Gabriel Knight 1:  Sins Of The Father   (Original)

Year:  1993


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG


DAY 1                       DAY 6


DAY 2                       DAY 7


DAY 3                       DAY 8


DAY 4                        DAY 9


                                                                                                             DAY 5                        DAY 10









You are Gabriel Knight, owner of St George’s Book Shop, and wannabe author.  You’re bedroom is in the back of the shop.  Grace Nakimura is your assistant in the shop.  She’s also your research assistant. 


After sleeping in, you wake up, and go through to the shop, where Grace has already opened up for the day.  Talk to Grace (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you start to repeat yourself.  Talk to Grace (with the ? Icon), and ask about everything with her.  Make sure you get all your phone messages from her. 


Explore the shop.  Read the newspaper on the counter on the left.  Get some coffee from the coffee machine on the counter.  Look at books on the counter.  Take MAGNIFYING GLASS and TWEEZERS from the counter.  Search the top left corner of the bookshelf near Grace, and read the German Poetry book by Heinz Ritter.  Search the top right corner of the bookshelf near Grace, and read the book about snakes.  Search the books under the window, and read the German-English dictionary.  Look at the gargoyle on the floor next to Grace’s desk.  Look at the painting on the wall behind Grace - your father painted this.  Open the cash register and take the GIFT CERTIFICATE.  Walk through the curtain on the right, into your bedroom. 


Explore your bedroom.  Take HAIR GEL from the bathroom.  Look at the dresser next to your bed, and take the TORCH from the right edge of the dresser.  When you’re ready, walk back through the curtain, into the shop. 


Leave the shop, and go outside. 







Go to the Police Station. 







Explore the Police Station.  Talk to the Desk Sergeant (with the ! Icon).  The Beignet Seller arrives outside - it seems the Desk Sergeant loves beignets.  After he sits down again, talk to him (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you repeat yourself.  Talk to him (with the ? Icon) and ask about everything.  Make sure you ask all about Detective Mosely, who‘s currently out at a crime scene.  When conversation is over, the detective sergeant gives you an ENVELOPE that Detective Mosely left for you.  Open the ENVELOPE in your Inventory, to find CRIME SCENE PHOTO and MOSELY AT HIS GRADUATION PHOTO.  Look at both of the photos.  Leave the Police Station. 







Go to Napoleon House. 







Napoleon House is the local bar.  Look around the bar.  Look at all the customers, the bar tender, and the street drummer outside.  Talk to the bar tender (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you repeat yourself.  Talk to him (with the ? Icon) and ask about everything.  Talk to the customers if you like, but you don’t get anything useful from them.  When you’re ready, leave the bar. 







Go to Jackson Square Overlook. 







Look at St Louis Cathedral in the distance.  Use all 4 binoculars to see the 4 sections of Jackson Square.  Watch the Mime’s antics in the top left section - very amusing.  Also note the policeman with his motorbike at the bottom right section.  Now leave the Overlook. 







Go to Jackson Square. 







Look at the policeman with his motorbike, in the bottom right section (he won‘t appear until after you‘ve spoken to the desk sergeant at the Police Station).  Try to talk to him, but he’s not very co-operative.  Messages come through on the police radio every so often.  If you could distract the policeman, maybe you could use the police radio to find out where Detective Mosely’s crime scene is.  Head up to the top left section. 


Watch the Mime, and notice how he tends to follow people who come close to him.  Walk over to the Mime, so that he’ll follow you.  Lead him round to the police man at the bottom right section. 


The Mime will make fun of the policeman, who will then chase him away.  While the policeman is busy, use the police motorbike - you listen to the police radio and learn the location of the crime scene.  When the policeman returns, leave Jackson Square, and go to the Map. 







Go to St Louis Cathedral. 







Explore the cathedral.  Enter one of the confessionals on the left.  Wait a few seconds for the priest to arrive, then choose any dialogue option.  When the priest leaves, exit the confessional. 


Enter through wooden door on the right, into the priest’s Ready Room. 


Explore the private room.  Admire yourself in the mirror.  Look in the wardrobe, and take BLACK SHIRT that’s hanging in the main section of the wardrobe.  Also take PRIEST’S COLLAR from the bottom shelf of the wardrobe.  Now leave the Ready Room. 


There‘s nothing you can really do here at the moment, so just leave the church through the door on the left, or the door at the bottom.  If you leave through door at the bottom, you’ll find yourself back in Jackson Square, so just continue down to the Map. 







Go to the Historical Voodoo Museum. 







The Voodoo Museum is a really interesting place.  Have a look around, and look at the various items.  Notice the street drummer outside the window.  Try talking to the assistant on the right, but she doesn’t normally work here, and doesn’t really know anything about the museum.  She tells you to come back tomorrow, when the owner, Dr John, will be around.  Leave the Museum. 







Go to Dixieland Drug Store. 







Explore the shop, and look in all the display cases, and shelves above the counter.  Look at the sign on the counter, advertising ‘Special St John’s Lover Come Back To Me ‘ potion.  Talk to Willy Walker, the store owner (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you repeat yourself.  Talk to him (with the ? Icon) and ask about everything.  When you’re ready, open the door, and leave the drug store. 







Click on the box marked ‘To New Orleans Map’.  This takes you out of the French Quarter, and shows you the entire New Orleans area.  Go to Grandmother Knight’s House. 







Your Gran greets you warmly.  She raised you, since your parents were killed in a car crash when you were only eight years old.  Explore the room, looking at all the various items.  Talk to Gran (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you repeat yourself.  Talk to her (with the ? Icon) and ask about everything.  Make sure you ask about all your family members.  When conversation is over, climb up the stairs to the attic. 


Explore the attic.  Take SKETCHBOOK from the chair.  In your Inventory, open the SKETCHBOOK and look at the images.  Now close the SKETCHBOOK again.  Look at the yellow clock on the left, and use the yellow clock to see a close-up.  Move the clock hands so it shows 3.00.  Look at the ring of symbols on the clock, and turn the ring so that the dragon is at the top.  Wind the clock with the key on the side - a secret drawer pops open.  Take PHOTO and take LETTER from the drawer.  Look at both items in your Inventory, and you see that it’s a LETTER FROM HEINZ RITTER and a PHOTO OF GRANDFATHER with 2 other men.  Read LETTER FROM HEINZ RITTER in your Inventory.  It’s written in German, so you can’t understand much of it.  Read the back of PHOTO OF GRANDFATHER.  It was taken at Schloss Ritter in 1925.  Exit the close-up.  Leave the attic, and go back down to the living room. 


Talk to Gran (with the ? Icon) again and ask about the following topics. 


        -       Schattenjager

        -       Heinz Ritter (several times)



When conversation is over, open door on the left, and leave your Gran’s house. 







Go to the crime scene. 







Watch the scene with Detective Mosely, and Malia Gedde.  The police team are wrapping things up, and take the body away.  After Detective Mosely leaves, explore the area.  Look at the blood marks on the ground, and look at the pattern on the ground.  Use SKETCHBOOK with the pattern on the ground to copy it down, so you have PARTIAL PATTERN.  Look at the bank of the lake, and get CLAY from the bank of the lake.  Use MAGNIFYING GLASS with the grassy patch at the bottom right, near the tree.  Make sure you are looking at the area where the grass looks flattened.  Now use TWEEZERS with the grass to get SNAKE SCALE.  In your Inventory, use MAGNIFYING GLASS with the SNAKE SCALE you just found.  When you’re ready, leave the crime scene. 







Go to the French Quarter. 


Go to the Police Station. 







Talk to the Desk Sergeant (with the ? Icon) and ask about the following topics. 



        -       Snakes

        -       Detective Mosely



The Desk Sergeant gives you permission to go to Detective Mosely’s office.  Open gate at the end of the counter, then open Detective Mosely’s door in the back wall. 


In Detective Mosely’s office, talk to Detective Mosely (with the ! Icon), and keep talking until you repeat yourself.  Talk to him (with the ? Icon) and ask about everything.  Ignore the ‘Coffee’ and ‘Photograph’ topics for now, but ask about everything else.  When conversation is over, leave the office. 


In the lobby, talk to Officer Franks (with the ! Icon), and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Can you get a file for me? 



She gives you the VOODOO MURDERS FILE, but she won’t let you leave the area with it, and she won’t let you photocopy it.  Look at VOODOO MURDERS FILE in your Inventory, then read the FILE to see 6 patterns from the Voodoo Murders.  It would really help, if you could only have a copy of this file.  You’ll have to be really devious to get it.  Place the VOODOO MURDERS FILE in her In-Box, then return to Detective Mosely’s office. 


Talk to Detective Mosely (with the ? Icon), using the following dialogue options. 



        -       Photographs

        -       A Cop\Author photo might be nice.



He calls Officer Franks in to take the photo.  She takes the photo.  Now use the following dialogue options. 



        -       Let’s take another one.

        -       Hold on a sec while I go check my hair. 


You automatically leave the office to check your hair. 


Out in the lobby, take the VOODOO MURDERS FILE from Officer Franks In-Box,  Use VOODOO MURDERS FILE with the photocopier, to get PHOTOCOPY OF PARTIAL PATTERNS.  Remember to replace the original VOODOO MURDERS FILE back in Officer Frank’s In-Box.  Go back to Detective Mosely’s office. 


Officer Franks takes another photo of you and Detective Mosely, then she leaves.  Leave the office, and leave the Police Station. 







Go to St George’s Book Shop. 







Talk to Grace (with the ? Icon) and ask about the following topics. 



        -       Request research

        -       Check out Malia Gedde 

        -       I can’t think of anything



End the conversation with her. 


Watch the cut scene to end Day 1. 





Continued In Day 2...