Monkey Island 3: Curse Of Monkey Island

Year: 1997
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
Watch the intro, to see yourself, Guybrush, lost at sea. Only the thought of your beloved Elaine keeps you going. Eventually, you drift towards the Caribbean Islands, and you are captured by pirates.
You’re locked up in a small room on the pirate ship. All you have to your name, is a couple of HELIUM BALLOONS. You HAVE to escape! Look at small pirate, talk to small pirate, and work through all the dialogue. Hey… wait a minute. He’s not a pirate at all! He’s Wally the cartographer. He’s just been brainwashed to think he’s a pirate. Continue working through the dialogue, and he‘ll give you some PIRATE LITERATURE. Keep talking to him, and convince him that he’s not really a pirate. In your Inventory, look at the PIRATE LITERATURE you got from Wally. Try to open door on the right, but it’s well and truly locked. Take RAMROD from the back wall. Pick up the PLASTIC PIRATE HOOK Wally dropped on the ground. In your Inventory, attach the PLASTIC PIRATE HOOK to the RAMROD to create a GAFF. Now use the cannon, and you’ll see the view as you look out to sea, with all the skeleton ships. You have to sink all the skeleton ships with the cannon - ignore the skeletons protests. When you’ve sunk all 4 ships, all the bones and stuff will start floating towards your ship. Look out the porthole.
Hey, there’s a talking skull out here. Meet Murray! He’s a demonic, talking skull. Talk to Murray, and work through all the dialogue. Look at the debris floating in the water, and use your GAFF to hook the debris. You gain a CUTLASS and a SKELETON ARM. Go back inside the ship now.
Use CUTLASS on the cannon restraint rope to cut it, so the cannon is no longer tethered. Now use the cannon - the cannon fires, forcing you through the locked door. Watch the cut scene, as the ship explodes, and capsizes.
Look around the Treasure Room. There’s so many wonderful treasures (and other stuff) here. Look through the porthole window to see the ocean floor. There’s a gaping hole in the wall, but it’s too high up for you to reach. Look at the flotation device (rubber ring) on the left. No self-respecting pirate would be seen wearing that! Look at the portrait of LeChuck, and pick up BAG that’s sitting to the left of the portrait - all it contains is some WOODEN NICKELS. But there’s a DIAMOND RING hiding behind the BAG. Pick up the DIAMOND RING. Now as you know, diamond cuts glass. Use the DIAMOND RING on the porthole window, then watch the cut scene as you float to safety.
After escaping from LeChuck’s pirate ship, you float to safely to shore. Watch another cut scene as you are reunited with your beloved Elaine. You’re so happy, you propose to her, using the DIAMOND RING you found in the Treasure Room. Unfortunately, you find out too late, that the DIAMOND RING is cursed. You unwittingly turn Elaine into a gold statue. She’s not gonna be happy about that!
Continued In Part II: The Curse Gets Worse…
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