the door and take POWER CELL (ITEM 186). Travel back to Hallway 1.
Open door on the right, where you first entered the complex, and walk through the door, back to the laser field.
You automatically return home, and go to bed.
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