Broken Age: The Complete Adventure
Year: 2014
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Broken Age is a game about 2 young teenagers - Vella and Shay - who come from vastly different worlds. Their worlds might be different, but they share one thing in common - a strong desire to escape their fates.
You can switch between Vella and Shay at any time. Here is Vella’s journey.
You are Vella. You have been chosen as the sacrifice to a fearsome monster known as Mog Chothra. The whole village sees it as an honour to be chosen as the sacrifice. However, you are understandably quite apprehensive about it.
You are enjoying a relaxing nap in the garden. However, your younger sister is calling for you. Click anywhere to get up. Walk down to your sister. Apparently everyone is waiting for you at the Maiden’s Feast - a traditional feast held before sacrificing the chosen Maiden to Mog Chothra. Head down the field, and enter your house.
It’s dark in the house. Walk right a few steps, and… SURPRISE! Everyone is congratulating you. It seems that you‘re entire family is celebrating a ceremony known as Maiden‘s Feast, and you are to be guest of honour. You’re rather nervous about it, but you can’t back out now.
You can’t cut the cake, because your mum has lost the cake knife. Pick up TOWEL that’s covering the plate of cupcakes in the foreground. Take a CUPCAKE from the plate. Talk to your sister and your dad. Talk to Levina, the old woman, and work through all the dialogue. Talk to Grandpa and work through all the dialogue. Give CUPCAKE to your Grandpa and use the following dialogue option.
- Split it with you?
Grandpa uses a knife to cut the cupcake in half, then drops it so it lands on the table in front of the window. Ah-ha! So THAT’S where your mum’s cake knife went! Take KNIFE from the table. If you didn’t split the cupcake with your Grandpa, take another CUPCAKE from the plate in the foreground.
Give KNIFE to your mum. Watch the cut scene as you get dressed for the ceremony.
You, along with 4 other maidens, are perched along the beach, waiting for Mog Chothra’s arrival. Each of you is wearing a bizarre cake dress. You are in the middle, with the ‘Up For Grabs’ dress. Talk to the maiden in the yellow ‘Fun Size’ dress and work through all the dialogue. Talk to all the other maiden’s. Finally, Mog Chothra arrives. He’s… um… very big! And very scary! He takes the maiden on the right, and swallows her whole. Talk to maiden next to you, on the right, with the purple ‘Drink Me’ dress, and use the following dialogue options.
- We gotta get out of here!
- Hey, can I have a drink of that water?
She trades you her bottle of water for your CORSET. The bottle of water splashes all over you. Then she changes her mind, and trades back, so the CORSET is in your Inventory. The maiden on the left with the green ’Delish’ dress is now taken by Mog Chothra, and swallowed whole.
Talk to maiden on the right with the purple ‘Drink Me’ dress again, and use the following dialogue options.
- Can I borrow that bottle one more time?
She throws you her WATER BOTTLE… then Mog Chothra swallows her whole.
Talk to the maiden in the yellow ‘Fun Size’ dress again, and use the following dialogue options.
- Want to TRADE something for a bite of that drumstick?
- How about something bubbly to wash it down?
You throw the WATER BOTTLE to her, and water splashes all over her. Talk to her again, and use the following dialogue options.
- Want to TRADE something for a bite of that drumstick?
- Need a towel?
You throw her the towel, she throws you her drumstick, which becomes stuck in your cake dress… then Mog Chothra swallows her whole.
You’re the only maiden left now. A bird shows a lot of interest in the drumstick which is still stuck in your cake dress. Use CORSET with the bird to harness it. The bird tries to fly away. But since you’re holding onto it via the corset, and you’re stuck inside the cake dress, the bird isn’t able to pull you free. Use KNIFE on the bottom of the cake dress. It worked! The bird pulls you free, and flies high up into the clouds. You’ve escaped from Mog Chothra! Watch the cut scene as the bird takes you to a village in the clouds.
Don’t worry if you fall through the clouds - a bird will catch you, and bring you back up to a platform you can stand on.
Talk to Walt’r and Ch’t in the centre platform and work through all the dialogue. You learn a lot of information from them. Walk along the path heading left.
You see a hut with 3 Bowls Of Offering outside. Talk to F’ther and work through all the dialogue. There’s nothing you can do here at the moment, so when conversation is over, walk right, back to the centre area.
Walk right a few steps, and climb down the ladder at the bottom of the screen.
Talk to the teenager sitting in the swing, and work through all the dialogue. She’s an offering for the Maiden’s Feast, but she’s depressed because Mog Chothra didn’t pick her. She gives you her CLOUD SHOES. As soon as you’re able, use CLOUD SHOES on yourself - this allows you to walk over the clouds without sinking. When you’re ready, climb back up the ladder on the left.
You’re back in the centre section. Walk up to the Cloud Shoes hut at the upper right.
You startle Car‘l, and she accidentally drops her knife. Talk to Car’l and work through all the dialogue. It seems that Car’l is not happy up here, but only stays because her husband and son are here. When prompted, use the following dialogue option.
- Area?
Continue working through the dialogue with Car’l. When conversation is over, leave the Cloud Shoes hut.
Walk along the path heading right.
Talk to M’ggie and work through all the dialogue. She gives you her LADDER. When conversation is over, look at the upper-right nest, and look at the KNIFE. That’s the KNIFE that you lost when you first arrived in this village - your mum‘s special ceremonial knife. Use LADDER with the nest to climb up, then take the KNIFE. Now climb back down the LADDER. Walk up to the big cloud in the distance.
Look at the GOLD EGG in the nest above you. Try to use LADDER with the nest, but the bird in the nest simply unhooks it, so you can’t climb up. Walk back down to the screen with M’ggie.
Walk left to the screen with the Cloud Shoes hut.
Walk up to the Cloud Shoes hut. Give KNIFE to Car’l. She thanks you by giving you a pair of BIG CLOUD SHOES. Walk down a few steps, so you are back in the centre section.
Walk up to Jessie’s nest. Jessie is the big blue bird with the gold egg.
Use LADDER on Jessie’s nest, and climb up into the nest.
Walk left along the path behind Jessie’s nest.
Walk left towards the fruit tree - watch out for that large hole in the cloud! There’s a voice from below, asking if anyone is up there. Look at the tree branches, and pull on the branch on the left to try and get a PEACH. However, the PEACH falls through a hole in the cloud. Damn! Stand at the front left area of the fruit tree, and drop down to the clouds below.
You’re at the base of the fruit tree. Walk left to the nest, and take PEACH from the nest. Resist the temptation to eat it yourself! Walk right, until you see a man stuck in one of the tree branches. This is Gus. Talk to Gus and work through all the dialogue. Now look at the blue egg on the right. This is Jessie’s missing egg. Try to get to the blue egg. Gus will grab onto you, making you fall. A bird catches you, and takes to you the clouds above Gus.
Walk right a few steps, and notice the hole in the cloud at the back-right. Step onto that hole, and drop down to the clouds below.
You land on top of Gus. Both of you are knocked out of the tree, and a bird catches you, and takes you back to the top of the fruit tree. Again, stand at the front left area of the fruit tree, and drop down to the clouds below.
Walk right, along the branch. Now that Gus has gone, you can simply take the BLUE EGG from the right edge of the branch. Now walk left, and enter the hole in the trunk to get back to the top of the fruit tree.
Walk right (watch out for that hole in the cloud), back to Jessie’s nest.
Give BLUE EGG to Jessie the bird. Jessie is delighted to have her egg back! Pick up the GOLD EGG that Jessie has now discarded. Climb down the ladder.
Walk down a few steps to the centre platform. Walk right, to the screen with M’ggie.
Walk up to the screen with the gold egg in the nest.
Look at the gold egg in the nest. Try to use LADDER with the nest if you like, but the bird in the nest unhooks it every time! In your Inventory, combine LADDER with the BIG CLOUD SHOES, then use LADDER & BIG CLOUD SHOES with the nest. Now climb up into the nest, and take the GOLD EGG. You now have 2 GOLD EGGS. Climb down the ladder.
Walk down to the screen with M’ggie.
Head left, and continue left, until you reach F’ther and his 3 Bowls Of Offering. Place a GOLD EGG in one of the Bowls Of Enlightenment. F’ther now allows you access to Harm’ny Lightbeard. Climb up the ladder.
Phew, that ladder was REALLY long! Harm’ny Lightbeard is fast asleep on a cloud, at the top of the ladder. Talk to Harm’ny Lightbeard to wake him up, then work through all the dialogue with him. Hmm, Harm’ny Lightbeard was hiding a GOLD EGG. When you ask about it, he denies having it, and knocks it out of his cloud, and down onto F’ther below. When conversation is over, you automatically climb down the ladder.
Oh dear! Poor F’ther got knocked out by the GOLD EGG. Take the GOLD EGG that’s balanced on the path. You should have 2 GOLD EGGS in your Inventory - place them both in a Bowl Of Enlightenment, so each bowl contains a GOLD EGG. Now grab onto the ladder. The solid gold eggs are too much for the platform to handle, and it collapses. You fall from the ladder.
After falling from the ladder, you land in Curtis’s house. Look at the window - you accidentally knock a GLASS PANE out of the window. Oops! Climb down the stairs to the Ground Floor. Look at the empty picture frames on the stairway. Now talk to Curtis, the Woodcutter, and work through all the dialogue with him. He’s convinced that the trees are talking to him! He wants to make you a wooden stool, but he doesn’t have any wood. Look at the fireplace, and look at the painting above the fireplace. Take AXE from the wall on the right. Leave his house through the door on the right.
Open the mailbox - it’s empty. Walk up to the path in the foreground. For a bit of fun, walk left towards the woods. A snake will wrap itself around you, trying to squeeze the life out of you. When you’re able, look at the sign, then blow the nearby horn. The snake will release it’s deadly grip on you, and slither back to the trees. Okay, when you’re ready, walk right to the talking tree.
Talk to the tree. He’s trying to say something, but he doesn’t have a mouth. Don’t worry, you can fix that. Use your AXE on the tree, to cut a mouth into him. He starts accusing you of being a murderer, and killing trees. You can’t win! Work through all the dialogue with him. When you’re ready, walk right to the beach.
Walk right a few steps, and talk to the Maiden’s Feast Marshal Dune at the top of the steps. He’s having some trouble organising the Maiden’s Feast. Work through all the dialogue with him. Make sure you include the following dialogue options.
- Hey, about your bucket hat..
- It looks great on you! Very fancy!
He gives you his BUCKET. Continue working through the dialogue with him. When conversation is over, leave him, and walk down the stairs again.
Walk right a few steps, talk to the 2 Maidens, and work through all the dialogue with them. You want to join the Maiden’s Feast, but you don’t have the right scent to attract Mog Chothra.
Take DRIFTWOOD from the edge of the water. Look at the seagulls, and look at the trough at the edge of the water. Look at the fishing poles - they’re useless, because all the fishing hooks have been stolen. Walk right, and climb up the stairs to the cave.
You’ve reached the entrance to the Dead Eye Pyramid Cave, where the Dead Eye God lives. Talk to the Dead Eye Druids who are guarding the cave entrance, and work through all the dialogue. They won’t allow you to enter the cave, unless you solve the Riddle Of Yorn. Make sure you include the following dialogue options.
- Hey, can I get you guys something?
- Some more holy tear gas?
They give you a TEAR GAS SHOOTER. Leave the pyramid for now, and return to the beach.
Walk left a few steps, and use TEAR GAS SHOOTER with the trough, so you have TEAR GAS SHOOTER WITH FISH GUTS. Head left, and make your way back to Curtis’s House.
Look at the ART above Curtis’s fireplace. Talk to Curtis again and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, take the ART from the wall above his fireplace on the left. Give him your DRIFTWOOD, and he turns it into a STOOL, which he lets you keep. Leave his house through the door on the right.
Walk up to the path in the foreground, then head right to the talking tree.
Remember, the tree has very strong opinions about anyone cutting down and murdering his fellow trees. Maybe you could use that to your advantage. Hang your BUCKET on the branch, then show your STOOL to the poor tree. The result is, you end up with a BUCKET OF SAP. Walk right to the beach.
Walk right a few steps, then climb up the stairs to where Marshal Dune is standing.
Talk to Marshal Dune and work through all the dialogue. Give BUCKET OF SAP to Marshal Dune. The sap helps the sand stick together better. Walk down the stairs, back to the beach.
Walk right a few steps, and climb up the stairs to the Dead Eye Pyramid Cave.
They still won’t let you enter the cave, unless you solve their riddle. The answer is peach, so give them your PEACH. Now enter the Cave.
Explore the pyramid. Look at the pedestal on the right - it has a small recess in it. Place ART you got from Curtis into the recess. It fits perfectly, and awakens the Dead Eye God. He’s not what you expected. Work through all the dialogue with the Dead Eye God. It turns out, he’s not a God at all. He’s just an explorer who put himself into Cryogenic Suspension after his spaceship crashed. Look at the laser coil machine in the back wall. You accidentally knock the amplifying quartz out of the bottom socket, and it smashes. Look at the top socket, and remove the LASER COIL. Does the shape of the sockets look familiar to you? Place the GLASS PANE from Curtis’s house into the top socket, and place the LASER COIL into the bottom socket. Congratulations, you’ve created a Death Ray! You keep the DEATH RAY REMOTE CONTROL. Watch the cut scene, as you test the Death Ray. Afterwards, you automatically leave the cave.
Use TEAR GAS SHOOTER WITH FISH GUTS with the (badly) singing Maidens. You spray them with fish guts, which attracts the gulls. While they are fighting off the gulls, take PERFUME that is sitting next to Maiden on the left. Spray the PERFUME on yourself. Now walk up to where Marshal Dune is standing.
Talk to Marshal Dune, and use the following dialogue option.
- I need to enter the Maiden’s Feast!
He allows you to enter the Maiden’s Feast. Watch the cut scene, as you and the other 2 Maidens perch yourselves along the beach, and Mog Chothra arrives.
Mog Chothra claims the other 2 Maidens, but leaves you alone. Hmm, you’re never gonna defeat him if he won’t come near you! Use the DEATH RAY REMOTE CONTROL on Mog Chothra to activate the Death Ray laser. Now use the laser to shoot 3 of Mog Chothra’s tentacles. When there’s only 1 tentacle left, Mog Chothra drags you up to his mouth. Use LADDER with his mouth to force it open. Shoot the Death Ray Laser into Mog Chothra’s mouth.
You’ve completed all your initial tasks, Vella. Watch the cut scene.
If you haven’t completed all of Shay’s initial tasks yet, click here to follow his journey…
Otherwise, the journey continues here…
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