Time Gentleman, Please

Year:  2009


Genre:  Graphic Adventure 

Get The Game From:      GOG








Watch the intro to find out what happened in the previous game, Ben There, Dan That. 


2 weeks have passed since the previous game.  Now you’re ready to start a brand new adventure.  Explore the area.  Walk right a few steps, and notice the hand scanners on the garage door on the right.  Use one of the hand scanners to place your hand in it.  Use Dan’s Icon (right-click to cycle through the icons)  with the other hand scanner.  Unfortunately, the result isn’t quite what you expected!  Both of you fall through trapdoors in the ground. 







You find yourself in the warehouse that the alien spaceship from the last game was staged.  Except now, it’s abandoned and disused.  Look at the blinking button on the lift, and use the blinking button.  The lift malfunctions, and the arrow above it shoots to the floor, narrowly missing Dan.  Pick up the LIFT ARROW from the floor.  Now look at the door to the Hidden Room, next to the lift.  Use LIFT ARROW on the door to force it open, then enter through the door, into the Hidden Room. 







Explore the Hidden Room.  Look at panel on the left, with the red lights.  Look at the reel-to-reel machine on the right, and take the reel tape from it to acquire a REEL.  Now in your Inventory, look at the REEL, and you pull the tape out, leaving you with MAGNETIC TAPE.  A keypad was hidden behind it.  Use the keypad, and you randomly punch in the code 4444.  The panel on the left explodes!  Take TIME TRAVEL STICK from the exploded panel.  Now watch the cut scene \ opening credits. 







Your actions have drastically altered the coarse of time.  You find yourself captured by Adolf Hitler and his band of dinos.  Use the following dialogue options with him. 



        -       Let’s just stand here.  Wait it out. 

        -       Lock us up and throw away the key! 

        -       We don’t mind sharing. 

        -       Brilliant.  That sounds like the plan for us. 



You are taken to a dungeon in the Tower Of London. 







Watch the cut scene as the other prisoner, Eckles, is taken away and executed.  Explore the dungeon.  There’s nothing you can do here, so use the TIME TRAVEL STICK from your Inventory - you manage to rip a hole in the timeline, with half the room being today, and the other half of the room being yesterday.  Choose any dialogue options.  Now talk to the prisoner in shackles, using any dialogue options, until he starts asking you questions.  Use the following dialogue options. 



        -       How do we convince you we’re not Nazis?

        -       Churchill, of course. 

        -       Neville Chamberlain! 

        -       I don’t know.  



You passed his test, so he trusts you now.  Look at the cake box on the floor, and open the cake box.  Use Dan’s icon on the cake - Dan eats some of the cake, and gives you the FILE from the cake.  Watch the cut scene.  The prisoner tells you to find Professor Hartnell, who will help you.  Use Dan’s icon on the prisoner to get the MAP.  Now in your Inventory, combine MAGNETIC TAPE with the FILE, then combine that with the LIFT ARROW.  Use this contraption with the metal bars on the window.  When you’re ready, climb through the window to escape.  Watch the cut scene. 







Travel to Professor Hartnell’s house. 







Explore the house.  Open handbag that’s hanging on the front door, and take TIGHTS from the handbag.  Search coat on the coat rack, and take HIPFLASK from the coat pocket.  Take UMBRELLA from next to the front door.  Play with the Hula Doll on the table, and notice the reaction of the mouse in the mouse hole. 


Look at the Cuckoo Clock on the wall to learn that it’s missing a Minute Hand.  Use LIFT ARROW with the Cuckoo Clock, then adjust the time so that it chimes on the hour.  A little doll pops out when the clock chimes - quickly take RED DRESS from the Cuckoo Clock doll.  Now set the time on the Cuckoo Click to show 10.20. 


Look at the painting of Big Ben on the wall.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the Grandfather Clock.  Notice the position of the clock hands.  Try to open the Grandfather Clock, but it’s locked.  Now look at the painting of Big Ben to the left of the Grandfather Clock.  Move the painting, so it’s squint.  Keep moving it, so that the hands in the painting are in the same position as the Grandfather Clock. 


Walk right a few steps and look at the giant digital clock.  Flip the digital clock twice, so it’s upside down, and it reads 10.20. 


Open cupboard door on the right, and take DEAD MOUSE from the cupboard.  You also take the MOUSETRAP.  In your Inventory, combine with RED DRESS with the DEAD MOUSE.  Use DEAD MOUSE IN RED DRESS with the Hula Doll on the table next to the front door, then play with this mouse Hula Doll to make it squeak.  Notice the reaction of the mouse in the mouse hole.  Now search the mouse hole to find SUNDIAL PIECE.  Place SUNDIAL PIECE on the sundial that‘s in the middle of the floor, then open the venation blinds on the left.  If all the clocks are set correctly, the Grandfather Clock will chime, and open up, revealing a secret passage.  Climb into the secret passage, and down into the Basement. 







Try to pick up the skateboard at the bottom of the stairs.  Since the skateboard is broken, you decide not to bother, so Dan takes it instead.  There’s a computer on the desk on the right, but just ignore it for now - you don‘t have the necessary information to complete this puzzle yet.  Take PINK SPANNER that‘s on the desk, next to the computer. 


Walk left a few steps, and look at the generator on the workstation.  Use HIPFLASK with the generator to give it power.  Look at the starter for the generator, and you realise that the fan belt is missing.  Unfortunately, you can’t fix it yet.  Look at plans on the board behind the generator, and take the upper right PIN from the board.  Look at ROBOT FOOT on the shelf above the generator.  Look at robot next to the workstation. 


Walk left a few steps, and search filing cabinet on the left to find a POWER CABLE.  Take the POWER CABLE.  Look at books on the shelf above you - the RED BOOK catches your eye.  Use UMBRELLA with the RED BOOK to knock it down.  Now pick up RED BOOK from the floor, and examine it in your Inventory, making sure to read all the marked pages.  Now attach POWER CABLE to the generator on the workstation.  That’s all you can do here at the moment, so look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Jump to the Dungeon in the Tower Of London. 







Talk to the Dino and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to prisoner on the left and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the giant fridge, and look at the FRIDGE MAGNET on the fridge door.  You want that FRIDGE MAGNET.  Sadly, it’s out of reach.  Use MAGNETIC TAPE with the FRIDGE MAGNET to pull it towards you, then take the FRIDGE MAGNET from the fridge door.  Now open the giant fridge, and take STORAGE JAR from the fridge.  Look at COG and chain mechanism in the back wall, and use SPANNER with the COG to pry it loose.  You take the COG, thus lowering the cage slightly.  Look at the skeleton in the cage, and look at the FLOPPY DISK that the skeleton is holding.  Use UMBRELLA with the skeleton to knock the FLOPPY DISK lose, then pick up FLOPPY DISK (and DEAD MAN’S ARM) from the floor.  Look at your MAP in your Inventory. 







Travel to the Basement in Professor Hartnell’s house. 







Walk left a few steps, and attach COG to the generator.  Look at the starter next to the generator, and attach TIGHTS to the starter.  The generator and the starter are now attached.  Use the starter to power up the generator.  Success!  You have power! 


Look at the PAL robot next to the workbench - you need to power him up.  Look at the power cable trailing along the ground in front of the workbench.  Use DAN’S ICON with the left end of the power cable, and Dan will attach it to the PAL robot long enough to charge the robot up.  PAL spits out an ERROR REPORT… then powers down again.  Take the ERROR REPORT, and examine it in your Inventory.  Note the error reference code 4815.  You automatically show it to Dan, who tells you that you need to create a BOOT DISK for PAL. 


Walk right to the computer on the table next to the stairs.  Insert FLOPPY DISK into the computer, then use the computer.  You have to create a BOOT DISK.  An icon of the RED BOOK will appear on screen, which you can use for reference.  Now enter the following commands. 



        -       2.  Make ‘Boot’ Diskette

        -       v4.2 [Enter]

        -       24.05.1655 [Enter]

        -       Professor Alan Hartnell [Enter]

        -       4815 [Enter]



The computer creates a BOOT DISK - take the BOOT DISK.  Now walk left a few steps and insert BOOT DISK into PAL.  Watch the cut scene with PAL, as he explains the restrictions of his Time Machine.  Show your TIME STICK to PAL, then watch another cut scene. 


At the end of the cut scene, you’ll be playing as Dan.  Hitler has stolen the TIME STICK, PAL has been shot, and Ben is unconscious.  Pick up ROBOSKATE, which is lying on the ground next to Ben.  Look at the Time Rip in the wall on the left, and use the Time Rip to stick your head through it. 







Wow, the Time Rip leads to the old warehouse.  Notice the rain dripping down through the ceiling.  Use ROBOSKATE with the raindrops to get WET ROBOT FOOT.  Now exit the Time Rip to return to the Basement. 







Look at the Time Pod, and look at the Control Panel to the left of the Time Pod.  As explained by PAL (before he was shot), you can use the Time Pod to make things older or younger.  Place WET ROBOT FOOT into the Time Pod.  Push lever on the Control Panel to the right (to make things older), then press the red button on the Control Panel to activate it.  Your WET ROBOT FOOT disintegrates into a pile of rust, leaving only the WHEELS behind.  Take the WHEELS.  In your Inventory, attach WHEELS to the SKATEBOARD.  Use SKATEBOARD with Ben, then push Ben (on the skateboard) into the Time Rip. 







In the Time Rip, rain drips down onto Ben, thus reviving him.  Watch a short cut scene. 







You’re playing as Ben again.  Look at PAL and look at the pool of oil surrounding PAL.  Use FLASK with the pool of oil to get FLASK OF OIL.  Now walk right a few steps, climb up the stairs, and leave the Basement. 







Professor Hartnell’s House has now become PAL’s House. 


You’re peeking out from the Grandfather Clock in the hallway.  A Nazi Dino is patrolling back and forth, to make sure you don’t escape.  You need to deal with him, if you want to continue your adventure.  Wait until the Nazi Dino has marched past your hiding place, then pour FLASK OF OIL onto the floor.  The Nazi Dino slips on the oil, and knocks himself out.  Watch the cut scene.  You now have 2 new places on your MAP.  Look at your MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Space Ship Warehouse. 







Explore the Warehouse if you like.  Look at the NAIL sticking out of the plank on the left.  Try to pull the NAIL out, but you’re not able to do so.  Use FRIDGE MAGNET with the NAIL.  The plank falls to the floor, allowing you access to more of the Warehouse.  Walk left a few steps.  Pick up SKATEBOARD from the floor, and pick up CONDOMS from the floor.  That’s all you can do here, so look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Ruins. 







Explore the area.  Talk to Rose, the Factory Worker, and work through all the dialogue with her.  Walk right a few steps.  Talk to the Nazi Dino standing in front of the Time Rip and work through all the dialogue with him.  You discover he has a mouse problem.  Give him MOUSE TRAP.  He leaves his post to deal with his mouse problem… and another Nazi Dino turns up to take his place.  Damn!  This Dino declares that he loves spanners, so give him your pink SPANNER.  He leaves his post, so the Time Rip is unguarded now.  Enter through the Time Rip, into the Prehistoric Era. 







Explore the area.  Talk to the parrot and work through all the dialogue.  Annoying, isn’t it?  Look at the FEATHER on the grass, and pick up the FEATHER.  Walk right to the group of dead dinos.  Pick up a TISSUE WITH DINO SNOT from the grass.  Look at the ammo boxes, and take DYNAMITE from the ammo boxes.  Enter cave on the right. 







There’s some kind of disco going on in the cave.  Explore the cave, looking at everything possible.  Talk to the 3 Nerds on the left and work through all the dialogue with them.  Use FRIDGE MAGNET with Nerds on the left, and you’ll get the Nerd Leader’s SPECS.  Talk to the dancing women on the right and work through all the dialogue with them.  You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement in PAL’s House. 







In your Inventory, combine TISSUE WITH DINO SNOT with the STORAGE JAR.  Walk left a few steps, and place TISSUE WITH DINO SNOT IN STORAGE JAR in the Time Pod.  Now look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, and make sure the lever is pushed to the right.  Push the red button in the Control Panel, then pick up the resulting DINO VIRUS from the Time Pod.  Also, place DEAD MAN’S ARM in the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, and push the lever left.  Now push the red button in the Control Panel, then pick up the resulting MAN‘S ARM WITH SKIN from the Time Pod.  Look at MAN’S ARM WITH SKIN in your Inventory, to see the numbers marked on the arm.  Those numbers will be important later on.  Now look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Tower Of London Dungeon. 







Open the fridge, and place DINO VIRUS inside the fridge.  You automatically close the fridge.  Talk to the Dino, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Is there any random item we can give you?

        -       What do you know about these new time rips? 

        -       Your exploration party is dead! 

        -       Happy experimenting. 



The Dino will open the fridge, releasing the DINO VIRUS.  The DINO VIRUS will attack him, and he’ll flee the Dungeon.  After the Dino has left the Dungeon, look at MAP in your Inventory.  







Go to the Construction Yard. 







There’s nothing you can really do here at the moment.  Explore the area if you like, and when you’re ready, enter through the Time Rip, into The Future. 







Talk to the Clown and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you look at the Clown’s stall.  Give CONDOMS to the Clown, and he’ll offer to make you a balloon animal.  Choose whichever balloon shape you want.  You now have a BLOWN UP CONDOM.  Walk right a few steps, talk to the Guard with the coat hanger in his head, and work through all the dialogue.  He refuses to let you into Hitler’s Fortress.  Now use the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go back to the Construction Yard. 







Look at Frank, the construction worker.  Try to talk to him, but he is busy chewing some toffee, so he can’t talk to you.  Maybe if he stopped chewing toffee, he would be more talkative.  In your Inventory, use the PIN to burst the BLOWN UP CONDOM.  Frank gets a fright, and spits out his toffee.  Notice that it lands on top of the tent on the left - take STICKY TOFFEE from the tent.  Now talk to Frank and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Ruins. 







Look at the giant Mech behind Rose, and look at the Mech door next to Rose to see a row of buttons on the Mech door.  Now use MAN‘S ARM WITH SKIN on the Mech door.  The ARM is actually telling you which buttons to press.  So press the buttons in the following order. 



        -     4, 4, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 9, 7, 4 


The door of the Mech will now open.  Talk to Rose again, using the following dialogue option. 



        -       We opened the door to the Mech, look! 



Rose will give you the password to the Resistance.  Now enter the Mech behind Rose. 


Inside the Mech, have a look around if you like.  Take FLAMMABLE ALCOHOL from on top of the toilet.  Look at the FLAMMABLE ALCOHOL in your Inventory to see that it is corked.  Now use your MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Construction Yard. 







Talk to Frank, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Solidarity, Frank, my brother rebel!

        -       You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor. 

        -       Can we have that broken saw?

        -       So long. 



Pick up the BROKEN SAW that’s lying on the ground next to Frank.  Now use the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement. 







Walk left a few steps, and place BROKEN SAW into the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, and push the lever to the left.  Push the red button in the Control Panel.  Pick up the resulting NEW SAW from the Time Pod.  Now look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Cave Disco. 







Look at the pig on the roasting spit.  Use NEW SAW on the pig to get PIG’S TAIL.  Look at PIG’S TAIL in your Inventory to see that it is very long and curly.  Now exit the Cave Disco, so you are in the Prehistoric Era. 







If necessary, try to grab the parrot, so he’s not on the lowest branch.  Now use STICKY TOFFEE on the lowest branch.  Try to grab the parrot again, and repeat this, until he’s stuck on the lowest branch.  Use NEW SAW on the lowest branch to get the PARROT.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 





Go to the Basement. 







Walk left a few steps, and place PIG’S TAIL in the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, and push the lever right.  Now press the red button in the Control Panel, then take the resulting HARDENED PIG’S TAIL from the Time Pod.  Look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Cave Disco. 







In your Inventory, use HARDENED PIG’S TAIL to open bottle of FLAMMABLE ALCOHOL.  Pour OPENED FLAMMABLE ALCOHOL onto the coals underneath the pig.  The bottle evaporates, and you’re left with the CORK.  Use SPECS you got from the Nerd Leader with the coals under the pig to reflect the sunlight, and set the coals alight.  Watch the cut scene.  Light your stick of DYNAMITE in the fire under the pig, so you have LIT DYNAMITE.  Now look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to PAL’s House. 







Walk right a few steps.  Remember that locked antique chest next to the Grandfather Clock that you couldn’t get into?  Well, now you can.  Use LIT DYNAMITE with the antique chest to blow it open.  There’s more STICKS OF DYNAMITE in the chest, so take STICKS OF DYNAMITE.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Future. 







Look at the Clown’s stall.  Walk right a few steps.  Notice that the Guard with a coat hanger in his head has changed.  Talk to him, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Can we go into the fortress please?

        -       Let us past, you big, nerdy loser, before we clump ya!

        -       Cheerio, loser idiot! 



You scared him into letting you into the Fortress, which is really Big Ben.  Unfortunately, there’s still a problem of the laser door that’s preventing you from actually entering the Fortress.  Look at the plaque and the keypad next to the laser door to learn that they are made by your old pal Eckles.  Maybe Eckles can help you deactivate the laser door.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Tower Of London Dungeon. 







Talk to Eckles shackled on the right, using the following dialogue options. 



        -       About Hitler’s Fortress…

        -       Bye bye! 



Eckles agrees to help you with the laser door, if you save him from getting shot.  Give HIPFLASK to Eckles shackled on the right.  Watch the cut scene.  You saved Eckles from getting shot!  Talk to Eckles on the left, and ask him to set the code to Hitler’s Fortress to 4444.  He agrees, gives you the HIPFLASK back, and then leaves.  Look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Future. 







Walk right to the laser door.  Use the keypad, and you automatically enter 4444.  True to his word, Eckles had rigged the keypad for you, allowing you to shut off the laser door.  Now simply walk right, into Hitler‘s Fortress, which is really Big Ben. 







You find yourself in Level 1 of the Fortress.  There’s a laser beam  that’s preventing you from getting very far - you need to deactivate it.  Use SPECS with the laser beam, then use Dan’s Icon on the switch in the back wall.  Dan flips the switch, turning the laser beam off.  Look at the dead dino, and pick up the CHUNK OF DINO FLESH.  Now use the Teleporter on the right to teleport up to Level 2. 







The floor is booby-trapped with an electric field.  Look at the hand scanner in the back wall, and try to use the hand scanner.  The security system won‘t accept your handprint.  In fact, the only handprint it will accept, is Hitler’s handprint.  But how are you gonna get that?  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement in PAL’S House. 







Walk left a few steps, and place MAN‘S ARM WITH SKIN in the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, and push the lever to the right.  Now push the red button in the Control Panel, then pick up the resulting DEAD MAN’S ARM from the Time Pod.  Look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Ruins. 







Walk along to the giant Mech, and enter the giant Mech. 


Inside the Mech, use DEAD MAN’S ARM with the toilet, and you end up with DEAD MAN’S ARM COVERED IN HITLER’S BLOOD.  Trust me, as disgusting as this is, you will need it later.  Look at the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go back to Level 2 in Big Ben. 







Use DEAD MAN’S ARM COVERED IN HITLER’S BLOOD with the hand scanner.  The security system accepts it, and finally turns off the electric floor.  Now use the Teleporter on the right to teleport up to Level 3. 







Explore the area, and make sure you look at the microphone, plaque, and time rip.  The plaque tells you the all-important phrase to speak into the microphone.  Talk to the microphone, but the security system doesn’t recognise your voice, because you don’t sound like Hitler.  You need to disguise your voice, somehow.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to The Ruins. 







Enter the giant Mech. 


Inside the Mech, use Dan’s icon on the microphone, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       We have meat here in the building. 



Use the ladder to exit the Mech, leaving Dan inside, repeating the phrase. 


Outside the Mech, use PARROT to ‘record’ the phrase in Hitler’s voice.  Now use the MAP in your Inventory. 







Go back to Level 3 in Big Ben. 







Use the PARROT with the microphone.  He’ll speak the phrase, and shut down the floor-spike trap.  Climb through the time rip - you find yourself in an Alien World. 







Explore the area.  Use NEW SAW on the tree to saw it down.  The poor tree starts spouting blood… then you realise it’s not a tree at all, it’s an alien.  And you killed it.  Look at the remaining tree stump to see that it’s covered in ink, then use FEATHER with the tree stump to create a MAKESHIFT QUILL.  Now look at the escape pod, and use your UMBRELLA with the escape pod door to pry it open, thus freeing the man trapped inside.  Talk to the man and work through all the dialogue.  That’s all you can do here for now.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement in PAL’s house. 







Walk right to the computer at the base of the stairs.  Use the computer, and select the following option. 



        -       1.  Play a game. 



The computer opens up a text adventure for you to play through.  If the descriptions seem familiar, it’s because it’s describing what you saw in the Alien World.  Type in the following commands on your keyboard. 



        -       Look

        -       I (to see your Inventory)

        -       Examine tablet

        -       North

        -       Examine stairs

        -       Examine structure

        -       Examine plinth



You can’t get any further at the momen, so press Esc on your keyboard to quit the text adventure game. 


Hmm, you found an error in the game code, and the stairs don’t exist.  Talk to Dan, using the following dialogue option. 



        -       How do we get up that alien plinth then?

        -       Laters, looser. 



Apparently Dan can hack into the text adventure game code and fix the stairs.  Use Dan’s icon on the computer to allow him to do that.  Now use the computer again, and select the following option. 



        -       1.  Play a game. 



The computer lets you continue the text adventure.  Type the following commands into your keyboard. 



        -       Examine stairs

        -       Climb stairs

        -       Look

        -       Examine plinth

        -       Use tablet in slot

        -       Examine tower

        -       Examine crystal

        -       Examine door

        -       Look

        -       Examine crack



You can’t progress any further in this text adventure.  Press Esc on your keyboard to quit the text adventure game. 


Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Alien World. 







The alien world has changed to match what was in the text adventure game on the computer.  Explore the area.  Look at the tiny triangular door in the plinth on the left, and notice the MAGIC CRYSTAL behind the door.  Unfortunately, it‘s too high for you to reach. 


Look at the tiny hole in the ground, and throw your STICKS OF DYNAMITE into the tiny hole.  When air starts coming up through the tiny hole, use UMBRELLA with the tiny triangular door.  The UMBRELLA will hook onto the tiny triangular door, pulling it open.  Unfortunately, the MAGIC CRYSTAL is still too high for you to reach.  While the UMBRELLA is still hooked onto the door, throw some more STICKS OF DYNAMITE into the tiny hole in the ground.  Again, this will cause an updraft, knocking the MAGIC CRYSTAL down into the open UMBRELLA.  Now take the UMBRELLA back - you also get the MAGIC CRYSTAL


The problem now, is that the hole in the ground is larger, so you can’t reach the Time Rip.  Damn!  Give the MAGIC CRYSTAL to Dan, who translates it into Binary Code, and gives you a SHEET OF PAPER WITH BINARY CODE, which is ready to be inputted into a computer.  Now, the MAGIC CRYSTAL, being magic, gives you the power of telekinesis.  That could prove very useful! 


Use MAGIC CRYSTAL with the Time Pod, which is on the plinth on the left.  This allows you to use telekinesis to move the Time Pod door over the hole in the ground, creating a bridge to the Time Rip.  Try to climb through the Time Rip - Dan tells you that the MAGIC CRYSTAL can only exist in this alien world, so you can’t take it with you.  You automatically place the MAGIC CRYSTAL on the ground, before climbing through the Time Rip. 







You’re back in Level 3 of Hitler’s Fortress, inside Big Ben.  Use Teleporter on the right to Teleport up to Level 4. 







There’s a pink force field on this level, blocking the way to the next Teleporter.  There’s also a joystick connected to a computer which is displaying a point & click adventure game featuring Hitler.  Another game within a game!  But try as you might, you cannot win the point & click adventure game yet.  Give SHEET OF PAPER WITH BINARY CODE to Dan, and he inputs it into the point & click adventure. 


Use the joystick again, so you’re playing the point & click adventure.  Hitler is now carrying the MAGIC CRYSTAL.  Pick up LOOSE BRICK from the wall.  Now use MAGIC CRYSTAL with the switch on the right, and Hitler will use the power of telekinesis to turn off the force field.  You automatically exit the point & click adventure. 


The pink force field powers down.  Use Teleporter on the right to teleport up to Level 5. 







Look at the BLUEPRINTS on the wall, and look at the Blades Of Death machine.  Take BLUEPRINTS from the wall.  These BLUEPRINTS are for the Blade Of Death machine.  Unfortunately, there’s no way past it at the moment.  You’re going to have to be very devious here.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement in PAL’S House. 







Walk left a few steps, and place BLUEPRINTS in the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, push the lever to the left, and press the red button.  Take the resulting EMPTY BLUEPRINTS from the Time Pod. 


Look at poor PAL, who’s lying on the ground.  You need to repair him.  Use CORK with PAL to plug his hole.  Now place CHUNK OF DINO FLESH into the Time Pod.  Look at Control Panel next to the Time Pod, push the lever to the right, and press the red button.  Use your HIPFLASK to scoop up the resulting OIL in the Time Pod, so you have HIPFLASK WITH OIL.  Use HIPFLASK WITH OIL with PAL.  He’s functioning again. 


Talk to PAL and work through all the dialogue.  Give EMPTY BLUEPRINTS to PAL, then use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Fill the room full of kittens instead. 



PAL re-draws the blueprints, and gives you back HACKED BLUEPRINTS.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Construction Yard. 







Place HACKED BLUEPRINTS in the bucket of blueprints next to Frank.  Now look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to Level 5 in Hitler’s Fortress. 







Well, you asked for a room full of kittens, and you got… a room full of kittens!  Look at the pile of dead cats.  Look at the DECOMPOSING KITTEN, and pick up DECOMPOSING KITTEN.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go back to the Construction Yard. 







Retrieve the HACKED BLUEPRINTS you left in the bucket of blueprints earlier.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Basement in PAL’s house. 







Walk left a few steps, and place HACKED BLUEPRINTS in the Time Pod.  Look at the Control Panel next to the Time Pod, push the lever to the left, then push the red button.  Take the resulting EMPTY BLUEPRINTS from the Time Pod.  Give EMPTY BLUEPRINTS to PAL, then use the following dialogue option with him. 



        -       Build in a small exhaust port. 



He draws some new blueprints, and gives you back HACKED BLUEPRINTS.  Look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to the Construction Yard. 







Again, place HACKED BLUEPRINTS in the bucket of blueprints next to Frank.  Now look at MAP in your Inventory. 







Go to Level 5 in Hitler’s Fortress. 







The Blades Of Death machine is back.  But this time, there’s an exhaust port in the back wall, where you originally saw the BLUEPRINTS.  Look at the exhaust port to get a big clue.  Now use DECOMPOSING KITTEN in the exhaust port.  This causes the Blades Of Death machine to overheat, and explode.  Watch the cut scene as you teleport up to the top level of Big Ben to face off against.  Hitler. 







Look at both gargoyles on either side of the bell.  Look at everything you can.  Use FRIDGE MAGNET on the clock’s hour hand to change the time to 10.00.  The clock chimes loudly, causing the building to start to crumble because of the vibrations.  Try to walk to the right, but Hitler’s laser beams prevent you from doing so.  Quickly use SPECS on the laser beams to reflect the beam onto Iron Jaw, the dinosaur.  Sadly, Iron Jaw’s IRON JAW becomes detached in the process.  Use FRIDGE MAGNET with IRON JAW on the ground, to get it.  Now use SKATEBOARD on Dan to place it on the floor, then click on Dan again to push the SKATEBOARD over to him.  You start playing as Dan now. 


As Dan, pick up the DAN GARGOYLE, and place it on the SKATEBOARD.  Push the SKATEBOARD back over to Ben.  You’re playing as Ben again. 


In your Inventory, use FILE to sharpen the IRON JAW, then use IRON JAW with DAN GARGOYLE to saw off the wings.  Now push the SKATEBOARD back over to Dan.  You’re playing as Dan again. 


As Dan, use your LEATHER JACKET on the DAN GARGOYLE, then push the SKATEBOARD over to Ben.  You’re playing as Ben now. 


As Ben, Use PARROT with the DAN GARGOYLE.  Push the SKATEBOARD over to Dan. 


As Dan, talk to the DAN GARGOYLE.  The PARROT hidden inside the LEATHER JACKET will imitate you.  Push the SKATEBOARD over to Ben. 


As Ben, attach STICKS OF DYNAMITE to the DAN GARGOYLE.  Push SKATEBOARD over to Dan.  Hitler will fire his laser beams at the DAN GARGOYLE, causing it to blow up, thus killing Hitler himself in the process. 


Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scenes.  Congratulations on completing the game. 





The End. 


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