Zak McKracken: Between Time And Space (Hard)

Year:  2008


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    HERE


















You lost a lot of items as you jumped out of the plane.  Let’s hope you won’t need that stuff again. 


Look at the bulky waste on the ground, then look at all the items on the ground.  Pick up the LEAKING WATERING CAN.  Look at the tree on the right, push the tree, and pick up the HORSE CHESTNUT that falls from the tree.  Open the HORSE CHESTNUT to get OPEN CHESTNUT.  Now walk down to the woodland path. 







Look at the Warning Sign.  Nice!  Take CHEWING GUM from the Warning Sign.  It’s rock-hard, so you need to use the CHEWING GUM to chew it, and make it into CHEWED CHEWING GUM.  Use CHEWED CHEWING GUM on your LEAKING WATERING CAN to repair it.  Pick up Y-SHAPED BRANCH from the fence on the left.  Look at the blue chaff cutter - it’s a wood chipper.  Now look at the carnivorous plant.  It looks like it wants to eat you.  Look at the termites on the plant, and pick up the termites.  Watch the very bizarre cut scene (hehehe). 


Now, try again, and ignore the termites this time.  Pick up the BAG OF FERTILISER from below the termites plant.  Use BAG OF FERTILISER in your WATERING CAN, then look at the resulting WATERING CAN WITH FERTILISER POWDER to realise that you need to add some water.  Take the PINWHEEL next to the carnivorous plant - you end up with a PINWHEEL top, and a HOLLOW BAMBOO PIECE.  Look at the scrub plant near the upper-left, and push the scrub plant to find a water intake tap.  Open the water intake tap, so that water starts flowing through the hose.  Now walk left, back to the spot where you landed. 







Since you turned on the water intake tap in the field, you can see water leaking from the hose here.  Use WATERING CAN WITH FERTILISER POWDER with the leaky hose to get WATERING CAN WITH DISSOLVED FERTILISER.  Walk down to the woodland path. 







Walk up to the edge of the forest. 







There’s a very sad-looking Gardener, sitting on a log.  Talk to the Gardener and work through all the dialogue with him.  When conversation is over, push the Gardener, and pick up the WOODEN EYE that falls to the ground (ick!).  Also pick up the Gardener’s GREY WORK GLOVES that are lying on the log next to him.  Use the GREY WORK GLOVES with your HOLLOW BAMBOO PIECE to get BAMBOO WITH GLOVE.  Now give OPEN CHESTNUT to the Gardener, and tell him it’s his wooden eye - he won’t know the difference. 


Pick up some PEANUT SEEDS from the bag of seeds on the ground.  Look at plants in the ground to see that they’re in bad shape.  Walk right, back to the woodland path. 







Use WOODEN EYE in the wood chipper chaf cutter, then pick up the MAHOGANY SAWDUST that it produces.  Look at the green bench, and use BAMBOO WITH GLOVE with the green bench to get some GREEN COLOURED GLOVES.  Use TITAN CUTTER KNIFE with the GREEN COLOURED GLOVES - you end up with a CUT OFF GREEN THUMB, and a TOP OF TITAN CUTTER.  Walk up to the edge of the forest. 







Show CUT OFF GREEN THUMB to the Gardener - he tells you all about his problems with fertilising the plants.  You should help the poor old man out!  Use WATERING CAN WITH DISSOLVED FERTILISER with the patch of land in the middle of the foreground, to water the plants, and make them grow.  You thought the Gardener would be pleased, however, it seems he wanted to grow potatoes, not peanuts!  There’s no pleasing some people!  Okay, open (not use) the patch of land to uncover a giant peanut, then pick up the PEANUT.  Walk right to the woodland path. 







Try to give the PEANUT to the carnivorous plant.  Okay, you need to remove your disguise first.  In your Inventory, simply use the FRENCH MOUSTACHE to remove it.  Now again, give the PEANUT to the carnivorous plant.  The carnivorous plant eats the peanut, then runs off, giving you access to the wooden hut.  Except, there’s no door to enter.  Give MAHOGANY SAWDUST to the termites plant, and you create a trail from the termites to the wooden hut.  Now climb through the wooden hut, and into the yard. 







Explore the area.  Look at the Loca vending machine, then push Loca vending machine, and take the CAN OF LOCA from the Loca vending machine.  Take CHAMOIS LEATHER from on top of the barrel.  Pick up BLUE DART that’s underneath the drain pipe (very hard to spot).  Pick up RED DART that’s between the yellow flowers on the ground and the turfed patch of soil (very hard to spot).  Pick up GREEN DART that’s on the ground, under the open window (very hard to spot).  Try to climb up to the open window, but it’s too high up for you to reach.  Now use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to wear it, then walk round to the front of the house.  The guards mistake you for their leader, the King, and allow you to enter the house. 







Explore the house.  Look at the strange machine in the middle of the room.  Look at pot with plant in front of the strange machine, and push pot with plant to reveal another pot.  Pick up the pot - you just take the SHOOT OF CREEPING PLANT, and leave the pot behind.  Look at the rusty IRON BAR on the stair railing, and take the IRON BAR from the stair railing.  Close the door in the back wall, and take CABLE that’s hanging on the wall behind the door.  Now open door in the back wall again, and leave the building. 







Use SHOOT OF CREEPING PLANT in the turfed patch of soil to plant it.  Use WATERING CAN WITH DISOLVED FERTILISER with the turfed patch of soil to water it.  The creeping plant grew up towards the window, so simply enter through the window. 







Use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to remove it.  Explore the room.  Look at the WORLD CONQUEST PLANS on the wall.  Oh no!  They’re planning to destroy Earth!  You MUST  stop them!  Take the WORLD CONQUEST PLANS from the wall.  Look at the SAT Receiver machine, and pull the lever at front of the machine to shut it down.  Watch the cut scene.  Pick up SCREDWDRIVER that’s on the same table as the SAT Receiver machine.  Look at cabinet on the left, and look at dartboard on the side of the cabinet - it has your picture on it.  Throw GREEN DART, RED DART, and BLUE DART at the dart board.  Wow, the dartboard was actually a mechanism, and by throwing the DARTS, you managed to open the door to their Teleporting Device.  Use CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to wear it again, then walk up to the Teleporter. 







As soon as you beam aboard the spaceship, you need to convince the Caponian that you are The King.  Use the following dialogue options. 



        -       I had just closed the door behind me…

        -       When I suddenly got a craving for a hot fudge sundae. 

        -       So I went into my kitchen, where I tripped.  

        -       I found my head stuck inside a microwave. 

        -       Some idiot pressed one of the buttons…

        -       A gigantic electrical current kept spinning around me.  

        -       Transcended the bounds of time and space… 



Thankfully, the Caponian believes your story.  Now explore the room.  Move the curtain on the left to reveal Audrey the alien plant.  You need to get rid of Audrey!  But how?  Look at the Security Door in the back wall, and exit the room through the Security Door. 







You find yourself in a long corridor.  Go through door on the right, in The King’s bedroom. 







The King is sleeping in his bed, so don’t wake him up.  Explore the bedroom.  There’s a lot of pictures on the wall - move portrait of The King to reveal a hidden safe.  You can’t open the safe yet, but remember it’s there.  Look at the jukebox, use the jukebox, and select the following track. 



        -       13.  Lullaby



Open cabinet on the left, and MOBILE TOY from the cabinet.  Look at the cord hanging from the ceiling, above The King’s bed, and tie MOBILE TOY onto the cord.  Use the MOBILE TOY to turn it on.  Open the curtain on the right, to see The King’s outfits.  Move all 3 of his outfits along the railing, then take the DUMMY that’s hanging from the railing.  Give DUMMY to The King.  He’s sleeping soundly now.  Pick up BENT PIECE OF METAL KEY from his chest.  Now leave the bedroom. 







Out in the corridor, look at the metal sheathing high up, on the wall on the right.  There’s something green behind the sheathing.  Open the metal sheathing, and look at the green slimy bag - is it an egg?  Use IRON BAR with the green slimy bag - you accidentally burst it open.  Pick up the STICKY SLIME


Look at the door on the left.  It doesn’t seem to open.  Look at the strange mechanism to the left of the door - this mechanism controls the door.  Insert BENT PIECE OF METAL KEY into the strange mechanism, then go through door on the left, into the Machine Room. 







Explore the room.  Look at the huge laser ray cannon - it‘s useless without a crystal.  Look at the box on the right, and open the box.  Push the button inside the box, to turn off the huge laser ray cannon.  Take GLOWING CRYSTAL from the huge laser ray cannon.  Now look at the laser beams on the right, and look at the hand-shaped switch next to the laser beams.  Use the switch to learn that it toggles the laser beams on and off.  However, it doesn’t stay off for very long.  In your Inventory, use the STICKY SLIME with the HAND BONE to get BONY HAND WITH SLIME, then use this with the hand-shaped switch.  The lasers are now deactivated.  Look at poor Roger Wilco in the cell.  Look at the longish object on the floor next to Roger Wilco, then pick it up. - it’s an EMPTY GLASS TUBE.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the room. 







Walk up to the Command Centre. 







Walk right, into the Teleporter. 







You’re back in the house.  Climb out window on the right. 







Climb through hole in the fence, so you’re back at the Woodland Path. 







Use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to remove it.  Walk left to the Crash Site. 







Look at machine on the left, to see that it’s rusty.  Use CAN OF LOCA on the machine to dissolve the rust.  Open the egg-shaped hood at the top of the machine, and place your PURPLE CRYSTAL inside the egg-shaped hood.  Now close the receptacle hood.  Use IRON BAR with the derusted machine, and it will act as a lever.  Use the lever, then push the lever, and you find yourself flying through time, into the Future. 







The future looks like Armageddon!  Explore the area.  Pick up the MUSHROOMS growing next to the burned-down house.  Look at your MUSHROOMS to realise that they’re poisonous.  Look at the Caponian body in the middle of the swamp, and take CAPONIAN’S EYEBALL from the Caponian.  Look at bomb in the foreground, and look at lid of the bomb.  Use CHAMOIS LEATHER with your SCREWDRIVER to get SCREWDRIVER WRAPPED IN SHAMMY, then use this with the lid on the bomb.  You can see the EXPLOSIVE DEVICE inside the bomb.  Pick up the EXPLOSIVE DEVICE.  Walk left, back to the Time Machine, and return to the present. 







Use the lever in the derusted machine again, but this time, pull the lever.  You find yourself flying through time, back to the Past. 







The Past looks very picturesque and peaceful.  Talk to the little girl (not as innocent as she appears, is she?) and work through all the dialogue with her.  Pick up the FOXGLOVE FLOWER from the ground.  Pick up SCRUNCHIE that’s on the steps leading to the house.  Walk left, back to the Time Machine, and return to the present. 







Walk down to the Woodland Path. 







Climb through the wooden hut to get to the Yard. 







Climb through the open window, into the house. 







Use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to wear it.  Now walk through the Teleporter on the left. 







Walk up through the Security Door in the back wall. 







Enter door on the right, into the King’s bedroom. 







Now it’s time to open the safe in the wall.  Use CAPONIAN’S EYEBALL with the safe.  The retina scan will accept the eyeball and open the safe.  Look at the BLUE CRYSTAL in the safe, and pick up the BLUE CRYSTAL.  Look at the crystal shards in the safe.  When you’re ready, leave the bedroom. 







Walk up to the Command Centre. 







Walk right, into the Teleporter. 







You’re back in the house.  Climb out window on the right. 







Climb through hole in the fence, so you’re back at the Woodland Path. 







Use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to remove it.  Pick up BRANCHES next to the blue chaff cutter wood chipper, so you get a Y-SHAPED BRANCH.  Walk left to the Crash Site. 







Use the lever in the derusted machine, and pull the lever.  You find yourself flying through time, back to the Past. 







Use SUSHI IN FISHBOWL with the pond to give Sushi a new home.  You’re left with the EMPTY EQUARIUM.  In your Inventory, use SCRUNCHIE with the Y-SHAPED BRANCH to create a SLINGSHOT.  Wait until the little girl places her FABRIC DOLL on top of her head, then use SLINGSHOT with the FABRIC DOLL to knock it out of her hands.  Now pick up the DOLL from the ground.  Look at the FABRIC DOLL to realise that it looks just like you.  Look at the bird on the roof.  Put your PEANUT SEEDS in the birdhouse, so the bird will fly down closer to you.  Now use the BLUE CRYSTAL with the bird in the birdhouse - your consciousness is transferred into the bird’s body. 


As the bird, fly up into the sky, then right to the nest in the tree.  Push the eggshells in the nest out of the way, then pick up ROWEN BERRIES from the nest.  Now fly through the skylight of the house, so you‘re inside the house. 


Look at the scientific paper on the table.  Pick up KEY from the table.  Now fly up through the skylight to leave house. 


Give ROWEN BERRIES and give SMALL FLOWERS to Zak.  Use Zak to transfer your consciousness back into your own body. 


As Zak, use the KEY in the front door of the house to unlock it.  Now open the front door and enter the house. 


Pick up SLIP OF PAPER from the table - it turns into EXPEDITION’S RESULTS in your Inventory.  Look at it in your Inventory to learn what Audrey the plant is allergic to.  Look at the strange apparatus on the table.  Use FOXGLOVE FLOWER with the strange apparatus.  Use ROWEN BERRIES with the strange apparatus.  Use MUSHROOM with the strange apparatus.  Use Sushie’s EMPTY AQUARIUM with the strange apparatus.  Now use the strange apparatus itself.  The 3 poisonous sustenance’s mix together, and pour out into Sushie’s aquarium  bowl.  Pick up AQUARIUM from the ground - it becomes AQUARIUM FILLED UP WITH POISON in your Inventory.  Use AQUARIUM FILLED UP WITH POISON with EMPTY GLASS TUBE to get FULL GLASS TUBE.  Now walk down to leave the house.  Walk left to use the Time Machine again. 







Walk down to the Woodland Path. 







Walk up to Edge Of The Forest. 







The depressed Gardener is still here.  Give him your FABRIC DOLL to cheer him up.  Now take the Gardener’s SPADE from the ground.  Walk down to the Woodland Path. 







Climb through the wooden hut to get to the Yard. 







Climb through the open window, into the house. 







Use your CAPONIAN’S SKULL WITH TOUPEE to wear it.  Now walk through the Teleporter on the left. 







If you haven’t done so already, move the curtain on the left to reveal Audrey the alien plant.  Look at the Control Panel underneath Audrey the plant.  Note, there is a closed slot in the Control Panel.  Use the switch to open the slot, then insert FULL GLASS TUBE into the open slot in the Control Panel.  Your plan worked - Audrey the plant is no more!  You automatically cover up your handiwork, so that the Caponians don’t notice what you did.  Walk through Teleporter on the right. 







Climb through window on the right. 







Walk round to front of the house, and enter through the front door. 







Look at the heap of dirt next to stairs on the left, and use your SPADE with the heap of dirt to clear it away.  You uncover a lid that was hidden under the heap of dirt.  Open the lid, and look at the object that was below the lid.  Pick up object - it’s a DETONATOR LEVER.  Use CABLE with the DETONATOR LEVER, then use the resulting DETONATOR LEVER WITH CABLE ATTACHED with the EXPLOSIVE DEVICE to create an EXPLOSIVE CHARGE.  Now use EXPLOSIVE CHARGE in your Inventory, and you automatically place the bomb on the stairs.  Watch some cut scenes as you foil the evil Caponians plans. 












You’re telling your story in the United Nations, in order to promote your new book.  Use the following dialogue options. 



        -       The Caponians hadn’t been THAT stupid. 

        -       YOU’RE A HERO! 

        -       The extra-terrestrial Caponians. 

        -       Travel through time. 



Watch through some cut scenes.  But the game isn’t finished yet.  Watch through the credits for another section to play. 












Several weeks have passed since you saved the Earth… again, and your life has returned to normal.  Watch a cut scene as your gran calls to try and set you up on a date.  Then Annie calls, and invites you over to her house tomorrow, for her birthday.  You need to make her a special orange cream pie, as a birthday gift. 


Open drawer under the sink, and take COOKBOOK from the drawer.  Look at the COOKBOOK in your Inventory to see your gran’s recipe, and to see the list of ingredients you need to make Annie‘s pie.  Open kitchen cabinet under the sink, and pick up ORANGEEXTRA DISHWASHING DETERGENT.  Open fridge, and get the BUTTER.  Walk left into the living room area. 


Open the key cabinet next to your front door, and take MAILBOX KEY from the key cabinet.  Pick up TOP OF TITAN CUTTER from the bookshelf on the left.  Now walk left into your bedroom. 


In your bedroom, look at Chuck the plant - the poor thing is well and truly dead.  Open bottom drawer in your bedside cabinet, and pick up the RUBBER CONDOM.  That’s all you can do here, so leave the bedroom. 


Open your front door, and leave the apartment. 







Use MAILBOX KEY with your mailbox to unlock it.  You automatically take PARCEL from the mailbox.  Open the PARCEL to get a nice yellow COMPASS.  Use your TOP OF TITAN CUTTER on the COMPASS - you’ve created the TITAN CUTTER COMPASS.  Look at the Baker’s window, then use you TITAN CUTTER COMPASS with the Baker’s window to cut a hole in the window.  Take PIE CRUST PASTRY CASE from the window, then head through your front door, back to your apartment. 







Back in your apartment, walk into the kitchen area. 


Look at the microwave, open microwave, and place BUTTER into the bowl in the microwave.  Close the microwave , then use the microwave to turn it on and melt the butter.  Open the microwave again.  Take the MELTED BUTTER ON DISH.  In your Inventory, use the MELTED BUTTER in the PASTRY CASE to make BUTTER COATED PASTRY CASE.  Add ORANGEEXTRA DISHWASHING DETERGENT to the BUTTER COATED PASTRY CASE.  Now open the oven, and place UNBAKED ORANGE CREAM CAKE in the oven.  Watch the cut scene as you bake the ORANGE BUTTER CREAM CAKE.  Now open the front door and leave your apartment. 







Climb the stairs up to Annie’s apartment.  Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene. 





The End