Gabriel Knight 1:  Sins Of The Father  (20th Anniversary)

Year:  2014


Genre:  Point & Click Adventure 

Get The Game From:    GOG


DAY 1                       DAY 6


DAY 2                       DAY 7


DAY 3                       DAY 8


DAY 4                        DAY 9


                                                                                                             DAY 5                        DAY 10









You wake up on Day 3, and go through to the shop, where Grace has already opened up for the day.  She gives you PHONE BOOK ‘C‘ PAGE.  You talk to her about Malia Gedde, and she tries to warn you that she has a bad feeling about Malia, but you just chalk it up to jealousy.  Talk to Grace and ask about everything.  Now end the conversation with her.  Read the newspaper on the counter.  Get some coffee from the coffee machine on the counter.  Walk up through the curtain at the top right, into your bedroom. 


In your bedroom, use the PHONE BOOK ‘C‘ PAGE from your Inventory, with the phone on the dresser next to your bed.  Look at the phone number for A Cazaunoux - 555 0128.  Dial that number to call Madame Cazaunoux.  You pretend that you’re from Dixieland Drug Store, and you’re calling about her order.  Of course, she doesn’t know what you’re talking about, since she hasn’t made any order.  However, you find out that her dog’s name is Castro.  Use the PHONE BOOK ‘C‘ PAGE from your Inventory, with the phone again.  Look at the phone number for Cajun Critters Veterinary Clinic - 555 0170.  Dial the Cajun Critters Veterinary Clinic, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Madame Cazaunoux

        -       I’m worried about Castro. 



You learn Madame Cazaunoux’s address.  If you haven’t done so already, take HAIR GEL from the bathroom cabinet.  Now leave your bedroom and go left to the shop area. 


Leave the shop, and go outside.







Go to St Louis Cathedral. 







Look at the confessionals on the left, and enter one of the confessionals. 


In the confessional, talk to the window in the wall to get the priest’s attention.  Use the following dialogue options. 



        -       Confession

        -       Womaniser



You manage to scare to priest off, and he makes a hasty retreat.  Leave the confessional. 


Enter the priest confessional. 


Open the box next to the window, and take PRIEST’S COLLAR from the box.  In your Inventory, combine PRIEST’S COLLAR with the BLACK SHIRT to get COLLAR AND SHIRT.  Now combine COLLAR AND SHIRT with the HAIR GEL to get PRIEST DISGUISE.  Leave the priest confessional, and leave the church. 







Go to the Cazaunoux Residence. 







Knock on the door.  Madame Cazaunoux answers, but whatever you say to her, she won’t let you inside.  Okay, let’s try something else.  Use PRIEST DISGUISE on yourself.  You look like a respectable priest now.  Knock on the door again, and use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Father MacLaughlin.



Believing you are a new priest in the church, she invites you into her home. 


Look around the room.  Talk to Madame Cazaunoux and ask about everything.  End the conversation with her, then leave her house. 


Walk up, away from her front door, and return to the Map. 







Go to the Police Station. 







Enter the Police Station. 


Open the gate at the end of the counter, and walk behind the counter.  Open Detective Mosely’s door, and enter his office. 


Detective Mosely is furious that you stole his POLICE BADGE, and demands it back.  You automatically give him his badge back.  Watch him, as he interrogates someone known as Crash, about the ritual murders that have been taking place.  Crash is clearly afraid that ‘they’ll’ know he’s here, so he won’t tell you anything.  Detective Mosely lets him go. 


After witnessing the interrogation with Crash, there’s nothing else you can do here.  Leave the office, and leave the Police Station. 


Use your bike to return to the Map. 







Go to Jackson Square. 







Walk up to the top right section.  The artist is still here.  Talk to him.  He’s kinda jumpy, and he says that the patterns your game him yesterday really creep him out.  Nonetheless, he gives you the RECONSTRUCTED VEVE PATTERN, as promised.  Examine RECONSTRUCTED VEVE PATTERN in your Inventory. 


Walk to the top left section.  Look at Madame Lorelei, the Fortune Teller, and look at her booth.  Talk to her, and ask about everything.  Now end the conversation with her.  Wait for her to start dancing (you may have to leave Jackson Square, then return), then click the hand on her to make her drop her VEIL.  When she stops dancing, take the VEIL from the ground.  Examine the VEIL in your Inventory.  It’s covered in sequins… but you also see a SNAKE SCALE.  In your Inventory, combine TWEEZERS with the VEIL.  You pluck the SCALE from the VEIL.  In your Inventory, examine VEIL SNAKE SCALE - it doesn’t match the LAKE SNAKE SCALE.  Now give VEIL back to Madame Lorelei, the Fortune Teller.  She thanks you for returning her veil… then she senses something evil is going to happen to you, and she runs away. 


Walk down, and leave Jackson Square. 







Go to St Louis Cemetery. 







Walk up, past the Watchman on the right, and up to the Gedde Tomb.  You see Malia Gedde walk out of her family’s tomb.  After a brief conversation with her, she declares that someone like you has no place in her life.  Then she leaves. 


Walk left to the Cemetery entrance, then walk down to leave the Cemetery. 







Click on the box marked ‘To Greater New Orleans Map’


Go to Tulane University. 







You arrive at the university, and watch a lecture about Voodoo, by Professor Hartridge.  During the lecture, you fall asleep, and have a scary dream.  When the lecture is over, talk to Professor Hartridge, and ask about everything.  Show RECONSTRUCTED VEVE PATTERN to Professor Hartridge.  He’s fascinated with the Pattern, and takes a copy of it so he can research it himself.  Show MURDER PHOTO to Professor Hartridge.  Leave the University. 







Go to the French Quarter. 


Go to St George’s Book Shop. 







Talk to Grace and ask about the following topic. 



        -       Black Voodoo

        -       Request Research

        -       Research this pattern. 

        -       I can’t think of anything. 



End the conversation, then leave the shop. 







Go to the Cazaunoux Residence. 







Remember, you need to disguise yourself as a Priest.  Use PRIEST DISGUISE on yourself.  Knock on the door.  Madame Cazaunoux answers.  Use the following dialogue option. 



        -       Father MacLaughlin. 



As before, she invites you into her home.  Talk to her and ask about the following topics. 



        -       Cabrit Sans Cor

        -       Goat without horns. 

        -       Marie Laveau

        -       Black Voodoo

        -       Human Sacrifice

        -       Real Voodoo Queens (3 times)

        -       Voodoo Hounfour



After you ask about Voodoo Hounfour, she shows you a family heirloom - a SNAKE BRACELET - and asks you to bless it.  Use CLAY from your Inventory with the SNAKE BRACELET to make a BRACELET MOLD.  Now leave her house. 


Walk up, away from her door, and return to the Map. 







It’s late, so you automatically head home for the day. 







Malia Gedde turns up unexpectedly, just as the shop is closing for the day.  Watch the cut scene to end Day 3. 





Continued In Day 4... 


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