Gabriel Knight 1:  Sins Of The Father  (Original)

Year:  1993


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG


DAY 1                       DAY 6


DAY 2                       DAY 7


DAY 3                       DAY 8


DAY 4                        DAY 9


                                                                                                             DAY 5                        DAY 10









SAVE YOUR GAME before entering the Historical Voodoo Museum.







You arrive at the shop, where Grace has already opened up for the day.  She tells you that a package arrived for you from Germany.  The package contains GUNTER RITTER’S DIARY and a LETTER FROM WOLFGANG.  Read both of them in your Inventory.  You also get a phone call from Dr Hartridge.  Talk to Grace (with the ? Icon), and ask about the following topics. 



        -       Request Research

        -       See what you can find on Rada drums. 

        -       I can’t think of anything. 



End the conversation with her. 


Read the newspaper on the counter on the left.  Get some coffee from the coffee machine on the counter.  Leave the shop, and go outside. 







Go to the Police Station. 







Open gate at the end of the counter.  Open Detective Mosely’s door, and enter his office. 


Talk to Detective Mosely (with the ? Icon) and ask about the following topic. 



        -       Rada Drums

        -       Crash’s Death

        -       Reopen Case 



You can’t convince him to reopen the Voodoo Murders case, unless you can provide evidence that there’s a genuine Voodoo presence in New Orleans.  There’s nothing you can do yet, so leave his office, and leave the Police Station. 







SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Go to Historical Voodoo Museum. 







As soon as you enter, Dr John’s very large snake attacks you!  Quickly use the switch on the wall by the door, before the snake chokes you.  You don’t have much time here, so for convenience, I’ll show you exactly where the switch is. 



The switch turns on the fan above the window, which scares the snake away.  Dr John appears, explaining that the museum is closed today.  He doesn’t seem very apologetic that his snake tried to kill you!  You automatically leave the museum. 






Go to St George‘s Book Shop. 







Grace will pick something off your face, and put it in the ashtray.  Use TWEEZERS with the ashtray, and you take a SNAKE SCALE from the snake in the Voodoo Museum.  It’s not very obvious, but just look for the green item next to the cash register.  Now in your Inventory, use MAGNIFYING GLASS with this new SNAKE SCALE.  It matches the SCALE you found at the lake at the Crime Scene.  Leave the Book Shop. 







Go to St Louis Cemetery #1. 







Look at the tomb of Marie Lavaeu to see that a new series of crosses is on a wall.  That means, someone has left a new message!  Look at the marks on the tomb to get a close-up.  Use SKETCHBOOK on the marks to copy them down, so you have NEW SKETCH OF CROSSES ON LAVEAU TOMB.  In your Inventory, use SKETCH OF CROSSES ON LAVEAU TOMB with NEW SKETCH OF CROSSES ON LAVEAU TOMB, to compare both messages.  You can translate all the symbols, except for 3.  Read both SKETCH OF CROSSES in your Inventory.  The SKETCH OF CROSSES with the 3 missing letters is as follows. 



        -       DJ KEEP

                EYES ON

                GK BUT D

                O NOT HA




Now wait for the Watchman to leave, then use BRICK on the wall of the tomb.  You can switch between the 2 messages, by clicking ‘Next Message’ in the Control Panel at top of the screen.  Click on the relevant symbols to leave the following message. 



        -       DJ BRING





The message will look like this. 




Click on ‘Exit’ to finish the message.  If you did it correctly, you’ll comment how you are pleased with your message.  Now leave the Cemetery. 







Click on the box marked ‘To New Orleans Map’


Go to Tulane University. 







Remember the phone call from Dr Hartridge?  Open the door at the left of the stage, and enter Dr Hartridge’s Office. 


You’re shocked to find Dr Hartridge dead!  Look at him to get a close up.  Look at the close up, then exit the close up.  Look at his desk, and take HARTRIDGE’S NOTES from the desk.  Read HARTRIDGE’S NOTES in your Inventory.  There’s nothing more you can do here, so leave the office, and leave the university. 







Go to the French Quarter. 


Go to the Police Station. 







Open gate at the end of the counter.  Open Detective Mosely’s door, and enter his office. 


Detective Mosely wanted proof about the Voodoo Murders before he would reopen the case.  Well, now you have all the proof he needs!  Show RECONSTRUCTED VEVE PATTERN to Detective Mosely.  Show NEWSPAPER CLIPPING to Detective Mosely.  Show SNAKE SCALES to Detective Mosely.  Show HARTRIDGE’S NOTES to Detective Mosely.  You’ve convinced Detective Mosely - he agrees to reopen the case.  Leave the Police Station. 







It’s getting late, so you automatically head back home. 







Watch the cut scene to end Day 5. 





Continued In Day 6...