Yet Another Hero Story

Year: 2019
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: FireFlower Games or
Part 2
Enter Kavinbridge Town through the stone gates at the lower-right.
Walk left a few steps, to the statue of Lord McHaggis. Place your BIRD FOOD in the bird feeder at base of the statue, and watch as the pigeon swoops down to feed. Now talk to Bobby the kid on the right, and tell him about the pigeon. He’s a bit low on sugar at the moment, so give him your CANDY. Talk to him again, and tell him again about the pigeon - he captures the pigeon and puts it in his cage. Walk left to the statue, and take FEATHER, which is balanced on the left edge of the bird feeder. It’s hard to spot, but it’s there. Now walk right, and go through arch on the right, to the Shopping Area.
Enter the Library.
Talk to the Librarian, and ask for a book about Fairies. She gives you FAIRIES FOR DUMMIES BOOK. Use the BOOK on yourself to read it. Now leave the Library.
Climb up stairs on the right.
Take the SMALL BAG OF MAGIC BEANS from the Chinese Merchant’s stall. You can easily afford it now, since you have ‘Lots Of Gold’. Walk right a few steps, and give JOUSTING TOURNAMENT PROGRAMME to the Knight, who signs it for you. Walk up the path next to the Knight, so you’re outside the Adventurer’s Guild.
Go down to the Town Centre.
Walk right a few steps, so you can see Bobby the kid. Now go down to the Town Overlook.
Head left to leave Town.
Click on the arrow at top right of the screen, to go to the next area of the Map.
Go to Mushroom Forest.
Walk left a few steps, until the Fairies reveal themselves. Now use the following dialogue option with them.
- Let me try activating the pillars again.
You see a close-up of the 4 pillars. Activate them as follows.
- On the 1st pillar, click on the chocolate cake cupcake.
- On the 2nd pillar, click on the pint of ale.
- On the 3rd pillar, click on the slice of lemon pie.
- On the 4th pillar, click on magic stars.
The Fairies will now tell you a Password - 123456. Now leave the Forest.
Go to Scamburgh.
Enter the Curiosities Shop.
Talk to the Shopkeeper, and use the following dialogue option.
- How much do you want for the chart behind you?
The Shopkeeper will only part with his chart, for something valuable. Give him your SIGNED JOUSTING TOURNAMENT PROGRAMME, and he’ll give you the COLOUR CHART from the wall behind him. Use the COLOUR CHART on yourself, to see the hint about bunnies. When you’re ready, leave the shop.
Walk left to leave the Town.
Go to the Dark Woods.
Head left, deeper into the woods.
Use the AMULET on yourself, so you can sense the colours surrounding you in the woods. Now the AMULET you’re wearing, in combination with the COLOUR CHART, allows you to navigate through the woods, based on the colour you see, as well as the number of bunnies. To make it easier, just follow these directions.
- Go North
- Go East
- Pick up SPHERE from the ground
- Go West
- Go North
- Go East
- It’s dark here. Use SPHERE in the pillar on left to get some light.
- Go West
You’ve reached a Clearing.
Walk left a few steps, and look at the patch of soft soil. Plant MAGIC BEANS in the soil, then water the planted beans with your FLASK FULL OF WATER. The beans quickly grow into a full-size beanstalk. Climb up the beanstalk.
Look at the door to realise that it only opens from the inside. Use the Megaphone to talk to Ziggy. You automatically tell him the secret password - 123456 - and he opens the door for you. Go through the door to enter Ziggy’s shop.
Work through all the dialogue with Ziggy. He needs some ingredients, so he can make a magic potion for you. Make sure you ask about each ingredient. When conversation is over, you automatically leave Ziggy’s shop.
Walk left to climb back down the beanstalk.
Head down to return to the edge of the Dark Woods.
Walk down to the Map Screen.
After asking Ziggy about the ingredients for the potion, the Cemetery should appear on the Map. Go there now.
Look at the gargoyle near the giant pumpkin. A ghost will appear, scaring you away. Return to the cemetery.
Ignore the gargoyle this time. Try to take the ROOT on the right, but it’s too firmly planted. Don’t worry, just dig it up with your SPADE. Now try to pick up the ROOT, but it just dissolves into your hands. Okay, let’s try another way. Look at the Gargoyle on the right, and place MIRROR into the Gargoyle Statue Arm. Light is reflected down onto the ROOT, acting as light from the moon. Now simply pick up the ROOT. Leave the Cemetery.
Go to the Dark Woods.
Walk left, further into the Woods.
Climb up the beanstalk.
Walk through the door, into Ziggy’s shop.
You automatically give Ziggy the ingredients he needs for the Magic Potion. He gives you a MAGIC POTION, and also an INVISILITY POTION.
Watch the cut scenes. Eventually, you’ll end up at the Magic Field surrounding the Castle.
Use MAGIC POTION on the Magic Field to create a doorway. Walk right through the doorway.
Watch the cut scene, as you try to save Alicia. Now it may seem as though the screen has frozen, but it hasn’t really. Pick up ROCK from the pile on the right, and watch the cut scene as you try to get Alicia’s attention… and end up in the Dungeon! You’ve been set up by the very man who you though would help!
You have to find a way to escape the Dungeons, and rescue Alicia. Unfortunately, all your Inventory Items have been taken.
Kick the pillar you’re chained to - this causes a small rock to fall down on the Guard’s head. Talk to the Prisoner on the right, and tell him your plan. However, the Guard will interrupt you. Keep talking to the Prisoner, until you both manage to kick the pillar at the same time. A rock falls down onto the Guard, knocking him unconscious. Look at the DUNGEON KEYS on the ground on the right - you can’t reach them. Look at the ex-prisoner skeleton hanging in front of you, and take BONE from the ex-prisoner. Toss the BONE to the other Prisoner, who uses it to latch the DUNGEON KEYS, and toss the DUNGEON KEYS to you, which you use to unlock your shackles. Try to use DUNGEON KEYS on the other Prisoner to free him, but there’s no lock on his shackles. Talk to the Prisoner again. Now use DUNGEON KEYS on the door on the left to unlock it, then walk through the door to leave your cell.
Look at door on the right, and use DUNGEON KEYS to unlock door on the right. Now go through door on the right, into Duke Walland’s cell.
After a short conversation with Duke Walland, he leaves his cell. Explore the cell. Look at the loose brick in the wall on the left, and you remove the brick. Now search the hole in the wall to find a METAL ROD. When you’re ready, leave the cell.
Climb up stairs on the left, to the Recreational Level.
You can see 3 doors, and one of them is opened. Ignore the 3 doors for now, as you can’t do anything. Climb up stairs on the left, to the Upper Recreational Level.
There’s a sleeping guard here, along with some more rooms. Enter room on the left.
It seems that this room is being used as a Storage Room. Explore the room. Search sack on the left to get some FERTILISER. Use your METAL ROD on the rat hole to get some CHEESE. Dip CHEESE in the barrel of wine at the lower left corner to get CHEESE DIPPED IN WINE. Now leave the room.
Go through the arch next to the sleeping guard, so you are back downstairs.
Look through the open door on the left, to see the witch.
Look at creature in the high-up cage, and give CHEESE DIPPED IN WINE to the creature. The wine is too much for the creature, and it falls into a drunken sleep. Now take INVISIBILITY POTION from the table. Also take BOWL OF GREEN POTION from the table, that the mouse in the cage was drinking. Now step back, away from the room.
Mix your FERTILISER into the BOWL OF GREEN POTION to get ENHANCED FERTILISER. Now climb up stairs on the left, to the Upper Recreational Level.
Use INVISIBILITY POTION on yourself, so the sleeping Guard won’t see you if he wakes up. Walk right, past the Guard, and open the door to the right of the Guard. Go through this door, into Permar’s room.
Move the stuffed elephant from the base of the bed, then pick up TOY SOLDIER that was hidden behind the stuffed elephant. Pick up TOY STUFFED PENGUIN ANIMAL from table on the left. Now leave Permar’s room.
Enter door on the far right, into the Dining Room.
Explore the Dining Room. Take HANDKERCHIEF and take KNIFE from the table. Use KNIFE with the TOY SOLDIER, and you find a SMALL COG hidden inside. When you’re ready, leave the Dining Room.
Walk left a few steps, and climb down the stairs via the door to the left of the Guard.
Look at the clock to realise that it’s broken. Use KNIFE on the clock face (not the clock itself) to open it up. Now take COG from the clock face window. Walk right a few steps, and enter through door on the right, into the Art Room.
In the Art Room, look at the suit of armour next to the door, and try to pull the spear on the suit of armour. Nothing happens. Look at the gauntlet on the suit of armour. Insert COG, then SMALL COG in the gauntlet. Now pull spear on the suit of armour again, and you hear a ‘Click’ coming from the left. Examine painting on the left to get a close-up of it, then look through the eyes of the painting to see the fair Alicia in the next room. Now you just have to figure out how to rescue her. When you’re ready, leave the room. Walk left, and climb up the stairs on the left.
Enter door on the left, into the Storage Room.
In the Storage Room, dip your HANDKERCHIEF into the barrel of oil to get HANDKERCHIEF DIPPED IN OIL. Now leave the room.
Enter Permar’s room, which is just to the right of the guard.
Try to open the window in Permar’s room, but it squeaks loudly, disturbing Permar. Use HANDKERCHIEF DIPPED IN OIL with the window to stop it from squeaking, then open the window again. Now look out through the window.
Look at the plant on the windowsill, and use ENHANCED FERTILISER with the plant. It sprouts a long shoot downwards. Climb down the plant, into Alicia’s room.
After the cut scene with Alicia, you realise that you need to find the key to her room. After all, you can’t expect her to climb out through the window. When you’re ready, climb out through the window, back up to Permar’s room.
In Permar’s room, note the KEY under his hand. Use the STUFFED PENGUIN ANIMAL with Permar - he cuddles the stuffed toy, releasing the KEY that he was hiding. Take KEY from the bed. You automatically climb back down to Alicia’s room.
You rescue Alicia from her room… only to be caught by Permar again. Watch the cut scene, as a love spell is cast on Alicia, so she agrees to marry Permar. Then a sleeping spell is cast on you.
When you wake up, you are locked in a cage, hanging high about the ground. How are you going to escape? Look at the pigeon on the right, and give LETTER revealing Permar’s evil plan to the pigeon. Watch the cut scenes as Duke Walland rescues you. You eventually end up at the wedding reception, where Alicia is going to marry Permar.
Talk to the Guest in white, on the left. Take a GLASS OF WINE from the table. Take CHAMPAGNE from the ice bucket on the table. Look at Guest next to the Notice Board - his specs are huge! On the Notice Board, there are ‘Wanted’ posters of you and Duke Walland. Yikes! Look at the Bouncer - you better avoid him, until you can disguise yourself. Talk to the Kid with the ball. Talk to the woman in green to get her WEDDING INVITAION (she asks for it back after a while). Talk to Ziggy. Talk to the Guest in the purple dress to learn that she has a spare DRESS with her. Give your GLASS OF WINE to this Guest - you ‘accidentally’ spill some wine on her, and she goes to change. Follow her right, to the Fitting Room.
Take the DRESS from the Fitting Room door. Pick up the NOTE that fell to the ground. Walk left, back to the Reception area.
Talk to Duke Walland, and use the following dialogue option.
- Listen, can you play the goalie for a second?
Duke agrees to your request, which results in the Kid kicking his ball, and knocking the huge SPECS off the elderly Guest. Pick up SPECS from the ground. Now give CHAPAGNE to the Guest in white, on the left, and you knock his TOUPEE off. Walk left to the stream.
The TOUPEE has landed on the fence next to the stream. Try to take the TOUPEE, but you can’t reach it. Walk right, back to the reception area.
Talk to Duke, using the following dialogue option.
- I need you to help me reach something.
Watch the cut scene as you and Duke retrieve the TOUPEE.
Walk right a few steps, to the woman in green. Talk to her, and ask for her WEDDING INVITATION again. In your Inventory, use NOTE with the WEDDING INVITATION to switch them. Watch the cut scene, as you and Duke Walland don your disguises, and crash the wedding.
You interrupt Pastor Theodore, in the middle of the ceremony. Use the following dialogue options.
- The couple is not true Ang believers!
- How many Ang churches do exist?
- Because there’s a wizard in the room to defend me.
- Look at Permar for a moment.
Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scenes. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
The End
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