Zak McKracken: Between Time And Space (Easy)

Year:  2008


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    HERE

















The intro shows you, Zak McKracken, sneaking onboard an aircraft.  Someone is after you, and you have to hide from them. 


Remember to SAVE often, using different Save Slots. 







After the intro, your adventure begins in an aircraft, several hundred miles above ground.  You are being hunted by the immigration authorities, who will kill you if they find you.  You have to hide… QUICKLY!!! 


Walk left, to the junk on top of the cabinet.  Look at the junk to find a FUSE.  Open cabinet on the left, and pick up the LEVER.  Open the box on the left, and search the box to find some PETROLEUM JELLY.  Look at TARP near the upper-right, and pick up TARP.  Use LEVER in mechanism in the middle of the floor.  Use PETROLEUM JELLY with the mechanism to grease the hinges, then pull the LEVER - the cargo hatch opens part-way, but then the fuse blows, so it can’t open any further.  Look at the fuse box next to the red scanning device.  Open the fuse box, then use your FUSE with the fuse box to fix it.  The cargo hatch opens all the way now.  Try to jump through the cargo hatch to escape, but it’s too dangerous.  Use TARP with the cargo hatch, to use it as a PARACHUTE.  Now jump down through the cargo hatch.  However, just as you are getting ready to jump, someone knocks you over the head.  You wake up, hours later, back at home. 







You’re in your Bedroom.  Hmm, you have a huge bump on your head, so that incident in the aircraft wasn’t a dream.  It really happened!  But how?  Maybe Annie would know?  Explore your Bedroom.  Look at the lamp next to your bed.  Pull the cord to turn the lamp on… nothing happened!  The bulb must have blown.  Take BROKEN LIGHT BULB from the lamp.  When you’re ready, open door on the left, and head through to the Living Room. 


Explore your Living Room.  For a bit of fun, use the TV to see an advert about dog food.  Pick up the seat cushion from the settee, and you find a BUTTER KNIFE.  Look at the key cabinet next to your front door.  Open the key cabinet, and take MAILBOX KEY.  Look at phone on the wall to hear a message from your mum. 


Explore the Kitchen area on the right.  Use BUTTER KNIFE with the jam jar on the counter to get SLATHERED BUTTER KNIFE.  Look at the fridge, and look at the note on the fridge.  It’s got a number on it - 1138.  If only you could remember who that number belongs to.  When you’ve finished exploring, open your front door, and leave your apartment. 


Watch the cut scene in the Egyptian pyramid. 







Look at the mailbox next to your door to discover that you have mail.  Use MAILBOX KEY with the mailbox to open it, and collect the POSTCARD from Annie.  Wait a minute… the POSTCARD says that Annie is on her honeymoon in Waikiki.  She got married, and didn’t even tell you???  When you’ve got over the shock, look at the baguettes and pie crusts in the bakery window.  Ring the bell button on the bakery’s door 3 times.  The baker clearly doesn’t appreciate you disturbing him - he appears at his window, and starts shooting at you!  Wait a minute… he was shooting cookies at you, not bullets.  How strange!  You automatically pick up the CARTRIDGE-SHAPED COOKIES from the ground, and it becomes COOKIE MUSH.  Now look at the Artificial Hair Company Barber on the right.  Open the door to Artificial Hair Company, and enter it. 







Stanislav greets you warmly.  He tries - and fails - to persuade you to buy a wig.  When he’s finished his sales pitch, work through all the dialogue with him.  When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Look at wigs on the wall, and notice the lamp underneath the green wig.  It uses the same bulb as your lamp in the bedroom.  Take the lamp, and you’ll get a WORKING BULB.  Look at BARBER’S MAGAZINE on the table, and take BARBER’S MAGAZINE.  Look at the head of bust skull in the wall.  MURRAY!!!  Talk to the skull, and work through all the dialogue with him.  Take LARGE COAT HOOK from the clothes hanger in the foreground.  When you’ve finished exploring, leave the barber shop. 







Return to your apartment. 







Walk left, into your bedroom. 


Look at the lamp next to your bed, and use WORKING BULB with the lamp.  Watch the cut scene.  Now pull the chord on the lamp to turn it on.  Now you have some light in that area, so open the upper drawer in your bedside cabinet, and look in the drawer to find some PLAYING CARDS.  Look at the PLAYING CARDS in your Inventory, and you find your CASHCARD.  Leave your bedroom. 


Look at the BARBER’S MAGAZINE in your Inventory to see an advert for a cab company.  Use BARBER’S MAGAZINE with the phone on your living room wall to call for a cab.  When you’re ready, leave your apartment. 







The taxi is waiting for you outside.  Talk to the taxi driver, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       To the offices of the National Infiltrator, please. 



Watch the cut scene. 







You soon arrive at the National Infiltrator Offices.  This is where your newspaper is based.  Look at the tree growing through the building.  Look at the curtain hanging on the window on the 1st Floor.  Look at the chain of lights illuminating the door.  Enter the office. 


Talk to Jerry and work through all the dialogue with him.  Pick up SUSHI IN A BOWL from Jerry’s desk.  When Jerry has turned away from you, try to get his TITAN CUTTER KNIFE, but he always demands it back from you.  Maybe you could trick him?  Wait until he is turned away from you again, then swap your BUTTER KNIFE for his TITAN CUTTER KNIFE.  Jerry sees the jam-splattered BUTTER KNIFE, and thinks it’s blood.  He has flashbacks to when he was a surgeon, and runs off to the Emergency Room. 


Look at cabinet on the left and take LIGHTER from on top of the cabinet.  Talk to Deborah the secretary and work through all the dialogue with her.  Search the bin at Deborah’s desk to find BALLED-UP NEWSPAPER CLIPPING.  Look at BALLED-UP NEWSPAPER CLIPPING to read about the missing architects in Mexico.  It’s a good lead for you to check out.  Explore the office, and when you’re ready, leave the office. 


Talk to the taxi driver, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       To the airport please. 







Explore the airport.  Move the seat cushion from the settee on the left, and pick up AUDIO TAPE that had fallen underneath the cushion.  Look at the AUDIO TAPE to see that it’s damaged.  Use your CASHCARD with the Ticket Machine, and buy a ticket to Mexico.  Now walk left to board the plane. 







The Stewardess is rather grumpy!  She won’t even give you a cup of coffee.  Look at the sleeping passenger in front of you.  Remove his fake beard to see a number - 1138.  Look at the suitcase next to the sleeping passenger, and use the code 1138 to open it.  Take the GLOWING OBJECT from the suitcase - it becomes a FLUORESCING SUBSTANCE in your Inventory.  Open all the overhead compartments until you find a WHITE BLANKET.  Take the WHITE BLANKET.  Walk right into the Stewardess’s area. 


Talk to the Stewardess and work through all the dialogue with her.  She gives you a SLEEPING PILL.  Push the pill to crush it, and turn it into PULVERISED SLEEPING PILL.  In your Inventory, use FLUORESCING SUBSTANCE with the BLANKET to create BLANKET, INTENSELY FLUORESCING.  Walk left, back into the passenger area. 


Look at all the other passengers, then continue left, and enter the Rest Room. 


The Stewardess harasses you, and won’t let you use the facilities, since it’s blocked.  She sells you a very expensive CHAMBER POT, and expects you to use that instead.  Now leave the Rest Room. 


In your Inventory, mix PULVERISED SLEEPING PILL into your CAN OF PEANUTS to get PEANUTS WITH SOPORIFIC.  Give PEANUTS WITH SOPORIFIC to the old woman in pink to make her fall asleep.  Now close all the windows, then walk right into the Stewardess’s area. 


Use BLANKET, INTENSELY FLUORESCING with the Stewardess.  You use the blanket to dress up like a ghost, scaring the Stewardess and making her faint.  Now you can finally make the cup of coffee you’ve been wanting since the start of the flight.  Your flight finally comes to an end. 












Explore the airport.  When you’re ready, walk right to leave the airport. 







Walk left to the excavation site. 







Explore the area.  Look at the pile of bones on the table.  Pick up a BONE, and keep picking up BONES until you can’t get any more.  You’ll end up with LOTS AND LOTS OF BONES and a MEDIUM SIZED SKULL.  Notice the CROWBAR on top of the scaffolding.  Push the scaffolding, then pick up the CROWBAR that falls to the ground.  Use the CROWBAR on the blinds at the back of the bulldozer to open it.  Now open the first-aid kit, and take the STICKY TAPE.  Use STICKY TAPE on the AUDIO TAPE to stick the broken ends of the tape together.  Use YELLOW CRAYON with AUDIO TAPE to wind it in, so you can record on it.  Take the SMALL SPADE that’s in the sand on the right.  When you’re ready, walk up into the cave. 







After a short cut scene, you arrive at the scout camp. 







Look at the winch on the gate - you need a crank to use it.  Try to take the CRANK that’s lying next to the dog.  But every time you got near the dog, it snarls and barks at you.  Walk down, to a clearing.  







You’ve now reached a small jungle clearing, with paths leading off in all directions.  But the paths all lead back to here.  Look at the skeleton, and take BOX OF COOKIES from the skeleton.  You end up with the skeleton’s HAND BONE, as well.  Open BOX OF COOKIES to find a COCKROACH.  EWWW!!!  Look at BIRD’S NEST in the tree, and take BIRD’S NEST.  When you’re ready, go back up the upper-right path, where you came from. 







Walk right through the jungle, back to the excavation site. 







Look at the pit in the ground, in front of the bulldozer.  You are attacked by a weird plant-type monster, and you run away. 


After returning to the area, you see the plant-monster is now asleep.  Look at the plant’s head to see that there’s something trapped in there.  Use CROWBAR with the plant’s head to force it open.  Wow, you found the missing archaeologists.  Work through all the dialogue with them.  When conversation is over, walk left to the dig site. 







Climb up the pyramid stairs, to the top of the dome. 







Look at sarcophagus, and look at statue on top of the sarcophagus.  Notice the Ankh symbol on the left of the sarcophagus.  Look at plants on the right.  Look at weathered markings on the wall with the plants.  Use your YELLOW CRAYON with the weathered markings, and copy the Ankh symbol you saw.  Press the small stone at the bottom right.  If you did it correctly, the wall will open up, revealing a doorway.  Enter through the doorway, into the Temple. 


It’s dark in here.  Look at the bowl pedestal in middle of the room, and use your LIGHTER with the bowl pedestal to light it up.  Now you’ve got some light in the room.  Notice the PURPLE CRYSTAL in the column on the left.  Take the PURPLE CRYSTAL from the column.  After the cut scene, you’re trapped in the temple.  How are you going to get out? 


Look at the 2 metal plates and torches on each side of the room.  Push both torches, and the metal plate on the left slides open.  Look at the strange markings, and look at the scribble that was hidden behind the metal plate.  You read the inscription - I hope it can help you figure out what’s going on.  Talk to the metal plate on the right.  You automatically speak the phrase you saw in the scribble, and a secret compartment is opened up.  Take BIG HUMAN SKULL and take SMALL HUMAN SKULL from the secret compartment.  Now replace the human skulls back in the secret compartment, in this order. 



        -       Small Human Skull

        -       Big Human Skull

        -       Medium Human Skull (that you’ve been carrying for a while)



Yet another secret compartment is revealed.  You see another skull in here, and it looks just like a Capoinian skull.  Take ELONGATE SKULL from this secret compartment.  Watch the cut scene. 


Look at the stone cavity in the statue, and use COOKIE MUSH in the stone cavity.  It cooks your COOKIE MUSH into a GIANT COOKIE


Look at the carved strange plate stone in the floor on the left.  Open the carved strange plate stone to find a U-SHAPED STONE.  Now look at the strange depression in the sacrificial pedestal, and insert your U-SHAPED STONE into the strange depression.  The door to the Temple opens again, so simply walk down to leave the Temple. 


Climb down the stairs to the dig site. 







Walk left to the excavation site. 







Walk up through the cave, to the scout camp. 







Give GIANT COOKIE to the dog.  With his mouth full of cookie, he can’t bite you now.  Pick up the CRANK next to the dog, and use CRANK in the winch on the fence.  Now use the winch to wind open the gate, and walk into the camp. 


Talk to both scouts sitting at the campfire, and work through all the dialogue with them.  Look at the boreal owl in the tree on the left.  Now talk to the scout in the pit and work through all the dialogue with him.  When conversation is over, use AUDIO TAPE in the Hi-Fi system next to William (the scout in the pit).  The boreal owl lays an egg, then flies away.  Look at the egg, and try to pick up the egg.  A FEATHER will land up in the nest.  Pity it’s too high up for you to reach.  Look at the pipe next to the nest, and use the pipe to blow the FEATHER down to the ground.  Pick up the FEATHER.  Now use the FEATHER with the BIRD’S NEST to make BIRD’S NEST WITH FEATHER.   It almost looks like a hat.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so walk right to the excavation site. 







Walk left to the dig site. 







Use the pick-up truck to go back to the airport. 







Use your CASHCARD with the Ticket Machine, and buy a TICKET to Honolulu.  Walk left to board the plane. 












You arrive at Honolulu airport in Waikiki.  This is where Annie is on her honeymoon.  Explore the airport.  Look at NEWSPAPER on the table, and pick up the NEWSPAPER.  When you’re ready, walk right to leave the airport. 







You take a taxi to the beach.  Look at the Welcome Sign on the hut.  Look at the Cabana Guy, and look at the poster on the hut behind him.  Apparently, you need a Club Card before you can enter the beach.  Maybe you can persuade him to let you in anyway?  Give BIRD’S NEST WITH FEATHER to the Cabana Guy, and he uses it like a hat.  You now have access to the beach.  Walk right a few steps, talk to Annie, and work through all the dialogue with her.  Give NEWSPAPER to Annie, and she gives you her BOOK OF GOOD MANNERS in return.  Look at the sleeping Jacques.  Why on earth did Annie marry him?  Use your SMALL SPADE with Jacques, and you bury him in a sandcastle.  Choose any dialogue option with Annie, and you convince her that Jacques has left her.  After she leaves the beach, head left, and go to the airport. 







Use your CASHCARD with the Ticket Machine, and buy a TICKET to Paris.  Walk left to board the plane. 












Explore the airport.  Pick up FRENCH MOUSTACHE from the bench.  Walk right to leave the airport. 







You search Paris, looking for Dr Levy, and eventually you end up at Le Pechaur Merveillieux Restaurant.  Open the door, and enter the restaurant. 


Talk to the Waiter and work through all the dialogue with him.  Talk to the guest at the upper-right table, who turns out to be Dr Levy.  Agree to pay his tab for him.  However, the restaurant won’t accept your CASHCARD.  Leave the restaurant. 


Walk up alley on the right. 







Explore the alley.  Look through the window to see the chef.  Knock on the kitchen door, and work through all the dialogue with the chef who answers the door.  No matter what you say, you won’t be able to get into the kitchen.  Let’s try something different, then.  SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Use COCKROACH with the window - this distracts the chef inside, who leaves his post to chase after the cockroach.  Open (don’t knock, or you’ll have to deal with the waiter) the kitchen door and enter the kitchen. 







You need to stop the chef from throwing you out of his kitchen.  So close the storeroom door (not the hooks on the door), then use CROWBAR on the door to block it.  The chef can’t get out now.  Move the stool so it’s at the door, and then pick up the SILVERFISH from the placard above the door.  Take RUBBER SEAL from the cabinet under the sink.  Use your CHAMBER POT with the stock pot of soup to get a bowl of SOUP.  Now leave the kitchen. 







Now you need to get the waiter busy here, so you can explore the restaurant at the front.  Knock on the kitchen door, and use the following dialogue with the waiter. 



        -       I spent some time in Lefty’s Bar before. 



The waiter will ask you to balance a tray of plates, so he can test your skills.  You fail of course, and drop the tray.  The waiter will be busy clearing up your mess for a while.  Walk left, back to the front of the restaurant. 







Enter the restaurant again. 


Since the waiter is busy in the kitchen, talk to the guest at the middle table, and give him BOOK OF GOOD MANNERS.  After a conversation about soup, use the FRENCH MOUSTACHE to disguise yourself.  Now give bowl of SOUP to the guest at the middle table.  Watch the cut scene, as the guest complains about the soup. 


The waiter is now out of action.  Talk to Dr Levy at the upper-right table and work through all the dialogue with him.  When conversation is over, leave the restaurant. 


Walk left to the airport. 







Use your CASHCARD with the Ticket Machine, and buy a TICKET to Scotland.  Walk left to board the plane. 












You soon arrive in Bonny Scotland.  Explore the airport, and when you’re ready, head up through the door to leave the airport. 







Explore the area.  Talk to the fisherman and work through all the dialogue with him.  It seems that he’s using the wrong bait to catch fish.  Give your SILVERFISH to the fisherman.  He gives you his FISHING ROD, and asks you to find a bigger hook.  Use your TITAN CUTTER KNIFE with your LARGE COAT HOOK to create a large FISHING HOOK.  Combine FISHING HOOK with the FISHING ROD to get FISHING ROD WITH LARGE HOOK.  Give this to the fisherman.  Watch the cut scene, then work through all the dialogue with the fisherman.  Look at the hairy fish on the ground.  Take FISHING ROD WITH LARGE HOOK that’s next to the fisherman.  Now you need to create a disguise, so use your TITAN CUTTER KNIFE with the hairy fish to get some FISH HAIR.  Walk right to return to the airport. 







Use your CASHCARD with the Ticket Machine, and buy a TICKET to San Francisco.  Walk left to leave the airport. 












Walk right to leave the airport.  You get a choice of where to go next, to go to home to 13TH Avenue Street. 







Walk right a few steps to the Artificial Hair Bros barbers.  Look at the poster in the window to see some clues about Elvis.  Now enter Artificial Hair Bros on the right. 







Talk to Stanislav.  Remember, you’re trying to disguise yourself as the King, so that the aliens won’t recognise you.  Use the following dialogue options. 



        -       Alright, I get it!  I need a wig! 

        -       I’m older than you might think! 

        -       I own a business.

        -       Elvis Presley!  No one was cooler! 

        -       Mystic areas, shrouded in legend.

        -       Kicking back in a pink Cadillac!  My lifelong dream! 

        -       Classic black never goes out of style!



Watch a very long cut scene - eventually, Stanislav gives you a BLACK WIG.  When you’re ready, leave the shop.   







Enter your apartment on the left. 







Watch the cut scene.  Walk into your kitchen area.  Let’s put together your disguise now.  Use TITAN CUTTER KNIFE with ELONGATE SKULL to create SCOOPED-OUT CAPONIAN’S SKULL.  Add RUBBER SEAL to SCOOPED-OUT CAPONIAN’S SKULL.  Use jam jar on the counter with your SKULL WITH RUBBER SEAL FROM PICKLE JAR to make it sticky.  Your TV will flicker with static electricity.  Use your TV and watch the interview with the game designers (the designers that created the original Zak McKracken game).  The people in the interview seem to think they have some kind of connection to you, through the world of computer games.  Now add HAIRDO “POMPADOUR” WIG to SKULL WITH JAM AND RUBBER SEAL to create the perfect CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE


Watch the cut scene, and experience a severe feeling of deja-vu. 







You’re trapped on a plane… the same plane you were on at the start of the game.  You have to escape, before the Caponians find you.  You’ve done it before, you can do it again. 


You need to prevent the Caponians from getting here.  Look at the red scanner next to the door, and look at the ventilation slots above the scanner.  Pour your COFFEE CUP into the ventilation shaft to short-circuit the scanner.  Now the Caponians can’t get in.  Walk left, to the junk on top of the cabinet.  Look at the junk to find a FUSE.  Open cabinet on the left, and pick up the LEVER.  You still have your PETROLEUM JELLY, so no need to search the box on the left again. 

Look at TARP near the upper-right, and pick up TARP.  Use LEVER in mechanism in the middle of the floor.  Use PETROLEUM JELLY with the mechanism to grease the hinges, then pull the LEVER - the cargo hatch opens part-way, but then the fuse blows, so it can’t open any further.  Look at the fuse box next to the red scanning device.  Open the fuse box, then use your FUSE with the fuse box to fix it.  The cargo hatch opens all the way now.  Try to jump through the cargo hatch to escape, but it’s too dangerous.  Use TARP with the cargo hatch, to use it as a PARACHUTE.  Now jump down through the cargo hatch.  This time, you manage to jump out of the plane before you are caught, and glide down to safety, thanks to your home-made PARACHUTE





Continued In Part 2...