Gabriel Knight 1:  Sins Of The Father  (20th Anniversary)

Year:  2014


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG


DAY 1                       DAY 6


DAY 2                       DAY 7


DAY 3                       DAY 8


DAY 4                        DAY 9


                                                                                                             DAY 5                        DAY 10









You wake up on Day 4, and go through to the shop, where Grace has already opened up for the day.  She seems slightly frosty towards you, since you spent the night with Malia Gedde.  However, she researched the RECONSTRUCTED VEVE PATTERN, and she gives you a VOODOO ARTICLE she found in a newspaper at the library.  Examine the VOODOO ARTICLE in your Inventory, and you see a rough sketch that looks very familiar.  Notice that there is a strange man watching you through the window.  Look at the man - he hasn’t moved since you opened.  Talk to Grace and ask about the following topics. 



        -       Voodoo Hounfour

        -       Messages (twice)

        -       Wolfgang Ritter’s Number



When conversation is over, she gives you WOLFGANG’S NUMBER.  Examine WOLFGANG’S NUMBER in your Inventory - it’s 4909 324 3333.  Read the newspaper on the counter.  Get some coffee from the coffee machine on the counter.  Leave the shop, and go outside.







Go to the Police Station. 







Enter the Police Station. 


Open the gate at the end of the counter, and walk behind the counter.  Open Detective Mosely’s door, and enter his office. 


Detective Mosely confirms what you read in the newspaper - the Voodoo Murders case is closed.  Talk to him and ask about everything.  End the conversation with him, leave his office, and leave the Police Station. 


Use your motorbike to return to the Map. 







Go to Napoleon House. 







Napoleon House is the local bar.  Look around the bar.  Look at all the customers, the bar tender, and the street drummer outside.  Talk to the bar tender and ask about everything.  Talk to the customers if you like, but you don’t get anything useful from them.  When you’re ready, leave the bar. 







Click on the box marked ‘To Greater New Orleans Map’


Go to Grandmother Knight’s House. 







Your Gran greets you warmly.  She raised you, since your parents were killed in a car crash when you were only eight years old.  Explore the room, looking at all the various items.  Talk to Gran and ask about everything.  Make sure you ask about all your family members.  When conversation is over, climb up the stairs to the attic. 


Explore the attic.  Open the trunk.  Look at the various items in the chest.  Look at the bible.  Move the cross, move the picture that was under the cross, then take the KEY that was hidden under the picture.  Close the trunk again.  Look at the clock next to the chair, and use the clock to see a close-up.  Insert CLOCK KEY into the keyhole on the left of the clock.  Move the clock hands so it shows 3.00.  Look at the ring of symbols on the clock, and turn the ring so that the dragon is at the top.  Wind the clock with the key on the side - a secret drawer pops open. 


Take PHOTO and LETTER from the drawer.  Look at RITTER PHOTO in your Inventory - it’s a photo of Grandfather with 2 other men.  Examine RITTER PHOTO to learn that it was taken at Schloss Ritter in 1925.  Look at CLOCK LETTER in your Inventory - it‘s from Heinz Ritter.  Examine CLOCK LETTER.  It’s written in German, so you can’t understand much of it.  Leave the attic, and go back down to the living room. 


Talk to Gran again and ask about the following topics. 


        -       Schattenjager

        -       Heinz Ritter (several times)

        -       Wolfgang Ritter




End the conversation, then leave your Gran’s house. 







Go to the French Quarter. 


Go to Dixieland Drug Store. 







Talk to Willy Walker, and ask about everything.  Make sure you ask about Willy Junior.  Willy Junior is a CROCODILE MASK.  Ask about Willy Junior again.  He’ll sell it to you for £120.  Sadly, you don’t have that much money on you.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 







Go to St George’s Book Shop. 







Bruno should appear, wanting to buy your father’s painting (the one on the wall next to Grace).  Use the following dialogue options with Bruno. 



        -       How much?

        -       Fine.  It’s yours. 



Grace is angry that you’re selling the painting, but Bruno is delighted.  He gives you £100 CASH, then leaves, with the painting under his arm.  Walk up through the curtain at the top right, into your bedroom. 


In your bedroom, examine WOLFGANG RITTER’S PHONE NUMBER in your Inventory - 4909 324 3333.  Use the phone on the dresser next to your bed, and dial Wolfgang Ritter’s number - 011 4909 324 3333.  Wolfgang says that he‘s been having dreams about you, and that you are in great danger.  He asks you to come to Schloss Ritter in Rittersberg, Germany.  However, you‘re not convinced you are in danger, so you decline the invitation.  Walk back through to the shop. 


Leave the shop. 







Go to St Louis Cemetery. 







Look at the Ross tomb on the left.  Walk up, past the Ross tomb, to get to your family’s tomb. 


Look at the Wright family tomb, and look at the statue above the tomb.  Look at all 6 plaques on the tomb.  Talk to all 6 plaques.  A vase will fall over.  Examine the broken vase, and take £20 CASH from the broken vase.  Walk left to the entrance, then walk down to leave the Cemetery. 







Go to Dixieland Drug Store. 







Look at the sign on the counter.  Give £120 CASH to Willy.  He gives you the CROCODILE MASK, and a free bottle of VOODOO GAMBLING OIL.  Leave the shop. 







Go to Napoleon House. 







Give VOODOO GAMBLING OIL to Sam, the chess player.  Now use the following dialogue options with Sam. 



        -       Markus uses it.

        -       This is a powerful Voodoo oil.

        -       Could make a NUN get lucky. 



Sam takes the oil from you… and he wins the chess game!  For the first time in 20 years, he wins the chess game!  Markus storms off, frustrated that he actually lost.  Give BRACELET MOLD to Sam, and he agrees to cast the mold, and make you a SNAKE BRACELET.  He tells you to come back later to collect it.  Leave Napoleon House.







Go to Jackson Square Overlook. 







Use binoculars on the right, and watch Crash talking to the drummer.  Walk down, and leave the Overlook. 







Go back to Napoleon House. 







Sam is waiting for you at the bar, and he gives you a REPLICA SNAKE BRACELET.  Leave Napoleon House. 







Go to St Louis Cathedral. 







Crash is huddled up in one of the church pews.  He seems pretty sick!  Show him REPLICA SNAKE BRACELET - he opens his shirt, and reveals he has a tattoo on his chest of the same snake.  Talk to Crash and ask about everything.  Talk to him again, and ask about everything again.  But as you are talking to him, he spasms, and dies.  It looks very much like he died from a Voodoo curse.  Poor Crash!  Look at Crash to get a close-up, then open his shirt to see the snake tattoo.  Look at the tattoo.  Use your SKETCHBOOK with the snake tattoo, to get TRACING OF SNAKE TATTOO.  Leave the cathedral and return to the Map. 







It’s getting late, so you automatically return home. 







Watch the cut scene to end Day 4. 





Continued In Day 5...