Gabriel Knight 1: Sins Of The Father (20th Anniversary)

Year: 2014
Genre: Point & Click Adventure
Get The Game From: GOG
You wake up on Day 2, and go through to the shop, where Grace has already opened up for the day. Read the newspaper on the counter. Leave the shop, and go outside.
Go to the Police Station.
Enter the Police Station.
Talk to the Desk Sergeant and ask about the following topics.
- Snakes
- Detective Mosely
The Desk Sergeant gives you permission to go to Detective Mosely’s office. Open gate at the end of the counter, then open Detective Mosely’s door in the back wall.
In Detective Mosely’s office, talk to Detective Mosely and ask about everything. Ignore the ‘Coffee’ and ‘Photograph’ topics for now, but ask about everything else. When conversation is over, leave the office.
In the lobby, talk to Officer Franks and use the following dialogue option with her.
- Case File
She gives you the VOODOO FILES, but she won’t let you leave the area with it, and she won’t let you photocopy it. Look at VOODOO FILES in your Inventory, and examine it in your Inventory to see 6 patterns from the Voodoo Murders. It would really help, if you could only have a copy of this file. You’ll have to be really devious to get it.
Make the VOODOO FILES your ‘active’ item, then look at her Inbox, and place the VOODOO FILES in her Inbox. Return to Detective Mosely’s office.
Talk to Detective Mosely using the following dialogue options.
- Photographs
- Cop\Author shot.
He calls Officer Franks in to take the photo. She takes the photo. Now use the following dialogue options.
- One more.
- Check my hair.
You automatically leave the office to check your hair.
Out in the lobby, take the VOODOO FILES from Officer Franks Inbox. Make VOODOO FILES your ‘active’ item. Look at the photocopier, then use VOODOO FILES with the photocopier. You get VOODOO FILES PHOTOCOPY. Remember to replace the original VOODOO FILES back in Officer Frank’s Inbox. Go back to Detective Mosely’s office.
Officer Franks takes another photo of you and Detective Mosely. Use the following dialogue option.
- Nope
End the conversation. Leave the office, and leave the Police Station.
Use your motorbike to return to the Map.
Go to Jackson Square.
Head to the bottom left section.
Look at the boy tap dancing. Talk to him and work through the dialogue. He‘s tells you that he doesn‘t do requests unless you have money or food. Unfortunately, you don‘t have either. Give your St George’s GIFT CERTIFICATE to the Hot Dog Vendor, and tell the vendor he can use it if he gives you a HOT DOG. He does so. Give HOT DOG to the tap dancing boy.
Walk up to the top right section. Look at the artist. His drawing blows away in the wind. Maybe you could help him get it back. The artist’s drawing has blown up against the statue, behind the fence, in the bottom left section. Try to get it, but you can’t reach. Talk to the tap dancing boy and use the following dialogue option.
- Special request
- Bars around the statue
You take the boy up to where the artist sketch is stuck, and he retrieves it, and hands you ARTIST‘S SKETCH.
Walk right to the top right section. Give ARTIST’S SKETCH back to the artist. He’s very glad to get his drawing back. Talk to the artist and work through all the dialogue. Now show him the VOODOO FILES PHOTOCOPY, and ask him if he could reconstruct the whole pattern, using these partial patterns. He’s willing to try, but there’s an area missing, so he’ll need to see more of the pattern. Show him LAKE PATTERN you got from the crime scene. He’ll have the entire pattern finished by tomorrow.
Leave Jackson Square.
Go to the Voodoo Museum.
The owner, Dr John, welcomes you into his museum. Talk to him and ask about everything. Explore the museum. Look at the snake in the glass case at the top right, above Dr John. Look at the shrine on the left, next to the door. Explore the shrine. Look at the coffin in the shrine. Look at the FLYER on the wall of the shrine, and take the FLYER. When you’re ready, leave the museum.
Go to Dixieland Drug Store.
Watch the scene with Madame Cazaunoux. Explore the shop. Look in all the display cases, and shelves above the counter. Look at the mannequin next to the door, and look at the ALLIGATOR MASK on the mannequin. Look at the sign on the counter, advertising ‘Special St John’s Lover Come Back To Me ‘ potion. Talk to Willy Walker, the owner, and ask about everything. When you’re ready, leave the shop.
Go to the Police Station.
Enter the Police Station.
Open the gate at the end of the counter, and walk behind the counter. Look at the thermostat next to Detective Mosely’s office door. Use the thermostat, and raise the temperature to 80 degrees. Now open Detective Mosely’s door, and enter his office.
In Mosely’s office, Detective Mosely complains about the heat. He takes his jacket off and hangs it on the coat stand. Talk to him and ask about the following topic.
- Coffee
Detective Mosely leaves his office to get you some coffee. While he is gone, search his jacket and take MOSELY’S POLICE BADGE. When Detective Mosely returns, leave his office and leave the Police Station.
Use your bike to return to the Map.
Click on the box marked ‘To Greater New Orleans Map’.
Go to the Gedde Mansion.
Knock on the door to alert the butler. Talk to the butler and use the following dialogue options.
- Malia Gedde
- Official business.
Show MOSELY’S POLICE BADGE to the butler - you pose as Detective Mosely, and so you are allowed access to the estate.
Wait for Malia Gedde to enter the room. Talk to her and ask about everything. Make sure you flirt with her. She realises you’re not really a policeman, and you confess that you are really Gabriel Knight, not Detective Mosely. She’s not impressed, so she throws you out of her estate.
Walk down the path, and leave the estate.
Go to the French Quarter.
Go to St Louis Cemetery.
Talk to the Watchman and ask about everything. Look at the tomb of Marie Lavaeu, and look at the markings on the tomb. Wait for the Watchman to leave. Make SKETCHBOOK your ‘active’ item, then use SKETCHBOOK on the markings to copy them down, so you have VOODOO CODE SKETCH. Examine VOODOO CODE SKETCH in your Inventory. Take BRICK from the ground next to Marie’s tomb. Walk down to leave the Cemetery.
Go to St George‘s Book Store.
Talk to Grace and ask about the following topics.
- Request Research
- Look up a Madam Cazaunoux
- I can’t think of anything
End the conversation with her.
Watch the cut scene to end Day 2.
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