Under A Killing Moon - A Tex Murphy Adventure

Year:  1994


Genre:  FMV Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG




















You wake up for the 2nd day in a row in bad shape, thanks to your ‘meeting’ with Eddie Ching.  But is what Eddie told you, true?  Were you set up?  There’s only one way to find out.  Leave your office, and travel to the Countess’s Mansion. 







Hmm, the mansion is deserted!  So you WERE played for a sucker.  But why?  Look at the eagle perched on the chandelier - it’s holding a CIGARETTE CASE in it’s claws.  Maybe you could persuade it to trade?  Give your shiny GOLD FOIL to the eagle.  The eagle swoops down to take it, dropping the dull CIGARETTE CASE onto the floor.  Search floor near the small table and pick up CIGARETTE CASE.  Examine CIGARETTE CASE in your Inventory to find a CIGARETTE.  Move newspaper on the ground near the small table, and look at the ashtray.  Look at the rubbish bin near the front door, and take NOTE SCRAPS from the rubbish bin.  Examine NOTE SCRAPS in your Inventory, and assemble the message.  It looks like this. 



Look at the fireplace, and take WATCH from on top of the fireplace.  Examine WATCH in your Inventory to discover it has a secret compartment.  That could come in handy.  When you’re ready, leave the mansion. 


Travel to the Colonel‘s Office. 







The police are just leaving the office - they were investigating the Colonel’s stabbing, but didn’t find anything.  Remember what the Colonel told you about the WINTER CHIP and the EMERGENCY DISK.  Let’s look for them.  Explore the office.  Look at the small table next to the window, behind the Colonel’s desk, and note the face-down picture frame.  Stand the picture frame upright, and look at the photo - this must be the Colonel’s girlfriend.  Look at computer on table next to the wall.  Try to use computer, but it won’t work without a disk.  Look at file cabinet next to the door, and try to use file cabinet, but it’s locked.  Look at the Colonel’s desk.  Open desk drawers on the left, and take GREETING CARD.  Examine GREETING CARD in your Inventory.  Open desk drawers on the right, and take ENVELOPE FROM MELAHN.  Examine ENVELOPE FROM MELAHN in your Inventory to get a return address.  Look at the large display cabinet, and look at all the vases.  Move the lower-right vase, then take the EMERGENCY DISK.  Now use EMERGENCY DISK in computer on other side of the room.  Read the computer document to learn about C.A.P.R.I.C.O.R.N., G.R.S., Moon Child, and Agent Eva Schanzee.  It seems that Eva has gone missing while investigating the situation.  The Colonel wants you to find Eva, and complete her mission.  You also learn that there’s more information in the Colonel’s safe that may help you.  Let’s find his safe then.  Look at paintings on the wall, and move the paintings to find a hidden wall safe.  Well, you found the safe, but it needs a combination to open it, and you have no idea what the combination could be.  Leave the Colonel’s office for now. 


Travel to Melahn Tode’s apartment. 







Talk to Melahn using any dialogue options.  Give her the GREETING CARD.  She doesn’t seem very concerned about the Colonel’s well-being, does she?  Ask About everything.  She gives you COLONEL’S KEY.  Leave her apartment. 


Travel to Colonel’s Office. 






Look at the file cabinet next to the door, and use COLONEL’S KEY in the file cabinet to unlock it.  Open the file cabinet, look in the top drawer, and take the manila folder to find some CODED DOCUMENTS.  Look at magazines on the floor in front of the door.  Move magazines, then pick up UPEX RECEIPT.  Look at UPEX RECEIPT in your Inventory.  Leave the Colonel’s Office. 


Travel to Melahn Tode’s Apartment. 







Talk to Melahn using any dialogue options.  Ask About UPEX RECEIPT - she gives you PAPER WITH NUMBERS.  Leave her apartment. 


Travel to Colonel’s Office. 







Look at the wall safe to get a close-up view of it.  Turn the 3 dials according to the paper - 571.


        -       Turn the first dial 5 times.

        -       Turn the second dial 7 times.

        -       Turn the third dial 1 time. 


The safe opens.  Take CODE BOOK from the safe.  Now in your Inventory, combine CODE BOOK with CODED DOCUMENTS from the Colonel’s file cabinet, then examine the DECODED FILESSAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Leave the Colonel’s Office. 


Travel to Roadside Motel. 







Watch the cut scene with Alaynah Moore.  She tells you all about her experience of working at G.R.S., and why she quit.  She’s terrified, because she thinks her life is in danger.  But she decides to trust you, and she gives you her PASS KEY for G.R.S. 


Travel to G.R.S. 







As soon as you arrive at G.R.S, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  A Security Probe patrols the hallways, and it will kill you if it sees you.  Look for the Supervisor’s Office, and look at the door to see that Eva also used this office.  Enter the office. 







First thing you should do her, is find a ‘Safe’ spot, so that when the Security Probe enters, it won’t see you.  Look at the divider wall in the back corner, and use Ctrl to duck down behind it.  That’s your ‘Safe’ spot.  When you hear the warning alarm, this is where you should hide.  Afterwards, simply press ‘E’ while in Movement Mode to stand up again.  Now, onto business. 


Look for Eva’s desk.  Look at her computer, and note that it has a mini-drive.  I wonder if there are any mini disks lying around?  Look under her desk, and take EVA’S COMPUTER CARD.  Use EVA’S COMPUTER CARD on her computer.  Hmm, you need to load a mini disk into it.  We’ll come back to the computer later.  Look at the Security Area behind the glass - there doesn’t seem to be any way into this area.  Look at the air vent.  You need a hex wrench to open it.  Okay, there’s nothing else you can do in this room for now.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then leave the office. 







Walk forward a few steps, and look for the Research & Development Office.  Enter it. 







Your ‘Safe’ spot for this room is behind Paul DuBois desk at the back right corner of the room.  Press Ctrl to duck down, and press ‘E’ to stand back up again. 


Take PENNANT from the wall above one of the desks.  Examine PENNANT in your Inventory to find the COMPUTER CARD.  Look at Paul’s computer at the back right desk.  Turn on the computer, and use COMPUTER CARD on the computer to access it.  Read through all the information on each topic.  Paul has collected a lot of evidence that he intended to give to the Colonel, but now he’s afraid he’s being watched.  Pick up HEX WRENCH from the middle of the floor.  Take the small portable TELEVISION from the middle desk, in front of Paul’s desk.  It’s hard to spot, but it’s there.  Examine the TELEVISION to learn that it needs to be hooked up to a laserdisc player.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then leave the room. 







Follow the corridor round, and look for the Conference Room.  Enter it. 







Your ‘Safe’ spot in this room, is behind the desk at the back right corner of the room.  Press Ctrl to duck down, and press ‘E’ to stand back up again. 


Look at the desk, open drawer on the left of the desk, and take LASER-DISC PLAYER from the drawer.  Look at the giant conference table in middle of the room, and look at remote control pad at end of the table.  It controls the TV screen on the wall.  Use the remote control pad to turn it on, but all you see on the TV screen is static.  That’s all you can do here for now, so leave the room. 







Make your way back to Eva’s office at other side of the corridor.  Enter Eva’s office. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at the air vent, and use HEX WRENCH on the air vent to open it.  Now the vent is too small for you to get through, but your little geigger pal would have no problem.  So use GEIGGER with the air vent.  The geigger pushes a button that opens the door to the Security Area, allowing you access to that area, but the poor little critter gets fried in the process. 


Enter the Security Area.  Take MINIDISK from the desk.  Read memo that was lying on the desk underneath the MINIDISK.  Turn around and look at the other desk in the Security Area.  Open the bottom left drawer, look at PASSKEY, and take PASSKEY.  Open top left drawer, look at LASERDISC, and take LASERDISC.  Now walk across to Eva’s desk, and use MINIDISK on her computer.  Watch the videos with Eva, as she becomes more and more alarmed at what’s going on here.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, and leave the room. 







Go to other side of the hallway, and look for Marcus Tucker’s Office.  Use PASSKEY on the door to unlock it, then enter the office. 







Your ‘Safe’ spot for this room is behind the plants in corner of the room.  Press Ctrl to duck down, and press ‘E’ to stand back up again. 


Look at Marcus’s desk.  Open bottom left drawer and look at the note to see the numbers 142235.  Open bottom right drawer and take MATCH.  Now look a the Access Panel in the wall - it controls the door to the safe, but it needs Marcus’s voice to activate it.  In your Inventory, combine TELEVISION with the LASERDISC PLAYER to get AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT.  Combine AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT with LASERDISC to get LOADED A\V EQUIPMENT.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Turn on the Access Panel, and use LOADED A\V EQUIPMENT to open the safe.  Well, you fooled Voice Recognition.  But since you’re not really Marcus Tucker, the DNA-scan will fail, setting off the alarm.  You have to be quick now.  Quickly enter the Safe Room. 


In the Safe Room, take BUDDHA STATUE, take VIDEOCASSETTE, and take SHREDDED NOTE from the bin.  Quickly leave the Safe Room. 


Hide behind the plants again, and wait for the Security Probe to enter the room.  It will check out the Safe Room to see what set off the alarm - quickly turn off the Access Panel.  The Safe door will close, trapping the Security Probe inside the Safe Room.  Take that, you metal menace!  Now you can explore the entire complex at your leisure, without having to worry about the Security Probe.  Examine SHREDDED NOTE in your Inventory, and re-arrange the slivers of paper to see the message.  It says. 



        Brother Marcus: 


        We are seekers of purity who will abide no defect in

        Spirit or form.  The time is close at hand - your work

        Was exemplary and adhered in every detail to the holy

        Prophecies.  Now that have the sacred relic in our

        Possession, out plans can be carried out. 


        I regret that you had to eliminate DuBois.  Alas, such

        Is the folly of man.  Schanzee is being held on the Moon

        Child and will pay dearly for her treachery.  Also, as

        Feared, Brother Thaniel was not genetically suitable

        For our Order and had to be retired. 


        Now your instructions.  Go to the Bastion of Sanctity

        (Long: 122  47’  11” .  Latit:  41  28’  6”).  Upon arriving,

        The Chameleon will provide transport, though he will

        Not travel with you to the Moon Child just now, as he

        Has other business to attend to before joining us. 


        Godspeed Brother. 



You now have the ASSEMBLED NOTE.  Examine BUDHA STATUE in your Inventory to find the WINTER CHIP.  Now G.R.S is looking for this CHIP, so you should hide it.  Remember, your watch has a secret compartment.  In your Inventory, combine WINTER CHIP with your WATCH to get WATCH WITH HIDDEN CHIP.  Now leave the office. 







Return to the Conference Room.  Enter the Conference Room. 







Look carefully at the ledge that surrounds the room - it’s the area to the right of the door.  Take CABINET DOOR KEY from the ledge.  It’s hard to spot, but it’s there.  Look at the cabinet under the TV screen, and use CABINET DOOR KEY on the cabinet to unlock it.  Look at VCR in the cabinet, and insert VIDEOCASSETTE into the VCR.  Watch the video of Paul DuBois and the virus.  Now SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then leave the room. 







Make your way back to Eva’s office on the other side of the corridor.  Enter Eva’s office. 







Look at safe in the wall - it requires a 6-digit code to open it.  Hmmm, have you seen any 6-digit codes recently?  Remember the note in Marcus Tucker’s desk?  Use the safe, and enter the code 142235.  Look at vial in the safe, and take vial of VIRAL POWDER.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 







Leave the G.R.S complex, and travel to your office. 







You arrive at your office feeling completely exhausted.  Well, you’ve had a very chaotic day! 


Watch the cut scene as The Chameleon kidnaps Alaynah from the motel. 


Watch another cut scene with The Chameleon floating around your office in a cube. 


The day ends. 












You begin the day vowing to get justice for Pug, as well as rescuing Alaynah.  Leave your office. 


Travel to Bastion Of Sanctity. 







As soon as your arrive, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Look at Chameleon in the Main Chamber - he’s holding Alaynah prisoner in a laser field, and if he sees you, he will kill you.  You need to put a stop to him, once and for all.  Sneak forward a few steps, and enter hallway on the left. 


Follow the corridor left, and take BUNGEE CORD that’s hanging from the wall.  Creep forward to the alcove.  Look at gargoyle on the wall in the alcove, and take GEMSTONE from the right eye.  Follow the corridor round, until you see Coat Of Arms on the wall on the left.  Take CLAMP from the Coat Of Arms.  In your Inventory, combine CLAMP with BUNGEE CORD to get SLINGSHOT, then combine SLINGSHOT with the GEMSTONE to get LOADED SLINGSHOT.  Next, combine CIGARETTE with the deadly VIRAL POWDER, then combine MATCH with the LETHEL CIGARETTE to get LIT LETHEL CIGARETTESAVE YOUR GAME HERE


Enter the Main Chamber from the side entrance, not the front entrance.  When Chameleon isn’t looking, use LIT LETHEL CIGARETTE with the ashtray.  He takes the bait, takes a puff from the deadly cigarette, and dies a painful death in front of you.  Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!  Now, you just have to get Alaynah out of the force field.  Okay, look at shield on the wall, near Alaynah’s chair.  Move the shield, and flip the switch.  The laser field turns off.  Talk to Alaynah using any dialogue options.  She tells you about a saloon called the Broken Skull.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then leave the Bastion Of Sanctity. 


Travel to the Broken Skull. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  You have to be cautious here, or Lois will kill you.  Talk to Lois, being as nice as possible to her.  As soon as you get the chance, bribe her, and give her HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL from your Inventory.  Now you only get one question here, so make it count.  Ask About Transportation to the Moon Child.  She asks for the Token, which, of course, you don’t have.  Tell her you’re unprepared, then leave the saloon. 


Travel to Roadside Motel. 







Talk to Alaynah, and Ask About Token and Silver Dollar.  Leave the motel. 


Travel to Chandler Avenue. 







Enter Rook’s Pawn Shop. 







Talk to Rook and Ask About Silver Dollar.  Since Rook is still grateful to you, he gives you SUSAN B ANTHONY DOLLAR.  Now Exit to the street. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then travel to the Broken Skull. 







Talk to Lois using nice dialogue options.  Give her SUSAN B ANTHONY DOLLAR from your Inventory.  She accepts this as the Token, and let’s you into the Back Room. 


Talk to Ferrel Pus, again, using nice dialogue options.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Watch the cut scene with Ferrel.  He challenges you to a bizarre game he calls Ferrelette Wheel.  There are 4 balls on the table - 3 of them contain poisonous arachnids, when the last balls is empty.  Your challenge is pick the correct (empty) ball 4 times.  Keep a close eye on the ball, then choose the balls as follows. 


        Top right ball 

        Middle ball

        Bottom ball

        Bottom ball


You chose the correct ball 4 times, and won a TICKET to go to the Moon Child.  Talk to Lois again, using nice dialogue options.  You end up drinking the House Special.  Damn!  You’ve been drugged! 












You wake up on the Moon Child, in a garden area.  Walk the long conversation with Lowell Percival.  You have to escape from the Moon Child, return to Earth, and save the world from destruction.  So…  no pressure then?  Turn around and look at the door - look at the smoke alarm above the door.  Look at pile of leaves on the ground.  Search the room, and take RAKE from one of the garden areas - it’s lying on some grass.  Go back to the pile of leaves, and hide RAKE in the leaves.  You have the makings of an effective trap there, Tex.  You just need someone to come in and step on the rake.  Look carefully at the low garden walls.  Take a STONE from the base of a garden wall.  Take PIECE OF FLINT, that’s lying on top of a wall, next to the dome window on the far side of the room.  Now look for the wardrobe, open wardrobe, and take LIGHTER FLUID from the wardrobe.  Go back to the pile of leaves, and pour LIGHTER FLUID on the leaves.  Now in your Inventory, combine PIECE OF FLINT with STONE to create SPARKS, then use SPARKS with the pile of leaves.  Now sit back and enjoy your handiwork. 


When you’re ready, leave the Arboretum. 







You’re in a maze of corridors on board the Moon Child Space Station.  Walk forward, turn left, and follow the corridor along to the Observation Deck.  Enter the Observation Deck. 







That’s quite a view from the window!  Walk forward a few steps and look at the sofas.  Look at table in front of the sofas, and take the drinking GLASS from the table.  Examine drinking GLASS in your Inventory to get the STRAW.  That’s all you can do here for now, so leave the Observation Deck. 







Follow the corridor, look for the Stasis Chamber.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE, then enter the Stasis Chamber. 







You find Eva in here, in a stasis sleep.  You have to wake her up.  But how?  You automatically find the Console Control Panel that will resuscitate her.  Now be careful Tex, this is complicated! 



        -       Turn the machine on

        -       Increase the temperature to 58 degrees

        -       Increase the oxygen ratio to 12 percent

        -       Push the Epinephrine button

        -       Push the Electrical Shock button


        -       Increase the temperature to 86 degrees

        -       Push the Sodium Pentathol button

        -       Push the Epinephrine button

        -       Increase the oxygen ratio to 14 percent


        -       Increase the temperature to 98.6 degrees

        -       Increase the oxygen ratio to 16 percent

        -       Push the Epinephrine button

        -       Push the Sodium Bicarbonate button



You did it Tex, you revived Eva.  Watch the cut scene as the two of you quickly hatch a plan to stop the cult.  She gives you EVA’S KEY and MISSION PAPER.  Examine MISSION PAPER in your Inventory.  When you’re ready, leave the room.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE







Follow the corridor along to the door marked Residential Deck, but DON’T enter it.  Pick up PIPE that’s lying on the ground outside the door.  Now find your way back to the Observation Deck.  Enter the Observation Deck. 







Look at potted tree in the far right corner of the room.  Move potted tree, then look at the removable floor panel that was underneath the potted tree.  You need something to pry it up with.  Use PIPE with the floor panel, then pick up COMPUTER CORD from the hole.  Turn around, and look at panel in the wall near the door, on the right.  Try to open the panel - damn, it’s locked.  Use EVA’S KEY on the panel to unlock it.  Move the Links 986 box out of the way, then take LINKUP COMPUTER from the panel.  Now walk back towards the door.  Look at recessed button on wall next to the door, on the left.  Use STRAW on recessed button.  It opens up a panel, giving you access to the Main Computer.  In your Inventory, combine COMPUTER CORD with LINKUP COMPUTER, then combine LINKUP COMPUTER W\CABLE with WINTER CHIP.  Finally, use VIRUS LINKUP CONNECTION with the Main Computer in the wall.  Watch the tense cut scene.  Phew!  You and Eva escape with seconds to spare!  That was a close call! 












Back on Earth, watch the final cut scenes.  It’s good to see that the Colonel survived his stabbing.  So congratulations Tex, you’re just a humble P.I. that saved the world as we know it! 


Watch the End Credits to see some amusing Behind-The-Scenes Bloopers. 





The End.